Time and Time Again (SilentMist x Lanolyt)


Jul 15, 2011
Georgia, USA
"Hello there. You must be new here."

It wasn't. In fact, it was the same piece of metal that had been there yesterday... and the day before that... and the one before that... and, well you get the idea. As it happened, everything that lay scattered across the barren landscape had been there since the beginning of time. Nothing changed. Ever.

"Pleasure to meet you, Jorge. You may call me The Minstrel. Or was it Myssandra? No matter. I don't imagine you'll have much trouble recognizing me here."

Not that 'the beginning of time' was anything special in this place. Time was relative to begin with, but here it was relatively the same time. Repeating itself again and again in an infinite loop. Enough to drive any mortal mad. Even the rather special (and only) resident, an endearing woman of roughly middle age and full figure, sporting a bound head of fiery red locks and eyes of shimmering emerald. Her outfit looked to be something out of an Indiana Jones film, complete with tight-fitted pants and tanktop, a vest of many pockets, and even a fedora hat. For one such as her it was an odd thing to be caught outside of time with, but try as she might to change it, everything in the environment went right back to the way it was at the start of the loop.

"No, no. Don't trouble yourself so. Just stay right where you are. If too many things move I won't know when it's broken. Or is it the other way around? ...what was that? Oh by all means, tell me more!"

Perhaps she had created a few companions to occupy eternity with her. Or maybe her mind was simply fracturing from sheer boredom. It wouldn't matter, either way. There was no end, and each beginning came just as the last, until it all seemed to meld together into one long, short, excruciating existence. Yet she would go on with it, desperately trying to make each loop different from the last. What else could she do?
Chiron peered into the depths of space ahead, as if somehow doing so would help him. Silly, really...when he had such excellent instruments to rely on.

True, his ship was a piece of junk...literally, as it still was counted in the manifest of a scrapyard. But the instruments that measured and sensed and detected were the very best...because he'd designed them.

This was the proper area. Here was roughly where the thickest of the battles in the Time wars had occurred three times. Here was where he might find a solution to the problem.

The problem. As he tossed his hair back over his ancient headband, for the seventy-second time that day, (the one with the gem stone no one could Identify, and made of adament metal, not the plain gold one he wore to impress people,) his haunted steel gray eyes checked and rechecked his instruments. Immediate space was still clear...but he was wandering. The problem. The Time Lords blew themselves away destroying the last od the Daleks...only they missed some. And who still had weapons to face them? No on known.

He patted his gray many-pocketed jumpsuit, and found an energy bar. His friends teased him about his jumpsuit with over 100 pockets, but he was able to easily carry whatever he needed with it. Now he pulled out the device. He knew it was a time punch of some kind, but it was low on power and he had not been able to find a way to charge it. But it could open a time bubble, and hopefully keep it that way for a few minutes. Which was important...

Because he had studied the time wars, and some weapons were not destroyed, they simply disappeared. With all the time and energy weapons in play, that was not surprising. His right hand stroked the device, revealing a little of the burn scar that ran right up his arm. Frackin' Daleks!

He would have to go back soon...but there was still a chance he could find a great weapon, if only he could locate a large time pocket.

He glanced up and watched a distant comet move slowly...the do it again over the same course. Suddenly, he was excitedly entering data as he laughed. His eyes had been better than all the instruments.

He thumbed on the environment bubble and moved the ship right into the heart of the time bubble. When he activate the device, the bubbles merged and he was...

Elsewhere and frantically looking around. There were no obvious weapons in this large curved space, but there was.... A Time Lord. Or Lady to be more precise. With generous curves and a sweet face to match. He darted forward as she seemed a little off track.

"Quickly, or we'll both be trapped!"
Wrapping his arms around her, he activated the device, which separated the bubbles again, and nudged them both back into the protective environment. He watched in horror, as the bubble they had just escaped collapsed in on itself, utterly destroying anything inside.

Safe in the ship, (at least relatively safe in this piece of junk,) he stepped back and released her.

"I'm Chiron, and I hope you can help me, or my trip was worthless...as will be my life. You see, I'm from Proxima five, and the Daleks will destroy it as soon as they can. So, you are what made this trip worthwhile, though finding you was a shocker. Will you help defeat the Daleks?"

