Transformers Prime (Furry_DiEnd/Razerwing1987 1x1)

Aug 17, 2011
Medina New York
This is a private yet public RPG between myself, Razerwing1987 and Furry_DiEnd, taking place within Transformers Prime Universe. Feel free to read and/or PM myself or Furry_DiEnd with comments about the RPG, and what we're doing. This is also a Femme Slash rpg with Arcee and Airrachnid.

Arcee is played by Furry_DiEnd
Airrachnid is played by Razerwing1987

Takes place prior to the War on cybertron.


Airrachnid stretched slightly and leaned back in her seat as she looked over the datapad in her hand. The news lately was disturbing, but so far it seemed that things would not get too out of hand. She lifted her energon mixed drink and waited for Arcee to arrive in the small hole in the wall bar that they commonly met at after their work shifts.

Around her various mechs and femmes talked softly, not wishing to disturb the delicate peace that Maccadam's provided. From high officials to scrap drones everyone was welcome in the bar.
Arcee made her way to Maccadam's, a popular haunt for just about every mech and femme on Cybertron. Her day had been long and demanding, what with the whispers of war running around the planet, Arcee had been pulling double shifts at the Academy. She was looking forward to relaxing with Airrachnid, hell she was looking forward to relaxing in general since all this war talk had gotten everyone incredibly riled up. It had also meant more than regular tune ups to stay in top condition, not that Arcee needed it, but orders were orders right? The blue femme entered the bar and looked around before spotting Airrachnid and making her way back to her friend, stopping to say hi to a couple of femmes and mechs she knew before sitting down across from Airrchnid. "Hey, wait long?" she asked with a smile stretching, motioning for a service femme to come take her order.
"No, not long," Airrachnid said with a smile putting her datapad down. "mostly drinking in the local rumors." she smiled and leaned forward observing Arcee's blue painted armor and chuckled. "I take it it hasn't been too hard of a day for you, has it?" she asked cradling her chin in her long fingers. she had to admit the femme was quite the looker. she was already attracting glances from other mechs and femmes from the bar.
Arcee shrugged when her friend, and touched Airrachnid's hand smiling as she did so. "That depends on what you mean by hard. I did have to cover for another instructor today, but it was nothing too bad." she said giving her order to the service femme before she held her friends hand gently. "What about you? Tough day?" she asked with a smile. Arcee and Airrachnid were closer than most friends were, Arcee wasn't sure if it was love, but they'd had plenty of sex with each other, but she wasn't sure if it was love. To be honest Arcee had never been in love before but well she figured that if she was in love she wouldn't mind much.

[[Not sure how you wanna bring up their relationship, so...]]
((doesn't matter to me. X3 ))

