Kidnapped and Enslaved Celebrities (Cerberus and BigBadSheWolf13)


Jan 9, 2009
Drake had been working for the company for more then 3 years now and in that time he had become one of their best agent to find the "target" and retrive it for them before training them then handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair all dressed up. There was supposed to be a big party for Celebrities, some A list group who thought that they were untouchable that they wouldn't get caught and disappear like some of those B list stars. Laughing he got up and headed to his car and checked his trunk for all of the tools of his trade. His ropes, gags and chloroform. Getting into his Car he headed out from his house and into the city where the after party was being held.

Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now. it had to be someone really at the A list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. Then that would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe.

He knew that they operated all around the world. Some in shadows and some in plain sight of others. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government. who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show everyone they they were truly in power
Eva Longoria and Beyoncé Knowles were working on they're latest movie together, both playing star roles, the new "Charlie's Angels." Eva and Beyoncé were just two of the hottest and best of the actresses that were particular on what they do at night. They went to a late night party, where they were mostly going to be there to help promote they're latest movie. Neither wanted to be around so many drooling guys but they didn't have much of a choice.

Eva and Beyoncé were both shaking hands with people, trying to keep away with guys that had they're mouths open for longer than ten seconds after seeing them walk through the door. After they spoke to many of them, they finally went out the back. Eva sighed."As much as I love the fans, they can get up into your business far too easily."Eva said lightly. Beyoncé smirked."What? Don't like the fact that we are the reason for the guys stroke sessions every night?"Eva giggled at Beyoncé's comment."If they ever saw us on porn, they'd try to get us themselves."She laughed.
It had been some time but drake made his way through the crowd watching everyone trying to find his next target. He noticed someone speaking to Beyoncé and Eva and who waved him over. He slowly walked over and gave a quick nod to one of his partners before her turned to face the popular divas.

Drake nodded and gently took their hands and kissed it. "Ah my dear Ms.Knowles, Ms.Longoria, I am Drake Ramerez." He gave their hands a light squeeze as he watched everyone making key notices of who was around. He also made notice of those whom he worked with that had infiltrated the party as well and who they had their eyes set one. Drake gave a quick nod to one of his brothers who was already heading out where one celebrity was headed out on her own.

He grinned and licked his lips just thinking about being able to control these humans. Knowing it was all a matter of time and soon it would come to grab these girls but first he had to think of a plan to be able to get them all alone and one by one so that no one would suspect anything until it was too late. "Well I must say Ms. Knowles you are looking awfully well tonight I do hope that you are enjoying this party for now. who knows when the next time you'll get to really relax due to a hectic work timetable."

Drake did his best to act as any other star and human but deep down it enraged him as much as he knew it upset the prince that these far less superior and weaker creatures could even think that they were on the top of the food chain. Hell in history all the progress that was ever made was due to his own kind aiding the humans so that they could be used for their own purposes
Cerberus said:
It had been some time but drake made his way through the crowd watching everyone trying to find his next target. He noticed someone speaking to Beyoncé and Eva and who waved him over. He slowly walked over and gave a quick nod to one of his partners before her turned to face the popular divas.

Drake nodded and gently took their hands and kissed it. "Ah my dear Ms.Knowles, Ms.Longoria, I am Drake Ramerez." He gave their hands a light squeeze as he watched everyone making key notices of who was around. He also made notice of those whom he worked with that had infiltrated the party as well and who they had their eyes set one. Drake gave a quick nod to one of his brothers who was already heading out where one celebrity was headed out on her own.

He grinned and licked his lips just thinking about being able to control these humans. Knowing it was all a matter of time and soon it would come to grab these girls but first he had to think of a plan to be able to get them all alone and one by one so that no one would suspect anything until it was too late. "Well I must say Ms. Knowles you are looking awfully well tonight I do hope that you are enjoying this party for now. who knows when the next time you'll get to really relax due to a hectic work timetable."