He quickly filled her in on the desperate situation, even as he pulled the ship out of that region of space.
Something sounded purple. An odd, almost magenta hum. The odd woman was almost too dazed to notice it. Or perhaps it was simply too good to be true, and therefore must be false. She thought she had a good grip on reality, but it was certainly plausible that whatever small bit of sanity she claimed to own had finally slipped away. After all, she had fooled herself many a time, but for reality itself to fool her... it must be a sign.

Of particular note, was how terribly rude this new intrusion was. She was in the middle of a heart-felt conversation that she was even considering turning into a pleasant song. Also interesting to note, however, was the change in color shortly after it arrived; growing lighter and lighter until it shimmered a stunning gold. Then the gold turned to words, and she couldn't help but imagine those words were forming a sentence. Only this time it seemed to be coming from inside. Close. She turned her head to see a man running toward her as if from out of a dream. His hair flowed gracefully with each step, and his gaze was filled with a longing, almost bordering panic.

She smiled demurely at him; it wouldn't do to be rude to her own fantasy. What came next was more or less expected, as he threw his arms around her and took her to the ground, but the end result was what truly woke her up. The purple returned. In full force. She looked back and saw her little world crumbling in upon itself even while the rest of her senses returned. Which was no small sensation for a Time Lord... the whole of time and space... she could feel it again, after so very long.

She remained on her knees even as he stepped back and began a frantic explanation. The boy wasn't much for dramatic tension. Or proper exposition, for that matter.

"Sheesh. Pull a girl out of an endless time prison in one breath and ask her to save a planet in the next. What about... EVERYTHING ELSE?" was all she could really say at that moment. So many questions, not enough words. What happened to her people? If the Daleks had won against her entire race, how did he expect her to do anything about it? Or for that matter, how was anything in the universe still alive? All of these things and more went speeding through her head until she finally came to one conclusion, "You know what, Chiron? Fine. Since I'm in the neighborhood, why not? But if I'm going to be of any help I'll need information, and lots of it. You can start with how many, and where."

It was perhaps the most frantic of moods that called for the most calm and commanding of presences. Even if the presence had no actual confidence in itself. So it was with that in mind that she set about familiarizing herself with anything and everything in the immediate area. A touch here, a pinch there. She even managed to casually increase the ship's fuel efficiency between a few "Oooh"s and "Fascinating"s. It was as if she had completely forgotten about the man, and indeed she may have if he wasn't talking by the time her interests wandered.
He gritted his teeth. He'd heard about Time Lords, and he'd wondered if he'd ever meet that other one...wait...there were now Two. And though she might be odd, and a bit overbearing...she had a shock coming.

"Well, let's back up to what's important. I don't know how you are called, but from all known research, you and The Doctor are the only surviving Time Lords. All others were wiped out trying to take the Daleks out." He paused to let that sink in. "I'm truly sorry."

He waited to see if she needed to compose herself.

"They almost succeeded. But a few Daleks under Davros managed to dodge into the past. Davros is gone, but a newer tougher Dalek has resulted. I've worked out some weapons that seem to help fight them, but it's not nearly enough. We're losing, and it we lose, they will take the planet, and begin manufacture of themselves on a global scale. Right now, the Daleks are in the hundreds. There are four billion sentients on Proxima. Even after they purge malcontents, that will be Over a billion Daleks. I'll destroy my own planet and myself before that occurs...if I can. The Daleks have gotten sneaky. They've managed to even fool the Doctor more than once."

He slumped into a chair. "So there it is. I was looking for a powerful weapon to beat them. I found you, and Lady - I'm praying that what I have found is so much more than a simple weapon.

So all my plans have changed. Because I don't know where to begin with you on board. I guess that the best I can do is say, Madam, I'm at your disposal, and hope that that won't be taken literally.

Now, I'm going to get a shower, and with all respect, you need one worse than I do.

