Thundercats- Ho

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Jan 16, 2009
Lion-O frowned as he looked at the jungle surrounding them, trying to pierce some insight through the thick vegetation "It looks like we still have no idea where we are" he said matter of factly, running a hand through his red hair. "YOu alright over there?" he asked cheetara, himself and the priestess had been scattered for a few days, away from the rest of their group... searching for them in what seemed to be an endless jungle. At least he had good company, he wasn't stuck with his brother (that would be a cruel punishment). The heat of the jungle had him sweating, fur sticking slightly as he shook his head , droplets of water cascading onto the floor around them... his stomach rumbling a bit.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

Cheetara looked at Lion-O, the lord of the ThunderCats from her position on a rock. She was amazed that the young prince hadn't broken down under the stress of such a position before his time. Sure there were times when he seemed overwhelmed, but he never broke. They had yet to locate their comrades, having been separated when running from the lizards tracking them, leaving the two of them alone in this jungle. The heat made her clothing stick to her fur and she wiped her brow with the back of her hand and looked up at Lion-O. "I'm fine." she said smiling. "Though I think we should find something to eat, or we'll starve." she said with a slight smile.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

"Well look that Tree has some fruit" he said as he took out a knife, leaping up the tree and cutting down some of the yellow colored fruit from it. "Smells good too, here" he said, offering her one, the smell wafting around them from the opened fruit, smelling like heaven to both of the cat people. "The juices should keep us from dying of thirst too" he noted as he looked over to the young woman "Rest for a while then continue on the trail, maybe find some place to wash so I don't start stinking up the place" he added, digging into the sweet tasting fruit, licking up every drop.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

Cheetara looked up and sure enough in the tree above and to the left of her there was indeed fruit. She watched as Lion-O jumped up to cut some down and took the one offered to her and slowly ate. The fruit smelled heavenly, and it tasted good too, very sweet and just a little tangy, but still good. She did feel a little funny after eating her share, warmer and she couldn't help but feel just a little aroused, but she counted that off as just not having had sex in forever. She wondered when the last time was exactly, her time as a cleric didn't exactly leave much room for her sex life, though she did have one, it was just so infrequent was all. Shaking the though of her sex life out of her head she grabbed another piece of fruit and opened it with her claws, the fresh scent sending shivers up her spine, but in a good way. She wondered absently whether Lion-O was feeling like her, sort of horny, not out and out horny, but definitely aroused. Speaking of the Lord of the ThunderCats, he was turning into quite the lion and she couldn't help but stare at him a little.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

He finished the first piece licking his lips clean as he shrugged, hiding the shudder as he felt warm and good, something he hadnt felt in a long time. Having your kingdom ruined and your loved ones slain tends to put sex out of ones mind but mhmmm, he was remember encounters with lovely young ladies, that heat starting to build up inside him. THe scent of the fruit was hanging heavy around them, like a mist that pressed against them as every breath made them inhale more and more, that sweet scent almost filling their heads and bodies. "Is there something on my face?" he asked, noticing her looking at him, suddenly feeling a spike in heat at her gaze that he couldn't quite understand. His own eyes locked with her's, trying to discern her gaze as he licked his lips clean again, slowly and almost sensuously.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

The cleric blinked and looked shocked, she didn't mean to stare, but apparently she had been. "N-no. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare." she said quickly, looking down at the fruit in her hand, studying it. She could feel her mind drifting back to Lion-O's body. It was thin, but powerfully built, a very good fit for the young prince, and to her much more appealing than his older brother's build. Not that Tigra wasn't a good looking cat, but his attitude annoyed her sometimes, even though she knew he was reliable and he did care about his younger brother, she couldn't quite deal with his personality. She shook her head again, this time to drive away thoughts of Tigra, if she was going to have those thoughts about either of the princes, it was going to be Lion-O.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

"Are you alright?" he asked, stepping towards her, crawling on his hands and knees and pressing his palm against her forhead "Maybe a fever or infection" he mused "Here eat some more" he offered, holding up the sweet fruit to her lips with his hand. Something was mixing with the smell of the fruit, a musky heady smell that illicited throughts of sweaty bodies pressed together, Lion-O's turn to stare at the beautiful girl before him, suddenly realizing how see through and tight her clothes were with all the sweat, how they hugged her athletic frame. "Mmmmmm" he purred out softly, shaking his head to try and clear it, what was he thinking?
RE: Thunercats- Ho

Cheetara blinked when she felt Lion-O's hand on her forehead, and blushed a little. She then looked down to see the fruit just a whiskers length from her lips and she slowly took a bite of it. Some of the juices slid down the outside of the fruit and Cheetara, forgetting or ignoring the fact that the fruit was in Lion-O's hand, moved to chase it. She licked it up, several times having to lick along and, occasionally, on top of, Lion-O's fingers to get it all. That's when she sat up and felt very uncomfortable, embarrassed and strangely aroused, more of her scent mixing with the scent of the fruit in the air. "I-I'm sorry. I-I don't know what came over me." she said quickly hoping Lion-O didn't think her weird or crazy for her actions. It was highly undignified and probably a breach of protocol between cleric and the Lord of the ThunderCats.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

Lion-O smiled at her blushing "It's... It's ok" he said, blushing himself as he looked at her, shuddering as his arousal only grew as he smelt hers (though he didn't know it) "You are obviously just very hungry" he said, eating another fruit himself as his blush darkened. "Just relax" he purred out as he stroked down the back of her hair, leaning in to gently pet the cheetah "Really, you don't need to stand o protocol for me" he added. A quick glance down would show the obvious hardness of his arousal, the Lord of the thundercats a little lost in the heady smells and sounds and sights, his eyes just a little glazed
RE: Thunercats- Ho

