Toontown XXX (Oni724 and Iridium248)


Jul 31, 2011
Ralph sighed as he slumped over his drawing table and looked up at the clock through a thick pair of glasses. It was almost midnight and he still had pages of background artwork to draw and ink. It wasn't the most exciting job in the dying field of traditional 2D animation, but at least it paid the bills. His real artwork, however, wasn't fit for the eyes of his current employer, which produced childrens cartoons for The Kiddie Channel. Safely tucked away within the bottom drawer of his desk hid pages and pages of buxom cartoon babes, all lovingly drawn with perfect proportions. From cheesecakey pinups to the most provocative, explicit, pornograpy, he had drawn it all. Too bad he couldn't make a living drawing that!

With a grunt, Ralph placed his hands on the edge of the table and pushed himself to an upright position, noting that he must have gained a few pounds recently with a pat on the belly. At least he got a little bit of exercise whenever he walked down to the art supplies store just at the end of his block. Stretching his arms up into the air, he yawned as he recalled the rather unusual incident on his way home that day. A strange figure covered from head to toe in a trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat had stopped him as he exited the store and asked if he was an artist. As soon as the word "yes" was out of Ralph's mouth, the figure shoved a small vial of black ink and an old fashioned ink brush towards him, then immediately turned around and walked away as if nothing had happened. Another yawn later, Ralph's gaze turned to that inkwell, which was now sitting atop his angled drawing table. As for the brush, he had pretty much forgotten about it altogether after tucking it into his front shirt pocket.

As the clock struck 12, a faint gonging could be heard in the distance, and once more Ralph lazily slumped over his desk and laid his head down on top of his arms. It wasn't unusual for him to stay up late trying to finish a project, but tonight he was especially sleepy, so much so that he didn't even notice as the inkwell given to him by that strange figure toppled over, seemingly on its own, spilling its contents onto his desk. Slowly the black liquid, which was dark as night, spread downward across the angled table until its surface was completely covered. Softly snoozing, Ralph did not notice as his hands and arms eerily began to sink down into black surface of the table, which was a table no longer, but rather a portal between worlds! Still fast asleep, his weight continued to shift forward as he sank further and deeper into the blackness, until he tumbled into it completely, awakening with a scream as the spiralling blackness swallowed him whole, his arms and legs flailing wildly as he continued to tumble head over heels, the thickness of the air seeming to soak up every sound he made.


Ralph sat up with a groan as he rubbed his neck. The throbbing in his head certainly seemed real, but from his surroundings he knew it must all be a dream. The dusky purple sky was lit with flashing neon lights, advertising everything from girls to gambling to... girls! A smile curled on his lips as he turned his head and spotted some of his favorite childhood cartoon characters milling about, although they did look a bit worse for wear... some of them were even stumbling around as if they were drunk! His train of thought was interrupted as the sound of a honking horn behind him intensified to a shrill cry, "Hey buddy, get outta the road!" Swiftly he rolled out of the path of incoming traffic and onto the sidewalk. The cartoon cab with headlight eyes turned back towards Ralph to give him the finger before zooming off in a puff of smoke. Which a chuckle, the young artist stood to his feet and dusted himself off before hitting the streets. It was like a cartoon version of Las Vegas! "Ooh this looks place looks interesting," he marvelled out loud as he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose before stepping past the front doors of The Royal Red Casino.
The Royal Red Casino was a distinctly glitzy place- The thick red carpet underfoot trimmed with gold, spreading out into a sprawling central lobby filled with slot machines and card tables. The clatter of dice, the shuffle of cards...*All* of it over a nigh-constant murmur of voices~! Not *that* different from the typical high-class casino, except...The players were distinctly different.

Funny, anthromophic animals, hunching over hands of cards. Scowling Toontown mobsters, smoking comically huge cigarettes, immaculate in pinstripes. The *colors* were brighter, too, more lurid, as slinky waitresses in Playboy Bunny outfits- *white* playboy bunny outfits, oversized pocketwatches clinking on their hips- sauntered by, carrying trays of delicacies and cocktails...

"-What's your pleasure, stranger~?" A sultry voice purred from nearby~ And if he turned, he'd see a leggy blonde beauty in a girlish blue miniskirt...Her feet arched high on heeled slippers as she sauntered towards him, almost bursting out of her dress- The lacy hem wickedly short, white stockings whispering as they crossed with a silky *scrape* of fabric...Before a low gasp parted her lips, deep green eyes widening, just a hair...