So you can take a Time Lord Perk and go first, wait until I'm done, or come with me and I'll scrub whatever you wish. As I said. I'm at your disposal, and I will do anything it takes to keep you motivated and on target. After the shower, I'll make some dinner. I only cook Earth French, Arcturian, and Scrod."
One blink. It was all the emotion he would get out of her. She had more or less anticipated/feared such a thing would happen. Being trapped in a time loop gave one a lot of time to think. It was an odd sensation, really; to know that everyone she knew and cared for was gone. Not just dead, but completely absent from time and space. How could she react to that? Beyond what she had already anticipated anyways. No, she would sing for them. It was what she always did. What she was meant to do... but not here. Not now.

She listened intently to what he had to say. To call it a hopeless situation didn't even do it justice. When he was finished all she could do was sigh. Well... almost all. She couldn't help but giggle at the irony of being compared to a weapon. Even moreso when his suggestions turned back to fantasy. Though she also couldn't help but give an incredulous look at his last comment. She had been stuck in a time loop, so by all technicality it had only been a few days since she'd last bathed (what with the war and all). It was only pride that prevented her from smelling herself. Still, she got over it quick enough, especially when she felt the pangs of company after countless years of solitude.

"Well... since you have limited resources, I may as well join you. I wouldn't want to impose..." she responded with a great deal more nervous reserve than before. This was all far too real to be a fantasy, but far too unreal not to, but at the very least she could be sure on the notion that she was no longer alone, nor did she want to be.

"Oh, and I am called the Minstrel. Circumstances aside... thank you for rescuing me."

She would let him lead her to his facilities, whereupon the random shyness would completely disappear. Though she would wait for him to get in and work whatever devices necessary to turn the water on, she wasted no time in ridding herself of that dreaded, unchanging outfit that had plagued her through time unending. (Not that she didn't like the outfit, but a girl can only wear something for so long before it become tiresome.) She even began to hum as she did so; a deeply beautiful and complex tune likely long lost to the universe.
Chiron unsealed his coveralls, and snapped his boots. As he pulled them off, he was left in short thermal underwear and the scars, large and small, crisscrossing and circularly etched into his skin were revealed. He had lost track of the number of blades, whips, projectiles and beams that had cut him over time.

Were it not for his reflexes, which almost seemed to respond before something occurred, and his strong constitution, he'd have been dead fifty times over. His grandmother had been bioengeneered, and much of her advantages had passed to him. Heightened skeletomusculature strength by weight gave him the strength of one twice his size, but increased his need for food radically. He removed his undershirt, and it became evident that a large scar circled his shoulder, and his right upper thigh, where his limbs had been reattached. He could not regenerate a limb, but his limbs and body could be separated for hours before needing to be rejoined. Not that he ever would prefer to repeat the experience. Overall, he seemed to lack significant body fat, which further gained him a strength advantage by weight.

Without a bit of reservation, he doffed his shorts, revealing the last bits that seemed to fascinate authors so. He was large enough, but not overly so, and was glad to precede her into the soft spray of the shower.

From outside, he heard the most enchanting melody. It sent chills of excitement up his back and made him want to beg her to take him. Then it released him, but left him slightly yearning for the feeling of yearning. He took some deep breaths, and then relaxed again.

As he rinsed the grime, he turned to regard her own form. Not as much from lust, though she was well worth the look, but more from curiosity. How WERE Time Lords different in appearance. An immediate difference was a lack of significant sag in her amazing bust.

"The water is, as they say, fine." He stepped aside to allow her access.
Though their plights had not been entirely different, the contrasts between them were almost immediately apparent. His scarred and battle-hardened body, against her perfect, unmarred ivory form. His lean build against her slightly larger, supple, and curved figure, though not lacking in its own athletic fitness. After all, she had the ideal hourglass, toned arms and shapely legs, flat belly that fell to a perfectly smooth underside, and a bust that was easily D. The Time Lords and Daleks did not fight as most races. The last time she sustained an injury serious enough to leave a scar, she had to regenerate. Beyond that, they had used weapons of mass time distortion; encounters from which one did not generally walk away from, injury or no... herself being a rather interesting exception.

So she stood, arms crossed across her chest, as she regarded him. He returned an assessing gaze, to which she smiled with a thinly veiled look of interest in her eyes. She didn't know how his people did things, but certain feelings and acts tended to cross cultures, and even species, and since she wasn't fully convinced this wasn't some elaborate illusion crafted by her mind there were still more things to consider. She held back, though, on the likelihood that this was both real and an amazing misunderstanding.

