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my semi-annual request update. (EDITED 12/18/11 w/ PLOTS & FANDOMS)

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Nov 16, 2009
south of heaven, north of texas.
I'm trying a couple other things this time, hopefully this will work out. I've had touch and go luck, so hopefully this will be better. I'm updating some things, keeping others the same.

Firstly, RP is good for me in PM's or Messengers, I don't have a preference. I have less time than before with messengers thanks to being in school, so PM's are good. If you see me on, we're good to go. My messenger information is in my info.

Secondly, my availability. I'm going back to school, so I'm not on as much as I used to be, but I try to be around. Typically, if I feel our rp is good enough, I'll give you the names I use on my mobile phone for IM's and we can chat about stuff through the day while I'm at class, but I will usually be good to reply daily. If not, I'll let you know way ahead of time.

Thirdly, I come to Blue Moon specifically to find my main kink. While I'm flexible on other ideas, this thread is to help me find what I'm looking for, as I've been craving it for a while. Ideally, I want to find something heavy on the mind control/hypnotizing/brainwashing. Now, I know that there is a certain person out there that can be rather...crazy about it, I promise that I'm not out to drive you mad. Someone in their requests recently posted that they wanted a plot where their girl could be broken, their mind repurposed to serve, and that's exactly what the type of plot I want. I'm more of the dominant type, and I would only sub for the right girl. However, I'm looking for stories where I can be the dominant type, because the fun for me is watching the change, watching the tone leave her voice and her eyes change from normal to a whitewash, or even spirals as she falls entranced. I don't mind a little fight in the whole process of transformation, but I don't mind discussing things like that as we plot things out.

I probably haven't mentioned this much, but writing style. I write maybe a good 8-12 sentences, and can get more out of myself depending on what's being thrown back my way. I can do more, I can do less, but it's all in what you put out there for me. I'd like to think I'm fairly detailed, but I'm not itching to describe in 9 sentences just how dark and intense my character's eyes are. I'd prefer someone can shoot back the same amount, and PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD know the difference of when to use "your" and "you're". That's one of my biggest pet peeves in writing. Like I said, I can do more or less, I'm just giving you an average of about how I write.

lastly, a few rules of engagement, so to say:
- I am strictly looking for het rp's. I'll play the guy, you play the girl. Although I'd feel slightly more at ease if it was a lady playing the lady, I am not opposed to it being a guy. However, if I can tell you're a guy playing a gal, I will probably end the rp nice and quick.

- Please, and I am asking nicely, know the difference between your and you're. You know, all those little grammar things people ache for. I said it before, but I feel it cannot be stressed enough.

- I'm totally good with one reply a day. I just want to rp, I reckon. If we can do that, I'm happy.

- Fluff/Romance based RP's? I don't mind them, they're okay. In a way, I enjoy them quite a bit. However, I write those on places other than here. I came here to fufill this specific kink/want/need. Now, that being said, I'll cut you a deal - I am willing to perhaps try a line in that pleasantly romantic manner you wish if you are willing to play what I want. However, I want to see if you're that willing to play the lines I want. I've had a few people message me on this site where they pitch that they're interested in my idea, only to warp it to whatever they want, removing anything I'm interested in.

- I am willing to include demons, bimbofication, possibly tentacles, and incest in these ideas, but I will not force you to be peed on or anything. My Rabbit Hole should still be in my signature, and I figured looking at that, we can compare notes.

- Also, please please PLEASE understand the following: I know several people here are into anime. I don't mind it, but for the love of all that's awesome, do not ask me to let you play an anime girl/ask me to play an anime guy. I prefer using actors/actresses for the "look" of the characters.

TIME TO EDIT THE SHIT OUT OF THIS! Here are some fandom and plot ideas to work with. Please understand that my plots are vague not because of a lack of idea, but because if someone finds an idea remotely interesting, I want to shape the idea with you. Ultimately, the scene/rp will be more fun when you and I create something together.

- Doctor Who (Hello Amy Pond, new mindless sex toy!)
- X-Men (I have my own share of ideas with this involving Emma Frost or Psylocke)
- WWE (let's turn Kelly Kelly into a real Barbie)
- TNA (Velvet Sky? Let's have some fun with a girl with looks like that.)
- DC Universe (Think of the fun we could have turning sexy superheroines into mindless slaves courtesy of the Anti-Life Equation?)

Vague Ideas:
- Ever seen the cheesy horror film "Tamara"? Think of the fun we could have in a role reversal? Nerdy guy who dealt with spirits coming back from the dead, the ability to take control with just a glance, getting some revenge on the popular girl that was part of the crowd who accidentally killed him in a prank gone wrong.

- I'd love something based on this photo. I don't think you necessarily have to use this girl, but the idea that an unsuspecting girl entranced by "joke" glasses to be a sex toy? That's fun right there.

- The same with this idea. The former diva star of the show turned into the prop of a new, dirtier show.

- Ever seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Imagine a hypno-harem of girls for a nightly floorshow, similar to the floorshow in that movie.

- Lastly, imagine how sexy it could be turning the cute "city girl" into the small town's sexy belle/town bike?

Anyways, let's see how this turns out. Just hit me up and we'll plot. I'd prefer if you PM'ed me first to discuss and we'll go from there.
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