Blood elf play toy

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May 11, 2010
Layla was one of the dranish hunter she was wear a scouts outfit that was a short par of fur shorts with a short fur tank top and she was given the mission to scout of silver moon city tracking the hordes troop movement as she did so she took meticulous notes writing down how well armed they were and when the guard patrols were coming through and shifts were changing of the guards along with when the time of when the trade caravans showed up.
she had been there for a few days with out sleep she she had found a spot were she knew no guard were going to come by and layed down to get some rest that she had not had in a few days then return home to report what she had found then move onto to her next job the had thought as she slowly fell asleep with her eyes closing tell she past out .
A silent snarl, played from the nostrils of a wolf, now nearly prone, prepared to charge, in a cretain direction, played through the air, catching the attention, of a tall Blood Elf woman. She wore a tight suit, representing her Masters colours, purple and red.

"What've you got, Yimirheim?" She asked, with a low voice, grasping her bow and quiver, throwing it over her shoulder. She nodded a male Orc, ressembleing a brute, and a slim male Troll, over and walked to her wolf. The wolf set off, at a fast pace. The Blood Elf sat after it, at an equally fast pace, the two companions, following as fast as they could.
They quickly reached the little clearing, the Draenei had decided to rest in. The Blood Elf female, stared out from a bush, narrowing her eyes, discusted to see one of her kind, on their territory. She directed her followers, in different directions, so the Draenei would be surrounded, and then finally leaped from the bush, prepareing an arrow, on the string of her bow, pointing it at the Draenei.

"Wake up, you filthy creature!" She shouted. The Orc, and the Troll, in mere seconds, stood on each side of the Draenei, giveing her no route, to attempt to escape via. Even the wolf, jumped out from the bush, but as it was about to strike the Draenei, the Blood Elf snarled at it, in her own tounge, stopping it, but not from growling, menacingly, at Layla.
She had woke up and stood up slowly thinking to her self when she saw the three of them " filthy creature! what? ow well well well you three sure don't lay out the red carpet for people do you you guys must not be guards cause they do not come thought this area I guess it is now time for me to take my leave but your not going to to let me are you ow well" she had said then threw a ice grenade in the middle of there group freezing them in place were they could not move giving her time to run as call as large white owl by whistling and it swoops over and picks her up by her shoulders and flies off with her setting her down in the cover of the forest
jumping on her talbuk that was waiting her she had landed and rode off heading to alliance lands as she had shown that she was no beginner in the job getting far ahead of them when the ice finally breaks freeing them as she is now half way to the ghost lands were she might have allies waiting for her to report so they must not let her get there so they needed to stop her at all costs for the security of silver moon city and the hord but how were they going to catch such a tricky hunter as this.
The Draeneis words, where far too calm, for her not to have a backup plan, warning the Blood Elf, already by the start. As the grenade was taken out, she let go of the arrow, haveing it fly through the air, not playing around with the bow, she was pointing at the Draenei with.
As the grenade had frozen them, it took mere seconds, for the talisman around the Blood Elfs neck, to flare up, releasing her from the eyes, preemtively. She stared at the others, shakeing her head, before she sat after then hunter. Her eyes followed the white Owl, as it flew off with the Draenei. She sat up pace, whistleing loudly. Mere moments later, a Hawkstrider appeared by her side. She leaped upon it, and sat after the other hunter, being far faster, then any simple Horde guard would, wearing an Insignia of the Horde.

