It Ain't Easy Being An Incubus (B and Nana)

May 1, 2010
To whom it may concern,

The demon Andras is to report to the Incubus Palace at noon tomorrow to receive appointment and orientation to the Order of Temptation, by order of Lady Morrigan. Failure to present in a punctual and appropriate manner will result in a fine and/or decapitation.

Andras read over the appointment letter once again as he neared the gates of the palace. It was a huge, towering structure that seemed to simply radiate hedonism. Even from the gates he could hear moans of ecstasy faint in the distance. Not many got the opportunity to train to be an incubus. It wasn't something one applied for, exactly. One was chosen. Andras didn't have to wrack his brain as to why. After all, his aunt was Lady Morrigan herself. Not that that would spare him from decapitation if he were late, but even demons had family bonds.

As he approached the gate, Andras showed his invitation letter the guards and was greeted by a giggling nude woman no older than seventeen. She seemed human, but could very well have been a golem or a nymph or any other product of the debaucherous witchery that ran rampant within these walls. He was led down the main corridor, taking a few glances at her perfect ass bouncing in front of him as she took him to the throne room. The moaning grew louder as the doors were opened by another pair of guards to reveal nude figures of many shapes and colors writhing about together on the floors, tables, chairs, whatever could be implemented in their wild ballroom dance of passion. So this was to be his home now...Andras couldn't say he wasn't impressed.

As he approached the throne, Andras bowed deeply to his aunt. "Your loyal neophyte and loving nephew, my lady," he introduced himself in his deep, smooth voice. Andras was a strapping young demon at 19, with smoldering tan skin, long black hair, and a pair of green eyes that could hypnotize an unwary woman. He came from an esteemed family of incubi and succubi that prided themselves on their continued line of beautiful and malevolent demons. The genetic lottery was kind to him. Andras tried to avoid looking at the copious copulators all around him and focused on Morrigan. He didn't want her to think he was inexperienced so early in the process.
For mere mortals, the voices in the never-ending orgy that is held in the palace of ultimate pleasure would be maddening. A thousand voices from from a thousand different throats, some bestial and others almost divine but all are similar in one aspect, they were all screams of lust. In the center of the maelstorm, one figure sat elegantly on a throne made of living demonic bats. She was the epitome of beauty. There is no being, regardless of it's race or origin who would not feel the need to fuck her the second they laid eyes on her flawless form. Morrigan Aensland, queen of succubuss, uncrossed her legs and walked forward to greet her nephew.

"Andras" She purred seductively while licking her palm. Instantly, her hand snaked down his crotch, grasping the demon's cock and with heavenly skills, jerked him off. "My, how you've grown.." The queen said with a chuckle. Indeed he had a good sized cock for a demon and she had no doubt that this cock will serve her kingdom well. With a snap of her free fingers, her throne dispersed into a swarm of dark wings and re-formed as a large comfortable couch behind Andras. Slowly, the queen guided the boy to sit back and relax, pulling his pants down so she can handle his cock more freely.

"It is time for you to walk this path dear boy.." She whispered close to his ears, eyes locked on the horsecock in her palm. "To use your...Gifts for our kingdom..It is a path of cunning, seduction and the animalistic sensations that comes with the territory..So..Are you ready?"
Andras was not a virgin, to be sure. He'd seduced plenty of women, earth and demon alike. Still, when the queen laid hand on his member, he could feel himself hardening and swelling under her touch instantly. What was one to expect from a demoness that drove mortal men mad from lust with a single look? He let her push him back onto the couch that had appeared behind him, leaning back and letting out a gentle sigh of pleasure as she stroked his well-endowed cock.

Demon conventions were much less stringent than others, to be sure. Besides, it was impossible to resist Morrigan when she picked a target, even just as a plaything. Most demons would kill several times over just to be in his place right now, nephew or not. He let her slide his trousers down and gingerly lifted his hand to run his fingers lightly over her smooth, creamy skin. "Ready, willing, and able, my lady..." he murmured back, drawing a sharp breath as her breath tickled his ear and neck.
"I can see that" She chuckled, leaning forward and pressing her soft breast against his body. The queen would have long pauses in conversation, continuing her handjob. Grasping the younger demon's cock, she pressed her thumb to the underside of his cockhead, rubbing it sensually. "Some will tell you that power is force young Andras..But i tell you that it is not..It is seduction..corruption..pleasure" Even her voice was so filled with lust, it leaves no doubt as to what she has in mind. "You will be one of my trusted hands, going out to the multiverse in search of that which brings us power" The emerald haired temptress licked Andras' earlobe as she whispered the word "Desire"

Hours and hours the handjob continued, testing his demonic Endurance. "First you will train..I have found suitable mentors, women of great sexual prowess and appetites, they will make sure that you are worthy of being an Incubus". Morrigan tilted his cock upwards, motioning for a busty redheaded human woman to come closer and suckle on his testicles. "Then, once you complete your first training...I will have your first mission"

Once the redhead is on her knees, servicing the young demon, Morrigan moved away with a sly grin. "Report to the chamber of K'vari when you are ready, nephew" She informed him, walking back to the center of the room where a gigantic demon awaited her. It is a great fiend, one of the most powerful beings of the underworld but for her it's just a fucktoy and as she pushed it onto it's back, it was clear that the behemoth has no problem letting her have her way. "NNNGH!...I look forward to hearing your success.." She said one last time, impaling herself on the demon's inhumanly large member and riding it wildly to the cheers of her court.
It was hard to listen to someone while trying so hard not to cum. Andras wasn't even that keen on handjobs, but every little touch from her was a shock to his senses. Still, he knew very well that it took endurance to be an incubus, and endurance was what he would show. Andras just hoped hadn't gotten in TOO far over his head. He shivered as she licked his earlobe and his cock pulsed with need as she teased him. If he didn't know better, he would have pushed her down and had his way with her right now. But no, this was no time to push his boundaries. Morrigan was a master of pleasure AND pain.