Losing interest in that chain of thought, she was just about to invite herself in when he stepped aside for her. One graceful step after another, and the smile did not leave her lips until the gentle spray of water touched her skin. It sent glorious shivers through her. An amazing sensation she had not felt in so very long. It took a good few minutes of basking before she was willing to turn from the faucet and address her new companion, the look on her face a mix of amazement and satisfaction. After another moment of appraising regard towards him and his naked form, she finally huffed and raised her arms.

"Well, what are you waiting for? You declared yourself to me, did you not? Make yourself useful and admire my perfection after it's clean." Her voice was melodic, but serious enough. She even diverted her eyes and turned her head upward so he couldn't read her expression well enough to know if she was teasing or not... though it was one of those win/win situations where even if she had said it in good-spirited jest she wouldn't refuse if he happened to follow through. After all, the suggestion was his to begin with.
Chiron had been feasting upon her with his eyes. Her body was an impossibly sweet combination. The fulsome curves of and older woman with the perky bounce and uplift of a teen.

Hearing her command/emotionally pained request, he leaned in and kissed her shoulder, clasping his hand behind his back. He would worship her as she desired with his lips, and only to the point that she knew his appreciation. Entangling himself sexually with a Time Lord might prove a deadly distraction at this point, but binding himself with her was a wonderful idea. He moved to kiss the center of her back, then the nape of her neck, gliding around her, his body always several careful inches from her, his hardened erection never quite grazing her stomach, hip or full derriere.

He bent and sucked a mouthful of firm rear cheek to his mouth, giving a playful bite, and a light lick. Then moved to her hip to do the same.

His engineered tongue extended out to a five inch length, and gradually swept from her inner knee up to her inner thigh, stopped just prior to her cleft, but letting his warm breath play upon her. Slowly straightening and balancing, his mouth grazed the underside of one great breast.

Then he stood before her, separated by merely an inch. His member fractionally separated from her cleft, his own chest almost against her full breasts.
"Is my worship sufficient unto this moment? Have I reminded you of what you are, and a reason to fight. I told you I am yours and it is true. I have worshipped you as I felt safe, but if you wish me to tread into your dangerous terrain, then I shall. But if you wish me as a gift to you, you will have to unwrap me over time. I think you might find me worth the time to do that."

At the helm, already sensitive proximity sensors, nudged by her into unthought of range, began to whoop. "Dalek design craft detected. We are one stealth mode and have not been scanned."

In the shower he cursed, but stepped out as the water automatically cut off. Handing her the large towel, he didn't bother dressing, but slid into sneakers and jumped wet into the command chair. His eyes widened as he saw the range. How had she... Never mind. "Minstrel, I see two light advance scouts. I don't know enough about their tactics, but my new space phased missiles should be able to take them. Should I take the shot or wait?"

He looked over his shoulder at her, where the towel was piled on her head and her arms were up drying it. Her entrancing curves were silhouetted in the doorway, and he shivered, but not from the cool air on his wet skin. He'd just found something else well worth fighting for and the chill passed as his heart leaped into his throat.

With that, his lips just touched hers and he stepped reluctantly back. "Are you fully with me now? Am I fully on your side? I need your focused dedication for my planet. What can we do next, Minstrel?"
The blink was a bit different this time. Judging by certain anatomical clues she shouldn't have been terribly surprised... two healthy, lonely individuals naked together in a place filled with the most obvious sexual symbols there were, it was pretty clear how 'wash me' could be mistaken for 'ravish me'. Yet despite it all, she wasn't about to stop him.

The sensation of touch. His sent the same shivers down her spine as the water had, and likewise caused some small moisture of its own. The experience was likely unique for both of them, mainly due to the fact that Time Lords had body temperatures roughly 40 degrees (f) lower than those of humans. A simple physiological detail that turned mere kisses into an alluring 'warm stone' massage. It wasn't the only thing heating things up, though. His delicate work tantalized and teased every nerve until she was ablaze with an unfamiliar, carnal lust. She even came close to losing herself, as evident by the hypnotizingly sweet, melodic moan that escaped her.

