A twist of fate for little Red. [Himeko x Lilly]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
It had been a long day and the sun just didn't seem to want to set for some odd reason. Himeko had woken up just an hour ago and could feel the heat from the sun on her door with the back of her hand. Her house was dark with only a candle to light it up. The house had to stay dark at all times of the day, for she was a vampire and the sunlight would kill her. She sighed and walked over to her desk and began writing another chapter for her book. It was all she could do until the sun went down and it was safe for her to step outside. She was a foreigner to these lands, to the village that was nearby. She lived away from the rest of the humans, they knew she was up here but never thought of her as different from them, after all they didn't even know she wasn't human like them. She moved to America about ten years ago from her old home, Japan. Oh how she missed her home, her friends, but they've all been long dead for over a hundred years now. The old life she had once lived was taken away from her ten years ago.

Ten Years Ago

It was cold and storming outside outside, no one would really dare go outside at this time of night. They all knew what awaited them if they dared to venture outside. Even the Shinsengumi didn't dare step out of their training halls. "What in the hell are you doing?" A boy who looked no older than 23 called out to Himeko in Japanese. "Sorry Hikaru, I couldn't help but think that there's something not quiet right here..." She replied as she caught up to her friend. He was a vampire like her, the one who originally turned her nearly a hundred and ninety years ago. Himeko was only 19 when he had turned her and she had been by his side ever since, her friends had all died from the same disease that would have taken her own life had Hikaru not saved her. She owed this man her very existence, but something was not right and she knew it. It was a sinking feeling that was in her stomach and she just couldn't shake it.

They moved swiftly and quietly as they were hunting for food. They hadn't fed in a few days and they needed to feed tonight. "Wait up!" She called out as she smelt fire burning in the air. A fire? But it's raining out, so how could there be a fire? Something was really wrong now and she couldn't help but feel as if something horrible was about to happen. "Hikaru, do you smell that?" He turned to look at her when she questioned him and nodded. "I do Himeko, but how?" She looked around and saw where the smoke was coming from and a shiver ran down her spine. "I don't like this Hikaru... Please... Lets just go home and feed tomorrow night." Hikaru had walked over to her and placed his cold hand on her shoulder. "We cannot put feeding off another night and you know this! We HAVE to feed tonight. Forget the fire and lets just go." He turned his back to the fire and started making his way in the same direction they had been heading before. Himeko sighed and nodded as she turned to follow him.

When they got to the house they were going to invade, they were attacked by the villagers. Hikaru had sensed them but it was too late, they had been seen and they were in trouble. "Himeko run! Get out of here and go find safety!" He yelled as a arrow pierced his chest. Hikaru had pushed her out of the way and went into his blood form. A blood form for a vampire is like going into a blind rage, tearing everything up in sight. Himeko couldn't help but cry, she had been with him her entire life and couldn't bare the thought of leaving him behind. "Hikaru I cannot leave you!" She cried out as he turned to look at her one last time. "Don't make my death be in vain god damn it! Just go and if I DO happen to live I will find you no matter where you go!" And with that he turned back to the humans to bide her time to escape. "You better make it out alive Hikaru!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face as she turned and fled leaving him behind.

She had traveled from village to village, always traveling at night and keeping herself safe. It had taken her three months to reach American soil, but she finally made it. It was safe for her seeing as there hadn't been vampire reports or anything. Just the reports of werewolves, a vampires true enemy...

Present Day

Himeko sighed quietly to herself as she stared at her wall, remembering that night as if it all had happened yesterday. She stretched out and got up from her seat to see if the sun had gone down yet. She walked over to the door and placed the back of her hand against the door and felt it was slightly cool, which was a good thing. She slowly opened the door and no sunlight came in. Smiling happily she opened it fully and walked outside. Her friend would be visiting her soon and she was happy. She had managed to make a human friend who knew and accepted her for who and what she was. Closing the door behind her she made her way to their usual meeting spot.
Katelyn pulled open the door a bit to peek outside for what seemed like the millionth time. No, the girl was not a vampire. She was a young human girl, a pretty one for that fact. Curly sand brown locks hung over her shoulders, and golden eyes searched the world for its answers. Of course, after she'd met Himeko, she'd learned that not everything had answers.

The teenage girl lived in a small village in the woods. She knew it wasn't good for her to go outside at night, but she trusted Himeko to protect her. Katelyn was perfect bait for a werewolf: pretty, young, fleshy. A werewolf could get his fill sexually or physically with such an innocent girl. But with a vampire on her side, Katelyn was pretty sure she was safe.

