Bond Between Birds (Airi x me)


Jan 18, 2009
Titans Tower was quiet, the city lights blinking on as the sun began to set. No matter the time of day the bustling streets where always busy. In the day traffic blared and people crowded and cramped the streets. At night however it grew calmer, less noisy in most parts. And this was usually when the occasional bad guy or theif would decide to strike.

Tonight had been no different. The Titan's returned back to their tower, a tad exhausted, and tired. All but one green little changeling that is. "Okay time!" Beast Boy shouted. The others groaned gently, but they all moved sluggishly to the couch. Robin sitting between both Starfire and Raven, as Cyborg manifested a fresh batch of popcorn from a compartment in his chest. Beast Boy had a sly kind of grin on his face. 'Wait'll they get a load of this," he said under his breath as he poped the DVD into the drive. He had managed to procure a movie from the "Restricted" section of the video store. It sometimes paid off to be a super hero, and he had managed to sneak it in with his usual collection of rented videos. He couldn't wait to see their faces as the naughty video began to start playing.

"So whats the title?" Robin asked. "I uhhh...don't remember...shhh just watch!" Beast Boy said quickly excusing the question as the video started. It seemed harmless, for the most part for the first few scenes.
Raven let out a dry sigh as she floated down silently towards the couch. Robin joined them a little later, looking just as clueless as she was, as well as the rest of the team except Beast Boy. He had been awfully cheerful recently, even motivated enough to finish their last mission in stopping a recent bank robbery attempt. It was just enough to almost make her sick in the stomach.

"Something sounds a little bit fishy here," the purple-haired witch jeered quietly on the brief exchanges between Robin and Beast Boy, her arms crossed visibly in front of her robe and her eyebrow raised. Nobody really paid attention to her words, though; not like there was anyone who ever paid attention to what she said before. Not that she really wanted the opposite to happen, really.. She'd always liked it when people let her be by herself, alone with her thoughts, and she was more than happy to keep it that way.

So with a final sigh, Raven rested her back to the couch and let Starfire babbled about her planet's version of movie-watching experience during the film's opening credit roll. On the beginning, the movie seemed like a cheap and old Japanese monster movie, completed with a Godzilla-like monsters acted out by men in rubber suits rampaging cities and destroying skyscrappers.
Everyone seemed to think this would be another "awesome classic" of Beast Boys, which generally meant it would be a weird sort of science fiction or fantasy type movie that would only appeal to a few hardcore nerds. Robin watched, tuning out Starfire for the moment, and luckily she had gone quiet after making mention of how the monster resembled something on a neighboring planet next to hers. He didn't tone her out to often, but now was a time where he didn't want to listen much and simply enjoy the crappy cliche flick.

He gave a side long glance to Beast Boy, who seemed to actually not enjoying the film all to much. " Guess he expected better production value" the boy wonder thought behind his mask and simply went back to watching the movie. Suddenly the monster was destroyed, and a rather attractive woman was thanking the mighty super hero for defeating the beast. It was a bit shocking the main plot was already over. That is until the hero mention a better way to "thank him". The atmosphere quickly turned to a much different scene.

The woman gave a small giggle, before she suddenly lifted her shirt up, revealing the lack of a bra, and rather fake looking breasts. Robin gave a look to Beast Boy again, whose face has suddenly lit up. The Boy Wonder knew why he had been so somber about things before. Despite the sudden inappropriate nature of the film, none really looked away. Though Robin still wondered how BB had even gotten this DVD in the first place.
Raven couldn't help but batting her eyelashes. Once. The eroticism wasn't really what she'd expected coming, but otherwise the purple-haired girl had a feeling something was wrong since the beginning. What she didn't expect even more was that nobody else in the room seemed to react to the supposedly-awkward moment, instead gluing their eyes towards the screen like it was just any other movies they normally watched in the weekends. But, then again, managing to get such weird movie while at the same time getting the Titans together to watch it until the end was a feat that Raven could congratulate Beast Boy for.

With her attention slowly diverted away from the steamy scenes, Raven couldn't help but wondered what her other teammates were thinking at the time.

