Eversong Corruption (Himeko and SS)


Jul 20, 2011
The ancient fortress of Tor'Watha had once been a mighty seat of power to the forest Trolls of the area that became known as the Eversong Wood. An ancient power welled up in ancient times before the Highborne had even come to these lands. A power long forgotten by the time Silvermoon had become more than an outpost for the displaced High Elven people. Now that energy was being tapped once more, for some unknown nefarious purpose the well had burst open to warp the nearby lands. At first, the Trolls had been curious. Sending scouting parties into the ancient fortress in search of fabled magics lost to the ages... Scouting parties that had never returned. Which in turn prompted more...

Several of these later parties had returned, welcomed back by their brethren despite the changes that had happened to them while lost within the crumbling labrynthine fortress. Welcomed back until they turned on those that had awaited their return, slaughtering many with Fel glee burning in their eyes before finally being brought down. In turn, the Trolls of Eversong had moved away... pushing deeper into the forest and creating a barrier between the source of the corruption and the elves of Silvermoon, masking it for years.

Misilia had been a powerful spell caster, even at a young age. Having summoned her first servant imp long before beginning her tutelage. Through long years after, she studied with deft grace, grasping every lesson easily as breathing. It was a slow process, slow and agonizingly stifled. She felt as if they were purposefully holding her back from her potential greatness and it chaffed at her. With her Master's blood still warm on her hands, the girl had stolen several ancient and powerful tomes and fled the city. Bitter resentment had left a corrupting seed within her young breast. One that had lead her to an ancient slumbering power, once sacred to the Trolls... One that the girl had managed to twist to her own purpose, allowing mighty Fel energies to flow freely into the 'protected' lands of the High Elven people.

This was her land now.

The Trolls were afraid, as well they should be given what her magics had done to several of their kind. Simple experiments gone oh so horribly right. Several of those mutated Trolls still stalked the fortress grounds, witless guardians set to dissuade any would be adventurers. Fel hounds and stalkers roamed the nearby forest, keeping the other trolls warrily at bay and alerting her to the presence of potential intruders to her domain. Within the mighty labrynthine walls bloated Mana Wyrms slithered through crumbling hallways, grown much larger than the normal breed and more fierce from the Fel energies permeating the ancient fortress. As well as some creatures that had yet to be named, forsaken souls lost to the corruption of Misilia's Fel experiments.

The lone Huntress her minions had spotted near the fortress was of no concern. She would either fall victim to one of countless demon spawn under the Warlock's command, or even one of the corrupt experiments. If by chance the Huntress' was mighty enough to win her way through... Well, then Misilia would have her first Blood Elf to experiment on... A thought that pleased the girl to no end.
Himeko had been wondering around aimlessly in this forest of corruption. Her pet Tosho, was walking closely at her side. She had been wondering for days not even able to get any sleep due to all the demons she had to face non stop. It was wearing down on her and driving her mad. She needed sleep and she had to find a place to rest soon or she'd passout walking, that is if the demons didn't get to her first. She had made a left turn and was no sooner surrounded by demons from both sides. "You just won't stop coming!" She yelled as she drew her bow and placed an arrow in it. "Tosho go!" She commanded as she shot the arrow off. Her cat lunged at the demons and started attacking them with his mistress. They had fought for hours until the demons were finally all dead. "Good boy." She called out as Tosho made his way back to her. Petting him gently on the head she looked up and noticed a cave. "Come Tosho, lets see if that cave over there will be safe enough for us to get some rest."

As they made their way to the cave she stopped and looked around, clearly someone was watching her. She didn't know who but she could feel eyes on her from somewhere. She entered the cave cautiously as she had her bow drawn back, ready to fire her arrow if needed. To her surprise the cave was empty, granted there was a well with what looked like green water in it, but non the less it was empty. Sighing to herself she removed her quiver and sat it down along with her bow and sword. Patting to her side she called for Tosho to lay next to her as she slept, knowing full well her pet needed his rest as well. She yawned and slowly closed her eyes, dreaming of the days before she had been sent out here.

