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Sep 23, 2009
James Gordon got the call at two o'clock in the morning to get himself dressed and drive over to the old cereal factory in the south part of town. Most people -- including him -- were in their beds at this time, but he knew his day was far from over. Another long night in Gotham City, and another lunatic causing problems. The phone conversation had been brief, and he didn't know all the facts. But Gordon didn't need to ask any questions... he was already half-way out the door before the phone went back on the hook.

His squad car raced through the quiet streets, passing by the occasional prostitute and lonely pedestrian. There was no time to stop for red lights or keep under the speed limit, every second it took him to drive meant someone was one second closer to getting hurt. Gordon looked up to the roofs of the buildings, and smiled at the knowledge he wasn't going to be the only backup on it's way.

The commissioner arrived at the scene of the crime fashionably late, and one of his deputies was there to fill him in to what was going on. Harvey Dent, known as Two-Face after the horrible acid attack many years ago, had taken a hostage and threatened to blow her -- and the entire neighbourhood -- up if they didn't co-operate. Jim Gordon didn't like to co-operate. 'Harvey!' Boomed the commissioner through a megaphone. 'Let her go, Harvey. She doesn't need to be involved in this.'

Two-Face remained hidden from view, but his voice could be heard with the same kind of amplification as the commissioner's. 'Don't be a fool, Commissioner. Do you think you can talk me in to coming out with my hands up? I never thought you were much of a negotiator.' The two-faced monster peeked through a crack in the boarded-up window, pistol in his hand. A group of SWAT team members were slowly sneaking towards the entrance, something which brought a smile to half of Harvey's face. 'She's got enough dynamite strapped to her to blow the south of Gotham off the city map. Any one takes one step through that front door...' He looked towards the booby-trapped entrance where a flashing detonator was hidden. '...And no more hostage.'

Just as well Batman never used the front door.
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