Charizard's Burning Ambition.(Myself and Jugger)

Aug 21, 2011
There was still much to do.

Even though Ritsu and her team had defeated the league and became the champions, that only applied to the Johto region. With her winning team she boarded a ferry for the Kanto region, and already won a few badges. all with the help of her team's strongest, Her shiny Charizard.

She always kept him outside of his pokeball. He deserved it after all. She was holding up a map that was getting harder to read in the failing sunlight. She knew they'd have to camp soon. Their next stop was Celadon city, to get the badge of a grass gym leader. It should be easy, what with two fire types on her team. Of course her Charizard would get the first fight.

After a few minutes she stopped walking on the path and headed into the trees, deciding to find a small clearing to hide from passing thieves. It didn't take too long to find one big enough for her and her partner. "Alright buddy. We'll rest here and hit the town in the morning. Promise."
The Charizard nodded when he heard her. Its black body was somewhat illuminated by the majestic burning fire on the tip of his tail, though even still he seemed to blend in with the darkness of the trees. Though...he would use this fire to keep his partner warm. Like a ponyta or rapidash, his flame would not hurt those that he trusted, and he trusted Ritsu enough to not burn her. Even though he's been her partner since he was a charmander, he still has had trouble getting along with her. His attitude being a part of the problem as well.

Walking into the clearing, it snorted some smoke before it sat down with its tail coming out from between his legs to illuminate his front, as well as the camp grounds. He watched over her, just like a guardian would to the precious treasure of a forgotten kingdom. She was his trainer, and he knew he should respect her and keep her safe...despite the fact he believed that if some stronger pokemon was up for grabs, she'd trade him for an instant. He didn't know why he believed that, but he did. Looking up to the sky, he wondered how hard the next gym would be. Grass types, of course, would be easy. Though poison and paralysis were two of his most hated ailments, even preferring confusion over the slow-acting poke-diseases.
She watched him take a seat and smiled, choosing to sit across from him. She sat with her legs crossed, then propped her elbows on her knee and leaned forward, holding her head in her hand as she looked at him. "So, do you think you'll be able to defeat the next gym by yourself?" She smiled almost foolishly at him. She wanted his opinion on it. She would never force him to take on the entire gym himself, but if he was up for it, she wouldn't deny him the chance. She then giggled softly. "I'll have to remember to buy some healing stuff when we get to town, just in case. Can never be too sure with these tricky grass types."

After staring at her favorite for a moment she stood up and crossed over to him, deciding to give him a big hug. "Officially bedtime. So lie down and get lots of sleep okay?" She gave him a kiss on the top of his head, then smiled as she walked back to where she had been sitting and began to pull a light material sleeping bag from her bag. She placed it down and opened it, playing her bag at where her head would be, then lying down inside the sleeping back and placing her head on the bag. She then raised her hands. "Come on Charry!"
Charry looked up to her when she spoke to him about taking on the gym by himself. He simply snorted some smoke before looking away, showing his arrogance at how easy it would be. Continuing to listen to her, he didn't care when she began to hug him or kiss his head. She was showing her affection to her pokemon, but he wouldn't openly admit to even somewhat liking her attention. He watched her begin to put out her sleeping bag and when she called out to him, Charry walked over and laid down beside her. He laid his head onto her body, and closed his eyes as he laid there. His head wasn't too heavy. He never put his full weight on her when he just used her as a pillow. Breathing slowly, he began to slowly fall asleep beside her...unaware of the 'effects' of the gym leader's pokemon that would change his and her relationship completely.
Throughout the night she patted and pet his head gently, until finally the morning came. The sun woke her up rather quickly. She stretched, yawning and then carefully moving Charry's head from her to stand up. After standing she stretched again, reaching skyward and standing on her tip-toes. after a minute of that she started to pat Charry, whispering. "Wake waky, it's time to earn us a badge!"
He growled when she began to wake him up. He didn't like to wake up because of other people. Getting up, he looked to her and yawned a bit before he nodded to her. He'd take on the gym by himself. He wasn't afraid. It wasn't as if he wasn't poisoned or paralyzed before. He could manage it until they got to the pokemon center. He waited for her to start walking so he could follow her and earn her that next badge.
After she packed up her sleeping bag, she nodded to him and left out the woods the way she came, back onto the road. After checking to make sure he was following, she started for the town. It took maybe another hour of walking before the city came into view, and another 20 before they entered it. The entire time, Ritsu's focus was mostly on the department store the filled the skyline, so much that she almsot thought about skipping the gym for now and shopping. That's when she remembered to go and buy some healing stuff for Charry. "Hmm.. let's stop and get some antidotes, just in case." She started for the store, glancing towards Charry every few minutes.
Charry sighed, somewhat annoyed she hadn't already bought some antidotes the day before. He was already amped and ready to fight and now she was making him shop. He growled lowly and just followed her into a PokeMart. Standing aside, his usual glare was on his face as he looked at everything, unable to understand the words on all the labels or what they did. He trusted Ritsu to get the right items to help him in battle.
Ritsu only took a few minutes before grabbing a few antidotes and potions. She had been eyeing the Full Heal, but decided that buying food after the match was much more needed then that. After paying, she left and headed straight for the gym, only stopping to make sure Charry was with her. She wanted to make a grand entrance with her strongest by her side, so when she reached the gym, she pushed open the door, and called out. "Alright! I'm here to burn plants or chew gum, and I'm all outta gum!"
Charizard's eye twitched in some annoyance at such the corny line, but shook his head and kept his mind in the game. He began to step forward, eyeing Erika from afar, wondering what pokemon she would send out. He began to use a flamethrower into the air, strong enough to look deadly, yet not large enough to cause a small fire in the area. It made him seem more fierce, but arrogant. Stepping into the arena, he waited for Erika to throw out her pokemon. The thing about Charry though...was that he never listened to Ritus's commands. He obeyed her outside of battle, but he believed that a battle between pokemon should be done by the pokemon, rather than the trainer giving orders. Just another drawback of being a highly evolved pokemon with an attitude problem.
"Charry! Wait!" Ritsu groaned at how he marched out and almost burned everything down. That was the only problem with him. It almost cost her the last badge when he did this stuff. She ran up to the arena though, intent on still trying to command him right. That's when Erika approached and spoke.