The redhead came forward and started licking his balls, sending more chills up his spine. He tilted his head back, letting out a muffled moan as drops of pre-cum were licked up by the red-haired woman. Morrigan finally walked away and he let out an inaudible sigh of relief. He could see her out of the corner of his eye as she mounted that giant demon and started bouncing up and down on that gigantic cock. She was going to be a hard one to impress indeed. He focused again on the redhead who worked up and down his own considerable shaft with her tongue and grinned, reaching down to pinch her nipple. Before long his cock throbbed bigger than ever before and released bursts of cum into her mouth. She sat back and swallowed it all, smiling as she did. She looked ready for more and with Andras's demon vitality, he could easily give it to her, but he did have somewhere to be. They both stood up and he gave her a good slap on the ass before pulling his trousers back up and finding his way back to the corridor.

Another nude concubine led him through the winding halls of the castle to the Chamber of K'vari. He entered to find a large room with a lavish bed equipped with tethers and bindings that were doubtless for bondage play. Andras took a seat on the edge of the bed and waited, unsure of just who or what would come in to greet him.
The Chamber of K'vari was so named for the incubus Lansair Sinka K'Vari, a prominent demon who took a living saint, said to have killed a hundred demons, and raped her to submission in this very chambers for five days. It is said that through sheer dominance and finnesse, the demon turned the saint from a defiant captive to a woman addicted to cock and would do anything for her new master. The large bed in the center was the place where the legend took place and many demons and demoness has found the room irresistable, some would even kidnap heroines and bring them here for the sole purpose of trying to convert them through rape.

"An Incubus must be dominant" A sultry voice came as a woman emerged from the shadows. "He must be a strong...stronger than his mate" The woman had blonde hair tied neatly in a bun, her pretty face framed by a glass that gives her a serious mature lady image, a contrast to her leather corset and high heels that clearly marks her as a dominatrix. "Welcome, young Andras, to your very first test"

As she walked past the young demon, the human woman brushed his chest with her palm. "I am your first instructor, my name is Quistis but you will call me..Mistress" Smoothly, she fondled his cock to get him hard. "You no doubt know the legend of this chamber, and as a human i will tell you that five days of sex requires incredible stamina, one that marks a man as a true beast, and as you might know..all women wants a man that can go all night"

Sitting down on the bed, she snapped a finger and little flying servitor imps flew around the room lighting candles, giving it a mysterious ambiance. "So..Your first ask is to last an entire day inside think you can manage, boy?"
Andras knew well the legend of K'Vari. According to his mother, K'Vari had been a very good friend of his great great grandfather or something of that sort. It felt strange, sitting on the very same bed where countless women had their innocence and virtue stripped from them. In baseball terms, it was like a little leaguer sitting in the Hall of Fame. Any non-demon would feel sick just being in a room so famous for such heinous deeds, but Andras felt honored. He had made it.

The voice of a woman came from the shadows, snapping him out of his thoughts and startling him slightly. Andras had thought he was alone in the room. A strangely-clad human woman stood before him, dressed in a way that looked to make a man think dirty thoughts while making him afraid to act upon them. Andras was certain Morrigan was fond of this one.

Quistis, huh? He felt as if he'd heard that name before. Perhaps not, though. "It is an honor, Mistress," he said in his best formal tone, standing up to offer a cordial bow. She breezed right by him, sending a slight chill down his spine as she ran her fingers across his chest and slid them down to find his member.

He turned around to face her on the bed as she explained the task at hand: to last an entire day with her. Andras had endurance greater than any man, but he could already tell a straight day with her was going to be difficult. She looked as if she knew her way around a cock.

In response to her question, he leaned down and kissed her, pushing her back onto the bed. Andras had no intention of looking weak before this or any other instructor.
She was expecting a young inexperienced demon and while Andras may be just that, a demon is a demon nonetheless. Even if she tried to resist him, her human strength would not be enough. Quistis knew that this boy would not be someone she can dominate with strength, no, she needs to use finnesse, subtle domination. When the demon pinned her down on the bed, she didn't try to push him away, opting instead to make a preemptive move by sliding her tongue into his mouth, moaning as she genuinely enjoyed the experience of training a young demon who truly knows how to take the initiative. Wrapping her legs around the boy's waist, the blonde woman grinded her hips, rubbing his cock through the fabric of her underwear.

"Big boy aren't you?" The lovely mentor whispered with a smirk, like all women, Quistis loves a well hung man and this boy is bigger than any human she ever rode. "Good...I'm going to enjoy fucking you"

She used her leg muscles to roll Andras on her back, it seems those long shapely pair were not just for show, Quistis is a SeeD instructor which means she's an elite warrior and not just a pretty face. Swiftly she slid her underwear aside and guided the boy inside her slowly, pure bliss on her face as Andras stretched her pussy wide. Inch by torturous inch she impaled herself on him, twitching when she feel him reach a depth previously unexplored. " day boy..." She grunted before moving her hips back and forth, not wanting to move vertically so that his cock stays imbedded in it's current depth.
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