the r e t u r n of gotham's finest. [ mintie && mifune ]


Feb 16, 2009
a big, big city.
According to popular belief, Gothamites had been relieved of one more villain. One less criminal to worry about plaguing the streets and taking innocent lives, however how she had died still remained a mystery. As a matter of fact, who had killed her was another mystery that had yet to be solved, not that anyone was entirely curious to find out, rather they had only been aware when one day a large set of flowers grew Gotham City park, the white flowers having the woman's namesake wrapped around them. Bruce Wayne declaring the woman dead due to such a thing, the plants remained alive and thriving for several years, despite the weather changes that ran through the city, the flowers stayed living. Who had murdered Pamela Isley? It was only occasionally a thought to Harley Quinn, who had drawn away from certain aspects in realizing that her 'Red' was no longer there.

Where had Pam Pam gone?

The cool breeze that went through the spring time air caused the trees to shift and wave their leaves slightly, the click of heels echoed through the silent walkway in Gotham City Park. It had been at least three years since the woman was proclaimed dead, the time ticking by carelessly as crimes throughout Gotham City continued, the dark knight coming to save the city just about every time. Typical really. Plush lips parting softly, a light sigh escaped her mouth as her arms folded above her head, knowing she was going to have to get dressed if she was going to pay a visit to Oswald. After all, with Oswald being the owner of the Iceberg Lounge, she knew this man was capable of spilling a few things that she cared to know. The dark green bustier on her upper half holding onto the curves of her frame, the white pants that found themselves on her lower half slid up well, holding onto her firm rear as most pants generally would.

Wonderful. Sliding the matching white suit jacket onto her frame as well, whomever's house this was, she was quite fortunate that the woman of the household had fabulous taste in clothing. Pausing for a moment as she spotted something not so decent however, she shook her head and at least considered her wardrobe less than fabulous. Whatever, she'd got her outfit. The house was undisturbed as the woman again made her move out of the house, her mind set on one man and one place in particular. It was within little time that the woman made her way through the back alley that lead to the entrance of the Iceburg Lounge, her lips curling into a soft smile toward the henchman that stood at the door. The man raised a brow at the attractive woman, watching as she leaned toward him and left his cheeks burning a bright red color as though they were attempting to match her pinned up hair. It was a short matter of seconds before the man was on the ground, the color leaving his face and his veins exposed as he gasped for some type of air, heels clicking as she she let him drop and moved inside the building.

Showing her teeth for a moment as she moved around one of the numerous penguins that hobbled around the Lounge, her eyes instantly set their sights on the male who sat with a small entourage of people. Other villains, probably, but she wasn't going for them. She wanted the Penguin. However, taking a moment to let her eyes move to one of the numerous iceburgs that stuck out from the ceiling, Pamela's lips remained in their smiling state, another audible breath taken as she sent her vines up for the prize she knew the iceburg held. Her head turning now, the female was only a few feet away from the table that the men sat at, none of them were aware of her presence until her heeled feet clicked across the table. " I - ah - Ivy? " Ivy was right. " Good evening gentlemen, and Ozzie, " The woman standing over him now, easily she moved to set her feet on either side of the man, her stilettos stopping in their clicking as she straddled his lap, the man clammering for words to say to the supposedly dead woman.

" H - How did you get in h - here? " He asked, the woman's lips not once breaking from their smile as she tilted her head curiously at the man. " Why, I walked through the front door of course. But enough chit chat Oswald, I've got some questions for you, so do play nice boys. " Speaking not only to him but the men around him, she knew he could easily signal not only his penguins but the rest of his henchmen to come for her, but the amount of surprise was obviously overwhelming. I'm nto so dead anymore now am I.
Mr. Cobblepot’s henchmen didn’t know what to do. That devilish woman had gotten so close. With a kiss, their Boss can be down for the count for good. With the current state of the economy, they’ll be reverting back to street thugs. All of them pointed their guns at Poison Ivy; some of them had trembling hands. They seek guidance from the Penguin, but currently, their boss was most likely afraid right now, since Ms. Ivy did have the upper hand. An attractive woman was sitting on Cobblepot’s lap; of course he would be excited, if it wasn’t for the fact that if he kissed her, he might lose his life along with it.