"-You, you're not..." Alice began, then, her voice hushed- "A *toon*." Apparently, he hadn't been *noticed*, just yet~ "Keep walkin', ya mugs~!" A voice boomed from the intercom overhead...A bored-sounding guard clearly having little patience for this~! The gorgeous vixen sidled a little closer, hooking her arm into his- Those emerald eyes shining, now, a shiver of excitement coursing up her spine~! "-It's been *ten years*...I thought I'd *never* see a human again..."

(Alice: )
Ralph remarked to himself as he took in the sight with an artist's eye, "I'll have to remember this place! Would make a great backdrop for my next project." It wasn't long, however, until he took an even greater interest in those bunny waitresses. Still thinking this was all a dream, playfully his hand would swat at the behind of a passing cigar girl before his attention was fully captured by the source of that sultry voice, the blonde named Alice.

"I think you'll be my pleasure tonight," he leered at her lecherously with a giddy grin. His hand slipped around her waist to pull her closer before sliding down a bit further to cop a feel of her sumptuous behind. This didn't go unnoticed by one of the burly security guards, who immediately strode over and picked Ralph up by the back of his neck.

"Hey yous, no touching the girls, not unless yous a high roller, and from the looks of yous, you ain't worth squat," the large ape man growled at Ralph with bared fangs.
"Oh~!" Startled, Alice stiffened, a little squeal teased from her lips as Ralph's arm encircled her waist, drawing her close...His hand sliding down, down, making the pleated hem of her microskirt ride up...Until he was fondling the full cheeks of her perfect ass, right through her lacy white panties~! "W, wait, I...Mmmmmm~" Her back arched- Those full, heaving breasts grazing against his chest as she squirmed in his grasp, gloved fingers splayed on his torso...The warm contact taking her *entirely* by surprise~! She felt a hot shiver of mingled trepidation and excitement tingle through her nerves- The honey-blonde beauty's lips parting, just a hair~ "-T-this is so sudden~" she whispered...Only to gasp again, at the sudden arrival of the bouncer~!

"No, Kong~!" Alice cut in quickly, as soon as the ape hefted Ralph off his feet- Flashing him her most reassuring smile, her gaze darting to Ralph...With a quick wink that said, clearly play along~! "He's a *paying* customer," she assured the ape- Sounding *entirely* honest, her hands clasped behind her back~! "...He was just getting a feel for the merchandise...Before we went up to one of the private suites. I-isn't that right?"

The honey-blonde beauty had left the opening for him~ She just hoped Ralph was smart enough to pick up on it~! Her skin was still *warm* where she'd been touched...Though she couldn't help but wonder if something was *wrong* here- The legends she'd heard about the humans were that they were heroes, almost physical gods. Ralph wasn't exactly a *very* impressive specimen...Possibly why Donkey Kong hadn't noticed the difference in him.

The rooms upstairs were richly decorated, decadent...And *entirely* soundproof- The best place where Alice, bursting with questions, could find out what was going on~! She leaned towards Ralph, urgency writ on her lovely features- At the same time, almost *bursting* out of that tight white-and-blue bustier she wore...
Ralph just stared in surprise at Alice for a long moment before picking up on what she was doing. "Oh, yes, I got money, plenty of money! Sure do!" he nodded his head up and down enthusiastically, still suspended in the air.

Kong stared at Ralph with wide-eyed animal intensity, then looked back towards Alice, and once more at Ralph before finally setting him down. "Alright, Miss Alice, but make sure he pays before he plays, yous get my drift?" he gave Ralph one more menacing look before walking away on his fists.

Hastily Ralph followed closely behind Alice, hand in hand, up a wide spiraling staircase into one of the private suites. Eagerly he took a seat on the edge of the bed and took off his shirt, making several rolls of fat come spilling forth. "Now then, where were we," he grinned at her toothily as he patted the bed.
The door swung shut behind her- Sealing with a little click as Alice locked it shut, a soft sigh of relief teased from her throat. "That was close," she muttered, leaning against it for a moment...Her lovely features furrowing, just a little, as she crossed her arms across a full chest. "Really~ You're more trouble than I expected," she mused aloud, sauntering forward~ Curvy hips rolling smoothly, as she came to a stop before him!