She had been told about the forest that had once been pure was now tainted by some unknown force. Himeko was the best ranger the Blood Elves had and that is why she had been chosen for this mission. She knew there was going to be dangers, but she didn't expect this. Her dreams were wavering from those past days and slowly turning into nightmares of the present. She didn't know someone was in the cave with her while she slept, just the nightmares that surrounded her mind. She saw the well in her dreams, the one that was in the cave with her. She knew the water was bad, but she was so thirsty. She had to get just a tiny sip. The water was corrupted like everything else, it wasn't poison but she felt like she was dying. She slowly opened her eyes as she then realized it was just another nightmare. However she saw she wasn't alone... She couldn't make out the person, or creature because it was dark, but they were staring at her. Their glowing eyes taking her body into account.
Misilia felt the sharp stab of pain as each and every single one of the demonic entities that had swarmed the huntress died. Leaving the girl on the floor of her ritual chamber gasping for breath in an attempt to recover. Furious that her forces had been so decimated in one fel stroke, she had sent out her eye to survey not only the total damage this ranger had caused but to get a better look at her rather than the blury images that flashed through the disapating minds of her fallen servants.

The Fel glow cast by her scrying illuminated the cave and the sleeping form of the Huntress and her companion. The rage within her subsiding, replaced with amusement. "Himeko... do you desire so truly to become the first servant of the new regieme?" The scrying orb dropped into the corrupted well, alighting the already green water with it's glow and setting it to a slow boil. Sickly green fumes rising from the water filled the cave, beginning the corruption that would come as the sleeping woman breathed in the tainted energy that would sustain her for the days to come.

The warlock turned toward one of her proudest achievements of corruption, a slow smile curling her lips. "Find my sister pet... entice her, and lead her to me..." One hand reaching out to stroke the cheek of the young Draenei woman, setting the runes carved into her milky white flesh aglow with fel energies as she rushed off, eager to do her Mistress' bidding.

In the cave, Isiria waited silently in the darkness, breathing in the last of the Fel fumes as they faded and flowed into the night air. Glowing green eyes watching the sleeping form of the Elven woman with her head cocked curiously to the side. The glow had faded from the runes carved into her naked flesh, masking them in the darkness. One arm remained clamped across her bare chest as the other hand rested between her thighs as she crouched in the mouth of the cave, idly toying with her aching slit. When the sleeping figure awoke, she dropped to her knees letting a faint pained moan escape from her lips. "Please help..." she whimpered. "Please make the pain stop..." By the accent of her voice it would be unmistakable to the Elven woman that her new companion was a Draenei.
Himeko heard the Draenei's pleas as she slowly got up. Her body felt weird as she got up, while Tosho was still sleeping on the floor. "H-how can I help you?" She asked as her eyes were starting to adjust to the darkness, reviling the naked form of the Draenei who was on her knees looking up at her with... Green glowing eyes? All the other Draenei she ever faced had blue eyes, but something about this one was different and not right. "Nnnn..." She moaned as she felt a sharp tingle in her groin as she continued to stare at the woman. Her body was starting to get hot as her eyes never left the Draenei for a second. Falling to her knees she began to slowly remove her armor, when every piece had been removed it was as if someone was guiding her and making her do this against her will. "What's happening to me?" Her eyes teared up as she found herself slowly making her way over to the Draenei.

She had no idea she had just walked, or in this case, crawled into a trap. One that would taint and corrupt her very core. As she reached the Draenei, visions of what she should do were playing in her head, as if telling her what she needed to do to ease the urges. She pushed the woman onto her back and slowly crawled on top of her, feeling her skin as she worked her way up, making sure her naked body was touching the woman's. Their breasts touched each other as she moaned out again, needing to satisfy her needs. Himeko couldn't help herself any more at this point as one of her hands had reached down and started to slowly rub Isiria's clit. She didn't know how she knew her name, but it was there in her mind. Isiria's lips were beautiful to her, she couldn't help but lean down and kiss her, which is what really triggered the corruption she had breathed in while she had slept. The Draenei had smirked when Himeko kissed her, it was as if this was planned all along. Her mind was starting to run wild now at this point as she started to fall unconscious once again, falling limp into the Draenei's arms.

Her nightmares were back once again, this time she was seeing... A fellow Blood Elf? No, this woman was as tainted as the rest of this cursed forest. But, the woman seemed pleased? But why? Why was she pleased and why was she smirking at her? She didn't know what to think or what she could do. All she knew that she could do was try and run, run away to safety. However she was so deep into the forest that she had reached the core, which is where the well was. The source of all the corruption and she too had fallen victim to it and now she didn't even know what would become of her if she stayed any longer in this place.
Isiria was more than delighted at the Elven woman's reaction to her presence. Any number of her kind would have attacked the moment they lay eyes on the Draenei. But not this one... this one was ripe for what the Mistress had in store for her. Stripping out of that nasty armor and crawling to her, the kneeling woman whimpered with every step closer. She dropped to her back, shapely thighs parting as the woman crawled on top of her, their naked bodies sliding together in the hmid air of the cave.