It was easy to imagine that this human had absolutely no idea what he was getting himself into. He may have gained a bit of experience in the art of love over his oh-so-short life, but her people (and her in particular) held extremely potent psychic abilities. If her chosen name hadn't already made it obvious, her abilities manifested mainly through her voice. Songs that could enchant a nation; stories that could inspire a generation. It was probably safe to say he didn't stand a chance, and as such she had to be sorrowfully cautious. She didn't know humans very well, and though they seemed resilient in numbers she had always found them quite fragile individually. If this was reality, it was shaping up to be a rather harsh one indeed.

He did have a good point to follow, though. Even if it wasn't the way he imagined, he had definitely reminded her of what she was. Though perhaps not much of a reason to fight... no, that was reserved for the fact that she no longer had anything left to lose.

With the hapless Time Lady caught between fire and ice, the alarms could not have come at a better time. It wasn't until the towel was in her hands and he was darting away that the implications fully set in. Though unlike him she knew the range on this ship and was comfortable taking her time. From within the shower she could respond with an almost eerily casual tone, "Tactics? They are brilliant, efficient, merciless, and inconceivably deadly. Unless your people frequently destroy their scouts, don't touch them. Against an army we are going to need surprise, and so much more..."

Now standing in the doorway thoughtfully drying her hair, like him having not bothered to clothe herself, yet again she could only blink as he got up and came sensually close to her once more. Only this time he didn't stop there. One tiny kiss and all the tension she had just shrugged off came rushing back, accompanied by an extra sense of longing as he pulled away with no more than a taste. Fully with him? Focused and dedicated? She was dazed and conflicted, and really needed to teach him some basic psychology. A frustrated sigh turn her expression cold, but her smile still held a hint of mischief.

"Next we see what I can do with this baby's stealth drives. Shall we find out if the Dalek scanners have improved any since last we met?"

With a desperate giggle, she set to work. They were to pass the ships right on by. Destination? Home.
The obnoxious thing was, he was both relieved and worried. As a surviving Gallifreyan, he mental capabilities so far outstripped his, that he didn't have to plan.

On the other hand, she wasn't very forthcoming on what her plans were, so he was left hanging. And speaking of hanging...

He was beginning to regret not getting dressed. As she bustled around the helm, he was given just about every view of her limber very well curved body. Breasts hanging as she leaned to open a panel, their harmonic motion a study in sensual science as they swung back and forth.

On her hands and knees in a console, with her perfect ass and peeking cleft aimed right at him. Chiron fumed as he realized she wasn't even trying to tease him. She was just very comfortable unclad.

When she pushed past him and leaned down to remove a floor panel, he'd had enough. He blew air hard across the puss six inches before him. "Minstrel. I assume males of your species are make of iron, because you are driving me crazy. All I want to do is grab you, and this isn't the time for that. While I will curse myself for having you cover, can I at least get you to wear a robe."

His erection was just to her right, and he was glaring at her. "What can I do to help us get ready? I'm a fair hand with electronics, and I can at least hold a wrench. We'll be in their scanner range in six minutes and I'm getting a bit concerned." Actually, he was more than concerned, and was poised to bring up weapons and fire if she commanded it. But somehow, that didn't seem like her plan.

"If we get past them, are there any coordinates you wish me to enter now?"
The mechanics were easy enough, all things considered. If one ignored the fact that it was a miracle the ship was flying at all. Yet it was actually that detail she was using most to her advantage. The Daleks would be looking for threats, not space junk. Just a bit of masking and they should be able to pass for little more than a rock. A little tweak here, a dial there, and~



She quickly righted herself, dropping the floor panel back in place, as her hands slipped between her legs and she glared indignantly at the bold young man. It took her a moment to understand exactly what he was saying, but after a glance downward she finally caught on. "Oh... Oh! I thought since you... nevermind. You have a robe?"

Though he moved past the subject surprisingly quickly for how urgent it had sounded... "So hold a wrench." she commented with another confused blink. "Better yet, fetch me my screwdriver. When we get past this, set a course for your homeworld. I need to see everything I have to work with." She paused and held his gaze, making sure she had his full attention before continuing, "I won't lie to you, the situation seems hopeless... but you have given me a second chance to correct my people's mistake. I'll die before I let more innocents suffer for it."

