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FFX: Lulu's Subquest (Open for 1 Male~)

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Nov 7, 2009
Heya, all: There's this RP idea that's been banging around in my head, for a while- An RP featuring the misadventures of the sexy sorceress Lulu, from FFX, in the unarguably *long* period of time when the world opens up before the final battle. What *was* the party up to in between the huge free-roam between Yunalesca and the final battle against Sin? What do all those people *do* when they're not in your party? This is, basically, Lulu's solo adventure, as she strives to get her ultimate weapon...And maybe have some fun along the way. As she's already a femme fatale, well...There's a *lot* that can happen between *here* and there...

I'm looking for a male player to play as the men and monsters she encounters along the way...While the only correlation is, of course, that she'd rejoin the party for the final battle, presumably after the RP, there's plenty of time for her to play- I'm thinking of using the quest for the ridiculous convolutated 'ultimate weapons' as the plot, which takes her all over Spira. ^_^

I'm hoping for a game that will poke fun at FFX- And JRPG tropes in general, something sexy and somewhat tongue in cheek...


Just another day in Spira.

Far above, in the blue sky, birds- And terrible razor-winged harpies- soared through the clouds, a bewildering array of native fauna crawled, growled or spat flames...And somewhere else, far, far away, a titanic, invincible behemoth set about on its task of destroying the entire world.

But *that* happened every generation, after all; So hey, no pressure.

Currently, the only hope for the salvation of two worlds was...Dodging lightning bolts on the Thunder Plains? After that, he'd get round to chasing those damn blue butterflies in the depths of the Macalania Wood...And then there were those chocobos to breed-

When asked exactly *when* he was going to work on the whole 'Destroying Sin, and saving the world for good' thing, the party's nominal leader answered, quote, "Eventually." unquote, and went right back to playing a particularly brutal variant of underwater football.

Curiously, by-and-large, the people shrugged and went on with their daily lives. While Spira might be, as stated by a recently re-killed madman, "A sad land, trapped...In a *spiral*. Of DEATH!" the god-spawned abomination and potential ender of the world certainly wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon...



I'll point out, though, that I'm hardly looking for a handsome, square-jawed guy, or a nerdy but good-hearted man. That's boring. I'm looking for something more hentai-esque, like...
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