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Dark Wind: A (very different) Gothic P-A Zombie & Mutant Setting

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Aug 5, 2010
I came up with this world setting over time and like to test it out with someone. My schedule has cleared up, but might ask for a break on Nov. 11. If you see any errors below, tell me and I’ll fix it. I’ve been slow cooking this in my noggin for a while but wrote it in a rush to get it done! Finishing Dead Island motivated me to put this down in hopes of finding those who like nicer zombies to pair up with.


The world is similar but not our own. On a certain day, an event occurred. How, why, and what exactly happened is not important. What is important is this event caused an immediate consequence to ~ 30% of the population, and a continuous unending consequence to the weather.

First, humans and other animals exposed to the initial event mutated. Their bodies grew in size, and while they kept their skills and intelligence, lost all personal memories. Second, it started the Dark Wind phenomenon. Now the world is in near constant darkness as this wind storm blow, blocking all sunlight along with the moon and stars. It is of no consequence to mutants, but to humans it cause zombification. Killing them yet keeping their brains alive... though broken. Sunlight comes out an average of twice a week for a few hours before the Dark Wind returns.


When they were created, without memory of who they are or who their family or friends were, conflict between human and mutant started almost immediately due to fear. Now a different species of humanity, they live separate. During the early years one might say they were at war. But as time passed the two groups separated and the war is more of a conflict over resources. They do not view the rest of humanity as the enemy, though they are apathetic to them. They do see themselves as superior and have no emotional attachment either way except for catching that mutant herbivore for its meat or personal vendettas/friendships if such an event arises. While they are immune to the Dark Wind, having larger bodies mean they need more food and omnivores, like humans, tend to prefer meat over planta. All prefer mutant meat for the same reason: more of it per kill. Mutant carnivores like wolves tend to have a larger evolutionary boost. Smarter and limited bipedal for example. (Read: type of werewolf)


These are true living undead, and my disfavor for how zombies are portrayed is a big motivation for this idea. They don’t bleed, feel pain, or need to eat. The only thing that still works is their brain, and even that was damaged during the Dark Wind. Zombies are created only when a non-mutant is exposed to the Dark Wind too long. The appear to die then wake up with a clean slate. Slowly their personal memories return in the form of nostalgia. They need, literally, things to trigger their memories.

Skills work the same way. They might not know what a gun is till they see one. And then they might remember how to use it. They will need to be retrained, but it will come back to them quickly. Lack of skill over something or knowing you-do-this but not knowing they will never ‘remember’ how frustrate them to no end. Like one keep trying to do something in hopes of remembering. For example, one sees a piano. They play on the keys and know that is how to create music, but not remembering they were never trained how to play it before they become zombies, they keep banging on it in hopes of remembering. Personal items before the Dark Wind changed them - pictures to things they know their ‘child’ made - are things they treasure greatly. Finding and loosing such items can make a zombie highly emotional.

Skills requiring high thought processes that are not intuitive is very difficult or impossible. They can understand most spoken languages but can’t speak them or read. They can appreciate music and perform music if there pre-zombie selves were trained in doing it (intuition), but learning to play a new instrument well is beyond them, though they may try. For this reason they may seem like simpletons or act in weird ways because they partially understand something but not know why.

While they are not like Hollywood zombies, mindless flesh or brain eaters, they do have one flaw. They can’t heal. (Destroying the brain still kills them, but otherwise stay alive) For this reason, they do need to harvest body parts if needed. And since they want to reconnect with their humanity, this is a huge ethical problem. See Human/Zombie ethics below for more on how I view this. They don’t get the human-mutant divide and since they don’t need food, mutants often ignore them. As such, one might see a zombie helping a mutant but rarely the other way around unless a personal trust is built first. And zombies might be middle go-between for the two fractions. Some might rather try it alone. As such, zombies, while leaning slightly towards humans, are the most unpredictable.

