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Now with even more plot and smut desires

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An Hallucination

Sep 9, 2011
I'm intelligent and verbose enough to find the label "literate" accurate while also objecting intellectually to that word meaning what it does in this setting (obviously we're all literate if we're reading or writing anything).

I can write all kinds of paragraphs and have a lot of creative ideas about stories and characters to play out down the line, but at the moment I'm feeling impatient.

I'm on AIM right now and would love to chat with someone, maybe even play with her. I'm friendly and fun, so talk to me: an haIlucination (that's an 'i' and then an 'L'. Maybe copy/paste would be wise).
Generally romantic, always interesting, and perfectly capable of toe-curlingly hot

I'm a writer, and that means that if you want massive descriptive posts, I can do it. If you want things shorter, I tend to match what I get, but really if we start getting less than a paragraph back and forth we're in trouble (unless we're playing on IMs, of course).

I have a whole lot of ideas and I'm more than happy to tweak and change things with you or for you. In general, though, here's what's up.

I play men and women (and if you're really alluring, I might try a futa).
I play with women. (characters).
I don't like incest.
I don't like huge age differences or young characters (young = under 16)
I don't dig scat or vore or any of the other violent or bathroom-y things
I am fully capable of playing stories with little smut, but who doesn't like smut?

Sampler: (this is not all we do, just a taste)

The hot young college professor has a dark secret, he/she isn't really a professor. He/she's not even a college graduate. Worse, the professor has this position through criminal fraud. When a student finds out, the student decides to blackmail the professor rather than go to the authorities. What we get is a modern teacher-student play that gradually switches over to a master-slave thing (if we want) and could become more of an adventure or romance or, hell, whatever we want.

Just the worst sort of teasing, erotic dreams that always, always end before things get really... fulfilling. Night after night, waking up completely turned on by this amazing dream-person... and then it turns out this person is real... and lives down the hall. (This one could be pure smut or could get all metaphysical and romantic.)

Did you see Battlestar Galactica? The Dr. Baltar storyline with the hot girl who may or may not have been only in his head? That, but with tweaks.

Love potion goes awry.

Sampler is an only an appetizer. If your appetite is whetted, PM me.
RE: Generally romantic, always interesting, and perfectly capable of toe-curlingly hot


Her imaginary friend had always been sort of a protector. A big, strong, fast man with steel resolve and a willing ear. Handsome, brave, and endlessly devoted, she kept thinking about him well past the age when most girls gave up on such fantasies. In fact, the fantasies were changing. She found her thoughts and dreams about him were taking on a decidedly adult bent of late...

And of course, her imaginary friend...? Not so imaginary.

A demon, a vampire, a magical creature... whatever he is, he has watched over her, protected her, and he continues to do so. Fearing where her intense desires might lead her, he has to help her control them, has to see her utterly satisfied to keep her safe... because there are other creatures interested in her, and he's been watching her for a reason.

(Can go romantic, hardcore smutty, or some combination of the two. Also, there's potential here to do a longterm adventure about why she's important and the darker creatures attempts to get ahold of her.)

ALSO, some fandom pairings. I have ideas for a lot of these so if you're interested, PM me and I'll tell you what I'm thinking.

X-Men (OCxOC or OCxCanon Lady)
Star Wars (JedixSith, SithxSith, DignitaryxSith)
BtVS (OCxOC, OCxCanon Lady)
RE: Generally romantic, always interesting, and perfectly capable of toe-curlingly hot

New idea bump:

Here's the pitch - your character is one of those cute nerd girls, always answering questions in class and reading comics and wearing pun-heavy shirts. She's unpopular and awkward and hot in the way that only seems to happen in movies and TV shows. My character is a popular and handsome kid, the jock with a brain sort. Maybe your girl even carries a torch for him, who knows... Anyway, something weird's happened and Mr. Popular has started to develop super powers. Genuinely scared and freaked out, he goes to the resident super hero expert, Miss Comics.

Maybe she can't pass up being around an actual superhero, maybe she loves the idea of having a popular kid pay attention to her, maybe she just wants to use her knowledge to get this guy naked...

Whatever the motivation, I have some ideas about where things go, and I'd love to see if anyone's along for the ride.

P.S. the roles are reversible, but the superhuman has to be the popular one, I think.
i'm keen on the imaginary friend idea! but i just posted my own request thread so i want to see where that goes first. in the meantime, a good luck bump. i may get in touch with you soon. :)
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