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Get your deluxe sexroid! Today!

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Apr 17, 2011
Are you a lover of transformation of body and mind? Do you like the idea of screwing a pulseless being? Well, than this is the RP for you!

Here at Aperture Science, we're no longer making Portal Guns, or Gel like that former boss Cave Johnson. GLaDOS has been our new boss, and we made this next device with her observations of the pleasure factor of you weak humans. Using it, we bring to you Sexroids, controlled by the male of your species, or female if you prefer. Give an order and they'll do it. They even can modify their bodies! Want it's hands to have dildos? Done! Want the female sexroid to have a penis? Sure! Even alter personality type and appearance to fit your kinks! It's your choice. (Note: Aperture Science cannot be held responsible for any accidental neutering.)
This sounds like a very interesting roleplay. If it's alright with you, I'll send you a PM with a few details outlining a story for us.~
*giggles hysterically like the Joker in a nurse's outfit* Oh gawd, that made me laugh. XD

I might be interested; if not, I still give this a bump! ^^
Thanks! If you're interested give me a PM. If I don't respond within a few days, just know I'm busy, or have no room for anymore RPs right now. My apologies if that could be the case. I'm sure my boss would probably say... "Thank you, for this you will be the last human to be tested on."
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