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Gender Transformation

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Jun 15, 2011
Your character, a bored shapeshifter from another realm, descends upon the human world one day, seeking a female mate. Not finding any of the human girls to his liking, he decides to create one for himself from scratch. Choosing a random young man, the shapeshifter casts his spell, beginning the shapeshifting process upon the target. He watches from the shadows each day, watching the young man experience both a mental and physical shapeshift into a perfect young woman.

Now fully a woman and not even aware of her previous life, she goes down to a club to have some fun. Little does she know that the hot young guy who starts hitting on her that night was the one who made her who she is.

That is just a summary and a starter; we can develop the plot from there. If you are interested, PM me please!
Poor us! We all three want the same, and nowhere a male (or another female) to play it out...
Anyway, what about three men sitting down to play a round of table-game... a Transformations style mystical sex-driven game? Like Jumanji or Space Invaders or what's not... And using each other fantasies they got transformed, sexed up, and who knows what else...
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