The girl lived with her mother, older brother, Will, and her younger sister, Dana. Their father had been killed trying to hunt down one of the monsters that sometimes patrolled the forests outside the village. For that, Katelyn had taken the side of the vampires, if she had to choose a mythical creature that actually existed.

A little later, Katelyn noticed that the sun had gone down. She smiled in excitement. She had to wait for sunset so she and Himeko would arrive at the same time, so they'd at least be together if a werewolf attacked.

Katelyn set out, hearing the soft snores of her slumbering family. She smiled and headed our, wearing a light blue dress and a red cloak. She came to the edge of the village, out of sight of anyone, a little in the woods. She could see Himeko coming, and she smiled evenly. "Good evening, Himeko," she said once her friend came within earshot.
Seeing her friend always brought a smile to her face. "Good evening to you as well Kate." She replied as she pulled her friend into a huge warm, well as warm of a hug as she could give. "How was your day sweetie?" She asked as she sat down by their tree and patted to her side, indicating for her to sit down next to her. Her eyes shown brightly in the moonlight, they were as red as red could be but still beautiful non the less. She had been pretty when she was alive, but her beauty had only grown more after she was turned. "The air is lovely tonight, though I do smell rain in it..." She said as she started to trail off, going back to that night as she could still hear Hikaru's voice pounding into her head.

Nine years ago

Himeko had arrived in America a year ago and still searched for a home, somewhere she'd be safe. She hadn't fed in days and it was starting to wear down on her. Sighing heavily she made her way into a forest, it was huge and seemed like a nice place to possibly set up a home, but there was still no humans to feed off of. Human food tasted like ash in her mouth and it always made her sick. She heard a movement in the distance and her head turned to face the sound. It was a deer, and it was alone. "Looks like all I'll get to eat is you, but it's better than nothing. I'm very sorry about this..." She loved animals and didn't like the idea of having to feed off of one, but she had to survive. She had promised Hikaru she would and she was bound to her promise. Swiftly and silently she moved and attacked the deer, sinking her fangs deep into its neck. She had no idea she was being watched as she fed off the deer, but at the moment she really didn't care. She heard a cry and then dropped the deer to face the girl who cried, she was in a red cloak and was completely frightened of her. But there was something wrong, there was a foul smell in the air, a scent she had never smelled before in her life. Himeko could sense it was close by and it was after the girl. "Move!" She yelled out as she grabbed the girl and pulled her away just in time too. A huge wolf like creature was in sight now. Snapping and snarling as it's glowing yellow eyes now peered up to Himeko. "Stay back girl. I'll deal with it." Swiftly she moved in to face the creature, it lunged at her but she dodged it with ease. It was a few minutes later when she finally had it pinned down, grabbing its neck she ripped its head off its body. Himeko looked over to the girl and smiled softly. "I'm sorry to have frightened you, but I was needing to feed and well... That deer was all I could get..." She got up and made her way over to the girl. Himeko's English had improved a lot while living in America for a year, but it was still slightly broken. "My name is... Himeko, and yours?" The girl who was still scared told her her name was Katelyn. "Such a pretty name... I promise to protect you from now on Katelyn. However I have no where to stay..."

Present Day

Her mind had trailed off yet again, just thinking back to how they had first met. She had been very happy to have met her friend and wished they could stay friends for as long as possible. Just as she started to relax she smelled that same foul scent she had smelled that day she met Kate. Getting up quickly her eyes wandered around the forest. "Stay back Kate!" She said as she grabbed her friend and held her back protectively.
Kate leaned her head against Himeko and smiled. "It was good. How was your day?" she asked. "Still enjoying that cave?" She knew her friend didn't live in a cave, but she enjoyed teasing her about it. She idly wondered if Himeko would ever be mad at her. It didn't seem possible, since she had vowed to protect the human girl.

Kate thought back to when they had first met. She had been traveling the forest, looking for something to harvest, as her father had just died. The girl had been very young then, in her preteens. She'd found some berries, and she had continued to search in hope of something, anything that she recognized from her father's lessons on survival.

Kate was an animal lover, and to see anyone hurting an animal was like seeing a person choke to death. It frightened her, but she had no idea what to do. The girl she'd run into was obviously a vampire, and something glued her in place as she gave a little cry.

