- Joined
- Sep 18, 2011
[/size][/b]I am the creator of this dominion and I was betrayed by own people who turned to a Deity named Lucis Auctorem. Those who wished to follow her ways despised me and she tainted my Sanguis people with light. With their new found power and god the traitors abandoned my order and reclaimed themselves as Ventus. I have been sealed away by the plight of the Ventus people and from the heavens came their deity Lucis and though she tried to vanquish me my powers were too great for her. With her dying breathe she drowned my palace beneath the dirt and sealed my soul within these walls so that her people could live in peace or that is how the Ventus tell it. It has been two hundred long years since my demise but fate has granted me favor as my seal has been broken. The Sanguis will be pleased to see my return for they have been outcasted for too long and my demons have also awoke from their slumber. I have returned with a vengeance and the Ventus are going to regret their decision for trying to overthrow me. For I am the Dark Lord Belail and my ledgend will soon no longer be just another tale.
Information on the Sanguis people: The first Sanguis started out as just Belail's guardians each carrying there own traits and abilities. Then from there Belail created more of these breeds. Each different race of Sanguis formed their own tribes and villages that were overseen by each Guardian who also had a part to play in mantaining The dark lord's order except for one race and they were deemed the mutts of the Sanguis. These peasent Sanguis had no name for their race and were used by the higher races like the Anterlupe Sanguis,Telumus Sanguis as well as the rest for slavery or food to feed Belail's insatible appetite.
Information on Belail's demons:( They of course are loyal servants to Belail and very few of them escaped from the Deity's power. So many of them have been trapped down with Belail...and the few that remain live with the diverse Sanguis race or hid amoung the Ventus race trying to extract revenge. Their origins lie within the higher races of Sanguis who were given a seperate name for there spiecies.
The Sanguis's village ( Dark occult)
Information on the Ventus people:(They worship their Deity Lucis Auctorem even though she has passed away they believe her soul lives on through the varavi. These people were once Sanguis but after being taught white magic by the Deity Lucis she purified their souls and no longer did they call themselves Sanguis but Ventus meaning light dweller.
The Ventus people's city
Different Sanguis Ethnicity
Ethnicity: Avira
Guardian/tribe leader: Niveus and Keres
Tribe's Responsibility: Death
Description: One of the first tribes that Belail created started with two sister guardians who maintained the law of death. The first members of this tribe were able to shift in and out of their solid forms as they pleased so that child baring could be possible but the mother would have to remain in there bodies until the end of pregnancy. Avira children begin their lives in a living form but as they get older they loose the need for their bodies as they are a lot stronger in spirit form and they are the only people who can live in as ghosts without dissipating over time
Ethnicity: (Formerly)Vires-Demons/(Currently)Aduros
Guardian/tribe leader: Mephistopheles
Tribe's Responsibility: Power
Description: Powerful demon's Belail made specifically for the ability of magic, the Vires tribe were the keepers of Belail's sorcery long ago, but when Mephistopheles, Belail's trusted adviser and only true friend, betrayed him to help Lucis all that changed. This caused Belail to curse him and the entire tribe which in turn caused the tribe to hold a deep grudge against Belail for punishing them for something they didn't do. So they turned to another god a deity known as Uriel who, in a failed attempt to break the curse, gave them the same gift of light that his lost love, Lucis gave to the Ventus, turning them from Vires to Aduros.
Ethnicity: Aterlupe
Guardian/tribe leader: Jaeger
Tribe's Responsibility: Nature
Description: A lycan breed that remains in wolf form are the first sanguis race to carry the blood of a demon. They are considered one of the most loyal races to Belail and are easy to be put in their place if they get out of line. They have the ability to control the creatures of Alloces as well as anything else that pertains to their natural surroundings. They are great at tracking and can often be found teaming up with Telumus who are in need of assistance. Although loyal to Belail they revere The Lady of the Abyss as their matron of the moon and they consider themselves as her loyal servants.
Ethnicity: Telumus
Guardian/tribe leader: Kenaz
Tribe's Responsibility: Law keeper and of the hunt
