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New girl looking for some roleplays.

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Aug 25, 2011
Hello everyone, and thank you for having me on these great forums. I'm a first time poster but I've lurked for a while and have finally decided to make an account here so that I can enjoy some of my own amazing roleplays. I've always enjoyed erotica fiction, with a particular preference for the darker kind that involved non consensual acts and other wonderfully twisted things. So, with that out of the way, let's get down to what I'm interested in and what I'm looking for.

Oh, and I'm bi, so I'll play with both girls and boys :).

None! That's right, when it comes to roleplay I have no limits, but I do reserve the right to say that I'm not interested in doing something at that specific time. Don't be shy, I won't think any less of you if you have some weird fetish that you wouldn't generally share with anyone.

The roleplays that I like are much like "A Serbian Film" if you've heard of it. I don't mean in terms of gore, but in terms of how raw they are and how they might make you feel uncomfortable in order to bring out deeper emotions. It's not the medium as much as the message and art behind it that travels to the very core of a person instead of satisfying some simple lust.

What I'm Interested in Now.
I really enjoy a good in depth roleplay that takes me on a journey of the human psyche, revealing wondrous and horrific aspects of both myself and my roleplaying partners. A bit of smut here and there is great, but I want it to be about the process and experience more than the physical. Posts can easily expand and contract with each exchange from the bare minimum to the very extravagant depending on how much detail and explanation is needed for the scene and whether it's more about the reaction received or the setting as a whole.

Right now I have two ideas in mind, but I'm open to suggestions. I'll keep both rather short for reasons that I'll explain in the next section.

1.) A female is kidnapped and slowly broken down at the hand of her captors through slow psychological torture and conditioning.

2.) A male undergoes forced feminizing at the hands of another person.

In both cases I'd play the submissive role as I just don't enjoy being dominant.

What I Want From You

My Ideal roleplaying partner is creative and enjoys pushing boundaries for that greater sensation of perversion and self experimentation. I want someone who doesn't simply ramble on in their posts, but rather makes descriptive posts that allow me to react and understand the situation and all of its axioms.

Now I mentioned in the previous sections that I was deliberately keeping my two ideas in a very basic and raw form, the reason for this is because I want you to take one of those ideas and present me with a scenario that uses it as a foundation. I want to see how your mind works and what your take on the matter is, and if I presented all of my desires I would simply be forcing a certain scenario that might be outside of your personal interests.

What I Don't Like:
Oh! I almost forgot, the one thing I really hate in roleplays is when something jumps too quickly from one stage to the next. This generally involves some form of magic powers or whatever, and I just hate it as it takes out far too much needed development in stories. That's not to say I'm opposed to fantasy setting, I just don't want to see one spell cast and all of a sudden one character is fully transformed into something completely different that would otherwise take a whole journey of discovery.

Thanks for reading, and I can't wait to hear back form you wonderful perverts <3.
would you like to play a dom char in a roleplay with me?
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