Uryuu, and Rangiku (Malmshods and sticky fun)


Jul 5, 2011
Uryuu came through the gate, into the soul society without issue. He had a tired look in his eyes. It was a long night, filled with Hollow hunting. He had to watch it if he kept up with things the way that he was, it wouldn't be long before he over did it, and ended up getting himself killed in a fight with some hollows. "This is going to be even worst." He muttered to himself as he pressed his glasses up his nose. He dusted off some dirt from his shoes, and started off towards the tenth division barracks.

He had come here out of a good will mission between the quincies and the Shinigami. There's been talk of bringing the two factions together to better defend against hollow threats. He doubted it would work, but the potential gain far out weigh his agitation over the situation. He reached the barracks, and knocked. "Hello?" He knocked again. "Is Captain Toshiro there?"
Matsumoto yawned as she made her way through the barracks, rubbing the back of her head and muttering to herself. How had she been given this job of all people? Normally she was so good at being able to avoid work like this....but then again perhaps that was exactly the reason why her Captain had decided to shuffle this babysitting job off onto her. Well...she'd get payback for that in good time...right now though she was heading to the meeting spot. The poor Quincy was likely expecting the Captain....well at least he was getting a Vice-Captain right?

"Well hello there" Matsumoto grinned slightly as she came up behind Uryuu, folding her arms beneath her considerable chest. "You must be the Quincy boy. I'm afraid the Captain can't be here to meet you, so you'll be coming along with me. Vice-Captain Rangiku Matsumoto, 10th Division" Hm, the boy was cuter than she remembered from his last visit here. "Well then, why don't you come along with me and I'll show you the guest quarters where you'll be staying"
StickyFun said:
Matsumoto yawned as she made her way through the barracks, rubbing the back of her head and muttering to herself. How had she been given this job of all people? Normally she was so good at being able to avoid work like this....but then again perhaps that was exactly the reason why her Captain had decided to shuffle this babysitting job off onto her. Well...she'd get payback for that in good time...right now though she was heading to the meeting spot. The poor Quincy was likely expecting the Captain....well at least he was getting a Vice-Captain right?

"Well hello there" Matsumoto grinned slightly as she came up behind Uryuu, folding her arms beneath her considerable chest. "You must be the Quincy boy. I'm afraid the Captain can't be here to meet you, so you'll be coming along with me. Vice-Captain Rangiku Matsumoto, 10th Division" Hm, the boy was cuter than she remembered from his last visit here. "Well then, why don't you come along with me and I'll show you the guest quarters where you'll be staying"

The young man nodded, obviously not pleased with the situation that had been presented to him. "I see." Uryuu Narrowed his eyes and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He paused and watched her go. He considered turning around to go back home until he could try again later, but decided against it. He would give things some time to pan out before he made any decisions that could possibly do damage to the already fragile link between Quincy and Shinigami.

"So then." He started walking at first behind, but then at her side. "Do you have any idea how long I'll be waiting before your captain is able to get back to me." He kept his eyes straight so that there would be less temptation to let them wonder over the lovely curves strolling beside him.
Matsumoto just hummed slightly as she led Uryuu through the division, various Shinigami stopping to salute her as they passed, she was a Vice-Captain after all. "Hm? How long? Hmm...well that's difficult to say. I'm afraid Captain was called away on urgent business by the Head Captain. But I'm sure it wont be more than a few days. A week at most I'm sure" She grinned brightly as she stopped outside a door, turning to face him quickly, the motion causing her chest to bounce slightly right infront of Uryuu's face, it was eye level with him as she was taller than him after all. "And this right here is your room. This is one of the VIP guest rooms which means it's right next to mine" She winked, motioning to the door beside his. "Now then!"

Matsumoto pushed the door to Uryuu's room open for him. "I'm afraid that there was a little bit of a mix up when we were getting your room ready. There was a little problem with the memo to the staff so.....I'm afraid..." She walked over to the closet, opening it up. "They've stocked everything with womens clothing and I'm afraid we're totally out of spare robes for the time being"
"Oh." Uryuu pushed up his glasses which he was pushing back up his nose because they had fallen down, almost off his nose because of the shock he experienced when he looked at his new clothes."I see." He paused, and swallowed hard. "Uhm well, I think that for now I'll be fine because my clothes aren't dirty yet." He paused and swallowed hard. His face turned bright red. "Besides, I'm not quite sure how to go about putting those things on. "
"Awwww, well don't worry, I can help you put them on if you'd like" Rangiku chuckled, patting Uryuu's head. "Well then, why don't I take you on a little tour around the Seireitei? Last time you were here there wasn't exactly time for sightseeing now was there? Besides, what you did see was busy getting blown up or sliced to bits as I recall...." She shook her head a little, that had been nasty business. "Come on, let's go!" Before Uryuu could even agree, the Shinigami woman grabbed his arm and suddenly turned to tug him, the rapid motion causing her plentiful chest to bounce within her robes, nothing but the thin black material restraining them.
"Yeah but what about..." The Quincy was dragged off by the surprisingly strong woman. Uryuu didn't bother to resist. He didn't see any point in doing so. The shinigami Lieutenant had gotten the idea of showing him around in her mind, and was set upon it so there wouldn't be any point in trying to persuade her to do otherwise. "Uh okay then." He pushed up his glasses and adjusted his coat jacket so that it fit a little bit loser. "Where would you like to show me first Lietenant Matsumoto? If it's all the same to you, would you mind if we stayed to places without very many people. I am a bit uncomfortable about finding myself in densely populated areas/"
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