Sunlight, when it does come out, burns their skin. Of their senses, eyesight and hearing they still have without problems. They can feel what they touch if skin is there, but can not feel pain. They lack taste and smell. They don’t require food, and if they think eating is enjoyable and try to eat, they will find it tasteless and will just regurgitate it later if they eat too much. If the human before zombification loved eating, this can be very upsetting to him as a zombie.


Unchanged from the normal us with two exceptions: they are not on Earth (just a planet like ours) and Dark Wind zombifies them. They do view themselves at war with the mutants despite the mutants not seeing it the same way, and fear they will be used as meat to mutants. (If a mutant learns of this, they will be horrified humans will even think of this... but the result is just more anger against humans just for having such morbid thoughts!) Initially they feared zombies much like mutants till, with time, they found them to not be dangerous. As such, they will first treat a new zombie with suspicion but later be more accepting. Still, some might not trust any zombie.

Human/Zombie Ethics

When a human knows he or she is near death, a choice may be given. If the human group is particularly friendly to a number of zombies or having zombies, they can go to the Dark Wind to die or have a natural death and be basically an organ donor for ‘qualified’ zombies. For the zombies allied to humans, such of a choice along with those willing to be ‘skinned’ is treated in what might be viewed as religious honor. Preserved dead is treated with high respect and ceremony.

Zombies that lack human allies - by chance, choice, or lack of any personal memory triggers - is far different. They won’t kill humans but if one finds a dead or dying one, such of a zombie might not bother with respect and just cut it off.


Since I started this with a non-bloodthristy zombie in mind, I prefer to play a zombie male myself. Note for sexual RPs zombies, who lack blood flow, have bodies that won’t get aroused but will remember how to please others... eventually. Mutants, being larger, will have everything in excess. The polar opposite of zombies, males ejaculate more, both genders can go longer, orgasms huger, etc. Where zombies will be romantic, mutants will be more forceful. Since I am anxious to test run this, I am also open to playing a female, sex-light, or receiving feedback to grow this idea.

I am also open to playing the role of a GM since this is my setting idea if you play a human. Especially one early in the plot idea or part of an all human group who are ignorant what life has become.

Human x Human: A post-apocalyptic survival pairing. Attitude toward zombies will have to be decided. If by themselves, I rather it be early in the plot idea or it will be very boring. Rather they be part of a group and have a cast of minor characters to play with, as our primary two will stay inside most of the time.

Human x Zombie: Not really much of a difference if by themselves or a group. Human will stay inside while the zombie goes out. Could be a master x pet sort of a pairing if alone, with the human the pet, as the zombie will have to take care of the human.

Human x Mutant: More than likely, the human will be captive to the mutant(s) in this case. This can be a master x slave or the mutant(s) using the human as a plaything. Alternatively, the mutant could show they are not enemies. Note though mutants should not really care about humans.

Zombie x Zombie: Tied for the most freedom. If alone they can forge their own adventures together and have lots and lots of softcore lovemaking! Though they will never get aroused. Which might frustrate them. A group of zombies is a bit rare as they need human or mutant parts.

Zombie x Mutant: Similar to Human x Mutant except both know where each stand. Least preferred unless they are alone and just traveling together, more like Zombie x Zombie.

Mutant x Mutant: The other that offers the most freedom. But being bigger, smarter, and smug, a single pair might leave behind a lot of trouble even if they don’t realize it. As part of a group it will be more like Human x Human except they don’t need to stay inside and who knows what they might bring in to play with.

My personal preference in order:
  • Zombies of either gender with another zombie or another human
  • Male human with any female (but not a mutant with a group)
  • Male mutant with human female (will be more sex focused)
  • Female mutant with any non-mutant
Also open to FxF pairing, but not sure where that might fall before or after Female mutant (being a male, as I am one, still preferred). No MxM unless non-sexual. Me playing minor characters will happen and open to my partner doing the same.

At the time of this posting, I prefer e-mail but willing to do PM or threads.
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