Then, the vampire had saved her, pushing her out of the way and taking down a werewolf that had obviously been following her. And that was when Katelyn began to get attached to her friend.

Kate turned her head in confusion when Himeko pulled her up and pushed her behind her protectively. The young blond scrambled back and watched as one of the wolf-like creatures emerged from the cover of the thicker trees, growling and looking straight at the girls.

"H-Himeko..." she said as the wolf slowly came closer. "Himeko!" She didn't want her friend to wait. It just gave the creature more chances to attack.
Her eyes watched the beasts movements as she got into a crouching position, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. She moved around slowly, making it keep its focus on her and her alone. "That's it... Focus on me and me only mutt." She taunted as she saw her chance to attack. She leaped up at it and to her surprise it had dodged her, as if it had been waiting for her to attack like that all along. Making sure to brace herself as she slid on the ground she heard Kate make a sound, which caused to beast to turn its attention to her now. "Kate no!" Himeko yelled as the werewolf leaped up in attack. Himeko being as fast as she was reached Katelyn in time, however the werewolf had sunk its fangs in deep into her arm. "Nnnngh... Damn mutt! Get the fuck off of me!" She growled as she grabbed it's fur and literally ripped it off her arm. Grabbing its head she twisted it swiftly before falling to the ground.

Panting heavily she looked up at her friend and smiled softly. "Well my day had been decent until now. And you know I must enjoy my 'cave' if I wish to live." She said as she chuckled softly. The pain in her arm was immense, but she didn't want to worry her friend about it. She had heard rumors that a werewolf's bite could kill a vampire, but she had hoped they were only rumors and that she'd make it out alright. Tonight was the first night of the full moon, the moon would be up for two more nights and she still had yet to feed. Sweat had begun to pour down her brow as she tried to get up, but only to stumble over her feet. She felt dizzy and her head was starting to pound, which was something that never had happened before, not since she had been turned. 'What's going on here?' She thought as she made her way back to the tree to support her. She could tell her friends eyes were on her, but she tried her best to put on a smile for her. "I'm sure I'll be fine. Rumors are just rumors after all. Besides, I can't die, not since I'm bound to my promise to both you and Hikaru." She said softly as she leaned against the tree, supporting her own weight.

It felt as is her body was becoming alive again, or at least she felt like it was. She could have sworn she felt blood starting to pump into her veins once again, her heart felt like it was beating. It was so weird to her and yet it hurt so much. It had hurt worse than being turned into a vampire. Unable to stand the pain her body went limp and she fell to the ground. 'Is this... What death should feel like?' She thought as her eyes started to close. 'Damnit! I don't want to die! I have to protect Kate! I have to live for Hikaru! I promised them both I would!' Her thoughts screamed as the last thing she saw before she passed out was Kate holding her tightly, and... Crying? Why would she cry for a monster though? After all, that was what Himeko was, just another monster. But not like those werewolves. Or at least for now.
Kate watched in terror as Himeko dove for the wolf and it quickly dodged her like it had been expecting it. Her eyes were wide, and she was frozen in spot. She put her hands to her mouth and squeaked quietly, then jumped when the wolf turned its mangy head toward her. She couldn't move. She knew she could, but her legs wouldn't respond.

She felt Himeko push her aside, then heard her friend's cry as the werewolf clamped onto her. Kate wailed and ran toward her friend, watching as the dead wolf was flung aside. She looked at the bite, and she couldn't be sure in the darkness, but it almost looked like Himeko was bleeding.

She waved her friend down when the vampire tried to stand. She shook her head. "Don't--you're too weak." She watched in dismay as Himeko collapsed. Kate was quickly beside her, crying and holding her close. "Don't die. Don't die," she whispered as she rocked back and forth, holding onto her friend. She couldn't bear the thought of her dying.
Himeko had been out cold for hours and her body was burning up. The pain was unbearable as she could feel something starting to stir within her. She wasn't dead, she was far from it. She had died once just to be reborn as a vampire and now she was... Alive? Yes, her heart was beating again. Blood was pumping into her veins like it had before she had been turned into a vampire. During her sleep she could hear Kate's voice, calling out to her, begging and pleading with her to not die. Her mind was wondering in many different areas. Like hopping to one place to another. Her eyes shot open fast as she screamed out in pain. Her body was hotter than it had been moments ago and it felt like she was truly dying from the pain.