The flyer chuckled and gave Arcee's hand a squeeze. "Not too bad. most of the stations near the drill site needed upgrades to the radar. Our new digger is excited about work. Name's Hound, if my memory serves me." She shrugged and smiled "Of course I always look forward to an evening with your company." She gave a teasing smile and chuckled, her purple optics shining devilishly.
"I know, and I know that there's something else you look forward to even more most of the time." Arcee said as the service femme came back with Arcee's drink. It could never be said of the close combat instructor that she couldn't drink with the big mechs and femmes, her drink was two and a half parts energon, one and a half parts synthoil, and topped off with a nice helping of electricity. She took a sip of her drink and shuddered gently as it slid down her throat and felt the feedback race through her circuits mildly. "Well it's always good to have workers excited about their jobs. Even if the job sounds utterly boring." Arcee said with a slight grin. She poked her fair share of fun at Airrchnid's job and the other femme, in return, poked fun at hers, but they both knew that each was important to their race.
"Please, the sex may be good, but i have to admit just having you to myself is even better." Airrachnid laughed and moved to a seat closer to the blue femme. "You know I'm the possessive type, Arcee." She gave another swig of her drink, a lighter mixture of flavored mid grade energon, Synthoil and a bit of Radium. "Oh please, you're job's unbearable to even think about. Training those annoying kids to fight." she shook her head and snickered.
When Airrachnid reminded Arcee that she was the possessive type, Arcee chuckled and took another swig of her drink, shivering again and leaning against her favorite femme. "I know, I know." she said in a dismissive tone knowing that while Airrachnid didn't like sharing she didn't mind other Mech's and Femme's eyeing her. "It's not so bad," she said swirling her drink a bit, letting the ingredients settle a little before she shook it again, "we turn out good soldiers and in an effort to be heroes take over the jobs I have to do so I can be with you." she said pointing out the bright side to training new recruits, whose numbers seemed to increase almost daily.
"Well then I guess I should thank those idiots," she teased. Airrachnid finished her drink and gently drew her hand down Arcee's backstrut, her sharp fingers drawing harmless designs half out of boredom half to tease her. "More for me after all." she chuckled.
Arcee arched her backstrut as the other femme ran her hand down the sensitive part. The blue colored femme took another swig of the drink in front of her, which was now three parts gone and Arcee now had one hell of a buzz. "You wanna get out of here? You seem pretty bored." Arcee said with a smirk as she pinned Airrachnid's hand behind her back gently once it was at the top of her aft. Her judgment processors may have been out of alignment slightly, which is why she was being a little more suggestive than she would have been, but she knew where she was and who was watching, and while she wasn't a career 'bot she didn't need some higher up seeing her act like some pleasure 'bot.
Airrachnid smiled and leaned closer purring gently. "My place or yours love?" she whispered into Arcee's audio, using her other hand to massage the metal of her thigh. Airrachnid couldn't care who was watching or who was listening. it was their life after all and she'd kick them in the gearbox if they started something over public displays of affection. of course lust would be a better term for it, but she didn't care either way.
"Yours." Arcee said without a second thought. "We always seem to do it at my place for some reason. 'sides, I don't think I could make it to my place in my condition." she said with a slightly lazy smile. She wasn't totally drunk just incredibly buzzed, and Airrachnid did live closer to the bar than Arcee did, and as buzzed as she was she didn't relish having to walk home to interface with her 'girlfriend'. And it had been a while since the blue femme had been over to the other femme's place, to interface or not, so it was a 'win-win'.
Airrachnid smiled and gently lifted the femme up before tossing a few credits on the table for the sever. "Right, away we go then." she said as she wrapped one arm down around Arcee's waist both to support her and to make a very loud claim to her. "I'll have to make sure my place is presentable in the morning then," the driller said with a laugh. She was always known to bring home strange trophies after all, and she was an avid big game hunter on the moons. She was also a horrible housemaid in that generally it was a mass of organized chaos.
As Airrachnid wrapped her arm around her waist, both as a claim and to help steady the blue femme, she remembered why she tried to avoid the other femme's residence. She knew that Airrachnid enjoyed hunting and her residence was often littered with the spoils of her hunts, and to be honest it was sort of creepy. "Been hunting again? Or is it your usual disorganized mess?" she asked once they were outside of the bar and on the way to Airrachnid's place.
"Haven't had time lately," The taller femme said smoothly walking toward her home. "So I suppose it's just it's usual mess." The hunter chuckled and after a short walk escorted Arcee to her building and then rode the lift up to her flat. Once closer to the privacy of her home, Airrachnid leaned down adn gently kissed at Arcee's neck, smiling playfully.
Arcee arched her neck when Airrachnid kissed it gently and held her close to her, her arms resting on the top of Airrachnid's aft. Normally the other femme wasn't exactly gentle, though she was certainly capable of being gentle when she wanted to be. Arcee gripped her 'girlfriends' aft and tilted her head up to kiss Airrachnid on the chin. "Why the gentleness? Normally your all over me right about now." Arcee pointined out, her chest compartment feeling a little tight as she remembered the last time she and Airrachnid had interfaced.
