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Blood Fueled Fire [Karameida x Elegant Catharsis]

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Sometimes a Dream, Sometimes a Nightmare
Jun 15, 2011
An Original Role Play Involving Karameida Yamada and Elegant Catharsis.​

This is an original idea Role Play, do not take or use any of the characters or ideas in here without permission. Please and thank you.
RE: Blood Fueled Fire

"This is Ridiculous, it isn't just my problem so why should I be the only one to-" The statement was never finished, though all knew exactly what it was that would have followed. The portal opened and a being of power unimaginable by mankind plummeted towards the primal rock known as earth. It was still young and it's inhabitants were aswell, centuries were nothing by the grace of the gods and so what could be percieved as an actual history, was nothing more than an insignificant stain in real time.

The immortal, one of their very own fell from the heavens on a one way trip to earth, and ultimately death from one of his own devices should he not complete his quest. His body fell like a stone in a chute, gravity making it's pressence known in a not so positive way for the first time in all of his existence. With arms crossed over his chest, and eyes closed the unfortunate being braced himself for impact. No sooner had he done so did flesh meet cold hard earth, his landaing forming a crater spanning a mile in every direction. Dust billowed out like angry bees from a hive, and bits of rock and rubble fell from the sky raining down everywhere. Trees cracked and split from the impact lay everywhere, seemingly the only casualties from the miniature cataclysm.

From a village merely a few miles away, what was witnessed was the falling of a star. These primitive peoples shrieked in horror as the ground shook beneath them, the fires that burned in every house went out simultaneously, and the clouds blackened temporarily. Dust blew in and hit the small village like a tidal wave disolving after some time to settle. Dogs and cats barked in terror and the whinny of frieghtened horses joined them in their cacaphanous symphony. When all settled and the beasts grew silent, the men came out of their huts and houses, weapons drawn, fear chiseled into their innards. They gathered into the center of the village and it was decided that the Bravest most able bodied men would venture out to investigate this mysterious happening.

Four were selected, two went on horseback, the other more swiftfooted men ran ahead on foot easilly matching the speed of any horse. The women and children waited in their doorways for the men to either return with good news or not at all. All uttered prayers silently as The men disappeared behind a wall of trees and silence fell like a lead curtain upon the village once more. The two scouts darted from tree to tree moving as shadows, while the other two on horseback followed, swords clenched tightly in hand. They stopped when the only trees left were trees that had fallen to some unknown force or entity. The men on horseback came to a hault on the outside of the crater and stared in complete and total awe. Nothing like this had been seen for hundreds of years, and such destruction could not be the mark of anything good.

The largest man in the group, with a broad scar across his chest, and one to match over his right eye got off of his horse cautiously. He looked at the other three men and whispered hoarsly," Jabrao, with me, we will search this gaping hole, if anything happens Hisoga, and Yurimo will head back to the village with word to the elder." Jabrao, a thin man covered in dark cloth and armor from head to toe leaped elegantly from the tree top. He gave off a very intimidating aura and his lanky limbs hung from his body limply. Jabrao slid down the hill in a smooth fashion and was after a short time enveloped by the cloud of dust that hovered over the crater like a spectre. The larger fellow who was known as Ookuru sheathed his blade and jumped into the crater, no hint of grace or beauty surrounding his attempt. Smoke, and debri surrounded the center of the crater,and the flames burned like the plumage of battling birds locked in eternal combat.

Ookuru saw something between the collumns of smoke and dust something odd, something he had never before seen. In the very center, nestled amongst the jagged rocks and shattered tree limbs was an orb of perpetual light. Intrigued and horrified at the same time, he felt an impulse he could not fight and reached for the glowing orb. It was the worst, possibly last thing he could have done...the dust settled, the smoke blew away, and the flames died down, and for Ookuru, everything went black. The orb oozed crimson liquid as cracks formed along its' now transluscent surface. Jabrao reached down letting his fingertips submerge in the red liquid edging closer to his feet, before his eyes settled on his crumpled comrade. He dragged him out of the way with his left arm before bringing his atttention back to his right. With his fingers to his lips he tasted the red substance and a look of disbelief and horror peirced his normally calm demeanor.

"Bl-Blood..." Jabrao stammered his eyes widening at the ever expanding cracks in the orb, it's light faded and its' outside resembling stone. Suddenly it oppened like a blooming flower, and a being emitting the same perpetual light stood in its' wake. Jabrao stepped back, his primal fear screaming 'get away' in the back of his skull, but he willed himself to remain in place, and dug his heels into the ground.The light began to fade and with it came the realization that whatever this was, it was something no man could fight with their pathetic weapons.

The being standing before Jabrao was beautiful in an almost sickly inhuman way. He was thin, equally lanky to Jabrao himself yet shorter, though his stature mattered not in this case. His skin was pale, his hair was pure white, and his eyes though closed gave Jabrao the feeling of total insignificance. And just like that his eyes opened, black with crimson iris in each, void of sadness, compassion or anger. They stared blankly at the sun for an instant before falling upon Jabrao. He bowed without realising it, his face inches from the beings bare feet. " Yo-you are a celestial aren't you?! Pardon me my lord for asking anything of you.." Though he stared at the ground in front of him, he could feel the eyes of this stranger boring into him, reading his life, his feelings, his essence, and a wave of helplessness fell upon him causing him to colapse.