Drake did his best to act as any other star and human but deep down it enraged him as much as he knew it upset the prince that these far less superior and weaker creatures could even think that they were on the top of the food chain. Hell in history all the progress that was ever made was due to his own kind aiding the humans so that they could be used for their own purposes

Beyoncé looked at him and smirked."Well there's someone who knows something good when he sees it."Eva smirked."But you are right Mr. Remeraz, we want something that can make us relax."She said lightly. Beyoncé grinned."Did you have anything in mind, Mr. Remeraz?"She asked lightly. Eva looked at her."B!"She called. The other brunette just smirked."Aw relax Eva, besides, he's cute and has a very trusting face."
Drake looked at Beyoncé and Eva and nodded. "Besides helping up and coming celebrity's career's to rise I also run a small import and export business for selective clients. Be it expensive cars, toys, girls and drinks, we can get what a client wants and deliver it to them. and for right now, you're wanted by someone." He smiled knowing that she had drank enough of the laced champagne to put her under its spell, to others she would just seem drowsy from drinking but she wouldn't be able to say or do anything, she would be a prisoner inside of her own body. "Just sit back and relax girls, it will all be over soon."

He looked at the girls and grinned before gently helping them to a seat. when a waiter walking by asked if they was okay he simply gave that they had a little too much to drink and he was getting them a cab to take home. He walked them out to the back before leaning them against a car.

He then tied them and placed them in the back seat before pulling out a small black card and opening it. The image looked to be of a boy no older then 17 but he had animal look to him, yellow eyes, pointed ears and fur. "You have have the next target order as well." Drake nodded. "Yes my prince." He then turned and looked at Beyoncé and Eva. "Well your new master is the prince, feel lucky."
Cerberus said:
Drake looked at Beyoncé and Eva and nodded. "Besides helping up and coming celebrity's career's to rise I also run a small import and export business for selective clients. Be it expensive cars, toys, girls and drinks, we can get what a client wants and deliver it to them. and for right now, you're wanted by someone." He smiled knowing that she had drank enough of the laced champagne to put her under its spell, to others she would just seem drowsy from drinking but she wouldn't be able to say or do anything, she would be a prisoner inside of her own body. "Just sit back and relax girls, it will all be over soon."

He looked at the girls and grinned before gently helping them to a seat. when a waiter walking by asked if they was okay he simply gave that they had a little too much to drink and he was getting them a cab to take home. He walked them out to the back before leaning them against a car.

He then tied them and placed them in the back seat before pulling out a small black card and opening it. The image looked to be of a boy no older then 17 but he had animal look to him, yellow eyes, pointed ears and fur. "You have have the next target order as well." Drake nodded. "Yes my prince." He then turned and looked at Beyoncé and Eva. "Well your new master is the prince, feel lucky."

Beyonce and Eva both looked at the so called prince in the card. They both couldn't move and good thing too. They both were angry that they were being used like this. They both tried to fight in their bodies but they had no chance. They both finally gave up when he tied them up. They only glared at him.
Drake laughed and kept driving as he got to the large cabin and pulled up where he hid the car. He got out and looked over at Beyoncé and licked his lips before calling over some help. They opened the door and pulled her out while he opened the other door and pulled Eva out and then Beyoncé. He watched the girls as they held them and dragged them inside before tying them over to the pen and made sure they was locked it. Both Eva and Beyoncé would of started to come around and wake up but it was a little too late for them. both were tied to the wall of the pens and kept gagged.

They watched the girls as they were put into their cages and locked in and tied. The guards watched as they all woke up and moved around only to discover that they were bound and couldn't move. "well well well awake now are we?" Drake looked at Beyonce and grinned. "It won't do you any good to try and fight as there is nothing you can do about it. So now miss Knowles, You will be trained next and its best you don't try to resist otherwise you risk yourself and your friends safety because when one screws up everyone else will be punished." He walked over to her running his hand against her cheek, letting his hand trail down over her waist, feeling the hose over her legs. "you look good and know that looks often please your master so you will do your best to make sure your appearance pleases your master.
Cerberus said:
Drake laughed and kept driving as he got to the large cabin and pulled up where he hid the car. He got out and looked over at Beyoncé and licked his lips before calling over some help. They opened the door and pulled her out while he opened the other door and pulled Eva out and then Beyoncé. He watched the girls as they held them and dragged them inside before tying them over to the pen and made sure they was locked it. Both Eva and Beyoncé would of started to come around and wake up but it was a little too late for them. both were tied to the wall of the pens and kept gagged.

They watched the girls as they were put into their cages and locked in and tied. The guards watched as they all woke up and moved around only to discover that they were bound and couldn't move. "well well well awake now are we?" Drake looked at Beyonce and grinned. "It won't do you any good to try and fight as there is nothing you can do about it. So now miss Knowles, You will be trained next and its best you don't try to resist otherwise you risk yourself and your friends safety because when one screws up everyone else will be punished." He walked over to her running his hand against her cheek, letting his hand trail down over her waist, feeling the hose over her legs. "you look good and know that looks often please your master so you will do your best to make sure your appearance pleases your master.

