Z-Fuckers ((Femmedestroyer and Pinkbunny))


Apr 22, 2010
It had been hundreds of years since the Saiyan home world had been destroyed by the entity Frieza. It had taken all of those centuries for the various Saiyans scattered across the galaxy to regroup and form even a shadow of their former glory. Advanced genetic engineering, cloning, enhanced breeding programs, all these things had been employed to speed up the reconstruction process of their empire. Because of these programs, numerous 'special' Saiyans had been born. One might say the Saiyan spirit still lived on, and their motives had not changed much, but it was the details that mattered now. An entire generation of female Saiyans had been created, using some very tricky genetics to amplify and alter their reproductive process, a warrior was born that could impregnate almost any humanoid species, and produce absolutely pureblooded Saiyan offspring. Now rather than eradicating the life on worlds in order to sell them, they conquered planets in order to add their females to their breeding programs. In only months, these new Saiyans had shown breathtaking progress. Many of which, could achieve the legendary state of Super Saiyan, which at one point, was absolutely unheard of in females.

Ex'Tania was one of these new Saiyans, and she had been chosen to undertake one of the most....personal tasks a Saiyan could except. The conquering, and harnessing of Earth and it's resources. For many years the fabled Z-fighters halted all attempts by even the greatest of foes. But those fighters had been dead for some time. And no promising progeny had risen, so the empire had deemed it time to harness the awesome combination of human and Saiyan DNA. As of that moment in time Tania was resting in her space capsule. The small spherical craft only just big enough for her and maybe one other smaller humanoid. She was meditating, preparing herself for battle. She forced her body to prepare by activating, and controlling her chemical response. Adrenal glands readied large quantities of adrenaline, while endorphins began to mass in her bloodstream. There was only twenty minutes until her arrival on earth. When that time came, she would be ready to crush the entire planet under her heel.

She opened her eyes, showing the unusual green irises she possessed rather than the standard black. Her skin was deeply tanned, and very fine in complexion. Her black hair hung all the way down to her thighs in thick, spiky layers. She possessed a remarkable physique, being well muscled and toned, but retaining the voluptuous curves of a supermodel. And standing 6'4", she was quite an imposing figure. Truly, it would not be far off to say she was a god-like specimen. Especially considering that she was in fact one of those Saiyans whom had achieved what had so long been considered mere legend.

"Fifteen minutes until atmospheric entry." The navigations computer said softly. At that Tania smiled. She was ready, and she hoped for the sake of a good challenge, that the Earth was too.
"Oh and another mighty kick form Alexandra" Came a booming voice echoing around the stadium. The crowed cheered as they watched the femme fatale wipe the floor with potential fighters. She was one of the descendants of the Legendary Hercule Satan. One who had saved the earth not once, but twice and the strongest fighter on earth. She knew his blood coursed through her veins and she knew every time she stepped into that ring he was fighting along side her in spirit. However not only did that alone fuel her strength but little did she know that centuries ago Her mother had mated with a male, who was the offspring of another human mating with an alien race known as a Saiyan. Even though it was now only a diminutive fraction of who she was, that small amount was enough to keep her body in peak physical condition and keep her mind clear in any fight. Along with her great body she had the attitude to match charming guys in and out of the ring. Sure she may never live up to her ancestor when it came to saving a planet, but at least she was making her own hand print in history, winning martial arts tournaments back when she was only ten.

It had been seven years since her first tournament and she was still at the peak of her game. "And anther crumbling kick" The man she was sparring with was tough she had to admit. No matter how many blows she landed he just kept getting back up. She wasn't holding back either. The rules clearly stated that it would result in a disqualification if she used lethal force, but this man was just not staying down. Even with the amount of blood gushing from the open wounds she had inflicted, he was still standing strong. most of her battles were won by knockouts, so she never tried getting them out of the ring. Though this man was not even giving he a chance to do that either. Every time she got close she had to attack, or feel the strength of one of his bear like hand delivery a punch strong enough to topple her backwards.

"Whats wrong? Is the little girl running out of steam?" The man laughed seeing Alex an the her knees catching her breath. "It seems as though the great descendant of Hercule can not even live up to her na-" He was cut off as Alex rushed forward kicking him square in the face. It was one thing to call her weak but her hero was her ancestor and she would be damned if anyone used his name in vain.
"And Alex moves onto the final round with a knockout kick."

That announcement was enough to just bring her joy as she collapsed on the floor. Regardless of how much time there was before her final round, she still needed a good rest. The medic were quick on the scene and quick to escort her to her own champion room.
"Entering Earths atmosphere now. Shall I randomize touchdown?" Normally it didn't matter where a Saiyan touched down on a planet. They could traverse the entire world in a very short time by flying. However, Tania didn't feel like waiting.

"No. Search for high population clusters. Find me the thickest you can."

"Verified. Searching.....population clusters identified. Particularly high density population found in sector D-9. Large human settlement, high level of development....approximately 72.32 percent female."

"Perfect..." Tania said with a smile. She plotted the course and readied herself. Meanwhile the mass of humans preparing to watch the next fight stared up in confusion and fear at the ball of fire descending onto their world. Her pod screamed through the air at very near Mach 4, and with a unanimous scream signaling her arrival, it slammed directly into the center of the arena. The impact caused a huge tremor to shake the city, and threw up a huge cloud of dust and debris. People all over ran for cover, while some were to enthralled by the incredible event that had just taken place. Of course they couldn't have known what it really was, their ignorance probably fooled them into thinking they'd just witnessed a meteor crash. Tania waited for the hull of her pod to cool down, but she turned on the external sensors and instantly relished in the chaos she had caused. Screams, shouts, even cheering....it was a perfect prelude to what was coming.

