Time moves all things {TDM and SilentMist}


Jan 11, 2009
Seren was lost in her own thoughts, completely absorbed in the dreams she had. In the stories she wrote, and the people within them. She was absorbed in thoughts about all the odd things that had been happening in all the recent years. Especially at Christmas. It had started to create a little bit of a stigma for her, to be especially careful on Christmas. Of course she always tried to be in the city, at Christmas. She heard rumors about a man, that if you met would cause your life to change.

She really could do with some life changing events. Between her parents that were almost never there unless they were shoving one pair of keys on her, or more money. Then there was the fiance that only showed up when he wanted something. He was also seeming to get rather annoyed at the fact that she hadn't even let him kiss her. She just wasn't interested in getting that close yet. She wanted to make sure that he was really there for her, and not there for the money. Of course it's the money, there is only one male that can truly love us. that voice whispered in her mind.

She clutched her biological mothers last gift to her, a fob watch of intricate design. It was broken, wouldn't open, as far as she had been told. Which unfortunately meant a lot of things. One of which was that she clung to this watch like a lifeline, two she believed the voice to be her mothers. But at the same time her mind told her it was her own inner voice. Perhaps guided by her mother who had left her in the care of her adopted parents. She shook her head again and stopped as she rounded a corner. There it was again, the slight rising of the hairs on the back of her neck. Ever get that feeling like you were being watched? Seren actually got that feeling. Often.

Had been getting it for awhile now, probably the better part of a year. It kept getting worse, as time went on. She knew that eventually something would come from the shadows to get her. Amber eyes widened, as her head turned. She pushed her glasses up a little and tightened her ponytail. Brown hair fell around normal rather mousy features, that was until she took off the glasses. She was actually quite pretty, but she would probably look better as a red head. That was what she had always believed.

She walked down the street, no longer a busy street, there was no one around. It caused her to get hyper-sensitive to the situation. She stopped, and stared behind her again. There it was the glint of something in the shadows. Multiple eyes, blinking at her, as the sound of something hissing came to her ears. What was that, and what was following her. She was walking and watching it, so didn't even notice when she slammed into the outside of something. She released a shout, and then stared up from where she was on the ground. There was a blue box, a police box. Yes! He's here! The voice screamed.
Fate was a funny thing. Time and space winding together to form an almost sentient presence diligently working to keep itself in balance. Often that work seemed superfluous and random; even cruel; adding to the apparent 'living' nature of the great unknown. Yet for all the fallacy that comes with sentient decisions, when it came to 'fate' everything always seemed to work out in the end. With the right perspective, in any case.

It was with this feeling in mind (or gut) that a certain man found himself back on earth. These sort of feelings were harder to tell. Normally he could get a message through the psychic paper and go explore, but sometimes the TARDIS would simply take him somewhere and he would have to figure everything out himself. Not that he didn't enjoy blindly searching, but it was occasionally nice to know what abouts he was blindly searching for.


Then there were the occasions where they bumped right into him.

"Hello." the smoothly dressed, Scottish looking man stated nonchalantly as he peeked out of the inconspicuously conspicuous police box. He had a strange air about him; an expression that was both carefree and serious all at once, and piercing eyes that filled with far more years than conceivably possible. Right away he could tell that something was very wrong with this scene. A predatory air that set even the most seasoned of warriors on edge. The cute young woman that recently happened upon his home and transport was clearly not the source, and was therefore in some serious danger. He needed to get her out.

With an air of authority that could only come from immense psychic potential (among other things), he virtually herded her away from the TARDIS and down the street towards a more populated area, all while guiding her through distractions such as, "Fancy meeting someone here. I could really use your help. Here, follow me." and, "Do you have the time?"

Just getting away was enough for now. They could figure out what was wrong and what to do about it later.
Seren was utterly confused, between the voice in her head, the growling in the background, and now the attractive man before her. It's safe, he's safe! I know know he is! The voice cried out with joy, a sort of fuzzy feeling was filling her. She was a little confused as he herded her away from the blue box, and started talking to her. He was pushing her away from the alley, and towards a more crowded area of the city. She could hear the growling, louder, in the background and rather happily followed him. She managed to keep her glasses safe as he had her moving.

"Fancy meeting... what? Use my help? Follow you. Wait, hold on - Woah." She stated as she put her hands out and shuddered from head to foot. A gasp leaving her as she turned towards him and stared straighat him. "I have plenty of time, but slow down, please. I need to keep up, and I need you to stop and slow down a little." She said softly. The feeling of being watched was gone, as if whatever had stalked her, had melted into the shadows the moment something imposing of nature came around.

A shudder raced through her, as the voice stopped whispering. Her hand was clutched around the fob watch in her pocket as she closed her eyes and took a long breath. She was focusing herself, and then opened her eyes. She was shocked by him, to be honest. He wasn't the conventional sort of man, and he definitely didn't look anything like Derrik. It was rather surprising, that she was even looking at another man. She hadn't had wandering eyes, unlike other people. She was surprised at the feelings that were in her.
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