Close up, the human was possibly even *more* disappointing...Weren't they all supposed to be square-jawed hunks? He was...Kind of fat, and possibly balding...Which was a little bit of a turn-off for the sultry blonde beauty~! "-Hold on a moment, Romeo," Alice sniffed, sounding a little put-out; "...I want some answers." She tipped her head to the side, regarding him sidelong~ "What's going on~? You're the first human I've seen in a decade...And that's like, *forever*, in Toontown!" She glanced back and forth, to make sure no-one was listening...Shifting a bit, so her back was to the camera, her hands perched on her hips.

"-Also...Things have absolutely gone to pot when you were gone~ What with Queen Maleficent and the other Dark Toons carving it up for themselves...It's been *so* awful~!" Alice was talking faster, now- A British accent to her lilting voice as she gestured, taking the entire chamber in. "...Are you here to help?"

Her gaze darted down, for a moment...And her eyebrows lifted, in something like awe. "That's..." she began, her gaze going to the shimmering pot- "...That's *Ink*. And a *Brush*. Where...Where *did* you get those from?" Every Toon knew the power Ink could exert- It was maker and unmaker at once, and more precious than gold...Yet- this human was carrying it so *casually*...
Ralph looked a bit disappointed as Alice dropped the act and battered him with questions instead of putting out. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," he held his hands up, trying to slow her down. "My dream," he told her as he pointed to himself. "This is my dream," he repeated to her. "So start stripping," he continued as he unbuttoned his pants, letting loose another jiggling roll of fat. He grinned as he watched her gaze tilt downwards, but it seemed instead she was staring at his brush and inkwell.

"This old thing? It's nothing really... well wait a minute, let's see what it can do!" Taking the brush in hand, he gave it a quick dip in the inkwell before drawing a pair of very erect nubs onto her still-hidden breasts, and then another quick swipe between her legs to moisten her prissy pussy. "How's that make you feel hmm?" he grinned at her with a twinkle in his eye.
"I~ Oooohhhh~" Alice laid off her questions, *just* for a moment...Her eyes widening as she saw Ralph make three quick swips with the brush...Her lips parted, in a heady gasp, as a heat flooded her form~! Those lissome legs threatened to buckle beneath her...Her clothes so scratchy, so constricting...It felt like a draught of hot brandy, hitting the very core of her being- Then spreading forth, in fingers of treacherous heat~!

"Ohhhhh, ohhhhh, *ooooohhhhhh*~" she moaned aloud, her vision swimming- She could *feel* her nipples pressing up against the front of her gown, sweat glistening on her skin as she staggered~! "Mmmm, d-don't, don'ttttt~" Alice purred, her long, long lashes fluttering- Emerald eyes half-lidded. She was trying to shake the effect off...But even the gorgeous toon's resistance to the Brush was a weak thing~!

"It's...nnnnnn~not s-supposed to b-be..." Alice began...Dark spots dancing in her eyes, now, as she began to pant...It was so *hot* all of a sudden...Her fingers plucked at the front of her bodice- So urgently the fabric frayed, tearing- Only to moan aloud in relief, as she felt the cool air of the room on her heaving breasts~! "Aaaaa, unnnhhhhhh~" she whimpered, biting her lips- Making a sound like a woman in heat~!
Ralph grinned from ear to ear as he watched the prissy girl before him suddenly transform into a moaning and wanting vixen. Immediately his hands were upon her bared breasts, squeezing and massaging them, fingers rubbing across her hardened nubs before they were engulfed within the warm, wet confines of his mouth. Gingerly he gave each one a long suckling before pulling his lips free with a lewd pop. "Mmm, now this is a dream!"

The not-so-subtle posting of available services and prices on the nightstand next to the bed then caught his attention. "Hmmm let's see here... a threesome is... five THOUSAND DOLLARS? I don't have that kind of money, but I do have this!" Ralph took the brush in hand once more and began tracing an outline of Alice in the air, the blank ink hanging there suspended by its own magic, squiggling slightly until the figure was complete. Within seconds it began to shimmer as it coalesced, brightening the room so much that he had to avert his eyes.
"Nnnnn~" Alice's fingers bit into Ralph's shoulders- Her moans becoming louder, more urgent now, as she felt his hot, wet mouth close on the straining bud of one achingly stiff nipple! The warm contact- His tongue wrapping about it- made the Toon's eyes roll back in her head, her tongue lolling out- "Ooooohhhhh ohhhhhh pleeeassseee~" she mewled, almost straddling him now- Her legs parted, lewdly, the honey of her arousal soaking into her creamy white panties...Too horny to resist his perverted attentions~!

