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Russian Roulette (MxM) (MxF) (FxF)

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Aug 3, 2011
So im a multi gender character and i have over twenty characters to choose from. I dont realy have plots set up right now but the characters i do have set up i have used for many many years and am dying for people to test them out!

So please pick one, any one, and ill give you the best ride i can!

This is my request/intro thread that has all my characters and my do's dont's rules and rabbit hole. I hope one of my personalities suit your fancy!
Hey buddy... I looked at your charaters and I want to be able to maybe hook one of them up with my adorable charater Andol...

Send me a PM to tell me which of your charaters do you think would go good with this guy :D...


Looks: He is skinny with pale skin. He has black hair which always seems to be in a mess, yet will suddenly seem clean and straight every now and then. He only will where clothes that makes him comfortable no matter the situation, even if it is something formal. Though despite this he has an uncanny knack for never looking sloppy, at least most of time. His brown eyes are very deep looking, with the pupils seeming to be as big as those of a Tarren bush-baby, though they are a little creepy--not so much so that it would scare anyone. His face is almost a constant frown and his eyes seem shifty as though he is suspicious of everyone. He has a long scar up his leg for when he had a bad fall when he was younger.

Personalitty: Andol is an extreme shy person or at least that is what most people think. In reality he is not. He is just a little shy and prefers to sit on the edge of a gathering to silently observe and learn about those around him. If a conversation is brought to him, or if he wants one, he will not shy away from it. Yet still the fact that he seems to avoid others, keeps up the idea that he is shy. He tends to find most of his peers to be quite boring and will usually be found talking to those older than him, because he acts more mature than he really is and because his intelligence makes him annoying sometimes. Though some would say his creepiest feature is his ability to read people and figure out a lot about them without them having to say anything.

He is also what people would consider a very blunt person. He will not shy away from saying what he wants, or what he thinks people need to hear. Meaning he is never one to sugar coat a situation. This is sometimes a good thing and other times it is not. He is a homosexual, but this again is other piece of him that is hidden. Not for fear of telling people--he just simply doesn't want to tell others, because it is not that big of deal. When he finds the male he wants, he will go for it and not shy away from it. This is the best way in his mind because it lets others figure it out themselves.

Yet the side that is most hidden is the hopeless romantic. He is really quite a sweetheart to anyone who can get close to him and for those he cares for, he is probably there most loyal and protective friend. Yet every now and then this side will pop up, usually in the defense of those being bullied. Plus he does not tolerate betrayal, if he found out someone had betrayed another. It would not matter how they did it, but he would inform the other party.

He has many odd habits, and though they are not ones that would brother people. They still make people look at him with a double take. He usually sits up in a chair without his feet on the floor and will sit Indian style, if at all possible. He sometimes forgets to bathe, though he is not as foolish as to where it would become a problem. Yet it does leave his hair a little messed up. All and all he what one would consider to be an eccentric personality, and sometimes an enigma.
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