A voice came from the crater and rang in the ears of the two standing on gaurd at the craters edge. "Where is the rest of your village..." The voice was hollow, every bit as much as the beings' eyes. " If you run, I'll obliterate you and slaughter your loved ones, their blood shall be my bath water...come to me..." The men moved in eerie unison down the wall of the crater and to it's center their bodies acting in despite of their will...
RE: Blood Fueled Fire

Kusuburu had her elbows resting on the table as the others around her continued to bicker of the problem at hand. She herself hadn't said a word the entire time, she knew it would be pointless since no matter what she said once the council had made up it's mind it didn't matter what the fuck you said.

Her eyes flicked over to one of the men as he started out demanding to know why he'd been the one singled out for the problem but before he could even finish he fell through the floor. It wasn't a very graceful or even a proper send off for one of his stature.

Licking her lips she leaned back in her chair as silence descended in the room, each one of them looking back and forth. Raising her brow she glanced at everyone in turn, an awkward cough echoed out from somewhere and she just shook her head. Standing up she let out a soft sigh and stretched "Well...I'm off." she said breaking the silence.

"Where too?" a man pipped up.

Turning her head she glanced at him with a raise of her brow. The man in general could be described as a very "pretty" man, not overly muscle bound or large but incredibly attractive...some could say.

"Last I actions do not concern you nor have they ever concerned you." she said blankly staring at him. "However if you must be so nosy I'm off to go help Kurochi...ya know the guy you all so unceremoniously cast out of here a moment ago?" she said pointing to where he'd been a moment earlier.

"Why are you bothering with it? It's HIS problem" he said looking back at her.

"Actually, I dunno if you dimwitted little beings haven't realized this yet or not...but since it's the humans thats the know those things we use to get our elixirs? It's technically ALL of our problems." she licking her lips.

"You don't have the right to interfere!" he spluttered out.

"I don't have the...what?" she asked both of her eyebrows raised.

The tension and inevitably the heat in the atmosphere rose incredibly high, the other sentient beings in the room began shifting uncomfortably. "Would you like to run by me again...what rights I do...and do not have?" she said with an almost demonic grin. Her eyes bore through him almost begging him to repeat what he'd just said to her.

"All I mean to say is you shouldn't worry your pretty head about him...or the problem" he stated completely ignoring the warning signs. Though not everyone was, a few of the others had already left the council room and the rest were following suit. " Once more you pathetic little worm, I am not yours to concern yourself with. Learn to shut that annoying trap of yours." she growled out leaving the room.

Walking down the hall she muttered under her breath images flashing through her mind, images of very cruel and unusual things torture wise. "What I wouldn't give to kill that prissy little bitch for the next thousand years...." she muttered making wild hand gestures, wild but angry hand gestures. Coming to a split in the hall she stopped and frowned slightly as she looked down each passage way "Which one was it...?" she murmured tilting her head. Pointing down each hallway one at a time, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Blinking she smiled " Ah!" she announced.

Turning slightly she walked down the hallway to her left and began counting the doors, near the end a particularly ornate door stood. Electricity pulsed around the edges of the door, which lucky for her stood slightly ajar. Grinning she pushed it open a slight shock running through her body and with that she knew, she didn't have much time before he showed up and booted her out.

Stepping into the room she looked around and bit her lower lip "Where does he keep it aga---" she trailed off as she saw what she was looking for in plain sight. Grinning she hurried over to it and lifted it up, another jolt of electricity running through her body "Hello beautiful" she said. Wincing she glanced at the door as she heard footsteps fast approaching " Oh time to go!" she said.

Taking the blade in both hands she raised it above her head before swinging it down hard, the blade ripped through their dimension and into another one completely. On the other side lush trees and various other plant life blossomed, dropping the sword she stepped towards the "gate" just as the owner of the sword "Raiden" came storming in.

"Stop Kusuburu!!!!" he hollered out a bit to late as she'd already ran through the portal which closed abruptly behind her.

"TAKE THAT YOU LITTLE BITCHES!" she hollered shaking her fist at the sky, however she forgot to bring her powers back. At the moment she did that the ground rumbled almost growling and smoke billowed from a mountain obscuring the sky and shortly following that, magma shot from the mouth of the volcano with an erupting "BOOM". It spilled from the sides and crawled down the mountain devouring everything in it's path.

"....Oops." was all she said as she watched the destruction her lack of control had caused."So where did Chi get off to..." she murmured turning in a full circle.
RE: Blood Fueled Fire


"You follow commands well for savages" The being smiled watching the facial expressions of the horrified men march towards him. They let out slight grunts as they involuntarily kneeled before before him, their faces at level with his bare feet. "Consider yourselves blessed, I've decided not only to grace you with my pressence, but I shall also allow you to take me to the others of your kind." His voice echoed in the wind and all things remained calm and still. The hold on the men was released and they stood up slowly warily fear keeping them from running off yet willing them to do just that at the same time. " I am lord Kurochi, however you shall only address me as your God and master." Kurochi licked his lips slowly, his hollow eyes focused on the two men intently similar to how a lion would a wounded antelope.

