Breaking a Padawan

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Mar 6, 2011
Lord Aiden stepped out of his starship and looked around the planet Coruscant and smiled underneath his metallic suit. The scanners inside his helmet beeped lightly in his ear as life forms were pointed out. Most seemed harmless, a few clusters of military guard, free lance mercenaries scattered here and there. The city was beautiful, although he knew it wouldn’t last for very long. There was an alliance treaty being discussed today and Aiden wanted to make sure his ‘opinion’ on the meaningless alliance was heard. He was well known now for his vicious attacks on smaller outposts and for leaving no one alive. He let his fingers run up and down his light saber hilts as he reached out with his force powers. He couldn’t feel any Jedi around, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before the counsel arrives to protect the negotiation. He just hoped that they would be dumb enough to send his old friend. A small smirk crossed his eyes as he started to walk through the shadows, his boots clanking against the hard surface. He knew today was going to be a good day.
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