Description: This race of sanguis is considered the upholders of Belail's order and their job was to instill fear in those who rebelled against the dark lord. If anyone was caught breaking the law then the Telmus were sent in as bounty hunters to kill and capture the souls of the accused. The Telmus also carry the blood of a demon and their thirst for murder makes them dangerous. They have the ability to preserve souls and often kill for just the thrill of collecting spirits which makes them disliked by the Avira.
Ethnicity: Tempus
Guardian/tribe leader: Gaap
Tribe's Responsibility: Time
Description: The Tempus tribe are keepers of the hours of the day. Their abilities are considered rare which include the ability to pause, move and rewind time but this ability is limited. Their village is hidden well and has been trapped in paused time ever since Belail was sealed away by Lucis. The only one who seemed to escape this fate was the Guardian but now that Belail is awaken so has the Tempus and their village.
Ethnicity: Cur Sanguis
Guardian/tribe leader: none
Tribe's Responsibility: To follow orders and submit to higher ranks.
Description: Veiwed as the mongrels of all Sanguis their kind is considered the low of the lowest rank of sanguis and are treated as slaves. Sanguis who mated outside their tribes were also seen as Cur. Ventus are also placed in this category but are considered an even lower rank then the sanguis. This race is often offered up to Belail as a sacrifice to appease him and if it isn't a higher rank that does it then it is usually the peasant race itself who would choose a victim that is either lazy or weak.
Ethnicity: Nex-Demon
Guardian/tribe leader:---
Tribe's Responsibility: ---
Description: The Nex are not sanguis at all and were Belail's first attempt in trying to bring back his Azel race but it came as a failure instead the Dark lord had created a new race of demon. Not catorgized as Sanguis the demon race could mate with any Sanguis without the half breeds being considered Cur. Although they were given their own territory they often lived inside the fortress. Not all of the Nex dwelled inside their master's home and the few who resided in their village escaped the two hundred year slumber. Their abilities range from anything from spell casting to shapeshifting.
Part of Belail's fortress
(Inside)Decrepet part of Belail's fortress
The hidden temple of Belail
part of the Sanguis's territory:
Forest near the ventus:
Forbidden Forest
The strange creatures of this realm:
Name: Dowi
Description: They are like deer of this planet and they eat vegetation and our only agressive if traped.
Description: Meat eaters...they eat anything that moves and are highly agressive. They are shot on site if they get to close to the Ventus civilization, it is said that Belail had many of them for pets and would use them to torture his foes.
Name: Edg'va
Description: They are like goats and are often caught and used as live stock. They can be calm but they butt if you frighten them. They also eat vegetation and are a low risk.
Name: Carpion
description: Another aggressive creature but avoids town's and is more territorial. Never make eye contact with this creature because it is considered a challenge. If you are ever confronted by it lower your head and back away slowly to prevent any attacks. Eats both meat and vegetation and has good striking rang with it's stinger like tail.
Name: Svine
Description: A wild creature that can be domesticated and ridden like a horse. It eats both meat and vegetation but mostly vegetation. Is aggressive by nature and has to be broke in so that it doesn't attack. Bonds to one owner only and no one else is able to ride it but it's master.
Name: Morti or Mortis for plural
Description: They are creatures born from Belail's dark magic but no one has seen them for over two hundred years. They were used as messengers and were ridden by demons and Sanguis. There name means death for if you stared into their eyes to long your body would shrivel to nothing.
Name: Varavi
Description: It is said that these creatures sprung life from the Deity's dead body and are watchful eyes over the Ventus people. These creatures are sacred to the ventus people and are treated with high respect.
Name: Carvoit
Description:An ox like creature it is a lot more durable beast and is swifter then a svine. Considered to be extinct species they, like the mortis haven't been seen since a little over a hundred years or more. Only a small handful of about a dozen still remain and they reside in the forbidden forest so it makes sense to as why they haven't been seen. An unperdictable beast they don't succumb to just anyone's orders and it was mostly demons and strong willed high rank sanguis that were able to ride these deadly beasts. They are not fond of the Ventus and have a taste for Varavi flesh so the Ventus would hunt them and that is why there is very few of them left.
Name: Pheo