On the far end of the room, though~ Something *interesting* was happening, as Ralph's art took form~! It was a shimmering outline, at first- Like a shadow of Alice...But *then* it began to fill itself out, the vague silhoutte becoming sharper, more defined as it resolved...And what a body it was~! Even as Alice panted, slumping against him, Ralph would see a woman who could be her twin- Her identical twin taking shape...

The color filled her in, like a pencilled sketch- Features and curves forming, shading themselves in s-l-o-w-l-y, making the luscious creation take form...A low, long yawn purring from the palette-swapped beauty's lips, as another Alice shimmered into being. Well, *almost* identical~ Where her blonde twin's cheeks were flushed, those deep green eyes vaguely troubled as she fumbled against Ralph...This one had a sultry smirk on her lovely features, favoring Ralph with a come-hither wink as her midnight hair caressed her silky shoulders~! There was a sensual shiver to her form, as she locked her arms up and over her head, wrists crossed, and *stretched*...Her costume of glossy-black vinyl, *quite* a contrast from Alice's silken blue dress~!

"Master~" Dark Alice purred...And Alice stiffened at the sound of her own voice, so very, very lustful...But the first she knew about it was the other woman's arms sliding up and around her waist, holding her in place~ When Alice turned, Dark Alice's lips pressed to hers, smothering her complaint into a muffled "Mmmmmfff~!" All the while, Dark Alice's eyes never left Ralph...She was doing this all for his pleasure, as she started to fondle her blonde twin...Heedless of the way the girl squirmed in her grasp~!

(Alice & Dark Alice: )
Ralph watched in amazement as his creation came to life, his cockbulge grinding against Alice all the while. As he watched Dark Alice lock lips with her twin, he giddily proclaimed, "Yeah baby, instant threesome!" giving the inkwell a kiss and stuffing it back into a pocket of his cargo pants along with the brush.

He placed one hand on the back of each girls' head as they continued to kiss, slowly guiding them downward toward his crotch. Already his hard cock was protruding up and out the front of his boxers, the swollen tip glistening with precum. What he may lack in size, he certainly made up for with endurance and enthusiasm, and to these girls, the warmth and muskiness of a real live throbbing manhood! "Go on, put your tongues to good use," he commanded them both with a wide grin.
There was a wet slorp as Dark Alice's tongue untangled from Alice's~ The blonde's eyes hazy, as her twin eased her down, down~ "No, I- I couldn't...Mmmmphhhh~ mmmmm~" Their lips were linked by a thin thread of drool, just for a moment...Before Alice's sweet mouth was pressed up against the base of Ralph's cock~! A sadistic mischief flickered in Dark Alice's gaze- Clearly relishing the way she was absolutely dominating her twin...Before she looked up at Ralph with a heart-meltingly soft expression of adoration~! And then she was leaning forward too...Her lips wrapped around the throbbing head of his cock with a wet slurp~!

"Uuuuuu~" Alice mewled- She could *taste* him, pulsing beneath her- So hot, so wet- her mouth filling with the indescriable taste of salty precum~! Her nose pressed up against his groin, her tongue working against him- Held in place by the constant pressure of Dark Alice's slender fingers, her moans sending delicious vibrations thrumming through Ralph's crotch~! "Mmmmmppphhhh~!" she managed, as his heavy balls pressed into her open mouth...Her slick tongue sliding over the weighty sacs of skin, lapping away at his testicles as her resistance crumbled...

Part of the reason why she was getting so turned on was because she could see what Dark Alice was doing- And *feel* her lust, her love for the Master as if it was her own~! She watched, appalled, as the brunette's lips slid *down* Ralph's cock, as if she was trying to savor every inch of her...Her eyes glazing over, sleek throat working, as his shaft pushed into the hollow of her throat~! "Mmmmm, *oooohhhh*~" Dark Alice moaned, suckling on him greedily...The slurp slurp schlllt of her mouth at work echoing in the room~! Her cool fingers gripped his shaft- Pumping what she couldn't reach, as she jacked him off- The two girls were almost *kissing* each other through his cock, the contrast between the blonde beauty- And the midnight vixen who was *clearly* enjoying this- a delicious one~!
Ralph moaned in pleasure as the pair of tongues lavished so much attention all over his throbbing cock. He had never gotten this lucky before in his life, and he lovingly ran his fingers through their contrasting locks as they continued to pleasure him. Precum was freely oozing out of the slit of his sensitive head and dribbling down the sides of his shaft, plenty for each to taste.

