The Draenei's lil Paladin [Himeko x Mia]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
In the distant land of Azeroth Sesshi Kidam was out in Terrokar Forest, as she was out on a mission for the Horde, under Garrosh's orders. Spitting at the ground she frowned, clearly pissed as she had been wondering around endlessly in this wretched forest without a single bite to eat in days. "God damn that blabbering idiot! Just what does Garrosh take me for?!" She snarled as she continued to wonder around looking for a place to at least rest. The forest was full of monsters and she had slayed each and everyone of them. She found a small clearing up ahead and smiled to herself. "Well, bless Elune! Looks like I've finally found a nice resting spot, and who would have guessed that there'd be water and food here too! No one would have ever thought this wretched place would have anything of the sort." She said to herself as she sheathed her sword and placed her shield over her back as she kneeled down to drink some water.

Placing her hands to the water she then brought them back up as she drank out of her hands and was happy to find out it was clean and tasty. "Finally something to quench my thirst and fill my stomach." She said cheerfully as she got up and walked over to one of the bushes and picked some of the mana berries that was growing there. After a few moments of picking the fruit she sat down with her back against one of the trees and began eating the berries. "So yummy. I could have sworn this wasn't here before, but then again this place is really huge." She chuckled to herself as she finished the berries off. Yawning to herself she looked around and saw no one was nearby, not even a bird. Which should have told her something right there. "I'm gonna lay down for a few moments and get some rest." She yawned as she laid her head against the trunk and drifted off into a deep slumber.
The large, yet silent woman was completly silent as she invisibly moved through the woods, going to check and see if anything had been caught in the trap that had been set up the previous day. It was perfect, it looked and sounded peaceful, the daylight was shining, and the berries were enchansed to put their victim in a deep slumber. It hadn't caught anything the last few times she had tried, but this time would be diffrent with the minor ajustments she had made in location. Shadowmoon Valley was NOT a good place for a peaceful section of a forrest. She slowly melded out of her invisibility as she saw the sleeping elf on the base of the tree. She was right! It did work!

The woman made her way to the sleeping elf, making sure she did not make a sound, even though her victim was out cold. She ran magic chains around the girl's body, made sure they were secure, and teleported the both to her tower in Nagrand. The place she had chosen for her tower was going to be quite nice. Out in the middle of a large valley, which would provide her with a good space for her project. When they arrived, the draeni put the elf on a large table at the top of the tower, and sat down to read a book while she was being awakened.
Sesshi was sleeping peacefully as she dreamed of the past. Her family was murdered by Arthas during the third war and he had turned his blade to her, however her friend had jumped in the way and pushed her out of his blade's path as she had been cut down, and her soul trapped inside of Frostmourn. She was given a chance to live and she fled the scene as the rest of her people were being cut down left and right. She couldn't do anything for them, she was just a mere rogue at the time. It was that event that caused her to put down her daggers and take up the holy sword and shield and become a Paladin of justice. She turned to Elune and her blessings as she fought against the scourge and led her people to victory against the traitor Arthas.

Her dreams were always the same, it was never different for her. To see her people die right in front of her was nothing new. She didn't even know she had been moved from the tree, let alone that it had been a trap that had been set up. She was knocked out cold for a few hours until she finally started to slowly open her eyes. She tried to rub her eyes to get rid of the sleep in them and found herself unable to move her arms. "The hell?" She spoke in Thalassian as her eyes opened up and she looked around at her new surroundings. "I don't remember falling asleep here..." She spoke again in her language as her eyes then landed upon a... Draenei?! And a woman at that! She was just sitting there reading a book while she had been sleeping on this... Her eyes looked down to see she was on some sort of table, yet still in her heavy plate armor and her shield was digging into her back. With her arms being bound she couldn't reach her sword as she looked back up at her enemy and glared. "Let me go this instant you Alliance dog!" She snarled in her Blood Elven tongue and continued to glare at the woman.
A smile danced across the draeni's face when she heard the blood elf yelling at her in some form of tounge. She wasn't sure what she would do, teach the girl some common and some respect, or just disable her vocal cordes. Her thoughts danced around for a moment, the elf deserved some pity, but she wouldn't put up with random babbling for long. She stood up, placing her book on the table and walking toward the restrained elf. Her hand glowed an arcane purple before waving it over the elf's face, causing a charm that made everything she said turn to common, and everything that went in translated to her Thalassian.

