{Cevl x Cinnella} Portal x BlazBlue


Oct 7, 2010
Perhaps it wouldn't have been that strange for most people to stumble upon the building of Aperture Science that is controlled by a specific computer under the name of GLaDOS. The computer controlled the entire building that had been created as their testing laboratories.However, despite being hard to find, some people had gotten lost in there. It was probably considered an urban legend, now that people would get lost in the area. This would be because the original creators of Aperture Science were long since dead, and the computer had quite probably been growing lonely. That was until a man named Relius Clover came into the picture, he was a scientist, and an amazing one at that. He had entered the building, by pure accident, while trying to find a good place to test for the boundary and the Black Beast, the horrible creature that wrought hell on Earth and killed many people. It had been defeated by the Six Heroes. However, before all that, Relius found another building, the Aperture Science Laboratories.

Relius met GLaDOS, and offered the android help with restoring him to power, the android would no longer be an urban legend, it would be something that the heroes cowered in front of. The deal was that Relius would send GLaDOS people who were no longer necessary in his game of Chess, that the android could play with, and torture...He had given the android a list of people who he was not allowed to bring here. However, the android had decided otherwise, it would not be bound by a simple human. It had already been restored to it's former glory, now with it's own body to move about in. Sure this new body was male, but still, it was much better than just being a giant computer that would have been easily destroyed by someone like Chell...She was dead now, though...Long gone. And now, here he was, with all this power in his hands, he could rule the entire world...But first, however he could probably have some fun betraying the man who had helped him, after all no Morality core would mean that he could do anything he wanted.

The young woman ran a hand through her shoulder length, silver hair. It was rather surprising that the guards at the front had gone down so easily. Her boss, Kokonoe had told her earnestly that there was a laboratory down around here that was run by a company who was funded majorly by the NOL, at least that was how it was known to the public. This was because no one except Relius himself knew about the deal that he and the android had made. The young woman cautiously made her way into the laboratories, her blue eyes quickly scanning every area she entered. Soon enough she'd somehow gotten herself lost...She'd been positive that she wasn't going to get lost, however she had somehow gotten lost...Quickly glancing around, she sighed, and slowed her quick pace to a slow walk, she would definitely have to figure out how to get to the center of the the lab, and figure out how to dismantle this place, and destroy someone that was being funded by the government...

Letting out a sigh, she finally placed a hand loosely on her hip. Goddamnit, where the hell was everyone? There were no employees, or anything, either. It was so confusing, and she couldn't even leave, because she'd gotten so lost. Was she in the wrong place? Her clothes were fairly modest, a pair of black pants that hung close to her hips, looking as though they were tailored to her slim form. Her shirt had long, flowing sleeves, and was silver in color. A black vest which also seemed like a coat adorned her shoulders as well, it was short sleeved. A pair of laced up, white boots were on her feet, and the 5'7" woman continued to wander around the area, however she was going much slower, now. It would have been very easy to find the young woman named Xynnic for GLaDOS, due to his ability to know everything that was going on in the building.

[[Sorry for the tad bit of godmoding in the very beginning. I just wanted to set up the scenario, and explain what needed to be explained...; I hope that's alright.]]
(the beginning is explained perfectly :p I myself had thought it'd be years later, and he'd be some sort of successor to GLaDOS, GLaTRES or something, but this is good enough)(If you don't want to let her do some tests push the 'don't touch' button.)
GLaDOS smiled from his 'office', of course, he'd be able to create it anywhere, but at the center, near the place his main processor core had been situated, he just felt like home. He was softly singing to himself, in his robotic tone, that looked like someone unleashed an auto-tune on it. He was creating some test-chambers, to put this new recruit through. Though his form had change, and a lot of his identity, his devious and genius mind hadn't, not at all.

And for his form, it really had changed. From the ravaged remains of the first GLaDOS, left there by, who else, chell, an android was created, made to look alike to, who else, Cave Johnson, with his blonde to light brown hair, sideburns, and grey eyes, those being the only things his robotic nature really showed through. The rest, his skin, his hair, a lot of other things, were all of former humen and no, you can't know how he got it from them.

He had been pleasantly surprised by the woman walking into the factories clutches, and he had watched, and controlled, her every move through it. She was now somewhere in the east of the factory, a few floors below the factory core, and even if she'd get there, she wouldn't be able to use it anymore, He was the factory, he was in charge of everything around here, every camera, every turret gun, every panel on the floor. And now he had a new test subject, or playtoy, someone to test his new inventions on, and relieve his newfound urges, propably from having to many bodyparts changed, or altered, to himan ones.

The woman would soon find herself in a room, nothing in it, and the door replaced by normal panels. A screen flashed on, and, not wanting to show his face yet, it justed flashed in unison with his words, in auto tune-like words. "Welcome to aperture incorporated. These are the testing areas. Would you kindly change from your usual clothing to the ones provided to you, and leave your personal belongings here, anyhting you'll need will be provided." Out of the wall, a closet slid, containing an uniform, alike to the one Chell, and others before and after her, had wore, just a bit more reveiling.