He could feel his balls aching, and it wouldn't be much longer before they had him cumming. Again he placed his hands upon the backs of their heads and guided them into a kiss, making their lips lock squarely around the glistening head of his cock, his most sensitive spot. The throbbing of that rubbery tip could easily be felt against their lips, and he pressed them together even tigther as he tilted his head back with a moan and a thick load of creamy cum erupted from his cock, shooting high into the air like a geyser, only to rain back down on the two girls, splattering all over their faces and hair, then dribbling down onto their heaving breasts.
The hot girl-on-girl kiss~ Alice's gaze meeting eyes so *very* much like her own- it was too much for Ralph~! He had his fingers buried in midnight tresses and honey-blonde hair at once...*Holding* both toon vixens together, savoring the feel of their lips meeting, tongues dueling sensually, sliding over his cock- Each contact made Alice shiver, just a little bit, yielding to her sultry, *knowing* twin...

She had *just* enough time to squeeze her deep green eyes shut- When she felt Ralph's balls draw up, his cock *spasm* obscenely- a thick knot sliding up his shaft...Gushing forward in a long, ragged torrent of cum~! It splattered her, hot, musky and salty at once...Dribbling down her cheeks, into the deep 'V' of her cleavage- So hot it made her skin flush beneath the creamy baptism~! "Oooohhhhh~" Alice moaned, with a heartfelt whimper~ Her chest rising and falling as more cum dribbled down the front of her gown, dappling her breasts in white...Her tongue darting over her lips, still *tasting* his spunk as she licked them clean- Appalled and perversely aroused at once by the liquid *feel* of it~!

But that was nothing compared to the erotic vision before her~ Dark Alice's purr of delight teased from her throat, the girl's fingers sliding up and over her full bosom, pressing it together...Massaging her heavy breasts, rubbing her Master's cum into her creamy skin- Until it was slick and shiny, like a thin sheen of soap~! She cupped her fingers together, tipping her forward so it dribbled into her hands...Then leaned back, her lips parting...A low, languid "Ahhhhhh~" thrumming from her lips...Letting the thick globules slide down, into her open mouth~!

"Mmmmm~ tasty..." Dark Alice cooed, licking her fingers clean, like a hungry kitten- Taking Alice's place between Ralph's knees~! Her hands rested on Ralph's lap, for a moment...And *then* her tongue lapped at his cock, sliding up and over the still-dripping him as Alice watched~! As if unbidden, Alice's slim fingers slid down her belly...Into her panties...finding her drooling slit...rubbing it slowly, as she watched her twin's cock-cleaning~ "You little whore~" she breathed, longingly...A shiver coaxed up her spine- Her entire body limp, hips rolling against her probing fingers as she rolled her hips~ "Nnnnn~ that- that's so filthy...licking him like that~"
Ralph collapsed onto the bed, shivering in pleasure with the widest grin on his nerdy face. But he had little time to savor the afterglow before suddenly the creaking of bending steel was heard as the door to the suite was ripped from its hinges and thrown into the room with a clamorous crash. The large ape man they encountered before forced his way through the opening in the wall, making the entire room shake, before fuming at them through clenched fangs, "I... TOLD... YOUS.. YOUS HAD TO PAY!" With a feral snarl, the giant creature leaped into the air at Ralph, who flinched and uselessly shielded himself with his arms. Eyes tightly shut, Ralph could only hear the RAT-A-TAT-TAT of tommy gun fire, followed by the heavy thud of Kong crashing to the floor.

"There he is! Nab him!" shouted the well-dressed fox in the white pinstripe suit. Ralph's eyes had just reopened before his vision was again turned to darkness by the large cloth sack thrown over his head and around his body. The fox had brought several similarly dressed lackeys with him, each firing their guns into the hallway as an alarm blared. Hurriedly they filed in and carried off the squirming sack down a back stairway and out an alleyway and into a waiting limo. The screeching tires left skidmarks on the pavement as the limo zoomed off into the night, and once things seemed to have settled down, Ralph managed to squirm his head out of the sack. "That was intense! Good thing this is all just a dream," he muttered out loud before finding out that he was not alone.
Ralph heard the rattle of gunfire- The *roar* of an ape going berserk- the screams of two women...And *then* he was being bundled down a flight of steps, something very much like a beak poking him in the side...Before he was dumped, face-first, on a padded seat~! There was the distinct slam of a car door...Then the growl of an engine- A *screech* of tires- as it peeled away like a bat out of hell, leaving the firefight behind!