As she spotted the Draenei, still rather far ahead of her, she narrowd her eyes. She prepared an arrow on her bow, aiming high, and shooting a trap arrow, ahead of the Draenei, should she hit it, rooting either her mount, or them both, to the ground.
Being a master of survival she was not one to be easily entangled in such things as she slashed the roots cutting them down before they could entangle her with her spear then fires her rifle at her with a round the had broken up in into many fragment meant to spook the staider so she could run off slowing her down as much as she could so she could make her way to the ghost lands to be home free she had almost made it cause of a stroke of vary bad like as a flock of large crazed wild dragon hawks swarm her knocking her off her mount as they tried to protect there eggs she had cut them down one by one easily but there were is many that she could not leave so soon her mount as ran off not knowing were it went as she is suck fight to get of of the nest of the dragon hawks.
As the elf made it to her she could not move cause of her leg that had been burned from the dragon hawks so she could not stand unless she she was treated she had sat there holding her legs as she watched the girl ride up " well good show looks like you win today cause of my stoke of bad luck seems like lady luck looks down on me today " she had said as she watched blood run down her scorched leg with her spear broken and her gun out of range.
The ranger sneered, as she saw her ice, being broken so easily. She sniffed a few times, realiseing where they where. She grinned, as she saw Dragon Hawks attack the Draenei, and she grunted wickedly, slowing down her pace, letting the Hawks do their work. She jumped off her Strider, and shot several arrows, after a few of the Dragon Hawks, so they fled, not foolish animals, knowing a match, and two enemies, even though one greviously wounded, where too much.
The woman, slowly stepped closer to the wounded Draenei, and sneered a single time.

"I should cut you down right where you sit... You'r race must be either desperate, or getting far too cocky, sending a scout to our lands.." Her voice, sent a sneer through them, makeing it clear, what she wanted the most. But she had to submit to her Masters will, and he wanted scouts, delivered to him.

"On the contrary.. 'Lady Luck', is smileing upon you, since i'm not in command of the lands you trespassed, so I don't get to chose your fate." Her upperlip jumped slightly, and she turned her face away, descusted by the idea, of helping the Draenei. but she tossed a bandade, and a salve for the wounded Draenei, and put her bow, back on her back. "Then again. I dbout my Masters plans, will be much differant. He dislikes trespassers, as much as I. Patch that up. Don't want you dieing, before we pressent you." She sneered, and crossed her arms, awaiting her acomplises.
The leg was bandaged and the bleeding had been stopped but but most of the mussels burned off so she could not walk then said being a smart ass "sure I would love to go if I could walk so how am I going to get there" as her face show the clear expression of pain on her face so it had be be carried some thing that would have been easy for the orc but he was far off left in the dust were he was trap still finally breaking the ice so she was thrown onto the elf's mount and walked all the way to the to there commander then thrown in front of him wincing in pain as she looked at him and said " so your the commander I thought you would be like the orc commander i killed a fat bastard" she said as she tried to keep the presser off of her leg that was now bleeding through the bandage cause the skin had came off.
The female Blood Elf, had simply grunted irritately, at the smart comments, from the Draenei. She had harshly thrown her to her mount, and lead her to her Masters Mansion. The Master, tall, with redish skin, flareing green eyes, long red hair, and a wicked face, stared down at the Draenei, as she was thrown in front of his throne. The Blood Elf ranger, bowed deeply, and didn't turn her eyes to the Master again.

"A Scout.. Master.. I bet she was going to report.." She was interupted by the Masters hissing voice.

"Badly wounded? What was your orders.. Ta'iat..." He said, with a voice of discust. The Blood Elf woman whinced, stepping a little back, looking away. "Pain! Take care of Ta'iat." He said, turning his head lightly back, as a Succubus passed him, grining wickedly, with her redish eyes at the ranger. THe ranger whimpered, and took a few steps back again.

"N.. No! It.. It was'nt me.. She ran into a, Nngah!" She squirmed as the Succubus' whip, swirled through the air, wipping her shirt, makeing a red mark right away, on her exposed skin, before being dragged away.
The Masters attention then fell over the Draenei again, with his eyes narrowed. He snorted.

"Had I been that kind of commander, my primitive scouts, would've already put you down, in a pool of your own blood.." He said, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees, as his green eyes, eyed Layla's body, and he tilted his head slightly. He then pointed on the floor, closer to him, just before his feet.