'Fine, I have to accept any challenges anyway.' She tossed out a pokeball, releasing a Tangela out to face Charry. 'Tangela, ancient power!' The Tangela began to hop up a bit, it's eyes glowing as pieces of the floor lifted and flew at Charry.

"Charry, use fire Blast!"
Charry growled as it began to fly into the air, creating large gusts of wind as it did so. The boulders went past him but the wind would try and keep the Tangela at bay. It was not long before it roared out, using Aerial Ace to attack the Tangela. Unless it did something, this would be a one hit KO more than likely, as grass types were weak against flying and fire. Closer and closer it got to Tangela at amazing speeds, hoping to win this badge for Ritsu.
"Charry!" Ritsu yelled at him, as she did when he disobeyed her.

Erika obviously could see Charry flying high better then Tangela, so she yelled out. "Sleep powder!"
The powder was just starting to release when Charry's dive finished hard and fast. Tangela bounced out, quickly defeated by the Charizard's speed. Erika returned her fallen one and tossed out her next ball, this time a Jumpluff appearing. "Jumpluff, Sunny day!" The attack happened quickly, the entire gym seemed to light up more.
Charry dodged the sleep powder and began to spin when he took out Tangela. Quickly, he jumped back and looked up at the blue dust that was slowly falling down toward him, and he began to use a Whirldwind to blow the sleep powder away from the arena. Looking over, he just saw Jumpluff begin to enter the arena and begin to use Sunny Day...Charry smirked. He began to blow flames high into the air now, his fire being enhanced by the Sunny Day, forgetting about Jumpluff's most powerful move...
The jumpluff was pretty pumped by the newly lit areana, and Erika didn't waste anytime. "Solarbeam!" without the needed to charge, the attack was quick and devasting, it held out the bulbs on it's ends and luanched the high powered beam directly at Charry.