The smallest of the men, Hisoga bowed deeply and then turned around with Yurimo in towe towards the direction of their village making sure not to look directly into the eyes of their god. Instead of walking, Kurochi seemed to step out onto air as his feet never touched the ground. "Now how shall I start upon this horrid quest the others have subjected me to..." he thought to himself as he stepped casually behind the men. They stopped just long enough to hoist the two unconcious men over their shoulders and slowly climbed up the side of the crater. Kurochi cast a glance up at the men and flashed an unsympathetic smile. He knew what would happen next and he was anxious to respond.

Conciousness came rushing at him, and the light hit him like a bull elephant. His lungs flooded with air, and his nose could smell iron... iron that would not normally be there. The iron found in blood. Suddenly Jabrao was caste back into the world he had left uncontrollably on a few moments before. He remembered the demon who had knocked him out and he knew it wanted to be taken to his village. It was going to destroy it and everyone unfortunate enough to be there. Women, children, and the elderly would suffer a gruesome fate if he did not act fast. He opened his eyes only a crack, enough to no all he needed to. "I'm being carried away.." he thought "they're leading that monster to our village, I must do something to stop him." He lifted his chin slightly and caught sight of pale skin. He knew he could effectively gauge the distance between him and the monster lurking behind him.

Jabrao elbowed Hisoga in the back of the head and the man crumpled like a small tree in the midst of a whirlwind. Yurimo stopped and turned around completely caught off gaurd and dropped the unconcious Ookuru to the ground. "Jabrao what are you doing?!" It was too late to ask, Jabrao's intentions were clear, he drew a curved blade from his back, and with every bit of force his body could muster hurled it at the strange being before him. The blade was a circular blir and cut through the air like a shark would water. Jabrao smiled in triumph watching the blade arc directly towards the demon, but the smile didn't last long as his weapon stopped moving only an inch away from the creature's throat.

Kurochi watched the blade spin towards him and almost regretted what would inevitably happen next. He focused his emotionless eyes upon his would-be assailant and watched his smile fade and be replaced with sheer horror as the blade hovered there frozen in mid air merely an inch from its' target. "Fool..." Kurochi's voice rang hollow in the air for an instant and for the first time, his feet lowered to the cold ground " thought you could play the hero? You pathetic wretch, suffer like you have never suffered." His smile was gone now, long gone. On his face now was what could almost be considered pity with a dash of sorrow. Kurochi reached up slowly and grabbed the blade watching it slice into his fingers to the bone. "Sharp." He remarked casually his eyes still focused upon Jabrao. "I could kill you in so many horrible ways you pathetic creature, however I shall dispatch you in a way that will amuse me, and warn the others should they be foolish enough to tread down the same path you have chosen." With that Kurochi let go of the blade and licked his fingers, the cuts in them already gone. He sauntered over to the horrified warrior and reached out, almost as if to touch the man.

Instead however, he placed two fingers into the air at the level of Jabrao's forehead. "You shall shed tears of crimson, tears that shall become my nourishment. You're pain shall be my pleasure, and your fears shall be my comfort. Die knowing I shall experience a moment of pure ecstacy for your lifetime of suffering." Jabrao shook involuntarily and tears flowed from his eyes, he muttered something of a prayer in his archaic language but to no avail. His mouth opened again but this time blood pooled in it and flowed out defying gravity and forming an orb directly in front of him. He watched for as long as he could at any rate, as his own blood was siphoned out from his body. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, yet the blood kept flowing into the ball. His lanky body shrank more so squeezing his bones until they creaked like an old wooden floor. The last drop of blood slid slowly from his lips and joined the rest in a small compressed ball of crimson hovering before Kurochi.

Kurochi tilted his head to the side and licked his lips as the blood slid itself to a gourde sitting at his hip. The gourde was pure black but lines and creases ran through it, all the color of blood. His gaze fell upon the now mumifyed remains of Jabrao and they flashed as if the sun hit them. The warriors' remains disolved into a pile of black water, utterly destroying all that was left of his existence in this world. Yurimo quickly picked the unconcious Ookuru up and again tossed him over his shoulder, fear gripping his every muscle. Kurochi grinned, his sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight and he flicked a single finger, hurling the other unconcious man over the edge of the crater and gently landing him on the ground. He looked out and noted that the horses that had run off earlier had returned their heads bowed.

For a moment Kurochi's ears rang and he looked off into the distance as a volcanoe began to errupt, smoke billowing out of it's top. "Blast, I hope it isn't her.." he thought as he sat down on the more handsome of the two horses leaving his lowly servant to ride on a horse carrying two large unconcious men. "I suppose this shall be the start, the hourglass has been tipped over and it's only a matter of time....."
RE: Blood Fueled Fire

Kusuburu let out a sigh "where did that pompous chi get off to..." she thought trying to get a good bearing of where she was and how far from him she had gone."if I know him he's probably already done that little "godly" deal and is heading to some village.." she thought with a light smirk.