Breasts crushed against breasts, the Draenei's back arched as she felt those fingers begin rubbing at her clit. A low moan escaping her lips as her hips thrust wontonly toward that insistent hand. Her own hands only just beginning to explore the elven woman's body as her lips were captured in a sudden kiss that caused her eyes to go wide with shock. And then it was over, leaving her completely unsatisfied with the dull ache between her thighs returning as the elven woman atop of her went limp. It wasn an occurance she'd started to grow accustomed to, every time she'd find a new lover... whenever they kissed her, they'd fall unconscious for hours. Of course, it made her current mission far easier, but that wasnt the point.

Grunting a bit with the effort, Isiria rolled the elven woman off of her as she sat up. With a deft hand she quickly bound the woman's wrists behind her back with a simple leather thong taken from her own supplies. She worked quietly so as not to wake the woman's sleeping pet before hoisting the girl up onto her shoulder. Bent over as she was, it was easy for the Draenei woman to tease the elven girl's slit as she walked, every so often pausing to wipe her hand on the trunk of a tree or some low hanging leaves. The beast would come for his mistress, she knew, but this would allow her to turn him into a weapon of his own desires to be used against the ranger.

It was nearly an hour of walking, avoiding patrols of demonic guards that would have delayed her from her mission. Given that every single creature they would have encountered would have taken their time with both women before letting them loose... or killing them outright. But finally they had arrived in the large ritual room where the Draenei dumped her charge unceremoniously onto an altar etched with ancient Troll runes. Isiria looked to the shadowy alcove where her Mistress was seated upon an aged stone throne, dropping to her knees as she crawled toward the woman over the rough stone floor. "May... may I have this one Mistress?" She asked quietly.

Misilia smiled as she watched the corrupted young Draenei carry her sister into the room. Bound and naked, there was no fear of the girl being able to do anything. Himeko was entirely at her mercy now... a mercy that didnt exist. As evidinced by the sudden backhand she delivered to her soon to be Succubus. "My sisster, is mine pet..."
Himeko had been out cold the entire time. Not even knowing what was going on at all. It had been hours since she had passed out, her dreams filled with tainted nightmares still. She could see the woman again now. But this time it was different, the woman was still smirking at her, but it was as if her eyes were closed and she was... Chanting? But what was she chanting? She couldn't understand the language and could feel something weighing her down. She tried to yell out but found her voice was not there, she looked around frantically for an escape route, but nothing there was to be found. After then she slowly started to wake up, which in many ways she would have wished she hadn't. She tried to move her hands to wipe her eyes open when she found out that her hands wouldn't move. "Nnn... The hell?" She said as her eyes started to open and adjust to the new light. "Since when did it become morning?" She asked confused to her self as she tried to roll over and get up.

She couldn't move, which is what snapped her fully away. "What the hell is going on here?!" She screamed as she tried to wiggle free. She looked over and saw the woman from her nightmares and let out a small whimper. "No... Not you... But you were just in my nightmares!" She yelled as she continued to wiggle in her bindings. She didn't know how she got here until she saw the Draenei laying there on the floor. "It was you! YOU brought me here to this! This witch!" She snarled as she tried to move her hand to point. "Let me go now this instant!" She yelled as she looked at the woman with her defiant eyes. She wasn't going to get caught off guard ever again. Looking around for her pet she noticed he wasn't there, which didn't please her one bit. "Tosho? Tosho! Where are you boy?" She called out, trying to get him to save her. When he didn't come to her calls her fears were starting to take ahold of her. She had finally managed to wiggle enough to get herself on her side and into a rolling form only to run into a wall. "Owe..." She groaned as she attempted to scoot herself away from it.

She didn't know what to do or how she could escape. Himeko's armor was still back in the cave and she was feeling really stripped without it. "Just let me go now!" She demanded as she could hear footsteps starting to approach her now. As she kept protesting she could feel a slight uneasiness in her body, like she had felt before. Her body was starting to grow hot as the being got closer to her. "W-what the hell is going on here?" She whimpered as her breathing started to become very heavy.
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