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The King's Contest (M for F's)

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Jan 28, 2009
Greetings Everyone! I have returned from a long hiatus with a Roleplay idea. The basic plot is as follows:

---------------------- The King's Contest --------------------------

The Immortal king Aldarn had ruled over the kingdom of Riwer, for five generations now. Riwer had known only peace and prosperity since the king had rode north to meet the threat of the Horde head on. He slew the barbarian king that day, parading Gruumrish's head around on a pike as the citizens cheered for their beloved king. The feasts and celebrations went on for two full weeks, and within that time Aldarn, took notice of a humble serving girl. She was indeed a diamond in the rough, the most beautiful maiden in all of Riwer, and Aldarn took her for his wife.

Thus began the golden age of Riwer, where peace reigned, and the people were happy. Aldarn took every opportunity to protect his people, riding out was not normally a kingly thing to do, however he saw it as the one thing that he could give back, protection. Any small threat from the northern hordes, the Djinn in the south, or the Elves to the west were crushed without hesitation.

During one of these campaigns, they say he was within the realm of the immortal elves, he came upon an artifact, an orb that glowed with blue-purple-and greenish hues, like the skylights in the north. It is said that when he touched the orb, the soldiers that were with him vanished, much like the grey hair and wrinkles that had started to creep up on him. He took the orb back with him to the palace, and although he brought in mage and scholar from each of the 3 continents, none could decipher how it worked. None could get it to work again.

Years passed, his wife aged, he did not.

He continued his campaigns, even sailing to the far east, none had an answer for him, until he received word from one of his messengers on his way back from the campaign. His wife was sick, she was dying. He took the fastest griffon back to Riwer, but it was too late. He threw himself on his own sword in agony, only to find that death was not the escape that he longed for. Many suicide attempts followed, the golden age was over.

The Dark ages had begun. Aldarn was haunted by the memory of his wife, and this was further compounded by the mysterious presence of a dark elf witch in his court. Rumors suggest that she is poisoning his mind, causing him to forsake his kingdom, and mourn his wife in unhealthy ways. Years passed, the kingdom was shut off to outsiders, it stagnated, much like the king.

Recently, however, one of King Aldarn's greatest generals (and good friend) passed away of old age. On his death bed he urged the king to forgive himself, to reopen the borders, to look for new love. The Dark Elf whispered in the King's ear, but it was too late, she could only influence his actions in part, for the love of his friend was too great.

The King reopened the borders of Riwer, and decreed that there would be a contest. He sent messengers to the four corners of the world, relaying the rules of the contest. If any woman throughout the world could entrance him as much as his first wife, he would take them as his queen, be it Elf, Dark Elf, Djinn or even Orc, all of the glory, gold and kingdom would be theirs. The King sat on his silver throne, and waited on that day to come.

So, first off, thanks for reading! I would be playing the role of King Aldarn, and possibly the evil corrupting Dark Elf witch. (Unless someone gives me a good story as her and would like to play that Role).

I am looking for Females to create characters with varying motivations in order to try to Save the Kingdom of Riwer. Now this can be done over IM's, PM's or in a thread. However, I won't play 1x1 in thread, it would have to consist of multiple people being interested and wanting to do it. Because one of the main goals is to find a new wife for the king, the soldiers are only allowing females to enter. However, there is much more at work here than just the king being depressed (that I can elaborate on a bit if people are interested.) , and another goal can be to find out who the Dark Elven witch is, and why she is corrupting the king. That being said, I also intend to have a few contests for the final few maidens that reach the King's short list, that the Witch will surely try to sabotage. The King is also able to pick more than one "winner" so alliances can form between contestants in order to get ahead and eventually become his wives.

If you would like more information on the different races (pictures, descriptions, etc.) feel free to PM me and I can send that to you. If you are interested in playing in a thread you can respond here. If you would rather play privately, send me a pm and we can talk.
See below for different races that your character can play as. If you need more help visualizing these, send me a pm and I can send you pictures. **Still looking for more to RP over PM or thread**!!

