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Seeking a Master Chief

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Jan 11, 2009
I normally don't play females. In fact, look into my post history, and you'll see the overwhelming preference is to play males.

However, some time ago I was approached and asked to play Cortana from 'Halo' in an RP that would be character-driven, with a dying Cortana being loaded into a tangible android form - this would obviously allow more intimate interaction with Master Chief. However, I wrote the introductory post, sent it to my partner, only to recieve the reply that I 'write too much' and thus they were disinterested in RP'ing with me.

So! I'm seeking out a Master Chief; I'm looking for an amount of plot, something character driven, with smut as a bonus; I don't care if my RP partner is male or female. I do not want one-liners or half-hearted attempts just to get to the Good Stuff, and a sense of humour is pretty much a requirement.

I have an intro post, I just need an in-character Chief.

That's marvellous; I'll put up the introduction post and link you. If you want me to add anything more to it, I will.
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