"Make it stop! It hurts so badly!" She screamed and thrashed her arms around as her arm had hurt worse than anything she had ever felt. The blood poured out of her arm as her body was starting to fully react to the werewolf's bite now. She was going mad from the pain and the urge to run on all fours, like... A werewolf? Clearly her wish to not die or the promise that bound her to Hikaru and Kate were stronger than the bite. However, instead of killing her it was... Turning her? She was confused and in terrible pain. The sun would be up soon and if she didn't get back home she really would die, or would she? She was lost in her mind and her thoughts were starting to become a blur as she tried to stand up, tried to run, but unable to because of the pain.
Katelyn held Himeko's burning body all night, sobbing for her not to die, not to leave her here alone. She sealed her eyes shut and let her tears fall on her friend's face. She held her close and wished, hoped, pleaded for her to wake up and be alright. Why was she so hot? She was a vampire! It shouldn't be like this. She prayed no other werewves would come and find them. It was stupid to come out on a full moon like this.

Katelyn screamed when Himeko finally woke up screaming, then she hugged her writhing body close and sobbed. "I thought you were gone!" she cried.

She could see the first hints of dawn. She began to lug Himeko to her feet. "We've got to get you home before the sun comes up!" She began practically dragging her in the direction of her home, crying "Sorry!" every time Himeko hit something. She knew Himeko was in pain, but she needed to be inside her home when the sun came over the horizon.

Kate managed to drag her all the way there, toss her in, and light the candle. She dragged Himeko to the chair and sat her there. "Is it the bite?" She could see now that it truly was bleeding. She wrapped a rag around the wound and looked at her pained friend. "Please, Himeko, snap out of it!"
Himeko couldn't speak, just scream out in pain every now and then. When she did manage to speak she cried out, "Please, Kate! Please just kill me and end this pain!" Her body ached and burned non stop. If a human had been bitten the reaction would be different, but since she had once been dead it was completely different. This continued for hours and thankfully Kate's family knew where she was and that she was safe. Kate often spent the night over at Himeko's house so it wasn't strange that she was still here.

It was almost night time already and Himeko's body finally gave out. Falling to the ground twitching, tears staining her eyes as she could feel something starting to stir within her body. The sun had slowly faded and the moon was high in the air. Himeko's eyes had shot wide open as she let out another scream of pain. "Kate you have to get out of here now!" She yelled as she could feel her body starting to shift. Oh gods it hurt more than what she had been feeling all day. "I don't think I can fight it off much longer!" Her voice becoming deeper now as she had ran to the door and flung it open, allowing the full moon to soak into her body.

Her transformation was starting to take place, and her mind was starting to slip. She was starting to lose all sense of herself and what little control she had left was starting to slowly fade. Her cloths started to rip as her body started to morph and re-position itself. It was a slow and painful procedure that lasted thirty minutes. When it finally was over the pain had slowly gone away. Her now yellow eyes looked around, checking her surroundings. She hadn't noticed that she had also grown something else, something that hadn't been there before, a penis. Sniffing the air she turned and faced Kate who was shaking in fear. Something inside her told her to attack while something else told her that she needed to protect the girl. It was hard for her to decide which one to listen to seeing as her mind wasn't really where it should have been.
Kate stayed by her side all day, stroking her hair and forcing her to drink sips of water. She was worried for her friend. Was she dying? She certainly hoped not. Who would stand by her if Himeko died?

When the moon rose, she jumped as Himeko fell to the ground and began to tell her to run. She knelt beside her and shook her head. "I won't run, Himeko! I can't leave you!" She watched in surprise as her friend bolted out the door.

Kate approached the doorway nervously, and her eyes widened in fear as the thirty-minute long transformation began to take place. She trembled and cried the whole time, unable to run, just like when the werewolf had attacked last night. Her friend was transforming into a werewolf. It wasn't fair! Why must everything be taken from her every time?

When the transformation was complete, Kate stood completely still she watched as her animalized friend turned toward her and seemed to contemplate whether or not to attack. She didn't dare move or even breathe. She was too terrified to do a thing.
Himeko was still lost in her mind, fighting the urge to attack Kate. Low growls could be heard coming from Himeko's muzzle now as she slowly inched her way towards her. Standing on her hind legs she peered down at Kate, inching closer and closer. "K-Kate...?" She said in a very gruff voice. Her body was completely covered in fur and her tail was bushier than a normal werewolf, then again she wasn't a normal werewolf. Her member was starting to throb as she looked over at Kate, and a sudden plea for help started to show on her face.

