A Night Gone Wrong [Mystica x Vance]


Jun 7, 2011

The speakers were blasting. The lights were flashing. The party was on at the Oriental Clubhouse - the biggest dance club in the heart of downtown Coruscant and flourishing in business. It was the most popular among youth and young people, and was owned by the most rich and controversial man to hit the papers. His name was Dani Hofken. Not only did he own 14 different clubs, but he was also rumored to head the Rogue Mafia. They dealt a numerous amount of drugs, illegal alcoholic fluids, plasma weapons, and just about anything that you can't find at your local shop-mart. The mafia was run by a group of criminals; all of which mixing from different species and political stances. There had be sayings of Sith and even Jedi being part of the underground market. This was the rumor my mission revolved around. Finding out who is part of the Rogues, and to find out how to stop them. The problem was not only with the black market, but with the attacks and deaths that came with the risky business. There had been a line of strange deaths that seemed suspicious yet still linked somehow to the Rogue Mafia. It was a strange case for a newly Jedi Knight to receive, but the mafia had become a growing problem that needed to be stopped. And I was prepared to go to extreme cases to have that happen.

The best way to get inside information... is to get inside. And that's exactly what I did. Having a rather sexist advantages as a tall, attractive Twi'Lek; getting a job as an exotic dancer was almost too easy. Who doesn't want to see a leggy green alien dance in a cage with barely any clothes? It was a big seller and brought in more money. Although I was a Twi'Lek, I wasn't the only dancer there of that species. There were two other girls. One name Rammi, and the other Jules. Jules was a human hybrid and Rammi was full, like I. But Rammi had a pale blue skin, barely noticeable against the gleaming club lights. But my skin; my dark green, stuck out like a sore thumb. As soon as I was hired, but the first night, I had a huge pile of males crowding around my cage to watch me. I couldn't say it was a boring job, but things hadn't changed over the years... it was definitely and degrading one. I was barely dressed. Carrying a black leather corset, lace underwear, and fishnet on my arms and legs. My cage was suspended near the center of the club; rimming the line between dancefloor and bar tables. This brought customers of both sides. In order to make money, I was trained to press my body up against the cage bars to encourage males to stuff money in my underwear. It was terribly disrespectful, but it's what I had to do.

Until I was at my last straw. I had been dancing for a little over 6 weeks and the information I had achieved was minimal. It was another popular Saturday at Oriental. Booming with customers. There had to be at least 400 people in the club. But a group of men were drunk and reckless, and too inticed with my body than to even double think what they were about to do. They wanted me. They started to grab me, as if to try and pry me out of the bars. The situation, with much struggle, escalated to the point where I was being swung in the cage from the ceiling. From tension on the chains, they snapped, and I fell to the ground. The cage snapped open, and I was harassed from the outside in. Fighting for my body, I had knocked several man to the ground. A woman called over to be from the behind the bar and tossed me a black cylinder. I opened my hand and as soon as it touched my palm, the green lightsaber exploded from the handle. My position was hostile. My expression like that of an angered wolf as I stare at the men who had attempted to violate me. They stood back, clearly mortified of the situation. Dani had burst through the doors, having conveniently been present that night. Seeing the means of my title, his eyes were wide and he was confused. “A Jedi!” He called out, “A liar.” He growled, but soon realized the context. “A spy, you are.” I scary, intimidating grin came to his face. A group of armed guards came flooding for me. I was in trouble now. This had turned into a night gone wrong.

From all sides they came at her, Dani's goons and hired thugs. Slowly but surely they started to corner her as the establishment emptied in a rush. The Twi'Lek deflected some blaster bolts fired at her and dispatched a zabrak that had come too close with an vibroblade. Some of the men backed off only to close in again when Dani shouted to have at her. "Knock her out!" They could ill afford intervention from the Jedi Council. This would have to be resolved by the man running the operation for whom Dani Hofken only was a puppet off.
Then a large man, clearly a hybrid, aimed his rifle at her and shot of a dart containing chemicals; the kind one finds in death sticks of which the gang sold a humongous amount of in the Coruscanti Undercity. It hit the green scandily clad Twi'Lek between the shoulderblades. After a short while her reactions slowed and the force attacks she had used lost their potency. The hybrid shot her again with a second dart. She threw her saber at him, penetrating his chest. The blade stuck out his back as he collapsed to the floor. But the damage had already been done...
She sunk to her knees and let her arms drop to the floor. The drugs began having the desired effect and the other thugs slowly approached as he lost consciousness.

"Dose her again! I don't want her waking up in the middle of a skylane." Dani ordered and she was given a death-stick. Her being a jedi would warrand her for an overdose. Another man collected the saber still portruding the chest of the hybrid and handed it over to Mr. Hofken. The Twi'Lek dancer/Jedi was put in a hovercar and flown over to a derelict skyscraper a few clicks out. This would be where she would be taken care off... Two men carried her off to an elevater and took her up to the renovated penthouse. Dani noticed them looking at her seductive green skin. Such a shame, he thought while they entered the penthouse.

A tall man stood with his hands on his back, looking out over Coruscant's skyline. Lights illuminating the night of the city planet. He was wearing long black robes laced with red fabric. His hair was being held together and over his face ran five white tattoos, like war paint. However, he was still handsome and looked somewhat ruthless.
"What is this you bring me Dani...?" His voice was raspy, but pleasant to listen to. The man turned around to look at Hofken. He had sickly yellow eyes that seemed to pulsate with a fire from within.
"There's been an incident at the club, caused by this..." he gestured at the unconscious Jedi, "Twi'Lek. She's one of the Jedi."
Grash, the man in black and red, nodded his head. "That is unnacceptable Dani. You screwed up."
Dani Hofken's face went white and he swallowed hard. The goons were sent away.
"But I won't kill you, not yet anyway. Get her in the shackles," he ordered.