Before him, he could hear a low, sultry chuckle as he pawed the sack off...Finding himself in the luxuriously-appointed cabin of what appeared to be a *very* expensive limousine~! And directly across from him, regarding his pudgy form with clear amusement in her gaze was...

-The first thing he'd notice was how the lady before him was *entirely* sheathed in white leather; A tight corset of it, her slender arms covered to the elbow in silky gloves, stiff thigh-high boots of the same substance enclosing her long, lissome legs. Her pale blonde hair caressed her cheeks, as her eyes- A cold, icy blue- locked on him...Arching a slim eyebrow as she took his measure. Oh, she was *hot*~ With killer curves crammed into her *very* flattering outfit- and from the way she leaned back, perfectly poised, she knew it too~! Her full breasts were pushed up by her corset, perfectly round...

But in her gloved hands, turning them like some specimen, she held his Brush and Ink Pot.

"-Mmmm, *very* interesting toys...For a human," the icy vixen purred- Weighing them in her grasp. "-You may call me Emma Frost, or...The White Witch." There was a distinct emphasis on her last words...Before she raised her hand, and slapped him, *hard*, without warning! It'd leave a red handprint on his cheek~ Leaving his ears ringing, as her pale lips curved in a smile. "Still think this is a dream...Ralph~?" she inquired, casually...A sinister air lurking in her sweet voice.

"You can't believe how surprised I was," Emma went on~ "-A human, here, in Toontown~! And a fat, horny one, too~ Doing such perverted things with poor Alice." She set the Ink Pot down on the slight table between them...Twitching the brush in her grasp, with open hunger in her eyes. "Oh, if only you knew what you could do with these..."

There was a swish as she dipped the Brush into the Inkpot, leaving it before Ralph. "-Touch me up," she ordered, the snap of command in her voice. "Now." There was a little click...And while her pose was casual, she was holding an exquisite silver derringer, pointed squarely at his chest. "-We toons are *much* more resilient than you~ Imagine what *this* could do, if you try and be brave..."

(White Queen/Emma Frost: )
Ralph's head snapped to the side as that hard slap impacted his cheek, causing him to rub it gingerly. "Oww, that hurt!" he whined as he looked back up at The White Witch almost like an innocent child. "This is no dream," he thought to himself as he tried to recall that last thing he could remember before he found himself in this strange world. "I ran into that strange figure, and then..." he gasped as he remembered the brush and inkwell he was given, which were now held by the woman before him.

"Al..alright," he stammered, his demeanor being quite different now that he realized the danger of the situation he was in. Skillfully he took the brush in hand and quickly swept it across the White Queen's features, enhancing them somewhat and giving her a bit more color in her cheeks. As he swept the brush across her breasts, he couldn't help but give them a bit more attention, his own eyes widening as they seemed to swell by at least a cup size. "There, all done," he told her before surreptitiously sliding the brush back into his pocket. "Now let me go," he pleaded, his voice almost trembling.
The White Queen's pale lips quirked in a smile~ A soft giggle of delight coaxed from her throat, as she ran her gloved hands up and over her flanks...Relishing the new color in them, purring as her fingers caressed her breasts~ Her already-impressive bosom accentuated by some quick brushwork~! "Shhhhh," she purred, resting a cool hand on Ralph's cheek~ Then was leaning forward, over the table, her eyes half-closing...Her mouth meeting his~! "Mmmmmm~" Emma moaned into him- Her tongue slipping between his lips- pressing her new 'assets' up and against his chest, just for a moment...*Holding* it, in a surprisingly tender kiss~! When the statesque beauty released him, her smile lingered- Her derringer tucked away, as if she'd never drawn it~!

"Good boy," she assured him~ In the tone that she'd have used for a particularly beloved pet~! "See~? Wasn't that nice?" The White Queen sounded *distinctly* satisfied, her legs curled beneath her as she drew back, still stroking his cheek~ The *very* one she'd slapped~! "Mmmmm~ As long you're nice and obedient, nothing bad's going to happen, see~?" She chuckled- The delicious conceit of making a human her pet toy appealing to her immensely~! Oh, he was ugly and fat...But so very skillful with that brush. Just what she needed~

"You *like* toon girls, don't you~?" Emma pondered aloud; "Yes, yes you do~ I've seen what you did with Alice." She tipped her head to the side~ "...There's something I need you to do for me, darling~ And then I'll give you everything you want. Won't that be nice~?" A little tug, to make him nod- The dominatrix warming to her subject.