Ritsu was quick to yell. "Charry! Quit showing off! Fly! now"
Charry ignored Ritsu and began to charge up a large blast of fire before he began to use flamethrower against the solar beam. It slowed it down, actually keeping it at bay for the time being but the mixed forces against each other created a large explosion, causing Charry to be sent flying and through the gym wall. It lay under a pile of rubble, all that was seen of the black charizard was its dimly lit tail that was the only part of it outside of the rubble.
"Charry!" She watched him fly through the wall as the beams collided. She turned back to Erika and her jumpluff who, despite taking the same damage as Charry, didn't look as bad. Ritsu realized that in the moment after Charry hit the wall, Jumpluff must've used Synthesis. She looked at Erika, before speaking. "I forfeit." She then turned and ran to the rubble pile, pulling rocks this way and that to unbury her Charizard. "Charry.. come on, I can't do this alone.. not without you...." She stood up, releasing her Meganium to help pull rocks away, when Charry was freed, she bent down to help him up. "Come on.. let's get you to a center." Meganium stayed up, using it's vines to help Ritsu pick up and walk with Charry.
Charry lay in pain under the rocks, and the rocks moving against his wounds from Ritsu and Meganium trying to unbury him just caused more pain. When they struggled to carry him, Charry began to growl at the stupidity of Ritsu, though it was low and weak. She didn't put him in a pokeball, which would make it that much easier to carry him. He wished he knew how to speak human, or if she could just understand pokemon. Eventually when he was placed in the pokemon center, he was laid down on a bed with his tail's fire on a Bunsen burner to help keep it flamed and recover the pokemon.
Of course, at the pokemon center, Ritsu was yelled at by one of the nurses for not only letting Charry get so hurt, but because she didn't place him back into a ball. The thought hadn't really came to her at the time, mostly because Charry was usually kept outside his ball. She at times, forgot he even truly had one. And now as she sat in the room with him, watching his tail, she felt foolish. How could she be a trainer by forgetting her oldest friend had an easier way to get around. It was her fault, she gathered. If she had remembered the pokeball, she could've returned him and ran here, instead of going a little slower to make sure he was okay the entire time.

She rubbed at his arm softly and sighed. "I don't deserve to train you... maybe that's why you never listen to me."
Charry lay still on the bed as his tail lay on the burner. It could listen to her words but it could not react to her. When she began to speak of her not deserving him, and that being the reason he didn't listen to her, he couldn't help but feel a sense of right and wrong in that statement. True...She truly did deserve him. She trained him since he was just a charmander, but back then he was too obedient, too naive and gullible. As the times went on, he just slowly drifted away from her authority as he evolved. Though as he stayed with her longer...he felt like he didn't need her. The more power he had, he was moreover becoming more of a guardian to her rather than a friend and partner. He didn't listen to her, and only did what would be best for her. Hell...he even thought that it was his own gift to her that he even decided to participate in the Kanto Region's league. He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her, his eyes just staring at her as she rubbed his arm.
When Charry's head lifted, she looked up at him with a slight smiled. "Hey buddy... I'm sorry for.. not getting you here correctly.." She then sighed. "It's my fault for being in a panic... I thought I had lost my oldest friend." She continued to rub his arm still. "But now.. you're alright.. and you'll get better.. and.. we'll take a break from all the training and battling. I'll take you somewhere to relax for a few days." She smiled a little, even though she couldn't think of a place where he would enjoy. "And before that, we'll go out and get you a big big meal. Promise."
Charry shook his head. He couldn't be refused the life of battling. Dragons like he, even though he isn't classified as a Dragon type but is still based off an actual dragon, had to fight. It was in their nature to fight for dominance and power amongst those who seemed worthy of fighting...and he wanted some revenge on the jumpluff for getting the drop on him. He closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply, small puffs of smoke came from his nose with each breath. He was really trying to relax then and there so he could go and face the gym once more.
Seeing his head shake she smiled. "I should've known better.. you prefer to fight..." Ritsu shrugged, then patted his head. "This is why I love you. You always want to do your best, to fight hard. I could search the ends of the world until I die and I'd never find anyone to replace you." She leaned in, giving his nose a gentle kiss. "but I decided years ago that I never would replace you anyway. you're my favorite. Even when i was a little girl. I remember watching a championship match on tv, a Charizard flying high and swirling in fire. It's what drove me to be a trainer, and what drove me to pick you. I held off even starting just to get a charmander, and when I got you I was the happiest I've ever been. and it only got better as I grew to know and love you."
Love...That was a word her heard seldomly from her. She hardly ever told him that she loved him, in the sense that she meant...Of course she would 'love' all of her pokemon, but he knew they shared a relationship that was unlike any other. He looked to her with his big black eyes that matched his skin and eventually just snorted another puff of smoke before he placed his hand onto hers now, his claws holding her hand gently.
As Ritsu stared back, with her red eyes, she was a bit shocked when his claw rested on her hand. She never recalled him doing that, atleast not as a Charizard. She really did love him. A lot more then she probably should to be honest. She never really understand if that love was forbidden. She leaned in more, removing her hand from under his claw and instead wrapping it as best as she could around his neck. "Charry.. I do love you with all of my heart."
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