With that she returned to her previous task. As he said, they didn't have much time left before they entered the range of the enemy scanners, and she still had a bit of tweaking to do. Clothing would have to wait, though as a courtesy she unbound her hair and wrapped the towel around her body instead. She wouldn't say where the screwdriver was unless he asked, but it was fairly obvious considering he had pulled her out with only the clothes on her back. Once she had the laser-powered device, however, it was a few simple clicks and whirrs before a fancy new stealth field kicked in. It was simple, but hopefully enough.

They sat in suspense for what seemed like forever. Both checking instruments and windows, ready to defend themselves at a moment's notice. It wasn't until the Dalek ships were well out of range that she dared to even breathe. She even had to stifle the sigh of relief so she could keep the 'proud and in control' image she worked so hard to project. The journey was only beginning, but at least they were safe for now.
His eyes widened and he tensed so much he was sure he'd pull muscles. But that Dalek ship never even slowed.

As it swept beyond their range, he exhaled, saying. "Brilliant! In such a little time, you made use invisible?"

Impulsively, he hugged her, then realized that they were both nude, as yet.

Red-faced, he went to fetch a small trunk. Inside were various articles of clothing. "I bought this at an auction. The former owners were apparently an acting troupe." He held up a sailor's white suit, a samurai outfit and that of a Geisha in turn.

The Geisha outfit was traditional, red and white patterns of the Japanese Koto Harp and the semesan, with dragons looking on. But it's parasol was some form of powered shield. A matching dance fan could snap open, but was metal topped - and razor sharp.

He looked at the screen as she examined the clothing. "There is my planet. Should I lay in the course?" Quietly, he pulled on the brown Samurai robe, and strapped on the katana, followed by his blaster.
Just as she was about to give a self-praising shrug as if to say 'of course I am', she found him wrapped about her. It was amusing to find him so excited... and by the feeling against her leg, in more ways than one. Just another reminder of what she had been missing (which in this case was actually simple recognition). This time he actually seemed to understand what he was doing, though, and she was even more amused to find him blushed and quickly turning away.

Unsurprisingly, he had turned in the direction of clothing. She gave him a quizzical look as he pulled out the most bizarre outfits she had ever seen. Perhaps it was best not to ask why he had ornate women's clothing on his run-down ship, but darn it if she didn't want to. Still she picked it out and pieced it together, setting each piece neatly to the side. When she got to the accessories she blinked and slowed down. The parasol was of a most curious design. Taking it in hand, she scanned it with her screwdriver and marveled. With a bit of tweaking and amplification she might be able to... yes! With these adjustments the little accessory might be able to withstand even a Dalek's weapon. The fan was also a curious addition, and perhaps even more to her style than a gun or other such weapons. She had to justify to herself that she was still at war to even use a weapon at all.

"Please do." she responded distractedly as she gathered the clothing.

Trying to keep courteous to his previous request, she returned to the bathing room before removing the towel and dressing herself. She made special note not to forget her own clothes since she felt a bit silly in this new garb, but probably would have even worn the associated makeup if it had been available. Silly or not, she would never partake in a half-hearted performance.
In that outfit, she appeared both formal, and ravishing. How did she do that? He was very glad the samurai suit was loose, as it hid his excitement.

"The Daleks are still working out a way through the planetary defenses, but it's only a matter of time. But time is your department, not mine.

I don't know what you have in mind...but I'm going to get some close order weapons ready. I do have some blasters and a sonic rifle. I always wondered why no one uses paint on a Dalek's ocular...

He came up to hug her and kiss her hand, covering his desire with gallantry.

If you want to look around, I have boxes of things I've collected, hoping to find something useful. There is one box I haven't even been able to open. Some puzzle to it. The markings are faded, but near as I can tell it belonged to someone named Rass Lon, or something like that. My Gallifreyan data is poor.

Minstrel, what is that odd look in your eye?" it was the same look she'd had when 'fixing' the stealth system. He wasn't sure whether it was good, he should be frightened or both.
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