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Player seeks partner for RP

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Nov 19, 2010
So I'm looking for a roleplay partner. I'm pretty open to just about any idea or setting. Here's a bit of what I'm looking for:

Some quick rules:
I. I will respect you and treat you nice, unless you give me a reason to do otherwise. So, in return I expect the same from you. I'm a very hard person to make angry, but I am human.
II. If I tell you I'm not interested in a pairing you suggested, then you have two options: Option A: You pick another pairing and see if I'm game for it. Option B: You respectfully tell me that you don't think we can play together and leave me alone.
III. Please be willing to come up with a scenario with me. I may or may not have one in mind, and since we'll be playing together I expect you to have some sort of input on what our scenario will involve.
IV. I am a sucker for smut, but I don't want it exclusively. I do enjoy a little story to my roleplays so if that's a turn off then please don't waist your time to contact me about roleplaying.
V. I have a more than small preference for yuri/femslash/lesbian pairings. Doesn't mean that I won't play Het. pairings, I will if I like the idea, but my dominant preference is for female/female pairings honestly.


Note - I have yet to play WoW but I'm a pretty fast learner and now that you can play up to LV 20 for free I might start. With that in mind, I don't have much knowledge of the finer points of the WoW mythos.

Races I'd like to play as/against:
- Worgen
- Draenei
- Night Elf

Preferred pairing type; M/F F//


Favorite Characters:
- Matsumoto Rangiku
- Tia Halibel
- Shihoun Yoruichi
- Nelliel Tu (non-loli)

As for pairings or other characters, toss out a name or pairing and I'll tell you whether I'm down for it or no.


Favorite Characters:
- Tsunade
- Hinata Hyuuga
- Kiba Inuzuka
- Naruto Uzumaki
- Sakura Haruno
- Shizune
- Anko Mitarashi
- Hana Inuzuka

Again, like with Bleach, if you have a pairing you'd like to see just toss it out and I'll consider it.


Favorite Characters:

- Any of the 'Seven Ghosts'
- Teressa

I have a soft spot for Helen/Deneve and Miria/Clare or Miria/Anyone really.

Criminal Minds:

Favorite Characters:
- Reid
- JJ
- Emily
- Elle

Any combo of the mentioned characters is fine with me.

Star Wars:

WAY too many characters to list. I'll do M/F and F//. Expanded Universe characters plenty welcome!

This is only a taste of my expansive interests. If there's something that you want to discuss with me but it's not here please shoot me a message and we can talk.

Speaking of sending me messages that's probably the best way to get in touch with me most of the time.

Anywho, hope to hear from potential partners soon!​
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