A Whole New Meaning to Diplomatic Relations.

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Feb 11, 2009
Lyra frowned as she gave the guest suite a final once over in preperation for the arrival of the new dignitary her Lord would be playing host to. Why she had been giv en the task of attending the diplomat was beyond her. Normally, one of the more well-spoken butlers were assigned that particular position. It really didn't make sense. In fact, she was usually the very last choice for such duties for a variety of reasons. For one, she wasn't used to the reserved nature of nobility and would often be inardvertantly blunt or off-putting to the delicate sensibilities of nobles which is why she was usually employed with laundry or food prep (anything to keep her away from guests). On top of that, well, she was a woman. It just wasn't proper, expecting her to stay all alone overnight in a man's chambers.

Wait... Was that it? Was she expected to perform ~those~ kinds of services? That would make some sort of sense. Lyra was easily one of the more attractive women in her Lord's employ. At 5'7", the brunette managed to present a full figure without much in the way of a pooch. And the way she wore her hair up to go about her duties, while not elegant to say the least, framed her face in just such a way to prove flattering. Well, if that were the case, then by the end of this trip this particular noble could say goodbye to fathering any more heirs.

Deciding that everything was presentable, she finally exits the room. Closing the door behind her, she wandered off to find something to keep her busy until her "guest's" arrival.
Alsatia was being lead down a grand hallway by a human in robes who was explaining that the leaders of the Alliance were busy with other things, but she was going to be met soon. Until then she was asked to make herself as at home as possible and that she would have an aide assigned to her should she want something like a tour of the city or the Keep. The Draenei 'Paladin' as the humans called those who fought against the darkness and upheld the virtues of the light, was shown to her room which was quite impressive considering that she was only a representative to the Alliance from her people. When the human who'd escorted her to her room found that her aide wasn't present she excused herself and went to seek out Lyra, leaving the Draenei woman to shed her armor and sword, the large and beautifully crafted piece of steel it was, and explore her room some. Underneath her armor she wore a leather bustier, and leather shorts that were cut to look like underwear for maximum mobility of her legs. Her long dark hair was braided and now hung over her right shoulder as she slowly poked around, bending over to investigate a cabinet, putting her plump yet toned rear in the air.
It didn't take long for the girl to come across said aide attending to her usual chores, in this case helping the cooks prepare the next meal. "Lyra, your guest is here. I already escorted them to the guest chambers for you" she told the maid, smirking when Lyra nearly knocked over the pile of vegetable she had been working on dicing.

"Thank you, deary," Lyra grumbled at the girl, peeved by her smugness. "You and your driver can run back to your Lord now, I'll take care of it from here," she added before heading off to find her charge. It didn't take but a few moments to reach the suite and, pausing for a moment to take a deep breath, she knocked to let 'him' know she was there not knowing that 'he' was actually a she. Otherwise, she probably would have just walked right in.
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