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Russian Mafia Group RP

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Apr 13, 2011
Pleas read through the info I have listed below and if possible watch “Eastern Promises”.
This is to be a realistic RP so no non human characters no odd coloured eyes. (Amber Red and Violet eyes do exist)
Oh and pleas check out this thread to which I claim no ownership but which I would love it if you used when creating your character.

No Power playing or God Modeing but pleas don’t disobey and order just to be stubborn.

Sex will take place in this RP including M/F F/F and M/M so make sure it is clear of which orientation your charie is and what you will let them do.
Such as having a Female lesbian who you don’t mind if as part of the RP plot is raped by a man.

Rape is highly likely to take place so if you don’t want to be involved in it pleas don’t join. Instead you could ask for a one on one RP with someone whose charie you like.


I am currently looking for main over all plot lines if you think of one pleas do tell me.

Info to read

What I do know I have found on the internet. If you do know better pleas tell me. I do not mean to offend anyone.

The Vory V Zakon is the unified Mafia of Russia and some part of what used to be the Soviet union.
So you characters need not be Russian they can be Baltic or from Ukraine etc.
Also you don’t need to be part of the mafia you could be a normal citizen a police officer someone who works at a prison or from the FSB or KGB (depending on the date this will take place I haven’t decided yet)).
Read through this link up to “Connections to Islamic Fundamentalism”

For this RP I am not going to use the above correct term for the Russian Mafia Instead I will use the term Sem’ya which means Family.

Tattoos and their meanings

The Four Suits:

Spades - the "suit of thieves" (particularly where the symbol appears upside down)
Clubs - another "criminal" suit
Diamonds - the "chummy suit" (i.e. stoolpigeons and informers); this suit is usually forcibly applied
Hearts - a sexual symbol; it may mark the wearer out as a "passive homosexual" within the prison
Other Symbols:


Barbed wire tattooed across the forehead signifies a sentence of life imprisonment without possibility of parole.
Barbed wire tattooed on wrists number of links equals number of years in prison.
Birds over horizon: "I was born free and should be free"

Cat: a career as thief. A single cat means the bearer worked alone; several cats mean the bearer was part of a gang.
Churches, fortresses, etc. are often tattooed on the chest, back, or hand. The number of spires or towers can represent the years a prisoner has been incarcerated, or number of times he has been imprisoned.
The phrase, "The Church is the House of God," often inscribed beneath a cathedral, has the metaphorical meaning, "Prison is the Home of the Thief."
Cross: A cross worn on the chest signifies a "Prince of Thieves," the highest possible rank of theif.

Dagger: sex offender

Eyes: these are forcibly placed on lower backside to show that the prisoner is used for sexual gratification
Executioner: Murderer


'Grins': these are humorous tattoos usually incorporating a grinning face and are often accompanied by text. Usually forced on the wearer.






Madonna and baby Jesus indicates the person has been a thief since childhood.
Military insignia and uniform epaulets are worn on the shoulders. This symbolizes criminal accomplishments. Epaulets are decorated with certain crests and symbols





Rose: Teen birthday in prison.
Rose (white-dried): Death is preferable to loss of virtue ((also found under flowers))

Sailing Ship: While in prison this tattoo signifies that you are willing to join any escape attempt.
Skulls: Signifies murder, if the murder was significant enough to merit the tattoo.
Snakes: snakes have a particular symbolism and are usually worn by high ranking gang members
Spider or spider web: addict or distributor of drugs.
SS: Someone who doesn’t tell even under torture. ((Nothing to do with the Nazi party))
Stars: Worn on the shoulders: Signifies that the owner is a man of discipline, status, and tradition. Men will also receive stars when promoted to "Captain". Also signifies entrance into the higher echelons of the official Mafia.
Stars: Worn on the knees: signifies that the owner will kneel before no man, or no one. Even higher up then stars on shoulders.
Swastika: Symbol of defiance to authority. Anti communist

Tigers: signifies an 'enforcer'
Triangle with heart inside: Paedophile forcefully tattooed makes that person a free for all. No limits apply to what you can do to them.
Tombstones represent the loss of time. You may see the number of years that are served (i.e. 5 tombstones reading 2001 - 2005 means the prisoner has done 5 years).


Below is a list of common flowers and their symbolic meanings.

