A Dark-Hunter side story ^_^

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Aug 2, 2011
"Come with me Raina..."

"We dont have a mating mark Varyk, we could never be a family. I love you...but i want pups."

"Please Raina...dont do this...i couldnt stand the thought-"

"Im going to do this Varyk, I want to find my mate."

In a Kattagari pack, a female can choose to call on to every viril male to try and sate her whilst she was in heat. If they could not sate her, she would throw them out and move on to the next. Raina had been his world and no matter how he sated her, the mating mark never showed. Completely bitter and unable to forgive her, Varyk went out that night and stood at the tent, disallowing anyone to enter. Fights broke out in mass proportions. After taking down quite a few of his family, he was ultimately thrown out of his pack.

"I never thought you were this stupid pup..."
His father said standing in front of him. Growling as the wounds on his back were vicious. His clan had no mercy on him or his heart. Even his own father had went against him.

"Mark my words...when i return...her mate will DIE."

With that he stood up and limped away, listening as his clan laughed and his love was taken by a lover that wasn't him.

"I pray to the gods that you are never sated Raina."


New Orleans, present day

Fixing his ball cap and rolling up his sleeves he entered the bar sanctuary where he sat every night to listen to the Howlers play and drink his beer untill he could believe he was drunk. Wearing a pair of worn out jeans, black and white converse, a white button up that was open in front and a black tank underneath. His jet black hair with white highlights was sleeked back into a low pony tail and a ball cap that said 'Rub me for Luck' on it.

"Hey Aimee,"

He said as she set him down his next set of beers.

"Remi in?" He asked.

"No, hes gone for the night. He looked a bit green tonight so we sent him off."

"ah..." He nodded as she walked away. Sometime him and Remi would sit and have a few beers but he guessed that he was alone. Sanctuary was the same as usual, musty homely feeling. And thats what kept him coming back every time.

(i kept his were form secret on purpose.)
Present Day, New Orleans

Crimson Dream drew up to Sanctuary on a roar and a squeal of tires as she stopped her motorcycle in front of the club. Taking her helmet off, lush auburn curls fell down the length of her back and ended just where her pant line began, and she set the helmet on its hook. Swinging one black clad leather leg over the side, she stood up. Her pants seemed almost poured on her like a second skin and leather vest was molded over her ample breasts and down her torso. No one would ever be able to find where she kept her weapons hidden without giving her a through body search, and that wasn’t ever going to happen.

Walking to the door, Dev gave out a low whistle of appreciation and she smirked up at him, “Eat your heart out, Bear.” She kept moving forward and ignored his sexual comment as she walked into the club, her hips and ass swaying in time to the Howlers. There were a lot of looks sent her way, but she ignored them and her aura didn’t give off the most friendly of vibes, so no one dared try to come up to her that didn’t know her.

She got to the bar and saw that there was only one open seat next to a guy with a ball cap that entertained her and another guy that just looked low. Taking the stool anyways, she rose up her arm and waved, “Yo, Aimee, give me the usual!” Mixed code for a drink and the information she needed. A good hunt was required tonight.
With ever breath he took, the man exhaled male dominance. His aura a deadly mixture of lust and 'fuck off', he pulled his cap down knocked back another drink. Most of the time he wouldnt have even looked at any of the women who entered this bar, but the scent of her...hit him like truck of money bound for mexico. Licking his dry lips he pulled his hat off and continued to stare down his drink as if he was fighting the urge to pounce her.

"What the hell is wrong with me?...."

It had been over 50 years since he had lifted his nose in a womans direction. And the fact that the woman that interested him was a dark hunter...was twice as bad. Her aura screamed 'Ill have your balls for ornaments before you see my bed'. And the last thing he needed, was to have his ass handed to him by a woman...but for this particular beauty...he just might put it on the chopping block for her.

Running his hand through his hair, he pulled the hair tie out as he almost never pulled it back, he hated the way it pulled on his scalp in all the wrong ways. He'd rather let the long black hair hang and get tangled, then to have it pull on him. Gripping his empty bottle untill it almost broke he said to aimee.

"Hold the human hair."

That was a drink that would inebriate any human in one drink. But to were's and hunters...it didnt matter. It had a burn that was so good, they had to put it on the list.
Aimee walked up with two drinks of human hair and put one first down in front of Varyk and the other in front of Crimson. "Hey Crimson, hows the big bad looking tonight?" Aimee leaned down in front of Crimson and whispered, even though she knew that some of the people around could listen in if they so choose. Mostly, she hoped that they would stick to their own business. Glad for the distraction from the man sitting next to her. When he took off his cap off, she nearly groaned from the way his long black hair fell down his back made her want to grab him and possibly fuck him like an animal. Where that came from, she didn't know, but she did know that there were other types of patron in this bar that were more than human, he could very well be one of them. However, she swore a long time ago to never get involved in a relationship, but was still open for one night stands.

Aimee pulled something out from her pocket and slid it over to Crimson, "here, this is from Ash. You be careful out there." Crimson took the envelope and ripped it open, after reading the contents and dropped something into her hand that she quickly hid in between her vest and her breasts. "Thanks Aimee, I'll see what I can do." Her voice had gone deep and poured out like honey, seductive and deadly. She was looking forward to the coming night.