Human – (Average Lifespan 100 years) Normal human, with normal human features, hair and eye color. Some variations on this may occur in both the Western and Eastern Human civilizations if magic is involved. This includes odd eye or hair color, glowing tattoos or runes on ones bodies, etc. The two human civilizations had traded for years before the City of Riwer cut off its borders to the outside world, so it is possible to find every type of human in both cities, however, there is more variety in the Eastern continent.
-Western Continent – The City of Riwer is within this continent. Less variation in the humans here because it has been cut off from the rest of the world for so long.
-Eastern Continent – Wide variety of humans, including Parahumans(see below)

Orc – (Average Lifespan 60 years) Agile, Strong, Tribal, the orcs live in the north on the western continent. Their skin consists of varying shades of green, while their hair ranges from black to vibrant red. The biggest difference between orcs and humans are the pointy ears, along with the small tusks that may protrude from their mouths. These tusks are less noticeable in females, and have been getting smaller each generation. There are some orcs that do not seem to have tusks at all, until you look into their mouths. Since the King killed the leader of the orcish horde generations ago, the orcs have split into 3 tribes and have been living off of the land ever since.
-Bear Tribe – Closest to the humans, the bear tribe began to trade with the outlying human territories some time ago. These orcs use agriculture, as well as hunting from the northern forest to survive.
-Wolf Tribe – Orcs who live deep in the northern forest call themselves the wolf tribe, they are masters at climbing, and use every part of every animal that they kill. They have little contact with humans but they do gain human items from the Bear and Eagle tribes.
-Eagle Tribe – Live in the northernmost reaches of the Western continent, the eagle tribe lives off of the great northern ocean that splits the two southern continents from the lava and ice-ridden northern wastes. Although they are further from the humans, they have become apt sailors and trade with many of the other races. They carve their settlements from ice and have a high resistance to cold because of it. It is said that the original horde was caused by a demon from the northern wastes taking control of an Orc, and these orcs are ever vigilant against demon or devil incursions.

Elf – (Average Lifespan – Immortal, although most choose to die around year 1000) Elves are beautiful, elegant creatures who have lived in the Western part of the western continent for thousands of years. They originated in the western forest, under the great oak, but soon split into two factions “Light” and “dark” elves. These factions waged war against each other for many years, living within close proximity, until the great peace was struck. That was three thousand years ago, the elves have now intermixed, their skin can vary from the onyx of the Drow elf from D&D, to the regular High elven skin tone, and anything in between. Same for eyes and hair. Mixes are commonplace, and it’s perfectly normal to see an elf with jet black hair, and silver streaks. Elves are still classified by humans by their views on the world, and the place in which they choose to settle, although the elves as a whole are okay with bouncing back and forth as they see fit.
-Dark Elf – Elves who live in the Elven Citadel City of Elemath, and choose to focus on the arcane magics as well as technology are classified as “dark” elves by the humans. These elves are actually the most like humans, trading, exploring, and learning.
- Light Elf – Elves who’ve decided to live within the forest are known to the humans as “Light Elves” These elves live very close to the Great Oak, protecting it, and communing with nature. They tend to focus on the old ways, becoming very proficient with the bow and arrow, as well as in the use of Nature or Fae Magic. Light elves rarely venture out of the forest, although they come into contact with all of the other races, they allow all to see and be with the Great Oak as long as they are peaceful.

Djinn – Live in the southern deserts of the western continent, the 3 Djinn are extremely different. They are classified below.
-Fire – The Fire Djinn look much like elves, except they do not have points on their ears, instead they have horns that normally stick out about a foot above their heads, and slightly enlarged canines. They live in the central part of the desert, and have an affinity for fire. Their hair ranges from white to Red to Orange to blonde. Eyes are normally brown, black, or yellow, although a rare few are born with green or blue eyes. Almost all Fire Djinn have nicely tanned skin.
-Water – Living off the coast of the southern part of the continent, the Water Djinn are blue-skinned waterfolk. They all have long tails, equipped with a fin that allows them to move through the water gracefully. Their ears are fan-finned, covering and protecting their gills. Their skin is varying shades of blue and green, while their hair can be white/blue/green/purple. They are equipped with cat-like eyes along with a third, clear eyelid, their eyes are normally blue or green. They (obviously) have an affinity for water
-Air – Floating far above the western continent, the Air Djinn created a floating city suspended in the clouds. Air Djinn have pale skin, and silver, white, black or blonde hair. They are also born with small wings that become a bit larger as time goes on. These wings do not allow the Air Djinn to fly, but they do allow them to control air magic almost naturally. Their wing color is normally white, but shades of grey or even black is not uncommon. Air Djinn have blue, yellow, purple, black or brown eyes.

Chimera (Average Lifespan 100 years) (also known as Parahumans) – Live peacefully with the Eastern Continent humans in multiple cities. These chimera take on a few features of other mammals, two of the most common are below.
-Cat – Normally have cat ears, along with a tail. Very few have claws, however some have striped or spotted patterned hair.
-Fox – The Large fox tail is a dead giveaway, along with the pointy fox ears.