Description: Created as gifts for the Sanguis people Belail formed a creature that was out of his normal crafting and letting the Sanguis have them as pets. These creatures like to burrow underground and are good at tracking. There small size made them easy to carry and although they have a soft appearence they can be violent if not properly trained.
Pheo pic
Charries name: Belail
Race: Azel god
Powers/abilities: Necromancy, Shapeshifting, astro traveling,Dark magic, Can control the elements of his realm, Controls the hours of the days as well as all the creatures he created except for the varavi, Has power over the realms weather. Is a master of manipulation and is good at tempting others into doing his bidding. Has the ability to resurrect himself.
Feral beast form:
Azel form:
Other: His history shrouded in shadows Belail is a cold hearted devil and has been around for ages. He despises any sort of Deity though he indulges in murdering then feasting on not only there blood and flesh but as well as their power and very soul. A lot more docile in his youthful years Belail was very lenient to the people he created but over time his temperament changed from devouring the Deities' he despised which made his rein over the realm a bit more difficult for his people. When a hundred or more Sanguis who called themselves Ventus rebelled against his order it only made him more spiteful and after being encased in a prison for two hundred years that hate of his only festered with time.
Username: CHM
Charrie name: Af
Race: Ventus??/Aterlupe
Powers/Abilities: Can emit a protective barrier around himself to prevent damage from melee attacks, is a excellent swordsman and assassin. As well as a few other unknown power
Crush/lover: Maeva
Other: The king of the Ventus Af is unaware of his origins of being an Aterlupe. His youth as a prince he enjoyed the life of being an assassin but when he became king he grew undertanding to his people he ruled over.
Charrie name:Kobal
Powers/Abilities:Is a good liar and can make anyone believe him, learns things quickly, not very strong
Pic: Kabol
Crush/Lover: none
Other: He pretends to be a Ventus and lives as a servant in the Ventus palace.
Charrie name:Moloch
Powers/Abilities: Can conjure demons and the dead to do his bidding
Pic: Moloch
Crush/Lover: none
Other: The leader of the dark occult Sanguis race
Charrie name:Oriax
Race: demon
Power/ability: can extinguish all light to leave his enemies left in the dark.
Pic: Oriax
Crush/lover: none
Other: He is Belail's most loyal servant and was trapped down in the castle with his master.
Charrie name: Bia
Race: Demon
Power/Ability: Can shoot poisonous barbs from her spine and necromancy
Other:she is a loyal servant to her master and she is a general of one of his many legions.
Charrie name: Abdiel
Race: Ventus
Power/Ability: Can sense danger, good at being stealthy, skillful with a dagger but has no real powers.
Other: He loves Amaya and grew up with her but has never shared his feelings with her.
Charrie name: Caflice but goes by Sarg
Race: Ventus
Power/Ability: Years of service to the king has made him an excellent swords man and has good instincts
pic: Caflice
Crush/lover: none his lover passed away
Other: He is the Sargent and body guard to Af and doesn't really trust Maeva
Charrie name: Navi
Race: Deity
Power/Ability: can talk to the animals understand what they are saying also has a keen sense of hearing/ has a healing ability but has never used it on people
pic: the girl on the rock
Crush/lover: Du'an
Other: Her step mother died when she was young and her step father was killed by a e' lic when she was nine, She lives alone on her step father's farm and she is 18yrs old but is very naive about the world. Navi has no idea that the parents she grew up with were never her real parents or that her name is not what her actual name. She has no idea who Belail nor Lucis is nor the fact of what has happened. She is playful and sometimes can act childish and the only ones that keep her company are the animals she takes care of.
Information on the Sanguis people: The first Sanguis started out as just Belail's guardians each carrying there own traits and abilities. Then from there Belail created more of these breeds. Each different race of Sanguis formed their own tribes and villages that were overseen by each Guardian who also had a part to play in mantaining The dark lord's order except for one race and they were deemed the mutts of the Sanguis. These peasent Sanguis had no name for their race and were used by the higher races like the Anterlupe Sanguis,Telumus Sanguis as well as the rest for slavery or food to feed Belail's insatible appetite.
Information on Belail's demons:( They of course are loyal servants to Belail and very few of them escaped from the Deity's power. So many of them have been trapped down with Belail...and the few that remain live with the diverse Sanguis race or hid amoung the Ventus race trying to extract revenge. Their origins lie within the higher races of Sanguis who were given a seperate name for there spiecies.
The Sanguis's village ( Dark occult)

