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Searching for the perfect partner. <3

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Sep 3, 2011
Hello everyone!

What you should know about me:
-I'm most comfortable when I play a submissive character.
-I'm 19.
-I'm a full-time college student and I work in the dorm where I live. So I get busy sometimes.
-I'm an English major. Yes, I am literate.
-I like plot. But smut can be fun!
-I love to write. So my posts can be anywhere from 4-10 paragraphs, depending on what's going on. My intros can even be longer. It mostly depends on my partner and the RP. I tend to match YOU.
-I only play over PM's.
-I love the dark side of things. That does include some angst.

What I ask of you:
-I'd appreciate it if you'd talk to me in ooc sometimes. I like to get to know who I'm talking to.
-Tell me if you want to stop. Or if you'll be leaving. I'll do the same.
-Work with a plot!!! I'd love you forever if we could have a good plot going. Sure, it can be a very sexual driven plot, but I don't want sex to be the driving force behind what we're doing. Ya know?

My genres.
(Bold is who I play.)

Video games
-9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors
Snake x Clover
Junpei x Akane
Santa x Akane

-Xenosaga (series)
Ziggy x Momo
chaos x Momo

-Kingdom Hearts
Riku x Namine

-Fruits Basket
Kyo x Tohru
Hatsuharu x Rin
Hatsuharu x Kisa

((Can't think of any more at the moment... I'll update soon!))

-Master x Neko
-Master x Pet
-Incubus x Succubus
-Demon x Angel
-Artist x Muse
-Rapist x Victim
-Jock x Geek
-Werewolf x Werewolf (This requires some plot explanation.)

I have ideas for all of these, but feel free to suggest! I'm open to new things.
I never really play the dominant role.
But, I do love playing males.
And I'm a literature major too!
Werewolfxwerewolf would be great.
We could be lesbians.
But, like I said, I love playing guys in the right time.
And I'm sure that'd be with you.
Master X Pet would be great.

Anyways, are you willing to play a black girl?
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