After she was done, either by doing it herself, or by arms coming out the sides, ripping her clothes off her, and replacing it with the suit, which had various inexplainable buttons and zippers on it. She'd then fall through the floor, coming down on a floor far below her, but oddly surviving, due to the leg strongeners the suit injected. In the room lay a portal gun, plus there was a not to hard puzlle,though she'd have to search for where she could shoot the portals, which was behind her in the corner, and a spot which'd need perfect aim, or luck, to get to. There also was a button which read 'don't touch.'
[[Awesome! And This'll have to be a quick post due to me having to head off to work. So sorry! I'll be back after this post in about five hours! Maaybe slightly longer.

Also! Sorry if I get any of these things wrong, I haven't actually played Portal, or Portal 2, so I might be doing this wrong. > <; If I am, please let me know and I'll fix it~!]]

Xynnic was her name, however she honestly didn't enjoy using it very much, as it represented what she really was, a weapon in human form. She was probably a lot like the computer she would soon be fighting against. As she continued to walk, she began to feel rather suspicious. Her bright blue eyes widened as she suddenly heard the voice speak to her, seemingly out of nowhere, and gripped the hilt of her katana that was at her waist, tightly. It was almost like a security blanket for the twenty-one year old woman, but soon enough it would be taken away. She spoke loudly, as she heard the computers words, and when GLaDOS finished speaking, she said something herself. "Hell no. Why the hell should I do anything you tell me?" She snarled.

She had unsheathed her sword, however it was suddenly of no use, as the arms came out of the wall, snatching the katana from the woman, and then forcing her into the outfit. It rather pissed her off that she couldn't do anything, making her feel so weak and powerless. Xynnic narrowed her eyes, before falling through the floor, which had suddenly dropped out from beneath her feet. She should have died from that long a drop, if she'd been human, and if there hadn't been something built into the jumpsuit that she'd been dressed in. She looked down at herself, and frowned. It felt very comfortable, although she was also very embarrassed by the sensuality of the suit. As she looked around, she spotted the Portal gun. Apparently she was stuck here for these stupid little games...Great...

Grabbing the gun, she sighed, and then tilted her head lightly to one side, as she began to look for the place to use the gun. When she finally found the place to aim her gun, it looked rather difficult. As such, she took the Portal gun in both hands, and pointed it carefully at the place that needed to be shot. When she fired, out of pure good luck, she got the portal to open. That was just about where her luck would end though, for now, seeing as she was fully within the android's game, now. Stepping through the portal, she found herself in the next area.
AS she did well...enough in the first room, in the next room, on a security screen, his eyes appeared. "You did good for a first-timer." he said, "Mind telling me your name?" He looked down, the sound of paper "I've got a list here with people I may or may not be allowed to keep here, I'll check if you're on it." He said. As she told him, he looked, her name was on it. "Oh, here it is, oops, I dropped some ink. Nope, no Xynnic, just some inkblobnic, Family of yours?" After that some kind of laughter was heart, an odd sound, in his voice. He didn't know what this woman, at least, if he had his data right, and the camera's in the room he had changed her dress weren't hacked to show something different, she was one. Pfff, who was he kidding? he couldn't have been wrong, or hacked.

IN his own room he was both overwatching her new test, which was much different then the last one. THe room was empty, save for some kind of stick in the middle of the floor. As she'd get closer to it she'd feel her crotch zipper starting to heat up, and if she wasn't dumb she'd probably put one and one together, and if she was dumb, she'd probably jump the pole on her own account. It was some kind of new energy thing, which'd work on human fluids, and only made to match body heat. It'd open the way to a next, more difficult test. He was playing with her kitana in his own room. It looked well-made, and battle-worn, but it couldn't handle the strenght of the android, and broke down, the sound of it snapping in two hearable through the speakers.

As she got to the next room, in god knows how long, he contacted her again. "Yes? Hello? How did you like the last room? And if you wanted to know what that sound was, it was your katana, it kind of broke." He said, damning that wheatley for once attaching himself to him, which still left traces in his personality. (Portal 2 reference) "The next room will be fuller, but also much more dangerous. And if I were you, I wouldn't push the 'don't push' buttons scattered around. it's a bad idea, seriously." This was a test as well, using both reverse psychology and the normal human curiousity against the woman. He wanted to see how long she'd last not pushing one of the buttons.

That next room had an upgrade for the portal gun, what it was unclear for now, and as she took it, it'd turn into something probably much more normal to her: A combat area. She'd have to use her portals, and the new attachment to the portal gun. That new attachment would transport the brains of the creature it targeted to a production plant, where it was mushed into pieces, some things mixed with it, and transported to her body, where it'd serve as some kind of adrenalin booster, healing item, and body perfecter, making her body more to his liking. She couldn't just shoot anyone, as if she did it to much the gun would overheat and the cooling system would explode, making a sticky liquid splash over her which'd cool down quickly and become solid, giving the attackers, some kind of crazed people, looking from somewhat human to nearly bestial, the ability to do everything they wanted with her.
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