Another Tail (Closed)

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Jun 21, 2009
Ariel was boiling mad it was bad enough her daughter was always a mess, smelling of the intoxicating aroma sea. That she came home to the palace at all hours of the night with any fisherman or sailor with a tall to tell “Eric I swear sometimes I think the girl has water on the brain”

“Well can you blame her after Trident brought down the barrier, after she saw the majesty of Atlantis?” He was right but the least he could do was support her even if she was wrong that’s what husbands did.
Their daughter was quickly growing up sex and marriage was not too far in the future would she marry a human or a merman. “Look she just needs to follow the rules, I mean we are her parents and we know what is best”

“Like you’re father” Eric scurried out of the room as the door opened into an oncoming vase that bounced of the door and rolled to a stop. Was it her daughter one of her male or female friends or a servant? Slowly she brushed her long red locks back she was going to give that girl a piece of her mind.

“Majesty you must not speak to her in anger you remember the last time you set rules about the ocean” sometimes she wondered what Sebastian would be like with butter then again were else would she get so much unsolicited advice.
Melody was sitting in her room, her black hair in a ponytail and her blue closed as she laid on her bed. She had just gotten home from a night out with some sailors she had met while waling on the pier and she was a little tired. She heard her mothers voice outside of her room and groaned. "Here we go again." she said. She was sick of the way she was treated like a child. She wasn't a little girl anymore.

She stood up and walked to her bedroom door, opening it to see if she could escape from the room before her mother came in to give her hell. She was almost out of the door when she heard her mother's voice along with Sebastian's. "Shit!" she muttered under her breath.
“I would run if I was you she is I n no mood for your excuses” the crab scurried over the floor and through a crab sized hole in the wall. Ariel was in a red dress she liked red it matched her mood and set of her bust and hair. That girl would get a good spanking before too long, she let her have her own way.

The girl smelled like a bar pipe smoke and rum “you may be a princess but even you can be punished” she walked over and got her brush she was angry, angry enough to do almost anything. Why was she acting this way, maybe it was her fault she was a trouble maker growing up as a kid.

“tell me what do these, men give you that you cannot get from me your father or you’re friends” she asked she asked tapping her brush against her hand what would it take to get her only daughter to behave like a princess and not a urchin. ”what will I ever do with you Melody, what will I ever do”
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