Worlds Greatest (closed)

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Jun 21, 2009
Raork was a small desolate world blood red oceans and purple grass; it made namek seem like a paradise by comparison. Sojen hovered above the ground the high power reading was gone second hand sayian junk was still junk. “Where are you coward come out and fight me”

Sojen was in the mood for a fight the last invader turned out to be little more than a couple of hundred pirates looking to set up a new base. So many weaklings it took him all of five minutes to kill every last one of them. Perhaps these were more of their friends come to see what was left of the ship. Running his finger through his hair and over his horns he wondered if anyone alive was his match perhaps he would wish back one of the legends.

“Fine if you won’t come out I will simply have to flush you out” raising his hand he began to gather energy in his palm. “Houou” he shouted before a gold wave leapt from his hand, it truly looked like a phoenix in flight.
Sojen showered the ground with the attack it was strong enough to destroy a small village even if it was only a low level easy to learn. Dust billowed into the air making it hard to see slowly Sojen fell from the sky to land close to the center of his attack.
A young female warrior with short brown hair glared at the being who had just attacked her. She had ascended high into the air to avoid the blasts, but keeping her power level down at this height was harder than it seemed. "Hey... watch it!" She raised her hand to her attacker, bracing herself at the wrist with her other hand. She shot a strong silver beam from her hand, her arm recoiling much like a powerful gun. She smirked as her attack collided and watched the dust rise around her opponent. "Filthy savage, hows a girl supposed to find anywhere to eat when you're destroying everything huh?" Her tail thrashed angrily behind her, her 'uniform' more than tattered from previous battles.

She dusted herself off in mid-air, sure she wouldn't be attacked again. "Look what you did...calling a Sayian warrior a coward was not a good life choice was it?" She frowned down at the surface of the planet.
“Then you are who I talk to for a refund” he threw a few punches more a hello then a full blown attack he hated the weak. She was not bad looking in that alien kind way her skin was a different color but she had two arms two legs and two other things. The attack left him exposed to the waist stupid cloths were always better torn or bloodied. Slowly he circled her, small for a warrior but not too small.

“A funny place too picnic and I am sure the bounty on my head did not intrigue you” forming a gold blade in his hand he slashed out trying either to cut off an arm or cut of her top either one would be fine.

“you are lucky to be alive, can you go super or is this the limit of your power” mocking her he slashed again coming close to taking of her head which would be just a crying shame” or are you here to adore me I have many fans over the north and south regions of the galaxy most of them want to kill me but you take what you can get”
The warrior smirked and 'danced' her way through his punches. "Why should I show you?" she growled low and made a loose gagging sound. "No thank you. I'm afraid you 'outlaw' types arn't my style." She folded her arms and dodged around him, trying to get away from his energy blade.

"I prefer a more 'sensitive' breed." She wore a cocky grin, attacking on and on through the banter. She darted around the landscape, taking hits like playful strikes. She was born and raised for this. She was part of the most elite fighting group in the galaxy. The Sayian race would not be let down today.
“I can be sensitive” the next shot exploded like a firework forming a large flower a bit showy but it leveled a small mountain. He wanted to fight then he would want to fuck and there was no way he would do either alone. She had some nerve acting like he was into her and she could simply turn him down.

“So what do you like to do on a date dinner dance and a show” he asked throwing round house followed by an uppercut. The next blast flashed out a sheer wall of gold energy a hundred feet across but only a inch thick. It was called cherry blossom but was far more dangerous then it sounded.

He was a mercenary fighting for anyone that would pay him but now he had far more personal goals in mind. Reaching out he grabbed for her tail he knew enough about sayians to know that was there weak spot. “Sorry but I don’t like them 50 and covered in hair”
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