"There we go dear... I hope that is a little better for the both of us... your gibbirish was getting annoying..." With a snap of the draeni's fingers, the elves armor and cloths dissapeared, leaving her in undergarnments. After survaying the body, and ignoring everything the elf had to say, a large grin cracked across her devilish face. "Yes, you will do VERY nicely my dear... I do hope you don't mind what's going to happen... as if you had a choice..."
Sesshi watched the woman smile at her and then walked over to her and waved her hand, it flowed of arcane magics. She didn't even know that the Draenei had made it to where she could understand her until she spoke, and oddly enough she could understand her. Just as she was about to protest the Draenei snapped her fingers and she felt her heavy armor disappear as well as her shield and weapon, leaving her only in her bra and underwear. She tried to cover herself up but again couldn't move her arms as they were bound by some sort of arcane chain.

"Just what in the hell do you think you're doing? Let me go this once Alliance dog!" She spat out as she continued to glare at the woman. "What do you mean by that?! Just what in the hell are you going to do to me?! Release me this instant!" She snarled as she was starting to feel uneasy as she saw the wicked grin spread across the Draenei's face. How in the hell did I manage to sleep through my abduction? How?! All I remember is finally finding a place to rest and then... That's when it dawned on her, that resting place had been a trap and she had fallen right into it too. She didn't know just what this woman had in mind, but she didn't like it one bit.
The Draeni shook her head at the elf. "Now dear, did you really think I would go through the trouble and effort of capturing you just to let you go so you could probably come back with a vangence and kill me? Oh no, my dear, you will be Mine." She ran her hand down the woman's chest, between her brests, over her belly, and her underwear, before stopping and turning around. "I have many things in store for you, but we have to go slow. First I'm going to have to dumb you down a bit so those mean old holy magics won't get in my way!"

The Draeni took what looked like a helmet from the table next to her and placed it securely on the elves head. "Now dear, this might hurt a little, and all it's going to do is ristrict your use of magic to near zero unless I say so..." She then began focusing an arcane spell into the helmet, the burning sensation starting very strongly. "This should only take a minute, dear!"
"I will not be yours! I belong to no one!" She snarled as her glares of defiance showed brightly in her green glowing eyes. She wanted to smite her right then and there as she touched her body before she had stopped and turned her back to her. "The fuck?! You have no right to strip me of my powers!" She snapped as she tried to focus her own magic into breaking the chains, however was unable to do so. She watched the woman grab some weird looking helmet from the other table that was next to her and then began squirming. The woman had managed to get the helmet on her head and make sure it was secure before speaking again.

"Did that oaf Varien set you up to this? That foolish king of Storm Wind? Huh? He did didn't he!" She yelled as she then felt a sharp pain in her head as she felt herself slowly being restricted. All those long years of training were being slowly stripped away from her as the Draenei worked her magic as she screamed out in pain. It had taken longer than a minute and then when it was finally over, she closed her eyes and panted heavily. She was more than pissed now, she was furious to have been treated like this! Her powers she had worked so hard to get were stripped from her in a matter of minutes. "Are you happy now? Happy to have gotten rid of my powers since you see me as a threat? Cause let me tell you something... I WILL find a way to get them back and you WILL pay for this!" She spat as she glared at her once again before turning her head away in disgust.
The woman laughed very heartily as the blood elf squirmed and threatened in vain. "Varian? That allience king man? Psh, he is stupid, I left his stupid allience a very long time ago..." She undid the helmet, placing it back on the table where she got it from. "I really do wish you would be more willing, after all I am going to be holding on to you for a very, very long time...But now I think it's time to evaluate your body for my use..."

She walked to the side of the table next to the elf, still keeping the bonds tight. "I wouldn't suggest moving for this part..." She reached over and cupped the elf's right brest in her hand feeling it a bit, and then did so with the other with the other hand. "No, no, these are too small for my taste dear... you won't feel a thing don't worry." The mage tightly squeezed both brests, not even listening to the elf at this point. Both of the former-palidens brests began to grow untill they were both DD size. "That's PERFECT for now... but we might have to do a little more growing later..."
So the Draenei wasn't with the Alliance anymore as she had stated as she removed the helmet and placed it back where she got it. "Willing?! Why in the hell would I be willing to my enemy? And what do you mean by 'elevate' my body for your use?! Just what in the hell are you going to do to me?!" She snapped again as she watched the Draenei walk over next to her on the side of the table and spoke again about how she suggested moving for whatever was to come. When she reached over and cupped her right breast in her hand as she felt it before doing the same to her other breast with her other hand. "You! You pervert!" She snarled and then felt her squeeze her breasts and clearly wasn't listening to her now at this point. She could feel them starting to grow and watched them grow in horror as her bra was being stretched out fully and was about to completely snap off of her before they stopped growing and was now a DD size.

