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Seeking adventurous females

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audax et fidelis

Jan 21, 2011
Hello, hello..

I'm primarily interested in open role-play through some of the established universes of gaming out there such as Fallout 3 / New Vegas and both of the the Mass Effect titles. Going back a bit I'd also be interested in Final Fantasy 7-10.

All of that aside I've come up with a rough draft original storyline it'd be set in a modern or futuristic society and the story would revolve mostly around a romance with a significant twist. I'd like to mix in some drama into the life of the couple. The boyfriend / husband would either develop a taste for voyeurism and would become fascinated with sharing his girlfriend / wife with other men both to participate and or watch / photograph. The other lead in would be wife / girlfriend having a history with said acts and wanting to introduce her boyfriend / husband to it in the hope he'd let her have her fun. It's definitely open for brainstorming as this is a very basic idea. Let me know if you're interested via PM and feel free to elaborate on the ideas in your message.
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