♦ amaryllis - pride, pastoral poetry
♦ anemone - forsaken
♦ aster - symbol of love, daintiness
♦ azalea - take care of yourself for me, temperance, fragile passion, Chinese symbol of womanhood
♦ bells of Ireland - good luck
♦ bluebell - humility
♦ cactus - endurance
♦ camellia (pink) - longing for you
♦ camellia (red) - you're a flame in my heart
♦ camellia (white) - you're adorable
♦ carnation (pink) - I'll never forget you
♦ carnation (red) - my heart aches for you, admiration
♦ carnation (striped) - wish I could be with you
♦ carnation (white) - sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love, woman's good luck gift
♦ cattail - peace, prosperity
♦ chrysanthemum (white) - truth
♦ chrysanthemum (yellow) - slighted love
♦ crocus - cheerfulness
♦ cyclamen - resignation and good-bye
♦ daffodil - regard, unrequited love, you're the only one, the sun is always shining when I'm with you
♦ daisy - innocence, loyal love, I'll never tell, purity
♦ dandelion - faithfulness, happiness
♦ fern - magic, fascination, confidence and shelter
♦ fir - time
♦ forget-me-not - true love, memories
♦ gardenia - you're lovely, secret love
♦ heather (lavender) - admiration, solitude
♦ heather (white) - protection, wishes will come true
♦ holly - domestic happiness
♦ hyacinth (blue) - constancy
♦ hyacinth (white) - loveliness, I'll pray for you
♦ iris - fleur-de-lis, emblem of France, your friendship means so much to me, faith, hope, wisdom and valor, my compliments
♦ ivy - wedded love, fidelity, friendship, affection
♦ jonquil - love me, affection returned, desire, sympathy, desire for affection returned
♦ lily (white) - virginity, purity, majesty, it's heavenly to be with you
♦ lily (yellow) - I'm walking on air, gay
♦ lily (calla) - beauty, remembrance
♦ lily (day) - coquetry, Chinese emblem for mother
♦ lily (tiger) - wealth, pride
♦ lily of the valley - sweetness, tears of the virgin Mary, return to happiness, humility, you've made my life complete
♦ magnolia - nobility
♦ mistletoe - kiss me, affection, to surmount difficulties, sacred plant of India
♦ myrtle - love, Hebrew emblem of marriage
♦ narcissus - stay as sweet as you are
♦ orange blossom - innocence, eternal love, marriage and fruitfulness
♦ orchid - love, beauty, refinement, beautiful lady, Chinese symbol for many children
♦ palm leaves - victory and success
♦ peony - happy life, happy marriage
♦ poppy (general) - eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination
♦ poppy (red) - pleasure
♦ poppy (white) - consolation
♦ poppy (yellow) - wealth, success
♦ primrose - I can't live without you
♦ rose (bridal) - happy love
♦ rose (dark crimson) - mourning
♦ rose (hibiscus) - delicate beauty
♦ rose (leaf) - you may hope
♦ rose (pink) - perfect happiness, please believe me
♦ rose (red) - love, I love you
♦ rose (tea) - I'll remember always
♦ rose (thornless) - love at first sight
♦ rose (white) - innocence and purity, I am worthy of you, you're heavenly, secrecy and silence
♦ rose (white and red mixed) - unity, flower emblem of England
♦ rose (white-dried) - death is preferable to loss of virtue
♦ rose (yellow) - unfaithful
♦ rosebud - beauty and youth, a heart innocent of love
♦ rosebud (red) - pure and lovely
♦ rosebud (white) - girlhood
♦ roses (bouquet of mature blooms) - gratitude
♦ roses (single full bloom) - I love you, I still love you
♦ snapdragon - gracious lady
♦ spider flower - elope with me
♦ tulip (general) - perfect lover, frame, flower emblem of Holland
♦ tulip (red) - believe me, declaration of love
♦ tulip (variegated) - beautiful eyes
♦ tulip (yellow) - there's sunshine in your smile
♦ violet (blue) - watchfulness, faithfulness, I'll always be true
♦ violet (white) - let's take a chance
♦ zinnia (magenta) - lasting affection
♦ zinnia (mixed) - thinking (or in memory) of an absent friend
♦ zinnia (scarlet) - constancy
♦ zinnia (white) - goodness
♦ zinnia (yellow) - daily remembrance

There is some hierarchy to the jobs but remember you must think of a cover job as well, unless provided.
Some of these jobs are not exclusive you might do all of them at different times or one or two at the same time.

Bodyguard: Watches the back of anyone with enough money to pay. May nto work exclusively for that person and they may report on them to others.
Bookie: Takes illegal/legal bets and retains a percentage of the winnings.
Bookkeeper: makes sure the money is funnelled so that it appears legal in the records.
Boss: Heads an organisation of criminals.
Driver/Cleaner: Takes higher ranked member places and cleans up making the body crime etc unable to be pinned to them.
Layer: On the pay of a boss keeping those he wants out of jail.
Murderer: Kills for money but only for certain higher ranking members.
Pimp: someone who collects prostitutes and takes their money in return for protection.
Prostitute: Someone who sells themselves for money.
Snitch: reports information which is of value on the police or buisness’s etc.

((More to come as I think of them))

I found a perfect site I’m sorry I don’t know who set it up but thank you non the less.

Character creation thread is here.
Andrei looked around the bleak grey courtyard one last time knowing he would never miss the place but that he would, not that he would ever reveal this to anyone, miss the man who had become like a father to him. He had long since disowned his birth father for being a government lackey. He stepped past he guards and through the gat out into the real world tasting freedom with each breath of air as he walked down the street even if the only thing he had to his name was his birth certificate a document about his release and the clothes on his back, well and his tattoos of course they and his life mattered most to him. Grigori Mstislov had told him that he had tried to arrange for someone to pick him up if no one was there he had a hand drawn map of where to go and memorised lines of exactly what to say.
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