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You're Waiting For A Train... M/M

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The Forger

Aug 5, 2010
Hey, you can call me Jackson.
I don't mind if you're a different gender than the character you play, what's important to me are the characters/story.


PM role plays
long posts (3-4+ paragraphs) with lots of description/detail
playing the top/dominant/bad boy role - not necessarily older.
plot driven role plays with plenty of smut
characters over the age of 18 (16+ negotiable.)
creative submissives
office sex
modern realism (with possible exceptions (to the realism) see: Inception)


scat and watersports
bestiality - for me this includes anthros
submissives who just want me to rape their character repeatedly
characters under the age of 16.
short posts with a lot of mistakes - it's cool if you occasionally get stuck or make a few errors (I do too) but if you never post more than a few sentences and your writing is difficult for me to understand I will probably lose interest very quickly.


Plots, pairings, etc.

Anything involving the characters from Inception. Pre or post movie, A/Us, whatever. Want.

Anything involving a cop/criminal pairing.

Hearing your ideas. I like traditional pairings like teacher/student, but not enough to list them. If there's a pairing/plot you'd like to try, then please do tell me about it.

RE: You're Waiting For A Train... M/M, M/F

I wish. I wish more than anything. But I can't imagine you with all your complexity, all you perfection, all your imperfection. Look at you. You are just a shade of my real wife. You're the best I can do; but I'm sorry, you are just not good enough.
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