"What? can't a girl have a little foreplay? Of course if you'd rather a little bit more of rough love, I'm always happy to oblige," Airrachnid purred before nipping at Arcee's lips and gripping her aft firmly. With a free hand she deftly opened her door to her apartment and pulled the smaller femme inside. Carefully using her prehensile feelers that adorned her back, she moved several objects out of their way. A chair, a small table that was carefully pushed aside, before leading her to the berth in her personal quarters.
"By all means, have all the foreplay you want." she said leaning up to kiss Airrachnid on the lips as she felt the taller femme grip her aft tightly. Arcee didn't much notice the fact that Airrachnid was using her other 'hands and arms' to move things out of the way as she guided them back towards her berth. One hand rested on the chest piece of Airrachnid, while the other hand slid down the metal contours of the taller femme to rest on the upper portion of the side of her aft. "It's just that you generally like to forgo the foreplay 'chnid." she said with a light chuckle.
"Oh now you're just teasing me," she purred in reply at her nickname. she easily sat down on her berth and nibbled at Arcee's lips before gently moving to her neck, using one prehensile back claw to wrap around and teasingly prod at Arcee's back strut and the fins upon her shoulder. "You almost make me want to throw you down and discipline you."
Arcee straddled Airrachnid's lap as she felt Airrachnid nip at her lips and then her neck while she used her extra 'arms' to play with her backstrut and her fins. "So what? You know you like it." Arcee said leaning in, her arms around Airrachnid's neck, pressing their lips together tightly, her tongue playing along Airrachnid's bottom lip. Truth be told, Arcee didn't mind when Airrachnid did in fact play rough with her, after all she could take it and it made her pleasure nodes go crazy too. That coupled with the fact that she was always in charge at the Academy made the shorter femme crave not having to be in charge and calling the shots made it all the more enticing to Arcee. Of course Arcee wasn't the only one who like to be the one in charge, sometimes she'd do the same for Airrachnid, because despite the fact that Airrachnid didn't like sharing, she was more than willing to indulge in some fair play if it meant keeping Arcee all to herself.
"Pit right I do," Airrachnid said before quickly flipping the smaller femme to the berth, laying her larger frame over her slightly, supporting her weight on the limbs sprouting from her back. She was always grateful to her unique frame, a custom upgrade once she became of age to choose her own path in life away from her creators. she smiled and bit at Arcee's tongue, moving the blue femme's arms up above her head, plundering Arcee's mouth as the action was returned. she grinned and teasingly stuck her arms to the berth in a weaker type of webbing, one that Arcee could break with those deadly blades of hers. Oh just thinking about all of her weapons made Airrachnid charged with sexual energy. Arcee was deadly, and she always appreciated a deadly companion in bed.
Arcee let out a small gasp as she suddenly found her back-strut against Airrachnid's berth, her fins automatically adjusting their position as well. When Arcee felt Airrachnid stuck her forearms to her berth, she struggled a bit, testing the pseudo-organic web like adhesive. If she wanted she could use her blades to cut herself out, but for the time being she didn't, knowing that it would ruin in the mood if she did so now. The first time they did this, Arcee had panicked and cut the adhesive almost as soon as it was on her, which annoyed Airrachnid, but eventually she decided that she trusted the customized femme enough to let her 'web' her up. Now it was pretty much a common thing between them for Arcee to at some point end up like this, hands above her head, the rest of her body at Airrachnid's mercy. She let her tongue wrestle with Airrachnid's and arched her back-strut so that her chest plating was pushing against Airrachnid's, and wrapped her legs around Airrachnid's waist as best she could, putting her cod-piece, which housed her interface ports rested against the other femme's waist.
Airrachnid gasped and growled playfully, settling herself between Arcee's legs and grinding herself against her waist. Biting firmly, but not too firmly mind you, upon Arcee's tongue. Her hands glossed over the smooth armor of Arcee's chest, teasing the seams with her sharp clawed fingers. The darker femme began to lay down upon Arcee, biting a trail down her neck as she pulled their bodies closer together, heat building between their armor from within.
Arcee's own heat based arousal could be felt through her blue plating as she felt sharp clawed fingers dance along the seams of her chest plates. She groaned and let Airrachnid pull her close as she nipped her way down her neck, leaving the pain receptors in her mouth buzzing slightly from where she'd bit her glossa (Latin for tongue and pretty popular term for it in 'former fics.). She felt the other femme begin to grind against her waist, now some what trapped by the legs of the femme beneath her. The constant pleasure made Arcee's breathing heavy as her systems attempted to balance out the pleasure with breathing and rational thought. Her main interface port began to leak lubricant as her pleasure subroutines increased their operations.
Airrachnid teased a hand down to Arcee's codpiece, trying to get her to release and retract the protective armor to tease the valve and port. Her own port was in desperate need of attention, but that could wait. she wanted Arcee to writhe first. Perhaps it was a power thing, teasing her girlfriend to the point of overload before denying it viciously only to then coax her back up to the brink. It was reciprocated of course, but the fact remained that Airrachnid liked control, and it was known to her that she was often avoided because of this and many other things that Arcee didn't always know about.
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