Information on the Ventus people:(They worship their Deity Lucis Auctorem even though she has passed away they believe her soul lives on through the varavi. These people were once Sanguis but after being taught white magic by the Deity Lucis she purified their souls and no longer did they call themselves Sanguis but Ventus meaning light dweller.
The Ventus people's city

Different Sanguis Ethnicity
Ethnicity: Avira
Guardian/tribe leader: Niveus and Keres
Tribe's Responsibility: Death
Description: One of the first tribes that Belail created started with two sister guardians who maintained the law of death. The first members of this tribe were able to shift in and out of their solid forms as they pleased so that child baring could be possible but the mother would have to remain in there bodies until the end of pregnancy. Avira children begin their lives in a living form but as they get older they loose the need for their bodies as they are a lot stronger in spirit form and they are the only people who can live in as ghosts without dissipating over time
Ethnicity: (Formerly)Vires-Demons/(Currently)Aduros
Guardian/tribe leader: Mephistopheles
Tribe's Responsibility: Power
Description: Powerful demon's Belail made specifically for the ability of magic, the Vires tribe were the keepers of Belail's sorcery long ago, but when Mephistopheles, Belail's trusted adviser and only true friend, betrayed him to help Lucis all that changed. This caused Belail to curse him and the entire tribe which in turn caused the tribe to hold a deep grudge against Belail for punishing them for something they didn't do. So they turned to another god a deity known as Uriel who, in a failed attempt to break the curse, gave them the same gift of light that his lost love, Lucis gave to the Ventus, turning them from Vires to Aduros.
Ethnicity: Aterlupe
Guardian/tribe leader: Jaeger
Tribe's Responsibility: Nature
Description: A lycan breed that remains in wolf form are the first sanguis race to carry the blood of a demon. They are considered one of the most loyal races to Belail and are easy to be put in their place if they get out of line. They have the ability to control the creatures of Alloces as well as anything else that pertains to their natural surroundings. They are great at tracking and can often be found teaming up with Telumus who are in need of assistance. Although loyal to Belail they revere The Lady of the Abyss as their matron of the moon and they consider themselves as her loyal servants.
Ethnicity: Telumus
Guardian/tribe leader: Kenaz
Tribe's Responsibility: Law keeper and of the hunt
Description: This race of sanguis is considered the upholders of Belail's order and their job was to instill fear in those who rebelled against the dark lord. If anyone was caught breaking the law then the Telmus were sent in as bounty hunters to kill and capture the souls of the accused. The Telmus also carry the blood of a demon and their thirst for murder makes them dangerous. They have the ability to preserve souls and often kill for just the thrill of collecting spirits which makes them disliked by the Avira.
Ethnicity: Tempus
Guardian/tribe leader: Gaap
Tribe's Responsibility: Time
Description: The Tempus tribe are keepers of the hours of the day. Their abilities are considered rare which include the ability to pause, move and rewind time but this ability is limited. Their village is hidden well and has been trapped in paused time ever since Belail was sealed away by Lucis. The only one who seemed to escape this fate was the Guardian but now that Belail is awaken so has the Tempus and their village.
Ethnicity: Cur Sanguis
Guardian/tribe leader: none
Tribe's Responsibility: To follow orders and submit to higher ranks.
Description: Veiwed as the mongrels of all Sanguis their kind is considered the low of the lowest rank of sanguis and are treated as slaves. Sanguis who mated outside their tribes were also seen as Cur. Ventus are also placed in this category but are considered an even lower rank then the sanguis. This race is often offered up to Belail as a sacrifice to appease him and if it isn't a higher rank that does it then it is usually the peasant race itself who would choose a victim that is either lazy or weak.
Ethnicity: Nex-Demon
Guardian/tribe leader:---
Tribe's Responsibility: ---
Description: The Nex are not sanguis at all and were Belail's first attempt in trying to bring back his Azel race but it came as a failure instead the Dark lord had created a new race of demon. Not catorgized as Sanguis the demon race could mate with any Sanguis without the half breeds being considered Cur. Although they were given their own territory they often lived inside the fortress. Not all of the Nex dwelled inside their master's home and the few who resided in their village escaped the two hundred year slumber. Their abilities range from anything from spell casting to shapeshifting.
Part of Belail's fortress