That meant she was going to need to find a village, though if she looked for a large crater first...that might make it a little easier. Being an all powerful Immortal you'd think shed have a calm noble exterior but no her personality matched her and the idea of having to walk around looking for him made her feel all the more irritated. Tapping her chin she looked around herself trying to figure out what to do or rather in which direction she should go.

She wished she could at least fly but no she had to walk everywhere and she did not like that idea in the slightest. Brushing off her skirt she folded her arms under her chest and looked at the volcano which she had just moments earlier blown, the magma had already hardened and stopped half way down the mountain side but it did give her an idea.

Leaning down she touched the ground and smiled, she could feel the magma flowing beneath the earth pulsing like the earths life blood. Straightening up she brushed her hand off. A slight breeze rolled through, picking up tendrils of her ink black hair and then it died down and her hair fell back into place.

"Ok now to make my life just the slightest bit easier.." she murmured.

The flow of the lava under the ground told her that a few miles to the east a large crater had newly formed and that was most likely were the little blood man was...and even though she now had a direction she still didn't like that she had to walk.

Huffing she turned and started walking in the direction that the fire beneath the earth had told her to go, though because it was fire and metal it wasnt fully her jurisdiction and could only get vague directions from it.

She knew that since they had ended up in very close proximity to each other that he'd probably seen her little volcano incident. "Im gonna kill him.." she thought as she walked her footprints burned into the earth. It didn't actually take her that long to reach the location of the impact, and as she stood on the rim of it she looked up at the sky then back down sighing.

There were indications that people had recently been around the area and from the direction that it was heading she was sure thats where he'd gone. Climbing up the side of the mountain following the footprints and hoof's, she growled in irritation the volcano rumbling mimicking her growing anger. She knew she wasn't that far from the village now probably only a few minutes at most.
RE: Blood Fueled Fire


He sat there gracefully, his legs dangling from the side of the horse callously. His eyes were fixated on the village ahead. It was small, small and very unimpressive. His face remained as if made of stone as the horses galloped through the lop-sided gate that stood gaurd at the entrance of the village. The horses came to a gentle stop in the very center of the village, dust they had kicked up in their run billowing around them. People came out of their huts cautiously, an odd air seeming to surround them. Yurimo hopped off of his horse and quickly gathered the two unconcious men, heaving them to the ground. All of the village was there now, slowly making their way towards the familiar figure of Yurimo. The dust had settled and on the back of the second horse sat a figure. A figure whom none recognizd, yet all feared. One by one, man, woman, and child bowed before him. Kurochi sat there watching their feable attempts to welcome him with honor, and his eyes grew ever more hollow.

Three of the villages most beautiful women stand in unison, their heads down and approach very slowly. They held out their hands to help the strange visitor down from his horse their eyes glued to the dirt. Kurochi cocked his head to the side just a bit and stepped from the horse taking none of their hands. "You've the gall to attempt touching a deity of my level?" He asked his voice empty. The women again in unison bowed deeper, backing away. They reached into their hair and tore the flowers that decorated said hair. They tossed the flower petals onto the ground with each step he took until there was nothing left. Kurochi looked directly ahead of him, not bothering to acknowledge a single human amongst the crowd. The flowers thrown at his feet wilted the minute his aura touched them. He stepped lightly directly to what he would call the grand hovel. It was what seemed like a large mishapened hut made up of smaller huts. The straw and mud brick that held it together was in dire need of repair, and as he gazed at it, he knew there was but a single person inside. Kurochi stopped a few feet from the entrance to the pathetic thing these people called a castle. His distaste for them grew as he was forced to be amongst them.

The village turned their heads one by one and watched him, much too frightened or stunned to comprehend doing anything else. These primative people knew he was a god, they just didn't know which, and that was just fine with them so long as they did not arouse anger from him. Soon enough however, a scraggly old woman wearing nothing but rags yet decorated in fine jewels emerged from the entrance. Her hair was white, but her eyes were a golden color no other human in the village posessed. She was the true elder of elders. "Welcome to our village oh powerful one" the woman murmured her eyes planted on Kurochi's feet. "All that is ours, is yours aswell." She gestured around the disgrace of a village with her hands, her head bowed low. Kurochi's face remained set in stone, not a single emotion crossed onto it.

"All of what?" He said, his eyes set down on the scrawny thing of a woman."Nothing remains of this putrid village but mud bricks and weak horses. There is no redeeming qaulity about you pathetic roaches and yet I am humbled by your stupidity." A thin smile crossed his lips, but that was cut short, someone was near and he knew it. The elder bowed and fell onto her knees begging for forgiveness, but this was lost on Kurochi. He knew someone was coming, someone who shouldn't be there. "Damnit!" He thought to himself. "Why now of all times? Why is it that she chooses to approach me now?!" A sour look crossed his face for only an instant before his face hardened again. The woman was still muttering ancient prayers and begging for forgiveness, the rest of her village began to do the same. The mud bricks that made up their homes vibrated gently as their village echoed with the prayers of the futile.