"Come over here.." He said, with a stirn expretion. He clearly expected her to do so, on own terms. Meaning she'd have to crawl there, didn't matter to him. If she did'nt do as ordered, diciplinary actions, where in order. Even better..
To make sure she did not look weak in front of this man she had stood on her badly wounded leg and waled over to him and stand were he had told her to as she walked blood bled through the bandage then had ran down her leg dripping as she walked over then pooled at her feet then flowed to his feet dirtying his boots as she stood in front of him and said to him when she got there " OK I am her so what do you want mister glowing eyes and ow ya that message I was reporting to the outpost she be making it the right about now my owl can fly a long ways" being a smart ass and a bitch at the same time as she was showing that she was a lot smarter then she looked " Why am I her I thought the horde killed scouts pr have things changed cause I will gladly be on my way back to boodie bay back to the card game.
The Masters eyes, followed Layla closely, still with narrowed, angered eyes, by the great disapointment in his subjects. These wounds where greatly unneccesary, and ruined the scenery. To not mention the floor. His eyes traveled, to a couple of Blood Elf women, standing not far from them, and he got eye contact with one. He nodded his head towards the Draenei, and the woman approached. The Masters eyes, slowly turned back on Layla, and where narrowed. He then reached a hand for her, grabbing her shirt, should she not get away in time, and pulled it hard, to forced her down on her knees.

"To you, i'm no mister, if your lucky, I won't have to be your executioner, either!" He sneered, tightening the grip, on her fur shirt. He then eyed her slightly again, his perlip shakeing in anger. "And you won't be going to Booty bay, or even playing any cards, for a long time, little pest. Keep up that tounge, and the Horde morales, just might come in play.." He tilt his head, and made a thoughtfull expretion. "The message, I care little about. The Hordes way of transporting goods, is primitive, I don't use such methodes. And the Hordes intrests, is not mine. Entirely, at least.. I would agree to one thing though... I'd love to see you'r filthy race, dead or in chains!" He sneered, pushing her back, possibly so she'd sit. The woman who approached, then walked closer to Layla, and put a hand on her most wounded leg, not being gentle at all, as light shined from her hand, slowly healing the muscle, but not giveing her, a replacement, for the blood she had lost, so she'd still be weak, from the blood loss.
Trying to stay wake she yawns from the blood loss being vary tired she says to him " so if you don't care about the horde whats the point in keeping me hear its not like I am effecting you in any way so I don't see the point of keeping me here and I am not with the alliance I just work for them cause they pay me" sighing she says " guess there not going to be any Darkmoon Special Reserve for me tonight " when she pulled out her flask seeing that it was empty then leaned against the wall and said to her self as she moaned why me then she had soon pasted out from the blood lose passing out on the floor then slept for a few hour waking up not knowing were she was on some sort of fancy bed.
The commanders green eyes, stared down the rather talkable Draenei, as his eyes slowly narrowed. She had far too big a mouth. Talked far too much. Not only talking when spoken to. She had to learn her place. Had to learn to keep hers, when not told to let it out. He watched her lean against a wall, narrowing his eyes even more, as she seemed to pass out. He rolled his eyes, as he watched the legs heal. He stood up, and waved his hand dismissively. "Bring her to my chaimber, i'll see to her later."
A few hours later, she had been brought to his chaimber, and put in his bed, where she awoke. The commander stood on the other side of the room, his green eyes, the only thing visible. "You asked, why you where kept here? Why do you think, dear Draenei? Your an arch enemy of my people.. Perhaps, torture, and dismay where in order? What's to stop me, from giving you many weeksof torment, for my own pleasures sake?" He spoke silently, as he slowly left the shadows, so his red and golden robe got visible again, the flameing green eyes, fixated upon her.
Now vary annoyed she says to him as she stretches out on the bed "keep me for your own pleasures you don't seen the time to keep pets other then demons so is it that I am Your an arch enemy or is it that you want some thing more cause normally enemies would kill one another with no questions asked " she had said as she layed back with her arms behind her head crossing her legs giving a glimpse of her underwear which was fancy that was made of a mixer of mages weave and netherweve dyes black hidden under her fur clothes then says to the warlock "if your going to keep me here give me alcohol were I can get drunk were you seem more attractive cause I am sorry the large eye brows don't work for you" she said getting comfortable were she could fall asleep again.
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