(Inside)Decrepet part of Belail's fortress

The hidden temple of Belail

part of the Sanguis's territory:

Forest near the ventus:

Forbidden Forest
The strange creatures of this realm:
Name: Dowi
Description: They are like deer of this planet and they eat vegetation and our only agressive if traped.
Description: Meat eaters...they eat anything that moves and are highly agressive. They are shot on site if they get to close to the Ventus civilization, it is said that Belail had many of them for pets and would use them to torture his foes.
Name: Edg'va
Description: They are like goats and are often caught and used as live stock. They can be calm but they butt if you frighten them. They also eat vegetation and are a low risk.
Name: Carpion
description: Another aggressive creature but avoids town's and is more territorial. Never make eye contact with this creature because it is considered a challenge. If you are ever confronted by it lower your head and back away slowly to prevent any attacks. Eats both meat and vegetation and has good striking rang with it's stinger like tail.
Name: Svine
Description: A wild creature that can be domesticated and ridden like a horse. It eats both meat and vegetation but mostly vegetation. Is aggressive by nature and has to be broke in so that it doesn't attack. Bonds to one owner only and no one else is able to ride it but it's master.
Name: Morti or Mortis for plural
Description: They are creatures born from Belail's dark magic but no one has seen them for over two hundred years. They were used as messengers and were ridden by demons and Sanguis. There name means death for if you stared into their eyes to long your body would shrivel to nothing.
Name: Varavi
Description: It is said that these creatures sprung life from the Deity's dead body and are watchful eyes over the Ventus people. These creatures are sacred to the ventus people and are treated with high respect.
Name: Carvoit
Description:An ox like creature it is a lot more durable beast and is swifter then a svine. Considered to be extinct species they, like the mortis haven't been seen since a little over a hundred years or more. Only a small handful of about a dozen still remain and they reside in the forbidden forest so it makes sense to as why they haven't been seen. An unperdictable beast they don't succumb to just anyone's orders and it was mostly demons and strong willed high rank sanguis that were able to ride these deadly beasts. They are not fond of the Ventus and have a taste for Varavi flesh so the Ventus would hunt them and that is why there is very few of them left.
Name: Pheo
Description: Created as gifts for the Sanguis people Belail formed a creature that was out of his normal crafting and letting the Sanguis have them as pets. These creatures like to burrow underground and are good at tracking. There small size made them easy to carry and although they have a soft appearence they can be violent if not properly trained.
Pheo pic
Charries name: Belail
Race: Azel god
Powers/abilities: Necromancy, Shapeshifting, astro traveling,Dark magic, Can control the elements of his realm, Controls the hours of the days as well as all the creatures he created except for the varavi, Has power over the realms weather. Is a master of manipulation and is good at tempting others into doing his bidding. Has the ability to resurrect himself.
Feral beast form:

Azel form:

Other: His history shrouded in shadows Belail is a cold hearted devil and has been around for ages. He despises any sort of Deity though he indulges in murdering then feasting on not only there blood and flesh but as well as their power and very soul. A lot more docile in his youthful years Belail was very lenient to the people he created but over time his temperament changed from devouring the Deities' he despised which made his rein over the realm a bit more difficult for his people. When a hundred or more Sanguis who called themselves Ventus rebelled against his order it only made him more spiteful and after being encased in a prison for two hundred years that hate of his only festered with time.
Username: CHM
Charrie name: Af
Race: Ventus??/Aterlupe
Powers/Abilities: Can emit a protective barrier around himself to prevent damage from melee attacks, is a excellent swordsman and assassin. As well as a few other unknown power

Crush/lover: Maeva
Other: The king of the Ventus Af is unaware of his origins of being an Aterlupe. His youth as a prince he enjoyed the life of being an assassin but when he became king he grew undertanding to his people he ruled over.
Charrie name:Kobal
Powers/Abilities:Is a good liar and can make anyone believe him, learns things quickly, not very strong
Pic: Kabol
Crush/Lover: none
Other: He pretends to be a Ventus and lives as a servant in the Ventus palace.
Charrie name:Moloch
Powers/Abilities: Can conjure demons and the dead to do his bidding
Pic: Moloch
Crush/Lover: none
Other: The leader of the dark occult Sanguis race
Charrie name:Oriax
Race: demon
Power/ability: can extinguish all light to leave his enemies left in the dark.
Pic: Oriax
Crush/lover: none
Other: He is Belail's most loyal servant and was trapped down in the castle with his master.
Charrie name: Bia
Race: Demon
Power/Ability: Can shoot poisonous barbs from her spine and necromancy
Other:she is a loyal servant to her master and she is a general of one of his many legions.
Charrie name: Abdiel
Race: Ventus
Power/Ability: Can sense danger, good at being stealthy, skillful with a dagger but has no real powers.

Other: He loves Amaya and grew up with her but has never shared his feelings with her.
Charrie name: Caflice but goes by Sarg
Race: Ventus
Power/Ability: Years of service to the king has made him an excellent swords man and has good instincts
pic: Caflice
Crush/lover: none his lover passed away
Other: He is the Sargent and body guard to Af and doesn't really trust Maeva
Charrie name: Navi
Race: Deity
Power/Ability: can talk to the animals understand what they are saying also has a keen sense of hearing/ has a healing ability but has never used it on people
pic: the girl on the rock

Crush/lover: Du'an
Other: Her step mother died when she was young and her step father was killed by a e' lic when she was nine, She lives alone on her step father's farm and she is 18yrs old but is very naive about the world. Navi has no idea that the parents she grew up with were never her real parents or that her name is not what her actual name. She has no idea who Belail nor Lucis is nor the fact of what has happened. She is playful and sometimes can act childish and the only ones that keep her company are the animals she takes care of.