Beyonce and Eva both looked at each other then at Drake, they didn't want they're friend to be punished, but they just couldn't go through with this degrading act. Beyonce looked at Drake and looked down. She wasn't going to say anything, or try to escape, there was nothing she could do and if she tried to do anything bad, Eva was going to get punished for it. Eva was thinking the exact same thing, just vise versa.
Drake watched the two women and grinned as they struggled around. "There is no point in trying to resist. you are far from getting help or being rescued." He licked his lips looking at both of them before he had a guard over and whispered something to the guard. The guard nodded and called a few more over and they untied the women from the cells and pulled them out. They had them brought to a back room, stripped and changed into different outfits more suiting to show off themselves. Once changed they were brought to a room, and forced to lay on a bed on top of eachother and tied down onto eachother then tied to the bed. They were gagged with eachother's panties and vibbed while waiting for their new master.

Their new Master walked in and looked at the two, running his hands along Ms.Longoria's legs before trailing his hands over Beyoncé's hose clad legs. "mmhm looking good my pets, Now learn this the more you cooperate the more you will be rewarded, but should one of you resist, then the other is punished. So what one does will affect the other."

(the outfits are the ones from their pictures)
Cerberus said:
Drake watched the two women and grinned as they struggled around. "There is no point in trying to resist. you are far from getting help or being rescued." He licked his lips looking at both of them before he had a guard over and whispered something to the guard. The guard nodded and called a few more over and they untied the women from the cells and pulled them out. They had them brought to a back room, stripped and changed into different outfits more suiting to show off themselves. Once changed they were brought to a room, and forced to lay on a bed on top of eachother and tied down onto eachother then tied to the bed. They were gagged with eachother's panties and vibbed while waiting for their new master.

Their new Master walked in and looked at the two, running his hands along Ms.Longoria's legs before trailing his hands over Beyoncé's hose clad legs. "mmhm looking good my pets, Now learn this the more you cooperate the more you will be rewarded, but should one of you resist, then the other is punished. So what one does will affect the other."

(the outfits are the ones from their pictures)

While they waited, Eva and Beyonce both were feeling the effects of the vibs, neither of them had a straight angry face when the master came in, not even when he touched their legs. They both were close to cumming and the vibs just kept them at that point, both of them feeling too good to be true. They looked at him, each others panties over they're mouths, listening to their new master.
Abel looked at Beyoncé and grinned as he untied her from Eva had her lean over a chair as she was tied down to a chair, her dress lovingly showing off her body and the pantyhose did well to show off her legs "Hmm what to do with you and how to train you." He grinned and walked over to her running a hand against her cheek while his other hand slid up along her legs to the edge of her dress before he stood up to admire Beyoncé. "First of all you will do as I tell you to. You will not hesitate or resist. Doing so will result in either yourself getting punished or your friend Miss Longoria getting punished." Abel watched Eva and looked at her and licked his lips. "I want you kneeling, begging for your master to tie up his pet and have his way with his pet. That you are here only to serve your master and know only how to serve and please your master. Now tell me about the dress you have on and how you look and feel in it.,Then my pet tell me all the ways I can tie you in that outfit and all the ways I can fuck you while your tied. Do as you were told my pet and you may just get to have your master's hands all over you." He grinned and untied Eva from the bed and made her kneel in front of him on her knees as she tried to please him with her words. His eyes traveled over her body over over the lovely dress and how it hung to her every curve.
Cerberus said:
Abel looked at Beyoncé and grinned as he untied her from Eva had her lean over a chair as she was tied down to a chair, her dress lovingly showing off her body and the pantyhose did well to show off her legs "Hmm what to do with you and how to train you." He grinned and walked over to her running a hand against her cheek while his other hand slid up along her legs to the edge of her dress before he stood up to admire Beyoncé. "First of all you will do as I tell you to. You will not hesitate or resist. Doing so will result in either yourself getting punished or your friend Miss Longoria getting punished." Abel watched Eva and looked at her and licked his lips. "I want you kneeling, begging for your master to tie up his pet and have his way with his pet. That you are here only to serve your master and know only how to serve and please your master. Now tell me about the dress you have on and how you look and feel in it.,Then my pet tell me all the ways I can tie you in that outfit and all the ways I can fuck you while your tied. Do as you were told my pet and you may just get to have your master's hands all over you." He grinned and untied Eva from the bed and made her kneel in front of him on her knees as she tried to please him with her words. His eyes traveled over her body over over the lovely dress and how it hung to her every curve.

