maleficarum regrets [sydnie.cherie & Righteous Ritsu]

"I have a feeling that demon wasn't the true test." Cherie slowly stepped back as the idea took root in her head. The corner of Mouse's mouth slowly lifted until a sinister sneer dominated his features.

"You are a smart one." His voice change to the deep multi-layered baritone characteristic of higher leveled demons. "Simple killing is a warrior's job. The real dangers of the fade are preconceptions, careless trust...pride." At this point Mouse shed his human image and took on his true form, that of an extremely powerful demon. "Keep your wits about you, Mage. True tests...never end."

Cherie turned in a frantic circle as the world around her faded to black. It was as though all the light been sucked from the world and she was left standing in an empty void. Then she heard the loud roaring of air, for lack of a better word, rushing past as her spirit returned to her body. Her amber eyes opened slowly to dark wood of the bunk above her illuminated by dimly flickering candles that sat on a vanity a few feet away from her bed. Cherie slowly sat up, groaning at the heaviness of her body, specifically her limbs. It was an effort to lift her arms and run her fingers through her hair. First Enchanter Irving told her that she would experience some discomfort after her Harrowing, but that it was only temporary and would go away with rest.

She looked up to find herself surrounded by apprentices, eager to hear stories of what the Harrowing was like and how it felt to be a true Mage. Cherie smiled, deflecting all questions about the Harrowing and answering questions about being a Mage as best she could after such a short period. After a long while the crowd dissipated and Cherie was left with her own thoughts.
She had made sure to get there before anyone else had, and she made sure to lie still on her bed, feigning sleep as the crowd gathered around Cherie. She waited, patiently for the crowd to disappear, and that's when Azura leaned over the side of the bunk bed and stared down to the other Mage. The one who had passed the Harrowing. She had questions, but was afraid to ask. Azura knew she'd find out soon, her Harrowing being scheduled quite soon, but she needed to know now. biting her lip, the black hair apprentice finally spoke, trying to keep her icy eyes focused on the floor.

"Was it... as scary as the rumors say it is?" She of course referred to the numerous rumors of how the Harrowing was a Mage being thrust into a land of demons of all sorts, and only the wits of the Mage to be used.

But Azura knew it couldn't really be true. Details of the Harrowing were suppose to be kept secret, or the speaker was penalized. But she didn't want the this, and that of it. Just the overall feel.
Cherie jumped at the sight of the young apprentice, hitting the crown of her head on the planks of wood that supported the mattress above. She'd assumed that everyone was gone, that she was alone. Or maybe she was just a bit jumpy after having demons, spirit wolves, and other entities after her in the Fade. She took a deep breath, then smiled fleetingly at the woman as she rubbed what she was sure was going to be a huge bump in the morning.

When the pain in her head went away, she focused on what she thought was an expression of uncertainty on her bunkmate's face. She remembered that feeling, that worrying about what was to come. She remembered wishing that someone would have answered just one of the many questions she'd asked. But no. She'd had to face the Fade with no forewarning. That felt like a lifetime ago, even though it was less than twenty-four hours. Cherie stood up, stretching her arms over her head before swinging them by her side, getting used to the weight of her body again as she thought of something comforting to say.

"The rumors, as always, aren't true." She turned around and focused her wheat colored as on Azura. She desperately wanted to relay the last thing the demon had said. 'Keep your wits about you, Mage. True tests never end.' Unfortunately Cherie could not think of a way to put the words in which she wouldn't be penalized, so she chose to leave them unsaid. "Be careful."
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