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Male for long term partner, plot involved RP

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Jul 24, 2011
I am looking for a roleplay partner that is up for good, long roleplays with plot involved. I like the build up to the sex where it has a bit of a storyline with some flirting and teasing on the way. I have a few limits but I am pretty open. Some of the things I won't do is scat, force, S&M, blood. Those are about my limits, if you want to try something then just ask me. Send a pm or whatever and I will give you a kind answer. Some of my favorite RP's are Incest (mom/son most of all but will do other macthes) video game rp's (mass effect, dragon age, you name it) fantasy, sci-fi.
But over all just send me a pm with your idea and I will probably go with it. Just have some or alot plot and make it hot ;)
Mistress Legacy said:
if you were looking warthog why didn't you just say something to me in the chat?

I wasn't thinking until I was out of the chat
hi there
i think possibly we could rp together and be a good match
you should send me a pm but i usually prefer to roleplay on aim or yahoo
my name on both aim and yahoo is hottybamagirl so feel free to im me
but make to let me know you saw me here so i know you lol
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