"-You see, my sister is a bad, bad girl...And she *always* wants to be in charge of everything~! *That's* no fun for anyone...Especially when *I* could do a better job." Something dark and sinister flashed in her eyes; "All you need to do~ Is to get rid of that crimson bitch. Why...If you do it right, I'll even let you keep her~ And so anything you want to her."

Her full lips curled in a pout~ Her voice taking on a distinctly cloying tone~! "Please darling~ I'd be sooooo happy if you do it for me~ You'll do it, won't you~?" While she sounding imploring- From the cold steel in her words, it was clear he'd be saying 'yes'...Or he wouldn't be leaving this limo alive~!
As the White Queen admired herself, Ralph took the opportunity to do a little retouching of his own. Brush in hand, he expertly swept it across his own manhood, drawing out details so realistic it would be indistinguishable from his own body before stashing the brush away once more as the White Queen turned her attention back to him.

He blinked in surprise as the White Queen leaned over to kiss him, although he certainly did not shy away from it. His tongue was all too eager to taste hers, and that delightful kiss only made him want more of her. Easily she had him eating out of her palm, but there was no way he could be bought so cheaply with but a simple kiss.

His cheeks reddened as he realized he had been watched while he was with the Alice twins, but listened to her offer nonetheless. Obediently he nodded his head and slid a little closer to her as he counter-offered, "I could be convinced, I think, to help you out, but I'll need a little something up front first..." His arm quickly snaked around her waist to cup her breast, making sure she got his drift.
There was the discreet zipppp as the White Queen's gloved fingers 'walked' down Ralph's chest- to his groin, her tongue between her lips as she drew it down, down- baring his stiffening cock~! "Oh~!" a soft *gasp* of admiration syruped from her lips, as her gaze flitted down to his *very* impressive shaft...Flaccid, but already growing *harder* just from being near her~ The way his mind jumped from fear to lust making her revise her estimation of him a few notches upwards~! After all- Just like a human to drive a hard bargain...

She slipped out his grasp~ Until she was kneeling on the ground before him, the reversal of their roles making her smirk at the irony. "I suppose you'd need *something* to motivate you, darling~" She purred...And then she unfastened the laces of her corset, freeing her ample new assets~ The weight of *sensitive*...filling her gloved hands~ Even as she pressed them together around his cock.

"Oooooh, *gawd*~" the White Queen purred- Her lovely features flushed as she began to move- squeezing his cock between her luscious breasts, her gloved hands making the soft, soft flesh pooch out...Each time the bulbous head poked out from her cleavage, she leaned forward- Her tongue dipping into the tiny hole, running along the inside of his shaft, just for a moment...Her pale blonde hair shrouding her lewd expression, as her lips pressed up against it with a wet smooch- Letting him savor the blissful moment~ Before she was leaning back, licking a single, glistening bead of precum from her lips...Her eyes slowly sliding away from his rock-hard shaft~!

"Just a kiss," she whispered~ And winked. "-I'll let you have the rest~ And more when you're done, darling...I'll let you put your hands all over me..." Her own touch mimicking her words... "-And even down there, too~" Emma's legs drew up to her chest, splayed slightly to show how her panties were clinging to her nether lips, outlined against the sheer material~! "-Maybe I'll even let you put it in~ And *fuck my brains out*. Won't that be nice~?"
Those delicate fingers slowly walking down Ralph's chest towards his crotch were enough to stiffen his cock with anticipation, making it rise and stand tall right before the White Queen's very eyes. By the time she had nestled herself between Ralph's legs, she already had his newly-endowed manhood fully erect and throbbing. He could feel his heart pounding within his chest as he watched her slowly reveal her fulsome breasts to him and made a grunt of a moan when she finally swallowed his cock within the soft fleshy confines of her breasts. Instantly he could feel the throbbing of his hardness against her softness as he watched a bead of precum form on his slit of his head, which she was all to eager to lap up with her tongue. It was a divine pleasure he certainly could not take much more of, but upon reaching the very edge of orgasm, she suddenly pulled away, putting a very unsatisfied look on his face.