Her bra was barely covering her nipples now at this point and she could feel the new weight on her chest. "What do you mean for now?! You will not make them any bigger! Fix them back now!" She yelled as she began squirming again as she tried to get free. Her breasts had always been the perfect size to her and she never envied anyone who had bigger. She never slept with anyone because she had chosen the path of the light. Her virginity remained intact as well due to this. Right now all she wanted to do was get her breasts back to their proper size and get her powers back so she could kill this bitch right then and there.
The draeni began laughing at the elf. "I am really getting tired of you're constant complaining... I mean really. If I wanted, you would be dead right now..." She then bent over and began whispering in her ear. "You don't have a choice. You are my property now. There is absolutly nothing you can do to make me let you go. So I suggest you give in now and simply start enjoying yourself." She then stood back to her full height. She grabbed a ball-gag off the table with the helmet and strapped it into the elf's mouth, tight so she couldn't say a word. "Now, I think it's time to show you that things can feel good if you obey..." She then reached down into the resiliant elve's panties, rubbing her fingers aginst her lips. "Come now... if you will be mine I have to know you inside and out..."
In many ways she wished the Draenei had killed her, this was a fate far worse than death in her eyes. "I am NOT your property! I belong to no one!" She spat out as she watched the woman stand to her full height and then gabbed a weird ball-like object from the table. "Just what in the..." As she tried to protest again the ball was stuffed into her mouth and then strapped to her head, keeping her from saying anything else now. Like hell I'm going to obey you! Her mind screamed as she glared at her again and then felt a hand reach down to her panties as she watched the Draenei rubbed her fingers against her lips before speaking again.

Squirming again as muffled yells came out from the elf she tried to close her legs tightly together so that the woman couldn't just simply 'have her way' with her. Sesshi wasn't the type to submit to just anyone, let alone to her enemies, thus she would keep fighting till she couldn't anymore. Which she hoped she'd be able to keep this woman from doing anything else to her, however given her situation, it all seemed so grim for her now.
The Draeni smiled a bit at the squirming attempts. "My name is Miya, in case you were wondering at this point..." She used minor arcane force to push the leg apart, forcing her into her will. "You might enjoy what comes next, or you may hate yourself for the rest of time..." She then, without warning, snuck a finger into the elve's pussy, then another, and a third. "You need to stop squirming dear or I'll use a dildo..."

Miya then started fingering, slowly at first, then harder and deeper slowly. Her goal was to make the elf cum, so it would be obvious what she had comming. Miya used her free hand to grope the enlarged and extremly sensitive right brest of the girl, just adding to the pleasure. "Sucumb you your instincts, girl..."
Well at least her attacker had a name, not that it mattered to her really. She then felt her legs being forced apart and she tried to close them back up but couldn't due to Miya's arcane magic. I already hate this enough as it is you bitch! Her mind screamed as she then felt a finger enter her vagina, then another, and then a third. Stop squirming?! Are you fucking nuts! Her body squirmed more as she felt the fingers inside of her start to move slowly in her and then harder as as they moved inside of her deeper at a slow pace.

She felt a hand on her now large breasts as Miya started groping the right breast that was oddly more sensitive than before. She wasn't going to allow this woman to have her wish, she wasn't going to succumb to this foul creature just because she had been told to. She had drove all the pleasures of the mind out of her mind and only embraced the light, she didn't allow herself to be tainted with such things and wasn't going to start just because of what this woman was doing to her now. Her muffled screams of protest could be heard clearly even though there was no words. She wanted her to stop and wanted to be just let free, but she knew now she wasn't going to be free for a long time, if ever now.
Miya leaned in, continuing to finger and grope, looking right down at the girl, attepting to loge it into her mind. "You are mine. Wheather you like it or not you will do exactly as I say when I say it, or horrible things will be in store for you." She then leaned forward and gave the elf a passionate kiss, through the gag so there was no tounge. She did not stop with her rytham, keeping it going harder and faster, and after a long time of doing it, she stopped all of the sudden. "You will not be allowed to cum just because of your squriming. Insted... I think you should get a little exersise. The bonds on the girl weakened, allowing her to move her legs, but her arms were weakened.
Horrible things will happen to me if I don't obey you? Heh, when I get free you will be the one who'll be begging me to spare your pathetic life! She thought as she smirked to herself and then Miya leaned forward and kissed her, thankfully the gag was there so she wouldn't have to deal with her nasty tongue. She felt her starting to go harder and faster now with her before stopping. I wasn't anywhere close to cumming you bitch! Her mind snarled at her as she then felt her bindings weaken, allowing her to move her legs, however her arms were very weak and she could barely move them.

Her breasts weighed a lot more than they use to, but she was a strong woman so it was nothing to her. She managed to roll herself off of the table and fell onto the floor with a loud "thump" sound, it hurt a little but not too bad. She didn't care if what she did and was doing was pissing the woman off, she just wanted the hell out! She crawled her way to what looked like a door, however her bra had completely ripped off of her as her breasts had caused them to rip from the weight. She continued to make her way to the door but found herself unable to reach it.
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