The older ThunderCat nodded when Lion-O told her there was no need for her to adhere to protocol while around him. She felt his hand on her head, stroking her hair and it was her turn to purr gently as she opened her legs a little more and leaned into the touch. She opened her eyes about half way and looked down at he lion stroking her head and noticed his arousal and felt her breathing become heavy and her shorts, by now, surely looked damp since her scent was now fairly strong in the air. What in cats name? Why am I acting like some kitten in heat? I should have better control than this! she mentally chastised herself, but she didn't stop leaning into Lion-O's touch or purring, if anything she was purring more now. She wondered vaguely if Lion-O noticed how she was acting, and if he did how he would react. Part of her wanted to run from there, get away from Lion-O while she dealt with whatever was wrong, but another, currently stronger part of her, wanted to let Lion-O fuck her right here in this pleasant scent. The thought sent fresh shivers of pleasure up the cheetah's spine.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

He continued to stroke, shuddering at her purrs "Do you like that?" he asked, breath coming out in long slow pants as he scratched behind an ear teasingly "You look so tense, you really needed to relax" he said. He breathed in deeply, smelling the aroma as he looked her over "Look how tense you are" he teased, blushing in spite of himself the words seemingly erupting from his lips without him really thinking about it. He leaned over her, gently pushing her to the ground, feeding her more of the fruit as he indulged himself, the sweetness making him shudder and squirm "Mhmm you do look lovely though"
RE: Thunercats- Ho

Cheetara nodded a little when Lion-O asked her if she liked him stroking her hair, and she practically mewled when she felt him scratch behind her ear. Thank the heavens that the others weren't hear, she would die from embarrassment if they saw her like this, not with Lion-O, that she wasn't worried about, but her acting like some kitten. Even WilyKit and WilyKat had more self-control than she did right now, but she didn't mind since it felt so good to have Lion-O stroking her hair, and scratching behind her ear. She accepted the fruit that the younger male was offering her and looked up at him, a smile making it's way across her face when he complimented her. Slowly, almost cautiously so, Cheetara moved her hand up to stroke Lion-O's face her breathing shallow and her attraction to the Lord of the ThunderCats' fairly obvious now.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

He arched into her hand, purring as he lent down "Do you want to relax with me a little more" he asked in a throaty purr, moving to scratch behind her ears again, looming over her with a growling purr/ He leant down, capturing her lips with his own, licking the sweet juices from them as he scratched behind both her ears, showing how much time he had spent with the lovely ladies of the city rather than studying to be a prince. His musky scent was just as potent as hers now, hanging in the air "Mhmmmmmm" he purred against her lips. nipping her lower lip teasingly.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

Cheetara loved the feeling of Lion-O's hands scratching at the back of her ears. She could smell Lion-O's scent in the air and it only served to make her even more aroused and she was certain that by now Lion-O was aware of her current situation. She felt his lips on hers, his tongue licking against hers to clean the semi-dry juices off of her lips before teasingly biting down on them. She opened her lips and accepted Lion-O's kiss slipping her arms around his neck slowly, pulling him close.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

He growled and kissed her deeply, slipping his tongue into her waiting lips, the taste of her mouth and the fruit mingling deliciously, his body pressing against her's, hated skin against skin as he growled. His body rocked for a moment, pressing his hips against her's, his hardness meeting her damp wetness before pulling back for air "Clothes... offf" he growled out, an order to the cheetah as he scratched again.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

Quickly Cheetara moved to follow Lion-O's command, it couldn't have been anything else really, not with the way he said it. She gasped and lightly ground her wetness against the bulge in the younger feline's pants, and while she did this her hands moved to her back so that she could undo the knot holding her top to her body. Once the knot was undone Cheetara quickly peeled it off her chest and tossed it a little ways away before starting on her shorts. Soon the yellow furred Thundercat was nude and her arms circled around Lion-O's neck. "Your next command, 'my lord'?" she asked enjoying the feeling of Lion-O scratching at her ears.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

The younger cat smiled down at her "Mhmm I am not sure, so many things we could do" he added, taking a breast in his grip, kneading the flesh firmly, savoring the sensation as it molded around his fingers, brushing his palm against a hard nipple. "How about you help me undress then priestess" he ordered, purring against her ear as his lips wrapped around it, nipping it as a show of dominance, his body trapping her, straddling and pinning her lighter frame. "And I might have to ask for regular service" he added with a chuckle, slipping into the dominant role... seemed right.
RE: Thunercats- Ho

The cheetah ThunderCat nodded and began work on removing Lion-O's armor, undoing his shoulder armor before moving onto the main part of his armor. Once his chest armor was gone, Cheetara her hands against Lion-O's chest, which wasn't broad like Panthro's or Tigra's, nor was it as defined, but again, like every other part of his body, it fit him nicely. She let hand drift down her lord's chest, to his stomach and over his abs as she moved to undo the belt at his waist, and undid the fastening on his pants before she trailed her hands back up to his chest, one shifting higher a bit so that she could pull down the zipper of Lion-O's top, sliding one hand in the opening left behind by the zipper, and once the zipper was all the way down she slid her other hand inside as well and slipped the top off as best she could, pulling Lion-O closer to her.
"And I'd be happy to give it." she murred when Lion-O mentioned he might have to ask for her 'services' again in the future.
"Then how about you show your service Cheetara?" he asked her, his small frame pressing close to her, his hardness making quite an impression against her fur as he shifted, blinking lazily as his lips moved down, nipping the tip of her ear again, kissing along her jawline to her lips. His tongue flicked out, brushing slowly against her before he pulled back to pant "How about you show me what those lips can do?|" he asked, scratching behind her ears, pleasuring both of them now as he lent back, drawing her on top of him this time.
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