Beyonce looked at her friend who was tied up and looked at her new master. She didn't want to do all that he was ordering her to, but she felt that if she didn't, poor Eva will be punished. Beyonce dropped to her knees and looked at her new master."Please master, tie your slave up, and have her way wit her. Please master, I'm only here to serve you master, please tie me up and do all you want to me."She said lightly, holding her back her tears."I'm wearing a gold dress, my legs covered in stockings, I feel like my body is just put into a second skin. Please master..."She thought for a moment."Please, tie me up with my ass in the air on my hands and knees and fuck my pussy from behind."She said, keeping her voice strong, even though she was on the verge of tears.
Abel nodded and licked his lips before he went back to the kitchen and searched through the counter before finding some rope. He then and pulled her up and pulled Beyoncé over to the edge of the chair right beside Eva. He made her keep her back to him as he tied her hands to the edge of the back of the chair He smiled running a hand up along the back of her pantyhosed legs and thighs. He was starting to get hard from her actions. He grinned watching her squirm abit.

He ran his hands over her legs and gave her rear a playful swat. He watched her and ran his hands down along her sides before resting his hands on her hips. He smiled and kissed her neck. "Now tell me who do you belong to hmm?" he slowly slid a hand down along her legs before moving his hand in between her thighs. slowly her ran his fingers over her pantyhose covered sex. He watched her reactions before he slowly slid his fingers against her. His other hand moved up along her chest and moved over her breasts giving them a nice squeeze as he played with her. "Whom do you belong to?" He watched her waiting for her answer.
Cerberus said:
Abel nodded and licked his lips before he went back to the kitchen and searched through the counter before finding some rope. He then and pulled her up and pulled Beyoncé over to the edge of the chair right beside Eva. He made her keep her back to him as he tied her hands to the edge of the back of the chair He smiled running a hand up along the back of her pantyhosed legs and thighs. He was starting to get hard from her actions. He grinned watching her squirm abit.

He ran his hands over her legs and gave her rear a playful swat. He watched her and ran his hands down along her sides before resting his hands on her hips. He smiled and kissed her neck. "Now tell me who do you belong to hmm?" he slowly slid a hand down along her legs before moving his hand in between her thighs. slowly her ran his fingers over her pantyhose covered sex. He watched her reactions before he slowly slid his fingers against her. His other hand moved up along her chest and moved over her breasts giving them a nice squeeze as he played with her. "Whom do you belong to?" He watched her waiting for her answer.
Beyonce struggled against her bonds, but ended up only giving her new master a show, shaking her ass at him. She just wanted out. When she felt him spank her and do so many other acts to her, she just shook her ass some more. When she heard the question, she moaned, having her pussy rubbed and her breasts squeezed."You master, they belong to you."She moaned out.
Abel nodded and licked his lips as she obeyed him and he rubbed his finger harder against her.. He smiled and kissed her deeply before he pulled away and licked along her neck. "Now that is a good girl." He kept fingering her for abit before he slowly pulled his finger away from her and rubbed his stiff dick against her thighs. "I bet you want to be relieved don't you my good girl?"

He smiled and pressed up against her. "Then know this my pet, You belong to me. You do as I tell you to without hesitation. You will dress how I want you to and will do everything in your power to please your master. Failure to do so will end up in your master being upset and you being punished for your failure and i don't want to have to punish you many times. so learn to obey your master. is that understood?"

Abel watched Beyoncé and grinned abit as he rubbed his cock against her thighs and then pulled down her pantyhose before slowly pushing his way into her. He smiled and held onto her as he kept pushing against her. His hands roamed along her body before wrapping around her. "Tell me my pet, your deepest darkest Fantasies. Tell your master how you want to be played with and how you'll dress for him." He grinned and nibbled on her neck as his hand came down and gave her ass a swat. "Tell me how you want your master to play with his pet."

Abel grinned and looked at Eva, his tail reached out and grabbed Eva around the waist and held her up. "Ah whats wrong feeling left out?" He grinned and pulled the two girls together and tied their hands together before tying it against the wall so that they couldn't pull away. He also tied each of their legs together so they were unable to move away. "Now who first?" licking his lips he pressed himself up against Beyoncé and rubbed himself against her thighs while his hand sneaked up Eva's backside and slipped up her dress
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