Duel of Fates (closed)

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Jun 21, 2009
Asajj pushed, and pushed until finally she could slide out from under the cooling tower without striping down to her skin. Smoke chocked the small room as she gasped for each and every breath using her sith training to suck every ounce of oxygen form the air. Every droid either fell into the chasm of the reactor core and was sucked into oblivion or lay cut cleanly in half.

“Cruiser 1 1 2 are you there” only static answered back grasping the small com link she let it join the droids in death. Using the force she pushed out and found none of the simple small clone minds she knew so well.

She could feel it the young jedi was not dead too many times she seemed to grasp only for victory only to have it stolen away. “I know you are alive you are like a ripple in my pond you cannot hide from me when you radiate you’re feelings”

Slowly she moved blood oozed out of a small wound on one arm and leg small but enough to slow her to a walk. The place was falling apart the charges did not rend it in two as she planned. Still the base would soon be no more and her with it if she did not do something to affect her escape.

“come now young one if I wanted you dead then surely you would already be one with the force, would you not” she laughed half bluffing half sure that even unarmed she was more than a match for one lone jedi whelp. Slowly she pushed the fingers her free hand over her head it came back slick would she simply bleed to death.
Ahsoka groaned as she pulled herself from underneath the rubble of what had, just recently, been a wall. That had been while she was covering the retreat of her master and the clones in the facility, but now the escape route was destroyed, trapping the young togrutan Jedi with Ventress. The thought of the Sith made Ahsoka bite her bottom lip in frustration, the woman seemed to be a bigger thorn in the Jedi's side that the Separatists sometimes. As the young Togrutan tried to stand she cried out softly, and looked down at her ankle, and tried to stand again, with the same resort.

Sithspit! she cursed mentally. It felt like her ankle was either broken, twisted bad, or maybe just bruised bad. She hoped it was the latter of the two, those she could handle, but if it were broken? She'd be a sitting wompa rat if that were the case.

Her thoughts were distracted when she heard Ventress call out to her, and she took a lightsaber, her main one, she'd lost track of the shoto in the explosion and doubted it was still intact, but she'd worry about that.

"You want a medal or something for not slagging me or something?" she called back, testing her arm gingerly. There were a couple of scratches and scrapes along her body, some bled but not badly, though she did want to take care of one on her left forearm since it was bleeding more than the others, not much but still it worried her.
“A medal hardly a trinket for children and old men, I simply, need you to cooperate long enough for us to both live” she moved slowly almost dragging her leg now. Letting her arm hang limp she might yet fool her long enough if she needed too.

It would be a cold day on tatoonie before she admitted she need help from anyone especially a bratty young jedi. The girl was close she had to be the space would not allow one to yell to far without a monstrous echo. She came to what was left of a wall she could see a small shadow no doubt the jedi was crouching or leaning against a wall.

“We are at war, I did what I had to for victory, but now we will both die if we do not work together” It sounded like a lie, but it was as close to the truth as she had come in a long while. Now she only wished she still had her weapons and not just her force powers in case she had to fight.
“Come out I can hear a light saber as you see I am unarmed” she drew a hand above her head then let it drop to her side.

“I won’t ask you to disarm only to come out so that we can go home and maybe for one night forget the war” she was tired, tired of dooku tired of killing clones but she would not give up as long as one jedi lived. Still she was once of the light, to die from a collapsing space station was far below even her dignity. Slowly she moved forward the jedi could easily cut her in half if she wanted to join the dark side.

“come out I won’t harm you as you can see at the moment I am far from top form” a small smile and a smaller laugh before she collapsed onto her knees not all of it was an act for the jedi, not any longer.
Chizk... I must be out of my blasted mind... Ahsoka thought before she powered down her lightsaber and clipped it to her belt and slowly came off the wall, limping slightly. What she saw surprised her greatly, Asajj was on her knees in front of her, and that only added to the shock of hearing the Sith admit that she needed her help. HER help. But then again it wasn't like Ahsoka could exactly blame her, after all unless they did something they would be slagged along with this station.

"Yeah, top form you ain't." Ahsoka confirmed before looking around, keeping as much pressure off injured ankle as possible

"Damn, did you leave ANYTHING in tact? I mean, I know you were aiming to blast this place to bits, but..." she said moving past Asajj to inspect the closest med bay. It was bad, but it looked like most of the equipment and supplies had survived the blast.

At least that blinking Sith didn't get all of the supplies. We'll both need some. Her more than me but still... Ahsoka thought as she began searching the rubble in the room for something to stop the bleeding both of them had and a brace or something for her ankle among other things they might need. She moved quickly though, not sure when the station was going to give up and fall apart, she wanted to be out of here by then.
Asajj’s head snapped around something exploded, deep below. The explosion shook the small station. No doubt another chunk of the station simply broke off and now was slowly on its way to the planet below. With difficulty she got to her feet, the vision in her right must be going because the girl seemed surrounded in a glowing halo.
“There should be some coagulant on the top drawer, funny it’s so easy to find things in a clone hospital”
Turning to the girl she tried to smile most humans liked to see canines. Why she had no idea, to her the smile seemed hostile. “They have both organic and natural”

Brushing by the jedi she then hopped onto a table and removed what was left of her uniforms top. She revealed a tight fitting wrap used to keep her chest in order. Slowly her hand slid up her side. Just below her armpit there was something under her skin a sliver of her own lightsaber. “Do you have any medical training I don’t trust the auto-doc”

She hated droids they were useful but not very bright. The idea of one cutting her open made her sick to her stomach. The idea of a jedi enemy doing the same thing only made her slightly less sick. Closing her eyes she removed a small blade from her boot. She fought the urge to drive it into the base of the jedis skull, “Ahsoka, or do you prefer tano”
“Could you kindly remove the crystal from my light saber from my side” Opening her eyes she found the girl still silhouetted by light. Only now she saw it out of both of her eyes the drug she swallowed was taking affect.
“You know I always hated you the least of all the jedi, of all the jedi I feel closest to you” It was more than her fighting style it was that raw hunger. The burning to win to grasp victory at any cost that drew her. If she could have a student it would be someone.
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