"Enough of this pathetic groveling." Kurochi commanded calmly, his voice echoed over the village quieting them. "Bring me your four best horses, and a wheeled cart, if you cannot provide me these things, you will ALL perish." The threat rang in the air and two men were up on their feet and sprinting towards the stables as quickly as possible. The elder stood there in her bejewled half glory, her face ashen with fear and shame..
RE: Blood Fueled Fire

Kusuburu growled softly to herself in irritation, the ground below her rumbling in unison with her frustration. She would have to hit chi when she found him, though technically it was her fault for just rushing into it but still it was in her nature to strike out at those near her. Like a wild flame she had no "what is good and what is bad" morals she just struck out when she felt the need no matter who or what was near her without mercy nor restraint.

Before long the tops of small mud buildings came into view and she wrinkled her nose in blatant disdain. "Uhg, Chi will not be happy with this dirty hovel of a place..." she muttered. A small smirk made it's way over her lips and she rolled her eyes at the act he was probably putting on, his little deity charade that he'd perfected. "Oh Chi....he will not be pleased to see me." she said a little more excitedly than was probably meant. If there was one thing she loved more than hurting people it was harassing and crashing chi's little excursions un-invited.

Reaching the gate she raised her brow and passed through un-hindered most likely everyone was crowding around chi worshiping him and that idea was only enforced and voices chanted in unison. Walking into the town she saw strands of white hair, a horn and some of his odd clothing and she knew she'd found him. "OI Chi!" she hollered out stalking towards him. The people turned to her and stared in confusion as she brushed past them grabbed kurochi's horn and yanked down on it hard glaring at him. "You are an irritating man to find chi..." she said feigning a smile as she yanked on his horn again.

"Here I went through all the trouble to come help you and you won't even bother slowing down for me. You're awfully rude." she said yanking on his horn again. Blinking she turned her gaze onto the gaping audience and glared "Do you want me to burn you all where you stand? If you don't move your mortal asses out of here I'll take great pleasure in burning you all to death." she grated out her eyes boring into each persons eyes in turn.

Brushing strands of black hair from her face she let go of his horn and ruffled out her skirt. "I had to use Raidens sword to get here, ended up in some strange area and had to walk everywhere..." she muttered plucking the ends of her skirt out. Reaching her hands up she adjusted her top and brushed it off as well before tucking strands of her hair behind her ear. "Chi I know something is forming behind that stone facade of yours and I'm telling you right now..don't tempt me!...I had to deal with disgusting jade lord and I still feel disgusting after that.." she said shuddering and gagging.

She continued brushing herself off a truly disgusted look on her face blinking she stopped and looked back at him with a raised brow "Besides Chi...why are you in this pitiful hovel? I'm sure that even these pathetic humans could manage something anything better than this..." she said casting a distasteful look around. "Such pathetic's a shame we need some alive for our needs.." she said with a regretful look. Honestly she just wanted to spend her days burning the world and people till it all was a planet of flame brimstone. Something similar to the visions of hell.
RE: Blood Fueled Fire


A hand grabbed the horn sprouting from Kurochi's head and her voice rang in his hear loudly. He need not bother wondering who it was as only one was brazen enough to attempt anything like this. When she finally let go of him he lifted his head up. His eyes were blank and unfeeling, but he had a smirk across his lips, an evil smirk. He drifted to her slowly his eyes on hers. "Blasted woman, you should know better than to meddle with Raiden's toys." He stopped inches from her and put his hand uncharacteristically upon her cheek holding it for a moment. "You came down here to help sweet of you." His face didn't change as he purposefully shoved her head away from him then turned around and strode towards the pathetic horses before him. "How disgusting." He looked at the steeds with unrelenting eyes.

The cart was pulled up behind the horses and it was in horrid condition. The wheels were of two different sizes, and there was still hay filling the back of it. Kurochi waved a hand as if to cast a curse upon the men dutifully standing by the horses. They ducked and ran away faster than anyone would have predicted. "Truly pathetic..." he mused. "This will just have to do, I guess I can make it a little more suitable for my travels." A smile crept upon his lips as he placed his hand on the head of a horse. It whinnied and kicked its' legs up before resting again. The flesh seemed to melt off of it as only a blackened skeleton remained, and the other horses followed suit standing at attention like skeletal gaurds. A thick menacing fog covered the area slowly coming up to waist level. The rickety cart shifted and whined loudly as wood splintered and cracked. The pale wood the cart was made of seemed to come to life as it grew, four wooden poles eleganly carved and detailed rose out of each corner of the lengthening cart.

