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Searching, searching, searching!

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Sep 24, 2011
First off, my name is Kink. Or Lluvy. Whatever you wish to call me. *curtsies*

What I am looking for.
-plot-based (with smut)
-adventure-style RPs

What I expect from you.
-Paragraphs. Yes, plural. I'd love it if you could give me 2-6 paragraphs per post. I like details and thoughts.
-Literacy. Enough said. If there are enough grammar/spelling/punctuation issues I'll probably drop the RP really quick.
-Interaction. Talk to me outside of the RP. I like to get to know my partners. In fact, I'd like it if we could have to separate PMs going; one for ooc and the other for RPing.

What you can expect from me.
-At least one reply a day, unless I tell you I won't be able to respond for a bit. I'm in school and I have a pretty stressful job. I get really busy at times.
-Paragraphs! I love to write. ^^
-Respect. I'll tell you if I'm going to disappear or drop the RP.
-The occasional grammar question. I'm 19. I've got a lot left to learn. I've grown up in an area with a very strong dialect. If I'm unsure of whether I have written something correctly or not, I'll probably ask you.

Characters I like to play
-Occasionally, I'll be sweet, innocent and naive.
-Usually though, I like brooding, quiet, shy characters.
-I'll come out and say it, I'm pretty freaking submissive. It is very hard for me to be dominant.

Other things.
-I prefer hetero RPs. If convinced, I'll attempt to do mxm or fxf. I might even play a futa. It all depends on my mood; don't be afraid to ask.
-PMs only.
-My F list:
-Don't let my F List throw you off! If you don't like something that I do, we just won't do it!

(My character will be italicized)
-Kingdom Hearts (REALLY in the mood for this.)
Riku x Namine
Roxas x Namine

Ziggy x MOMO
chaos x Shion
Jr. x chaos
Jr. x MOMO

Trainer x Trainer (OCs)
Trainer x Pokemorph

-Fruits Basket
Yuki x Tohru
Haru x Kisa
Shigure x Ayame

-Something based on Final Fantasy Tactics

Twisted Disney tales
(Ask about plots!)
-Beauty and the Beast
-Alice in Wonderland
-The Lion King

Random Pairings
-Prince x Maid/Servant
-Stalker x Stalked
-Rich man x Maid
-Husband x Wife's best friend
-Human x Neko

I'll update when more pairings come to mind. Feel free to suggest!

PM me for quicker responses!
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