Beast Boy was probably enjoying his time; he was the one who started it all, after all.

Cyborg, being the green boy's one and only best friend in the whole universe, was probably idem.

Starfire may had been too stunned to even talk, or she may had been quite excited herself, thinking it as some kind of sport instead of a mating session.

And then Robin...

Raven stopped abruptly when she got to the masked vigilante. As the leader of the Titans, he could have stopped the show anytime he wanted, but as it turned out, he didn't. Could it be that he was probably... interested? The purple-haired girl turned her head aside as her pale cheeks started to feel unnaturally warm. The thought of her leader secretly enjoying such explicit and raw entertainment, though slightly disturbing, actually piqued her interest. Nevertheless...

"... Okay. I think I will go to my room now," the witch announced dryly among the screams of pleasure from the movie's near-orgasmic protagonists, before quietly slipping out of the couch and towards the dark hallway leading to her room. Along the way, Raven tried hard not to look at Robin's direction, all the while calming her wildly pounding heart.
Robin simply watched. He was sued to these sort of pranks and schemes by Beast Boy, he also learned how to deal with them in his own personal way. Beast Boy loved the attention, so if he simply showed little interest and shrugged it off, it would only ruin the green changelings fun. It brought a small smirk to his face as he would notice Beast Boys anticipation, as if he was sure this would finally break the boy wonders resolve and cause him to burst out. But it didn't, after all Robin had been trained by one of the most serious, and rather strict heroes out there, Batman. Much like his mentor, he knew just how to keep a serious face in any situation, though he had to admit, this was a rather nice prank.

Robin felt a sudden presence and his eyes scanned around, his neck and head not moving, but he had used the most of his peripheral vision to take everything in. He felt the dark gaze of the hooded enchantress. He gave a side long glance to her as he studied him, he in turn doing the very same. He wondered why she fixated onto him so much. Was she trying to communicate something to him? He felt something, a small disturbance in his rather steel edged psyche.

"Okay Ray," Beast Boy responded, obviously a little pleased with himself to have gotten her to break formation, though he had truthfully been hoping to make Robin feel very strange. He guessed he would just go with putting earth worms in the boy wonders boots....if he ever took them off! Robin almost turned as he felt her eyes still on him one last moment, a very small twitch of his neck was a sure time he had wanted to lock gazes with her, but his trained mind had stopped the reflex to do so.
Raven made her way towards a long and dark corridor of the Titan Tower, the one which obviously led to her own room. Her blue hood was put up and covered most of her hair and head, as if worried that somebody could see her face. Her steps were long and paced; the purple-haired enchantress was hoping the patterned routine would help her in getting rid of the images that kept appearing in her head. When that didn't work, she switched to cursing Beast Boy under her breath.

At the time she reached her room's door, Raven wished she could be calmer, more level-headed... perhaps like Robin. And with a snap, suddenly the picture of the mighty super hero from a cheap movie production flying around having sex in costume reappeared in her vision, but with the mask and hairstyle that looked a lot like Robin's. Grunting lightly, Raven slammed the door close in an attempt to shake off the image; a tint of red appearing on her pale cheeks.

She needed meditation. And it better worked, or she'd have to make sure Beast Boy is dead by morning.
Robin stomached the rest of the movie, Starfire seemed captivated by the whole thing thinking it was some sort of ritual, in a sense she was correct though truthfully it was nothing more then human smut on film. Once the movie ended he decided to go and check on Raven, that is after he had given Beastboy a quick lecture at how stupid and ill tasted that joke was. The changeling had been a bit dissapointed the boy wonder had seen through his ruse.

He stepped through the hallway, feeling a strange sort of tingling sensation, allowing his mind to let the images of the film dance through like an unwanted guest. He was careful though not to delve to deeply into the erotic imagery, for fear of having a very awkward moment with the dark spell caster of there team. He looked at her door, like someone who was about to tell someone a loved one had just died, trying to think of what to say to her. He decided just to be calm and simple.

"Raven? Are you okay?" he asked her knocking on the door quietly, for fear she was meditating, or possibly even upset.
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