"My...my goodness! Everybody please stay calm! It appears as though a meteor of some kind has landed right in the middle of the arena! Wow! What an ominous event after that spectacular KO!" Idiots. KO? What the hell was that? She shook her head. It didn't matter. The hull was cool, and the dust was starting to settle. So she popped the hatch. "Oh my! Their appears to be movement! Could this be something other than a meteor? I see....something! A figure getting out of the crater!" Tania stepped out of her pod and cleared the crater with a single hop. Time to kill the mood. She released a burst of Ki from her body that blasted the dust away, completely clearing the arena as well as awing the spectators. "Oh my god! Who is this mysterious new woman in the arena? Where did she come from? Perhaps a late entry trying to make a grand entrance?" That voice was beginning to irritate Tania. With a sneer she held up her hand and pointed it at the booth from which it emanated. Ki began to swirl around her fingers and form a small ball of glimmering green and white energy. "What is this? Fireworks of some kind? Unfortunately for her even if she was allowed to participa---" The voice was cut off as the ball shot from her hand like a bullet, expanding as it flew. By the time it struck the booth, it was the size of a bus. The ball flew right through the booth, completely vaporizing it before continuing on like it had been nothing but tissue paper in its way. Now all that was left was a gaping hole straight through the stadium. Tania lowered her hand.

"Do I have your fucking attention humans?" She said with a growl.
"Nice Magic trick" Alex smiled her Shoulders and torso were wrapped in bandages, along with on of her legs. Even though through the entire fight she had been winning and continued to knock the man on his ass, She seemed to have taken quite a bit of damage from it. Though she was now back on her feet and had just witnessed this visitor's display. "So ho set up the fireworks?" No one knew so she decided to ask the visitor herself.

Hopping up onto the stadium ring. she walked over to the Woman. "Seems you're a little late for the tournament." She said smugly. "But if you are begging for a fight, I'll make you a deal. Since this is my tournament I'll have a match with you right now. You win you can take my place, And If I win..." She paused looking at the space craft. "If i Win yo tell me who you are and how you did that" She said gesturing to the destruction Tania had caused upon the stadium. "So What do you say?"

Alex was obviously a cocky person. Her arrogance would be the end of her but for now her arrogance was just going to put her in danger. Bracing herself she signaled to the men to stand by. "So you want to put on a show. Well how about you give these people a real show. How about you show these people that you're not all smoke and mirrors." really Alex figured that was all this woman was and so a quick warm up, along with showing that you couldn't just barge in unannounced and expect to be respected. Along with that Tania had frightened her audience, so she felt it was only right to teach this woman a lesson. "Unless you are too afraid to take on Earths strongest being."
Tania was somewhat disappointed when the only person to show any backbone was a human woman with almost no Ki at all. She had hoped for at least some interesting opponents, or descendants of the Z-fighters. But this appeared to be the only challenger. She was about to respond when the woman overstepped her bounds, and crossed right into hostile ground with her taunting and challenge. But even then, she may have refrained from the total devastation of this person had she not labelled herself as the worlds strongest.

"And we Saiyans are supposed to be the arrogant ones." She laughed. "Very well child. You will be the first. So the Earth knows that the Saiyan Empire has returned!" Tania entered a stance, but before she could move several bullets smashed the ground at her feet. Anger began to grow in her as she turned to look at the squad of frightened security guards with pistols trained on her.

"S..STOP RIGHT THERE! We...we can't allow this fight! U...u..unsanctioned battles are ag...against regulations! We've already contacted the police!" Tania grinned, then winked at this human woman before her. Then in a blink she was gone, moving so fast the untrained eye could not follow her. It appeared as though she teleported behind the guards. The first three guards she dispatched with pure combat finesse. A roundhouse sent one sprawling, bouncing across the ground until he smashed into the wall. Then again she was gone, only to appear, backhanding a second guard with every bit of force as her first kick. The third she headbutted with enough force to kill him outright. At this point the remaining guards opened fire, their bullets disintegrating as soon as they touched her Ki.

"POINT BREAKER!" She held both hands straight out in front of her, her fingers curled like claws. And with a massive burst of force a sphere of greenish white energy, ten meters across exploded in front of her. The energy flashed and writhed, imploding on itself before exploding to full size again for several seconds before it faded. And all that was left was a perfectly spherical section of ground, and arena that was carved out of existence. Tania lowered her hands and locked eyes with the woman from before. Now she was ready to fight, and in more of a mood to humor the girl. As she took a step onto the arena she let a vicious chuckle escape her lips. "Alright...worlds strongest! Show me what that means...show me the strength in that....delicious body of yours!"
Alex took a few steps back, the bullets the didn't even touch her. She knew that her men had good shots so they couldn't have missed like that, and now they were dead.
"Saiyan Empire?" She asked confused. She was still unaware of her saiyan blood but just because she had saiyan blood did not mean she was all knowing. "What do yo mean returned? I never even heard of you." She said shaking a bit. The little magic show was actually a lot more than a magic show. In fact She already realized just how much trouble she was getting into. She heard the legend of the Z fighter, being able to produce rocket fuel form their palms, and saved the planet from destruction multiple times. Maybe the saiyan empire was one of these destroyer or worlds.

She knew her grandfather wanted to teach her how to use KI but she was always to busy learning about martial arts form her mom. Though her grandfather would moved planks of wood with a simple push of his hand and Alex knew he did that with the KI. Something that she was now trying to learn herself but was no where near what ones before her could attempt. This Saiyan must have spent years training her KI.

Though the challenge was again stated and Alex braced herself. Though she doubted she had any chance. The speed the woman moved at was untraceable. All she could see was Point A and point B, no travel distance in between. If the Saiyan played to ehr strengths, Alex had no chance, in fact all she would end up with was further injuries or worse.
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