Andariel stepped out of a half-way restored Hearse, it's mix-matched gray and black paneling was dented badly and beginning to rust, onto the busy streets of New York City. The ringleader frowned as he dropped a few quarters into a nearby meter, his eyes glancing around furtively as the busy mid-day foot traffic made their way to and from their daily errands. As the ringleader made his was cautiously into a darkened alley across from his parking spot, he thought that this was a poor place for a slave market. His fears abated some as he reached the heavy steel door without drawing notice from a single passer-by. It seemed the pedestrians of the big city had to much on their minds to take notice of much.
With a sigh and a shrug, Andariel rapped on the metal door. A small rectangle slid away and a pair of beady, hardened eyes appeared and a gruff, muffled voice inquired, "Password?"
Andariel took the cue and showed a tightly wrapped roll of cash to the disembodied gaze of the market's bouncer who hastily nodded and let Andariel inside. Asking for the password was a trick question, something that some random passing curious patron might expect from a steal enforced and locked door. If they tried to guess the password, they would instantly be turned away. Cash, on the other hand, never lied.
Andariel made his way through the cramped and darkened hallway, a sickening mix of the smell of sweaty men mixed with the sensuous perfumes that were doused on a variety of girls. The ringleader couldn't wait to get out of such a den of destitution. Still, it was possible that he could do some good here and so he continued to work his way amongst the steal cages. Thick girls and slender girls, older and younger, from blond to brunette with a dizzying array of differences and attitudes watched the gathering crowd of men, who varied just as much as the products on display. Some of the girls shouted and fought against their chains, ready to strangle anyone who dared to buy them while other girls cradled their knees in their arms and wept, some loudly and some silently. There were even some women that danced seductively for the buyers, stripping their clothes from shaking and dirty bodies while fondling their naked flesh to entice a bidder to take them away from their current life. For them, anything would be better. Andariel doubted they would find what they were looking for.
Before he put too much thought into it, Andariel froze by a cage that was set off to the side. The crowd here was much thinner and Andariel's curiosity was piqued when the magic within him tingled as he looked in the direction of the girl housed in the cage. The tingle meant that the girl had promise and Andariel changed course mid-stride and worked his way to the cage to peek inside.
[Your turn! Sorry it took me so long
With a sigh and a shrug, Andariel rapped on the metal door. A small rectangle slid away and a pair of beady, hardened eyes appeared and a gruff, muffled voice inquired, "Password?"
Andariel took the cue and showed a tightly wrapped roll of cash to the disembodied gaze of the market's bouncer who hastily nodded and let Andariel inside. Asking for the password was a trick question, something that some random passing curious patron might expect from a steal enforced and locked door. If they tried to guess the password, they would instantly be turned away. Cash, on the other hand, never lied.
Andariel made his way through the cramped and darkened hallway, a sickening mix of the smell of sweaty men mixed with the sensuous perfumes that were doused on a variety of girls. The ringleader couldn't wait to get out of such a den of destitution. Still, it was possible that he could do some good here and so he continued to work his way amongst the steal cages. Thick girls and slender girls, older and younger, from blond to brunette with a dizzying array of differences and attitudes watched the gathering crowd of men, who varied just as much as the products on display. Some of the girls shouted and fought against their chains, ready to strangle anyone who dared to buy them while other girls cradled their knees in their arms and wept, some loudly and some silently. There were even some women that danced seductively for the buyers, stripping their clothes from shaking and dirty bodies while fondling their naked flesh to entice a bidder to take them away from their current life. For them, anything would be better. Andariel doubted they would find what they were looking for.
Before he put too much thought into it, Andariel froze by a cage that was set off to the side. The crowd here was much thinner and Andariel's curiosity was piqued when the magic within him tingled as he looked in the direction of the girl housed in the cage. The tingle meant that the girl had promise and Andariel changed course mid-stride and worked his way to the cage to peek inside.
[Your turn! Sorry it took me so long