The poles widened into thick ebony beams and between them spread a deep red rice paper that would form the walls and doors of the newly forming carriage. The paper was filled with the design of a black tree. Two more wheels sprouted seemingly from nowhere and the original two grew to match the new ones perfectly. The silver wheels sparkled ominously as black sparks danced around them. The completed carriage was truely a thing of horror and beauty. A cloud of fog seemed to wrap itself around the carriage wheels and it lifted off the ground hovering inches above it. The door of the carriage opened without a sound and inside was a spacious sitting room with a boxed off garden in the center, a single sappling sat planted in it. The roof of the carriage was ornately decorated with seels and red jewels that gave off a light that was far too inhuman. The horses, or what remained of them let out a light cackle as their empty eye sockets were filled with rubies.

Villagers watched in shock and awe as the newly transformed carriage floated eerily in the air. " This will do I suppose" Kurochi said casually, and with that his feet left the air as he drifted towards it standing just before the entrance. " If you're going to accompany me, much to my disdain, you will ride in style. None of that golem carrying you around or your flaming wheel nonsense." He stood there his pale skin and hair in direct contrast to the dark carriage. He reached out delicately his hand extened for his fire fueled tormentor." I suppose this won't be all bad, atleast Mizu didn't bother showing up or I'd really be annoyed" he thought to himself.
RE: Blood Fueled Fire

Kusuburu mocked him as he reprimanded her and she eyed him "Hey! I did it to get out here to your ass!" she said crossing her arms under her chest and glaring. She knew it was coming from the moment she grabbed and yanked his horn in front of the humans she knew he was going to do something and he decided to do it with a soft touch then a startling push which caught her off guard and insulted her pride. "Fucking bloody chi..." she thought glaringly. "Don't flatter yourself blood god. I did it cause I was bored and didn't feel like sitting up there and leaving the fate of our lives in your hands" she said wrinkling her nose.

She stared after him as he commented on the pathetic excuse for a carriage that ever existed. "Don't be too harsh now these are your creations." she said with a smirk staring after him. She blinked and tilted her head as the horses turned into nothing more than skeletons that looked like they'd been burned to much; a touch she rather admired actually.

She draped her arm loosely over her stomach as the other arm rested over it and her fingers tapped her bottom lip at the transforming carriage. It wasn't bad, a bit over-jeweled for her taste but she did rather like the deep blood rubies that replaced the empty sockets of the horses. Though she should have expected as much from Chi, he always did like riding in grandeur. He was a first class show off and loved commanding fear and respect; mainly fear though. Hell he'd even managed to entreat fear into some of the other gods. Even Raiden wouldn't intentionally mess with Kurochi.

It was a little funny, Kusuburu had never known "fear" in any shape or form. She'd always rush headlong into something and always reprimand any god or goddess even in their own element. Maybe it was to do with the fact she was a main elemental goddess over the life giving life taking fire. Though it was true that all elements help maintain and take life there was something about fire that seemed forbidden, otherworldly,dangerous and even sexually inviting. Things everything was drawn too, and then the opposing water element, but even that deity did not elicit fear from her.

Blinking she shook her head snapping out of her meandering thoughts as chi finally said something when he was finished with a simple "This'll do..". She stared at it and sighed a wry smile on her lips as she stared at the floating grand carriage which chi had conjured up. As he stood in the door-way he turned to her and spoke and she just smirked taking his hand and stepping up. "Why, the blood god does know how to treat a woman!" she said in mock surprise, though the tone was off-put by a genuine wry smile.

Blinking she placed her hands on her chest "How dare you speak ill of my daring golems! and I'll have you know the flaming wheels are quite suitable for any transportation!" she said with an affronted tone. A coy smirk worked it's way up her lips as she brought her hand up and placed her thumb and middle-finger together. Holding it there a moment she snapped with a flick of her wrist and the wheels burst into flames. "I think it is now suitable to ride in." she said moving in and sitting down on the opposite side.

"Coming dear chi?" she asked laughing in amusement. "I wonder what dear little Mizu would think of me riding in a closed carriage with her beloved Kurochi and using a pet name as well" she said watching him closely. "I don't think Mizu would approve of this chi...." she said obviously enjoying the thought of making mizu incredibly upset and jealous. "Though...I don't get why she tries so hard...she's so innocent and sweet she wouldn't even begin to know how to go about pleasing a simple human man...let alone a god." she said with a callous shrug. Casting a gaze at him she dragged her finger over her bottom lip "Maybe dear chi would be kind enough to show her how to pleasure a man?" she said with a wider smirk and a raise of her brow.
RE: Blood Fueled Fire


His face hardened as he pulled Kusuburu into the carriage in a quick graceful motion, the door sliding shut behind him in an instant. His crimson irises glowed in the dwindling light inside. He looked deep into her eyes and placed his hands on her shoulders sitting her down on the plush seat. The interior of the carriage was every bit as beautiful as the outside, though seeming infinitely bigger and much much dimmer. Small paper lanterns hung in the four corners, a cut out section in each to show the dancing flames inside. The seats that covered the fine lacquer wood interior were covered in a fine deep leather with silk pillows through out. Skulls with permanent grins etched into their faces intermingled with the pillows and lay scattered about the cabin.

