Naruto rp (kamina )


Apr 16, 2011
Naruto walked into tsunade's office and walked out shocked. the building she had constructed was for him and his harem. he looked at the list of girls he would marry, Sakura, hinata, and akno where on the top. he was in disbelif about the whole thing. he wondered into a ramen resturant and ordered some ramen. naruto was eating when he noticed akno was stting near by and he blushed as he looked at his bowl pretending to eat. he sighed loudly as he put the list back in his pocket and tried to forcus on the food.

(could you have pitures of the girls and how about we play the grils one at a time? so we get everyone and it dosn't confuse you or me)
Anko Was possibly more shocked then Naruto had been when tsunade told her, She had thought naruto important, but the little brat wasn't really that powerful? Was he? But she was beholden to her hokage and to her village, and since the little kid had grown up, but still appeared to have almost no experience with sex she had been chosen to teach him. She had waited at ichiraku ramen, figuring he was likely to show up there and lo and behold here he was. She sighed lightly and sidled up next to him as he ate his food. "So..." She said softly. "I need to meet you someplace private to talk about something, once you are done eating, come by my place." She slipped him a paper with her address on it.
Naruto merly nodded as he took the paper. he had hardly touched his food. An hour had passed as he sat there looking the last bit of food he took one last bite and left after paying for the meal. he then slowly walked to Anko's house he was nervouse and still alittle worried about the whole situation. He stood at her door and knocked a couple of times. shaking slightly, his nerves where failing him. he took a few deep breaths as the door opened and said " hi Anko-chan" his nervouseness still in his voice. "what is it that you wnated to talk about?" he said as he entered her home
Anko grinned slowly, she did enjoy a nervous man for some reason, perhaps tsunade knew this when she had anko teach naruto. "Well Naruto.. You'll remember i was an examiner when you took the Chuunin exams the first time, and i'm going to be teaching you something else.." She grinned and suddenly moved behind him licking his neck lightly. "I'm gonna make you a man Naruto-kun..." She said a smirk on her face.
Naruto blushed furiously his face red with worry and emberassment. his neck tingled as she licked his neck. "Anko..." he said nervously "this isn't... its to sudden..." he stammered out somewhat wishing he hadn't. he still wasn't sure about doing this at all. he fidled with his hands nervousely.
Anko grinned and Reached her hand around to grip his crotch gently cupping it. "Shhh your gonna be doing this alot kid, so just shut up and let me teach you..." She said gripping his head and pulling him into a deep rough kiss.
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