Gotta fuck'em all! (Tristeza and Okoro)


Jun 1, 2009
((God, I can't BELIEVE I actually wrote down that title ><...))

Today was a grand day. Today was the day new trainers would set out to the Pokemon world. With all the excitement though, the teenage girl could barely sleep all night, after being promised a pokemon by the resident Professor Oak. Only managing to fall asleep almost when it was morning, when Sapphire woke up, the due hour had already passed. A screamed sounded through the house.


It'd been like that since she was ten. Sapphire had never managed to wake up on time and get a pokemon, since all the kids had already been there and taken their pick! Quickly, she jumped out of bed and got herself ready in the record time of five minutes, rushing downstairs barely with her backpack on. "Bye mom!"

Her long sky blue pigtails swayed behind the tall girl as she ran, still fixing the black shorts and the dark blue turtleneck. Her deep blue eyes were starting to water, figuring it'd be the same as the other years. She'd be late again, too late. When she got to the lab though, her tanned face lit up with joy, despite being absolutely out of breath. A single pokeball stood on the table, waiting for her.

"I knew you'd be late again, so I saved this one just for you this year, since you've been such a... good girl." The professor said, a devilish smile on his face as he handed the ball to her. Sapphire blushed slightly at his words, but it was overcome by her excitement, wanting to see what was inside.
(I think its a great title :p haha)

Contained inside the single ball was a young Abra. Rescued by Professor Oak, from an abusive trainer, this Abra had a peculiar interest. Unlike most Abras, which teleport away from any human who approaches them, this Abra was drawn to people, primarily females. He had been known, on occasion to influence humans to do what he wanted, using his telepathic powers.

Needless to say, Oak was well aware of this, awarding Sapphire with said Abra, was both a reward and a punishment. It would be up to Sapphire to make that decision. As the ball sat on the table, it shook lightly back and forth, the Abra knew he was being given to a trainer, and was quite excited to meet her.

(Do you have an F-list/Rabbit Hole?)
((No sir, because I pretty much am open to anything xD. Other than bathroom type stuff that makes me gag <<))

Obviously, the first thing the girl did was release the pokemon inside. When she saw it was an Abra, she practically squealed from happiness. A psychic type pokemon?? That wasn't for anyone! She felt absolutely ecstatic that the prof had entrusted her with such a valuable companion. "Oh thank you, professor!" Little did the girl know about this Abra's particular penchant, but, probably even if she did, Sapphire'd have welcomed him anyway.

"Hey there little guy! I'm Sapphire, and I'm going to be your trainer." She leaned over to the young pokemon, her heand reaching out to pat him on the head.
A bright flash of red light filled the room as the ball snapped open, the small Abra materializing before them. He was short, only up to the girls waist, with a long, stretched out tail. His skin was a slightly darker shade than your average Abra.

The creatures slit eyes peered up at the girl, a smirk crawling across his snout. "Abra!" it shouter, moving forward to meet her hand, enjoying the sensation of her petting him. As he stood before her, he attempted to puff himself out and look bigger to the girl who towered over him.
Sapphire grinned, happily stroking the little guy. Was he trying to grow for her? How adorable! She felt really lucky, hugging the Abra sweetly. "I'm going to call you Charlie!" she stated, absolutely giddy. There'd been pokemons that rebelled against their trainers when they were young, and things didn't turn out too well, Sapphire had heard, for those people. Like, being enslaved by the pokemon or even worse. That was probably for those who didn't take good care of the pokemons though, who didn't love them... like she'd do!

"The travel is going to take a while, Sapphire, but I'm sure it'll be the time of your life! Don't forget to take good care of your pokemon, train them and give them good experience, you're definitely going to find other wild pokemon and trainers along the way! Not to mention the Gyms!" As she got up to recieve the pokedex the prof had in hand, his free hand smacked her butt, making it jiggle right in front of the Abra just before she called him back to the ball. "Oh, I'll do my best sir!"
Charlie smiled as the girl embraced, his head buried against her breast. At the very least, at least his new trainer was enthusiastic. As long as Charlie kept up the cute act, this girl would not suspect a thing, and later, he would be able to have his fun. In the meantime, he just needed to worry about making himself as cute as possible. Gleefully, the pokmon's small arms stretched out and tried to hug the girl back.

As the girls rear jiggled, the Abra found himself quite captivated. He knew there was a reason he found human females so tantalizing. He couldn't help but pout slightly as ball called him back, disappearing into the empty void. Soon though, soon he would get to have his fun.
The next time Charlie was called out, the scenery had changed much from the safety of the laboratory. Instead, he'd find himself by Sapphire's side on the road to Viridian, under the shining sun and surrounded by verdant woods. "You've probably been inside that ball for so long... I thought you'd like to be out for a change." The girl smiled at the Abra, a couple of thoughts running through her head. What the hell did Abras it? And how would she train him? The battles weren't exactly recomended for young pokemon, after all... Well, she'd figure it out at some point. "Come on, Charlie!" Sapphire cheered, starting to follow the path.
A flash of light once again blinded the girl as she summoned Charlie from his pokeball, "Ab-Abra!" the small creature called, standing before her. Pokeballs were cramped, he hated being inside them. When the time came, that was the first thing he was going to change, never again would she force him into his pokeball. His head nodded as she spoke about the ball and how she thought he would enjoy being outside of it.

As the girl started down the path, he followed after her, "Abra!" he said again, looking up at the girl, his short legs moving quickly to keep pace with her. He wanted her to look at him, if she looked into his eyes, he would be able to influence her thoughts.
It didn't take long before the hurried paces of the Abra began fading, the girls large and excited stride not very merciful towards the poor pokemon's legs. "Oh!" Sapphire stopped on her tracks and looked behind, smiling sweetly. Poor little guy, it probably wasn't easy to keep up with her, was it? "I'm sorry Charlie, didn't mean to leave you behind!"

The girl waltzed back to him, kneeling down to pet him on the head. Her eyes locked onto his finally, as he'd wished, unsuspecting of Charlie's thoughts. "I'll carry you if you want!" Something started to feel wierd on her head the more she fixed her eyes on the Abra, but Sapphire couldn't quite place what it was...
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