Kate and her had never even dreamed of doing anything like that together, but now was different. Himeko was becoming more feral by the minute now as she let out a low growl and made her way closer towards Kate. The look in her eyes was not that of wanting to kill her, oh no, it was a urge to mate that was in her eyes now. Grabbing Kate and pulling her closer to her she gave her a small hug as she nuzzled her muzzle into her neck, taking her scent in as she let her very long tongue slide out and lick her ear. "I cannot help this... My mind is going from wanting to rape you to wanting to flee... But right now my body doesn't want to flee, it wants to mate with you..." She said softly as she felt her paws starting to make their way to the top of her shirt.
Kate slowly backed up as Himeko approached her. She wasn't sure what to do. No wy could she outrun Himeko. She'd probably get killed that way anyways. She swallowed nervously and kept watching her friend. She could see the member throbbing before her. Was that there before? She didn't think so. She hoped not. Her eyes went back up to Himeko's face.

She could see the lust in her eyes, and she squeaked as she was wrapped up in a hug and held close. She felt Himeko's cold nose against her neck, and she whimpered. She looked up at her friend. "Come on, Himeko," she urged. "You have to remember." She was squeezing her so tightly she couldn't protect herself as the wolf began to work at her dress buttons. "Please, don't. Himeko, find reason!" She squirmed in fear, unable to do much else. Himeko was much stronger than Kate even before she was a vampire.

Kate couldn't see a way out. She didn't dare attempt to injure Himeko, and running was stupid. She only squirmed and tried to reason with the werewolf.
Himeko tried to remember, but her animal instincts were kicking in and she couldn't control it. Her eyes glowed wildly as she tore her friends cloths off of her, the dress was laying on the ground now in shreds as Himeko forced Kate down on the ground. Letting out low growls as she continued to sniff at the girl, Kate's fear was only giving her more power over her. "Mine!" She growled as her throbbing member, fully exposed and out of its protective sheath. Rubbing her member against Kate's clit she let out a small growl of pleasure as she prepared herself to mate with her. Her mind was now completely lost to the beast within her and her friend who laid underneath her was terrified.

It would take Himeko time, a long time to fully gain control over the beast. But since she hadn't slept with anyone since she had been Hikaru, it wasn't she really could help anyways. In the back of her mind, she didn't want to do this. But her bestial side was winning and she couldn't help herself. She had enough control to slowly insert her new member however, trying to not hurt Kate as much as she could. She even had enough control to avoid clawing her or biting her, well for now...
Kate could see that Himeko was trying to remember, but this beast that had emerged was winning in the mental battle. She cried out in fear as her clothes were torn away and she fell to the ground on her back with Himeko holding her down. She looked up in fear, whimpering and cringing as the werewolf sniffed her. She sealed her eyes shut, feeling her friend's member rubbing against her clit. She cried out in fear as she struggle beneath her, but the werevamp was much stronger than her. She didn't dare scream, because the village might hear her, and then either Himeko would be killed, or villagers would be killed. She couldn't stand either of those results. So she stuck to whimpering and quietly begging.

"Please, Himeko, please!" She cried out in pain as her friend slowly pushed herself into Kate's tight pussy. She squirmed and whimpered as she broke through her barrier and began to move her hips back and forth. The girl whimpered in pain, not sure what else she could do. She shook her head and looked up at the girl. "Please, Himeko, I know you're somewhere in there!"
Himeko couldn't help herself, couldn't control the beast inside her no matter how hard she tried. She kept herself from clawing or biting her friend, it was hard to do just that. "I'm sorry..." She managed to say as she pushed deeper inside of Kate until her member reached her cervix. Letting out a low growl she closed her eyes and braced herself, she was going to take Kate's virginity right then and there. But she still didn't want to hurt her. She knew it would hurt at first, but would soon feel a major wave of pleasure to follow it. Opening her eyes one last time, she looked deeply into Kate's eyes. "Brace yourself." She said as she then pushed her member fully into her friend, making a large bulge in her stomach. As she took Kate's virginity she pulled her head back and howled loudly. The villagers wouldn't be able to hear where the howl came from, which was good.

After a few moments she started pulling back and then pushed her member back in, going at a slow pace. Her mind was starting to waver as the beast inside of her wanted more. "You're mine!" She snarled as the beast inside of her was showing more and more now. Her yellow glowing eyes burned deeply with pure lust now as she started to pick up her pace, giving growls that were supposed to be moans of pleasure.
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