Kurochi held his gaze into her eyes and a small smile spread across his lips. "Mizu..." he said, opening his mouth to speak for the first time since he arrived on this festering rock. "Mizu is but a child in a woman's body, she's gentle, sweet, innocent, level headed, naive and bubbly. Mizu has the ability to enchant nearly anyone she meets, though is notorius for her grudges, though short lived. Her hair is golden, and her eyes match like gems. Many idolize and wish her to belong to them both human and god alike." Kurochi closed his eyes and then opened them once more. They fell upon Kusuburus' own and were absolute in their answer. "None of these things I find attractive in a mate." With that he placed his hands on her shoulders once more and held her gaze while one of his hands deftly slithered down her robe and to one of her breasts cupping it before giving it a slight squeeze. "As far as how to treat a man...I will be more and delighted to show YOU how." He gave her breast another soft squeeze, before bringing his hand out of her robe.

He then sat next to her a smirk spread across his lips. "Though to be blunt, you aren't much better yourself," he added calmly folding his arms over his chest. The carriage lurched forward, but not a single galloping step could be heard from inside. The ride was smooth and gentle as the carriage traveled, and soon the village was nothing more than a disgusting, sorry excuse for a memory. Kurochi looked off, an almost sad aura pooling around his eyes. The sapling in the center of the carriage looked weak and malnourished. "This isn't good at all.." he thought to himself.
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She felt the pressure of his hands sitting her down and she complied as her eyes traveled over the inside of the carriage her eyes drawn to the dancing flame in the corners, the only light that cast very a dim glow in the impossibly dark carriage. She smirked and reached her hand out and cupped the flame in her hand and let it dance there, looking back up into his bloody irises she continued to smirk "Must admit I do rather enjoy the flames and..." she trailed off bringing the flame closer to one of the grinning skulls for a better look "These are quite a nice touch..." she said in admiration of the intricate detailing of the carriage. Sighing she shook her head and replaced the flame and rested against the seat looking back at him.

Her amusement grew as he described Mizu to an absolute T. She continued to listen to him go on about Mizu then paused before continuing the last bit she had to contain her absolute enjoyment or else she'd blow the top off of something. Bringing her hand up she hid a rather satisfactory smile behind her hand while she watched him. After gaining some semblance of control over her grin she lowered her hand and laid them loosely across her stomach. "Don't let Mizu hear you she might decide to blame me for turning you against her. I don't wish to sully my hands dealing with her. I've already dirtied them enough by deal with that jade prick..." she growled out her eyes darting to the side in irritation.

Her own eyes lit up the space much like chi's eyes did except instead of red they resembled more a burning bonfire or a sunset that was cast aflame. Hues of orange's and reds and yellows and even a hint of blue and white danced within her eyes.

When he brought his hands on her shoulders again she raised her brow as he looked at her, she felt his hand slide down into her top and cup her breast and a small devious grin spread across her lips when he continued. Her eyebrow raised further at his comment and she continued to grin as he squeezed again and pulled back. Like she was going to let him sit there and tease her in such a way without her getting some satisfaction herself. Leaning forward she placed her hands on the seat on either side of him and brought her face close to his.

Licking his lips she smirked and moved her lips to brush against his ear "Don't start something you have no intention of finishing dear chi..." she whispered to him. Her own hand slipping inside of his kimono and she let her palm wander over his chest and flat muscled stomach. "You should know the dangers of tempting a fire..." she said digging her nails into his stomach and dragging her hand all the way across drawing blood. Pulling her hand out she looked at her blood smeared fingers and pulled her head back looking at him. "Oops.." was all she said as she licked the blood from her fingers and sat back. She raised her brow at his comment but decided to ignore it as the carriage lurched forward.

She followed his gaze and looked at the tree a small frown forming on her lips. "They call themselves gods..." she muttered looking back at him."This problem concerns us all...they should not have passed judgement so easily.." she said chewing on the inside of her lip. "They won't admit it but they are terrified...even Raiden is scared.." she said smirking "I almost wish that it doesnt work....just so all those petty fools can loose what they so adore in this life..." she said growling softly. Shaking her head she closed her eyes and remained silent a moment trying to get some control over her anger. "But that would also mean my death as well..." she said with a regretful sigh and a small shrug. She wasn't scared of dying and losing her "godhood" so to speak but she was about fairness to a point and as far as she could tell she'd done nothing to deserve death. " you've any idea of even where to begin?" she asked looking at him her normally alive eyes looking more like the embers of a dying fire.

If they all were really leaving this to him to deal with on his own, then it may very well be the end of the realm of immortals.
RE: Blood Fueled Fire


He watched her hand slide down his robe and grinned as she drew blood from him. His blood wasn't crimson however, it was pitch black. As black as his eyes and every bit as toxic. He looked at her for a moment as her words rang within his ears. He knew it wasn't right, but what did it really matter? There was absolutely nothing he could do to change the circumstances. Even with his power and knowledge, it would prove utterly totally useless as he couldn't re-enter his own realm lest he complete the task appointed to him. His mind wandered off on a path of a thousand different scenarios. Kusuburu's final words bringing him back to reality. " If I fail, we all will perish, and with us gone, this world and all others will dwindle into nothing. And while I couldn't care less about the others, I rather like living in my own world, separated from the others."

