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Thomas Hicks

Aug 5, 2011
A problem!

For about a year I have been doing some roleplaying, both over forum and instant messaging, and quite quickly I have grown bored of it. To be honest, it is often kind of slow, and seldom gets very interesting. Maybe its just me who isn't a very good roleplayer, or maybe the medium just doesn't suit my needs and desires. Anyway, I feel like I have done everything I can do with roleplaying.

A solution?

Therefore, I think it's time to modify the concept and try something else. What I am looking for is someone to write erotic stories with. We come up with characters and settings, and then write a part each for as long as we feel like doing it. Nobody owns or plays any of the characters - both persons can write about what both characters do, think and feel. That way things can progress in interesting directions without getting stuck in minor details, but we don't loose the dynamics and the interactivity that result from having more than one author.

The length of the parts can vary after your preferences - you do not have to match Dostoyevsky unless you feel like it. Off course, time delays between posts can be longer than in usual roleplays to allow for the different format.

Kinks and so on

So what kind of erotica am I interested in then? I like hetero D/s scenarios where the male is the dominant. However, I am not a big fan of forced submission, even though blackmailing can be interesting. Humiliation, pain, degradation, bondage and public are my major turn ons. When it comes to setting I tend to prefer things set in our modern, realistic world, and not something fan-based or fantasy. Off course, there are no rules that can not be broken, so if you have any other preferences, feel free to ask.

Interested? Reply or send me a PM! I am happy to discuss setting, story and kinks further. Also, if you have tried anything like this before, it would be nice hear your thoughts about it.

I have no idea if this is a good or a bad idea - but I think it is at least worth a try. What do you think?
Here are some scenario ideas. They can, off course, be modified, and should be developed futher before we start playing. More will follow later.

A friend turned master

She was his best friend, and he was hers. When she was young she had been lost, living on the streets, drinking and hanging out with criminals. Then he, an older man, found her and pulled her out of the shit. He payed her through college and helped her build the life she has now. It was all out of compassion for her, he expected nothing in return.

Then, one day, she discovered a video collection on his computer. Videos of him abusing girls, treating them as shit, training them to be mindless sluts. And a urge inside her to see this unknown, darker side of her friend started to grow inside her, and she just could not keep it down. Finally she gave in to her desire, and asked to be his slave. She had no idea that she was in for a lot more than what she had bargained for…

The training

Her new boyfriend was an experienced Dom. She had always knew deep inside that she was submissive, but had no experience of it apart from her fantasies. She wanted him to dominate her so badly, but he just kept telling her that she was such a cute girl, she wouldn't be able to handle it, she was to weak and inexperienced.

To prove him wrong, to prove herself worthy of his dominance, she contact the meanest man on the local bondage scene, and ask him to train her for a week. He accept, and begin to teach her how to be a good submissive slut.
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