Gar (Average Lifespan 400 years) – Tens of Thousands of years ago, a mage created a race of stone fashioned to look like demons. These Golems were mindless servants, and with them he quickly carved out a fortress in the eastern continent. The mages power grew too great, and with it, his madness deepened, his territory was too small, he needed more, and in order to do that- he needed generals. He gave free will to 4 of his golems to lead his armies of mindless slaves into battle. At first, they served their master unquestioningly, and they waged a great war against the Dwarves, gaining more and more power for their mad king. The Mage began to become comfortable, he gave 12 more free will, sending 10 more out to be generals, he kept 2 within the kingdom. They were to be used as his personal entertainment. He staged great arena games and made those with free will fight against his mindless golems. When word reached the front line of the mage’s madness, the Gar generals marched against their former master, killing him and granting free will to the entire new race. They called themselves the Gar, and they have lived peacefully within the walls of their original territory ever since. Gar (who look almost just like Draenei from WoW, minus the face tentacles) who were made from stone, do not have flesh made of stone today. Today their flesh is just like any other, however, instead of sleeping, these gar turn into stone statues, immobile, but very protected. Their skin color has evolved from grey, to blue to redish and purplish hues. And their hair can be anything from white to red to black. They have no wings, and have an affinity for earth magic.

Dwarf (Average Lifespan 250 years)– Taller than most dwarf representations; Dwarves are typically about 5 feet tall, with most female dwarves reaching in the upper 4’s with ease. They are master craftsmen, wear ornate jewelry, and typically have various tattoos commemorating occasions, or just to show off art. They have brown or red hair, yellow or brown eyes, and most are fair skinned.
Obstruct all you want. I haven't received many responses to be honest, so I'm just adding to the world until it catches more reader's attentions. Perhaps I should play up the erotic part of the erp instead of just focusing on the Rp...?

      • Perhaps! I'm one of the few that's not really quick to jump into
        smut, actually. I'm content with bulky story.

Bump. Looking for more. There will be lots of smut in it! I promise! :D
Oversea said:

      • Perhaps! I'm one of the few that's not really quick to jump into
        smut, actually. I'm content with bulky story.

@Oversea: I'm working on adding factions into the mix as well, just to increase the bulk of the story. Look for that soon!
A few organizations that your character can be from: (more coming)

The Lion Guard:
Aldarn’s personal guard, and close friends. The Lion Guard consists of the most skilled individuals in all of the Western Continent, and most say the world. He has all races on this guard, even relenting and putting an Orc shaman of the bear tribe, before his fall into madness. These guards are most often found close to the king, either in the palace, or in mansions strategically placed around the city of Riwer to keep order. Before the seclusion, many of these guard were great generals.

The White Raven:
A clan of Assassins for Hire. They excel at stealth and silently killing. Hailing from the Eastern Continent, They are made up of mostly humans or Parahumans, although they do have a few elves and djinn. They have a strict code of honor, and will not take contracts that do not line up with that code. (I.e. will not assassinate children, the sick, etc.) It is said that once you’ve been killed by a member of the White Raven, they leave a white feather somewhere close, this is an ancient tradition that is supposed to help your spirit find the afterlife by following the feather.

The Shroud:
A group of Thieves, Information Brokers; Smugglers; Slavers and Traders. The scope of this group is massive, it is the single largest underground operation in Riwer, and thus has no real hierarchy. Some members of the group stick to one task, while others dabble in many, including murder, to get what they want. The Shroud had flourished since the closing of Riwer’s doors, being the premier smuggling operation. Since Aldarn has reopened the borders the organization has suffered some, but illegal slave and drug smuggling is as still as lucrative as ever.

The Purple Petal:
An organization of Brothels who have taken their trade to the next level. They not only have women who are free do business as they’d like and reap the rewards, but they also have the only legal slave training program in Riwer, and they’ve also begun dabbling in information brokerage (the easiest way to get the truth out of a man is on his back). Down-trodden women may go to the Purple Petal and find refuge, and begin “selling their wares” almost immediately. Those who are inclined can also be trained as slaves through a series of tests (which are far too confidential for those outside the organization to know). These tests register the individual as a willing slave, and may be bought and sold within the Purple Petal ONLY. Most of the time true enterprising women have several that they use to become very profitable. Men and Women can be a part of the Purple Petal, although their intrusion into Information brokerage recently, has made them enemies of the Shroud.

Still looking for more.
Profiles are now being Taken for the Group RP:
Group RP is Up! Looking for more!
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