Kurochi tilted his head to the side and gazed at the sapling again. "One way or another, you have to get bigger...." He thought to himself as he tucked his arms into the sleeves of his robe. He broke his gaze by looking into Kusuburu's eyes for only a moment. "You're wreckless, you like fire have no true direction, you branch out, and lash out at everything. You're unable to control your emotions well and it's an easilly exploitable feature of yours. Anger is what fuels you and anyone with a brain can easilly draw it out of you. Don't let yourself be tricked into a situation you cannot handle on your own. You may be powerful, but do not forget..neither of us is immortal as of now. We CAN be killed, it would just be a difficult task." Kurochi waved his hand and a large coffin shaped similar to a pear appeared in front of him.

He smiled, and with that all hints of emotion were gone from his face as the coffin opened revealing a bed of sharpened spines. "I need to rest, and I suggest you do the same Ku, lest we die from exhaustion. And that would be all too humiliating a way to go for a being of my stature." He floasted to the coffin and lay back in it, the spines peircing his flesh and bone like a skewer through tender meat. Blood slowly crept out of the various spines, and Kurochi took one more look at Kusuburu, "Goodnight," he said before laying his head back into the coffin. His eyes closed and the spikes lengthened, the sound of crackling bone and severed flesh filling the carriage for a moment before the front half of the unusual iron maiden like coffin closed with a dull metallic thud.

Sleep came to him instantly, and had he been able to fight it would have been amazed at feeing physical and mental exhaustion. This wasn't necesarilly new, so much as something he had not experienced in hundreds of years. His body relaxed inside the coffin as a wave of pleasure helped to knock him out. Even in his deep sleep, his mind raced, thousands of situations played out in his mind and none of them in particular looked favorable. The carriage continued through the forest, leaving a trail of wilted plants in it's wake. One last thought entered his mind before complete and total emptyness overtook him.
RE: Blood Fueled Fire

Kusuburu stared at chi as his eyes hardened and she knew his mind was wandering over the millions or thousands of possible outcomes and she smirked. "Why does he always attempt to look at every possible out-come when he knows not even we can see the future..." she thought with a slight shake of her head head and a small chuckle. Of all of the immortals chi was honestly the "oddest" one. All of the immortals were "distant" so to speak but he, he was on a whole other level and not even she understood him sometimes. Blinking she tilted her head as he seemed to come out of his reverie and she smirked "Yeah I know's why I came down here to try and help you." she said with a sigh. Smirking again she rolled her eyes "Well now! If I didn't know any better I'd think you wanted to get rid of me!" she said feigning a hurt voice. "After all we've been through!? How could you!?" she said with a bit more of that mock hurt. Though truth be told she had no idea how he actually did feel about her. For all she knew he really could want her gone like the rest of them.

Kusuburu broke from her thoughts and glanced at chi as he started in on her inability to control her emotions very well though it wasn't entirely true; she was able to control her emotions incredibly well it was actually almost startling. However her anger was something that she didn't have much of a grip on and this much she knew already. She just smiled as she watched him "Oh dear chi you insult me. I already know my flaws and in-abilities." she said leaning forward. "However fates designs can not be changed. We immortals are how we were made to be and that can not really be changed to much." she said tilting her head. "Mizu could be whore of the year but her personality and attitude would not change, surely you know all of this chi." she said blinking a bit. She knew she was baited easily and often ran into things without thinking but, it came with the territory of "fire". "If I do something stupid that gets me killed it is my fault and I probably deserve to die at that rate.." she said glancing at one of the grinning skulls.

She blinked and looked at him before laughing softly to herself and shaking her head. "Dying from exhaustion is indeed far to humiliating...for any immortal Mr-high-and-mighty." she said in a mocking tone as he slid into his "Iron Maiden Coffin." She knew he enjoyed pain, intense amounts, amounts that even most immortals would shy away from. Bidding him goodnight she laid down on the cushion and just lied there awhile. "Wonder what Mizu would do if I told her what turned him on..." she though with a rather wicked smirk.

Sleep did not come so easily to the "Flame Warrior", it never had it was one of the downsides of having such an element. Sleep was not something that came naturally nor easily. She rarely slept in fact she could never remember spending a full night asleep. Nothing longer than an hour or two, she just lied there her eyes like embers on a dying flame, she knew should her eyes go black like the remains of what fueled a fire her life would be forfeit. As of now she was more in a "dormant" state, she found it easier to control herself when she simmered her flames down to nothing but embers so to speak instead of the raging inferno she was in a battle. She'd never told anyone else of the "Black gaze" not even chi knew; she'd kept the secret of what would happen to her should she die to herself. She'd never understood why she did it, it wasn't that big of a deal but she had even now she knew she wouldn't tell anyone. It seemed like it would give people far to many ideas on how to kill her and she did not like that idea. Keeping it secret sort of gave the illusion that she was indestructible so to speak though she wasn't sure how.

A few thoughts crossed her mind, ones she usually shoved right back into the depths of her conscious but for now she let herself wonder if only for a little while.
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