Ralph was intent on attaining some form of satisfaction, and quickly grabbed her gloved hand and placed it back on his cock to make her slowly stroke his member up and down. "I couldn't dream of a better reward, but such a task must be no simple matter, hmm? Perhaps you know of a weakness of this red sister of yours?" he inquired, although in part he was just trying to keep her talking and stroking him.
"Ah~" A delicious shiver thrummed through Emma, as that single bead of precum tingled on her tongue; The White Queen's fingers, wrapped around Ralph's cock, continued to stroke him s-l-o-w-l-y, keeping him rock-hard...Her sensual massage never *quite* letting him cum~! "Mmmmm~" she purred, abstractedly, still savoring the salty taste of it- Her nipples stiffening, now, her chest rising and falling in time to her quickening breath.

"Oh, of course I do," the White Queen answered~ Relishing the way his cock *pulsed* beneath her grasp~! "My sister's a total slut for human men~ She loves cum. Before the portal closed...You can't imagine the things she'd do to get it..." A sultry chuckle purred from her throat, as she settled in the seat next to him...Keeping up the pressure, making the foreskin of his shaft glide up and down the throbbing flesh~! "Now, imagine~ She hasn't had any for ten years. If you gave her a chance to indulge again..." And her smile was simply wicked, now, as she glanced at Ralph sidelong- "...She won't be able to *stop*."

The lissome blonde gave him a little squeeze- Harder than necessary, enough to make Ralph yelp- "...Bring me her Crown and her Sceptre, when you've taken her down; Don't let anyone else touch them. They're mine." That lovely face furrowed with greed, her icy-blue eyes clearly relishing the thought of the power that'd be in her grasp~! "-You'll have to deal with the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, and the Mad Hatteress...But I believe in you, darling. Don't let me down."

A subtle shift in the air around them- The limousine was changing gears, now, en route to their destination. While the smoked-glass windows were entirely opaque, they were clearly almost there!
Ralph gave an audible groan at that tight squeeze of his cock as it had a little more pain than pleasure mixed in. Just when he thought he was going to be able to get off too. He gritted his teeth slightly as she continued to grasp him tightly, and that icy stare of determination pushed the thought of trying to hump her hand to completion from his mind.

"Really now..." he answered, that information only making him want to meet the Red Queen even more. Ralph made up his mind, "Alright, I will do this for you, and in return..." he rested his hand on hers that was still gripping him ever so tightly.

Suddenly the limo came to a screeching halt, and Ralph could hear the doors of the other cabins open and the White Queen's lackeys step out to surround theirs before the doors unlocked with a click.
When the doors unlocked- The world went dark, as a sack was pulled over Ralph's head. There was a series of mysterious sliding and bumping- As well as growled curses and complaints as a variety of toon gangsters manhandled him~! Except- Somewhere in his time with the White Queen, she'd tucked his Inkpot and his Brush back into his pockets- the edges of them pushing up against him painfully each time he banged into a surface~!

Quite suddenly, the ride came to a solid end~ With an "Oooofff~!" that'd knock the breath from his lungs, when Ralph was tossed- Like a sack of potatoes- into a cell~! When he managed to squirm the bag off, he'd see where he'd ended up- It was an out-and-out dungeon, all cold black stone and steel bars; And he'd been dumped, unceremoniously, on the cold flagstones- Before the gate rattled shut. "Youse be staying *right* here, mug," a cigar-chomping toon gangster leered through the bars...Then he was stomping away, leaving Ralph alone in the cell~!

Well, *in the cell*, at any right...

"I'm late, I'm *late*~" came a whining voice from outside...Where an elaborate table had been set up~! A curvy brunette in a playboy outfit pouted, crossing her arms over her full chest- Bunny ears flopping as she checked her golden pocketwatch~ "Oh, you *always* say that, dear~" The Mad Hatteress cut in~ Smoothing down her violet tuxedo, the lovely redhead's crimson tresses tumbling down the sleek curve of her back, tophat perched at a jaunty angle~!

"Want more tea~?" she purred, holding the pot out to Ralph...Before turning away, with a coy sniff~! "Well, you can't have any..."

(White Rabbit and Mad Hatteress: )
Ralph sat up and rubbed a few particularly sore spots on his body before shedding the sack completely and staring at it as it crumpled to the floor. "Again with the sack?" he complained out loud before taking notice of the pair of girls who seemed to be studying him.

"Oh, ah, hello," he greeted them shyly with a wave. Ralph was barely dressed still, and his flaccid cock was hanging lewdly out the front of his pants before he quickly tucked it back inside and zipped himself up. "Sorry for being so under dressed to your, uh, tea party," he apologized, then began rumaging in the sack again for his shirt.

"Would either of you happen to know, um, where I am? And when I get my phone call?" he joked meekly, wondering if either of them would even get it.
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