Field of Swords to The Fields of Corn(MasterOfWhispers and RighteousRitsu)

Jan 15, 2009
Ten years ago...
"I'm sorry Ma'am but we have to conscript him."
"You can't..."
"All of Adonia has need of these Shamans, you should know this! If the Sechs Empire wins then this entire village will be forced into submission. Your son can be part of the force that can stop them to permanently ."

The boy stands there silently watching crying Mother, and the Father stands there gripping a hoe in his arms ready to attack. His eyes moved over to his sister, noting tears in eyes. The child wanted to protect everybody in the village. Most of all he wanted to protect his sister. Whom he's adored for all of his life. The ten year old boy made the most important choice which would shape his destiny forever more.

"Please mother, don't cry. I'll go..."

five years have passed since the boy entered his teens. Recruited into the academy. The boy learned survival skills. He learned how to forge weapons, forage for food, and Tame monsters. He like many of the conscripted shamans were all assembled to battle the Sechs Empire.
On the fifth year he entered the battlefield and he was on his way to becoming a man.

Five years, he was doing battle and five years he's lost many friends and comrades. The boy became a man at last. Though he lost many things he also gained many things. A strong body a strong mind and strong heart. The war was long but at long last it was finished. The battle was won. The empire, due to fighting several other countries relented it's attack on the boys home nation. And so it was the boy now a man after fighting so had and so long made his way home.

Crystallis was a typical town, though a little bit small. It was still home for Julius. though it was a town of only two hundred, It was still thriving with the occasional travelers going by the "Wooly inn" or adventurers visiting Ivan's blacksmith for the latest in his rare weaponry to tackle a dungeon. After ten long years Julius finally returned home! Though still dressed in the standard military blue uniform with laces. The dark haired man, with sharp crimson colored eyes and a face as steely and sharp as blade rushed over, am eager smile on his face, to the one place he craved for as soon as he saw the town over at the Horizon.

The Creed Farm was an expansive and large. Julius remembered those fond days where he used to chase his sister through the crown fields laughing and playing. When he arrived today, the site that greeted him was far from pleasant. It was empty. The fields which should normally have lines of sweet potato, spinach, and even pom pom grass during the fall were empty. Only grass, stones, even poisoned areas were all that covered the land. Julius was flabbergasted. What in the world happened in the years since he's been away? The retired soldier quickly walked into the large wooden house that was his home. He couldn't help but note how run down the red monster barn near the house was. Though the house itself seemed to be maintained. Somebody was still living here.

He knocked on the door, once, twice, three times. Nobody home? Using his key tied to a necklace he kept on him all this time he opened the door entering slowly and quietly. It was quiet. Too quiet.
"Anybody home?" Julius asked. "Mother, Father." He breathed hesitantly saying the last thing that's always been on his mind. since he was ten. "Sister?"
The years had not be kind to the family left behind. It was within the first year that he left, the mother caught an illness, or dreamt one up, according to the doctors, and passed on from her life. The father, and the sister took over most duties together. The sister learned how to cook, and how to farm, needing to take on her brother's jobs as well as her mother's. The father never remarried, but never gave up hope that his son would return. But the war continued, seemingly without end.

It was eight years after he left. The girl was now 16, the father, much older. He would leave to the surrounding areas, to hunt monsters and treasures, while the girl tended the fields. This was all to make the family seem stronger, in the father's attempt to draw in suitors for the daughter. It almost worked when the girl turned 17. A suitor came, but it was a thief in truth. All the valuable were stolen in one warm night, and the father, who tried to stop the thief was injured. He soon passed a week later, leaving the daughter alone.

And now Emilia, at 18, let go of her farming life and instead adventured into dungeons, finding their treasures more worth the price then the produce she had made. The farm became desolate, the tools rusting and breaking. She wasn't a farmer anymore, she was a fighter for herself. Sometimes she saw no point, but something drove her to continue living, the hope of her brother's return.

She had been sleeping, as she commonly did during the day, choosing to adventure more in the evening. A few knocks on the door woke her, her black hair a mess from the sleep. The vision of her blue eyes were blocked then as she glanced towards the front door. No one visited her in over a month. And usually it was a client of some sort to give her a job. She had the times she'd be awake listed in the town square, and this was too early. She could hear something in the lock next. She sprung from her bed, grabbing the long sword she used for battle. She hid as best she could and waited. Then the person spoke. Calling for a mother and father.. then..a sister. Hope filled her, but she was cautious. This could be a trick. Keeping her sword ready, she walked out into the open. She felt a bit odd though, as she hadn't had time to dress, and appearing before him in a long night dress, with some light cotton pants under it to ward off the cold. Keeping the sword visible she spoke to him.
"Who are you.. and why have you come here?"
"Way to welcome back your brother, Emelia " The older sibling responded sarcastically. It was her. Really her. Julius couldn't help but notice how beautiful a woman she has grown to be. From her now lengthy black hair, to her body which had grown shapely. The veteran soldier couldn't help but regard her sister in complete awe. She looked a lot like her mother, she even had her eyes. One thing did seem out of place though. The girl this man idolized was carry a weapon. Upon seeing that weapon, his blood had gone slightly cold. What in the world happened here, that would warrant his sister to carry such a thing. From the way she held the blade, Julius noticed that she had trained in it extensively. He guess she had been concentrating on combat lessons at the local school or she could be self-taught. Swordsmanship did seem to run naturally in the family.

In order to disarm the tension, he did the one thing he had always wanted to do during those cold and trying time in the battlefield. Julius, with arms spread open ran up to his sister and embraced her warmly, his arms squeezed her tightly. He enjoyed the body heat of her lithe form. He wandered, if he was too forward after so many years. But to hell with the concequences.

" I've missed you so much sister!" The brother spoke.
However, such an embrace was short lived. A growl and noise was heard outside. Then a scream.
"Somebody help me!" A voice a girls voice. Julius broke the embrace and turned around, running outside. From a distance, he saw a young lady dressed in a maid outfit, on the ground. Standing over her was a large creature horns and all. The ex-soldiers mind raced. What was a Buffamoo doing on this farm? This town was normally enchanted to keep monsters out! The three founders, Micah, Raguna, and Kyle made sure of that.

Grabbing nearest weapon, a hoe, which was lying against the side of a monster barn, the soldier charged blindly into action gathering all the rune power from his body and focusing it on the hoe. "To the forest of beginnings!". He swung the rusted hoe, but he was knocked back, by the buffamoo's mighty horns. Lying on the ground shocked, Julius got up, rubbing his bruised arm. His eyes gazing intently at the creature. Odd. The creatures eyes were glowing red. He was unusually strong too for such a low tier monster. Still, despite having no weapons and no plans. Julius still stared up at the monster. If he had to use his bear hands, then that's what he will do!
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