The restraints were of an electrical and magnetic nature and would keep the Twi'Lek's hand behind her smooth back. Grash let his eyes wander over her body while she was out. She was an exceptional attractive specimen of her kind. Shame she was one of those filthy jedi lapdogs... He pondered the issue, perhaps he could turn her, it would be a damned shame to kill her.
"Get out, Dani," he said once the shackles were secure.
The sith reached out with the force and eased her mind so she would slowly come to. He was curious about the following conversation and if she'd prove susceptible to the dark side.
Being a Sentinel Jedi Knight, watching the men come straight for me pulled me in two crucial directions. One; use my lightsaber to slash off their limbs and take their life. Or two; to put away the lightsaber and fend them off with just my martial arts, enough to escape without harming anyone. I wanted to free the lives of the guards the most – so I went with my moral insctinct and shut off the lightsaber. When the attacked, I was there and ready to defend. Crotch-kicking, knee-cap breaking, punches, and plain old nerve-manipulation – but none of that mattered, because my biggest threat was a across the room – and before I realized the dart gun pointed straight for me. My lightsaber had parted from my fingers, lit, hot and ready to burn. Right through the chest; right on target, but it was too late. The trigger had been pulled and the dart flew at me at too high of speeds for me to react in time. I was struck. I immediately grasped my back, but I stood no chance against the powerful drug. I was down, and I was out. Total blackness.

Having lost consciousness, it wasn't too long before I was regaining my mind. My eyes were open when I was brought into the room but my body was limp and I was silent. That's because I was tripping – literally. No matter where I looked, I could see flashes of colors – as if my eyes has turned into heat vision. My head was too heavy for my neck so it rolled on my shoulders as if I was dazed and confused ... which is exactly what I was. I tried to talk, but my mouth only opened and a slur of words came out. After trying a few more times; “Bas...dei...” I cleared my throat, trying my hardest to stay focused on one thing, which was currently a tall, blurred, colorful image or a man. Whom I presumed was Dani. But in the midst of blurring my words, I had fixed the line between colors and reality and realized that Dani was next to me, and whomever was in front of me was the leader. Dani was not the leader. “Bastard!” My words finally blasting from my lips. My eyes were moving less back and forth now as the image of a cloaked Sith came to my brain. I had to stare at it to properly process it. “Shhh...” I swallowed, “Shiitt.”

I knew I had gotten myself in trouble. So much trouble that I was no longer sure I would be able to get out. I was not armed, I had no idea where I was, where my weapons were, or even who or what was in front of me. I knew I was drugged, and by the effects I was experiencing – I had a feeling it was the Death Stick. Now, my life is shortened, but it wouldn't really matter since I would probably be dead by the end of the dead. Suddenly, the tension I had previously felt on my arms was eased and I dropped roughly to the floor. The presence of other people eased, and I had the gut feeling that we were now alone. Molesting the floor for a few moments to gain a certain stance; I felt a light sense of relaxation. A sense of euphoria that was both unexpected and unwanted. Pulling myself to my hands and knees, I looked up to the man in front of me, to you, and gazed upon the being that was head of crime in Coruscant. “Wh-who are you?” It was a pathetic first question, but I was so drugged and confused, I had to ask.
The green Twi'lek fell to the ground before Grash, struggling with her limbs and lekku. On all fours the green female looked up at the Sith. Yes, this was a good stance, groveling before Grash, he thought. It had amused him to see her numb and regaining a bit of functionality. The death-stick and drug dosage she had been administered would prove sufficient to weaken her bond with the force until it was just a thin thread, barely sensable by her. In case the Twi'lek would display signs of being reconnected to the force, Grash had access to several more death-sticks.
He peered into her being, caressing her drugged mind to make her feel at ease and... content. She was far less powerful than he was in the force, but perhaps she was extremely skilled with a lightsaber. Grash grinned at her question.
"They call me the pupeteer," he said. "But you may call me Lord Grash and perhaps in due time something else, sweet pet." Grash chuckled as he poured in a glass of corellian brandy. Inconspicuously he created a tiny force bond between the two of them so he would be alerted of her attempting to attack him. Furthermore it would provide him with certain insights of her thoughts and perhaps would enable him to pose his own will on the green Twi'Lek.

Almost distracted he stroked her head, as if that would enhance the force manipulation. He walked over to a divan and graciously sat down in it. Tossing his one leg over the other he watched the alluring alien with great interest and a hint of appreciation. Appreciation of the fine built of her body and deep colour of her skin. Sith were creatures of passion, and Grash was known to be rather passionate. "And what shall I call you, Jedi?" He feigned friendliness, simply because he could afford so. The Twi'lek's shackles were undone for now, but with just a turn of a switch they could be reactivated.
Grash had already made his mind up on how he would proceed: first he would extract valuable information from this Jedi spy, then he would try to persuade this delicious creature to join him in the decadence and ruthlesness that was the dark side by coercion, desire and seduction. If that method would prove... insufficient, Grash would have no choice to bring to bare his mastery of the dark side arts and torture the Twi'lek until her resistance would be broken and she'd become his personal... pet? slave?
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