Picking up her drink, she knocked it back in one go and then slammed it down on the bar. As she turned around to walk away, she touched the guys head and rubbed, "A rub for good luck. Later." With that, she walked away and back out of Sanctuary. Stopping before Dev, she looked up him with a look and threw the keys to her motorcycle to him. "I'm on foot from here, Bear, make sure my Beauty gets home without a scratch or else I'll skin and tan your hide." At his nod of understanding, she turned left and disappeared down the street. The click of her heels fading into silence and the hunt was on.

She had only gotten a few blocks from Sanctuary when she heard a low pain filled moan. Grabbing behind her back and under her hair, she drew down her two short Katana's. As she moved forward into the alleyway, she saw the group of Daimon's surrounding a threesome of women, one of whom was already on the ground dead, another who was in the arms of a Daimon, and the last who was cowering and surrounded while she was being taunted. Moving forward with swift grace, she killed the Daimon feeding on the woman and she sank to the ground. The others turned to look at her and the battle was on.
Completly dumbfounded, Varyk watched as the woman he had been purring for, walk out of sanctuary to do her partol. Varyk knew about dark hunters. He had never met their leader, but after a few run ins with Kyrian and Valerius a while back, he learned to steer clear of them. But when he touched her...it was over for him, he had to know what she was about. Hearing her voice as she spoke to the bear at the door he wanted to howl in need for her. It took every ounce of his strength not to run after her and take her right there on the street, that and the idea of having his genitals ripped off...wasnt pleasing at all.

Stealing her glass off the bar and leaving a large tip as usual, he walked toward the exit. "Dont do it man, that woman will eat you alive.." THe bear cautioned. Looking at him with a look of profound annoyance he said back. "And im pretty sure, that if she was doing it naked...we both wouldnt mind."

With that Varyk followed after her. Keeping to the shadows and a long way back, Varyk easily followed her scent down to an alley. Staying at the end of the alley with his back leaned against the brick wall, he waited untill her business was done. He didnt really know what he was going to say or if he had anything to say at all... He just wanted to hear her voice again.
The woman ran when the Daimon's turned towards her, they didn't bother chasing after her as they faced Crimson. One of them laughed as he looked her over, "What's a short thing like you going to do against all of us?" The taunt made her lips pull up into a dark smile that had her own fangs showing. "Bigger isn't always better asshole, but I'm sure that you learned that while trying and failing at fucking a woman." She laughed with a wicked glee and her hands shifted with her katana's. "Or maybe its men you boys like, since I never see any woman with you."

At her cutting remark, she was charged by the one who had first spoken to her and she dodged his attack by going under his arm and bringing up her back foot in a pivot that had her heel digging into his face and sending him on his back. The rest of the group charged her at once and she knew that she was at a disadvantage being six to one. She held her own fairly well, but as one attacked from the front, another attacked from the back and one of her katana's was sent spiraling out of her hand and she could feel as the bone in her forearm broke. She kept fighting, but at the feel of another Dark Hunter coming, she could feel her powers weakening.
Hearing the bones shatter in her arm, Varyk couldnt stand by anylonger. Though she would peobably be angry at him for intercepting her kill, he was going to do so anyways. A flash of light blinded those within the alley momentarily and there stood a large Lion. His mane seemed to glow with gold and light as he pounced on the daimons. His large claws shreading the clothes and skin as he pounded the daimons into dust. Stepping on her katana, he shoved it toward her as he moved to the next daimon and ripped his head off with his jaws. The mear size of him was enough to make the other daimons nearly piss his pants. Finishing off the last of the daimons to geather, he turned to look at her with big blue eyes...through the eyes of a wild lion.

"I didnt mean to intrude on your fight...I just couldnt turn away."

He said to her through telekenisis.
Crimson watched with a mixture of surprise and annoyance as the Lion appeared before her and began to kill the Daimon's. She didn't need help with anything, especially not from something of the male species. Leaning down, with her ass in the air, she picked up her fallen katana and hid them once again under her hair in their sheaths. When the lion finished and looked at her, she cocked an eyebrow at the intrusion of his telekinesis in her mind. "Big kitty want a cookie for intruding or would you like me to just skin you alive right here? Are you stupid or what, cat, for changing into form here where anyone could see you? The wolves are easy to hide in sight, since the human mind would think them tamed dogs or huskies. There is no way to explain a giant ass lion roaming around loose in the middle of the city."

Highly agitated, she ran a hand through her hair and just looked at the lion, he was an extremely beautiful creature, she would give him that. However, she wasn't happy with his interruption of her hunt. Yes, she may have been in a bind, but she always landed on her feet in one way or another. Now she just had all of this restless energy stored up, much like she always did, now the hunt was all she lived for.
With a flash of light Varyk changed from lion to human form and stared at her. Looking slightly sheepish but keeping his 'ill eat your heart' demeanor. Walking slowly toward her, he stopped next to her and conjured his hat and placed it on his head.

"Sorry, it was my mistake."

Though he had alot more things he could have spewed out he simply aplogized. Most weres, especially those of kattagari species, did not take well to being insulted. And yet he took it in stride. Risky though it was, it was worth the emotional slap she delivered. Turning his head slightly to look back at her he paused as if he was going to say something, but then decided differently and turned away. Exiting the alley he growled low in his throat. He could kick himself for his stupidity. Invading her mind was such a stupid act and he probably deserved the insult. His anger simmering, he decided to go back toward Sanctuary.
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