A very close friend was sitting near the action. It was a man with a hat dressed in a green suit with a wide smile on his face. The man reached for his question mark top cane and got up out of his seat. He saw a riddle in front of his eyes. The infamous Poison Ivy was alive and well, it seemed, rumors had it that she died, but yet here she is, after three long years. There wasn’t a riddle that Edward “E.” Nigma couldn’t solve.

Could the infamous lazarus pit be a part of the reason why Ms. Pamela Isley is here today?

The short, round man gather his composure after the almost heart-attack feeling of seeing Poison Ivy alive. He growled and snorted a bit as he stared at the deadly woman’s eyes. “Why are you here Pamela…” he said, as his hands that were resting comfortably on the chair’s armrest, was starting to sneak up into a fist. The henchmen that surrounded the room was starting to prepare for a showdown between them and Ms. Ivy.

The Riddler intervened and spoke, "Calm down Oswald..."

The man with the green hat began walking towards the lovely couple. "She's here of course, to see if you had anything to do with the fact that everyone right now know that Pamela Isley is dead." said the Riddler, as he was now standing behind the chair that Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot sat in, staring into Poison Ivy's eyes.

"Isn't that right? Ms. Ivy?" he said, with a smile. He then leaned down, and was just above the Penguin's right shoulder as he whispered so that both of them could hear. "Why don't we help each other out...I do believe, that the heist that we're able to implement, could use a feminine touch." the Riddler said, as he gripped his question mark cane and straighten himself out. "After all, the moment you made your presence known, almost all the men here, are a delight to look at Pamela... dead... or alive..."

The Penguin snorted, and looked away, and mumbled a few thing, while rolling his eyes. "I don't believe that we need her... besides... whose cut will it come out of if we were to include her in our scheme of things?"

"As you can see, Ms. Isley... that this little bird, only have a one track mind. What reason would he have to rid the world of the beautiful Poison Ivy? Even with a beautiful woman on his lap... the man can only think of money," said the Riddler.

Once again, the Penguin mumbled something and stared up at Poison Ivy. He knew she wasn't here for his pleasure. Women of Gotham was never here for his pleasure, if they weren't paid for.
The fact that she had gotten so close meant that she frankly was unafraid of what his henchmen thought they could do against the woman. They just were unaware that she could have them hanging by their necks from the ceiling of she so pleased, their guns still aimed toward her and her mind nowhere near focusing on him. Nails lightly trailing over the man's face, if she were to apply pressure, and a sharp swipe at his skin, the woman could have their boss dead on the floor, bleeding and dead. Firm rear planted in his lap, the woman kept her body leaned against his, clearly amused at the cluster of emotions moving through the man beneath her. Obviously, he was aroused but was afraid of the risk upon messing with the lovely Ivy. Pouting softly as he asked her why she was here, the redhead tilted her head lightly, her arms having slid around his neck and settled on his shoulders comfortably, " Oh Ozzie, you never were good with women. Even me. "

However, now her eyes were on the man in green, raising a brow slightly with a flash of curiosity behind her eyes as the man intervened. She was aware of who he was, watching him as he intervened between the conversation of the two, explaining as though he knew why exactly she was here. Of course the obvious reason was what he had said, however the not so obvious was the pilfering vines above them. Her eyes staring back at the man as he watched her, and asked his question before leaning down to be at level with both of their heads, her own lips curled into a soft smile. Well aren't we being fun tonight. Fingers lightly moving over the fabric of the Riddler's tie, feeling the soft material slip away from her hands as the man leaned his head back up, her eyes now moving down to Oswald at the mention of including her in the heist they were planning.

Clearly, she had interupted something such as heist planning, which was all too perfect. " Well aren't you a doll, " Winking softly at Edward, her eyes looked down at the Penguin now, " Clearly someone taught him home training. " She murmured to Ozzie as though it were something that he should pick up on. However when Oswald sound a bit unamused with her being a part of the fun, her opposite hand scratched the man's back lightly, before tapping out something to herself. What a painfully annoying little man. Frankly, she desired answers, however from what she was gaining, he was unaware of exactly what she wanted to know. However, she knew Oswald hadn't had anyone bump her off. She was too pretty of a woman for him to simply want to kill her. Seeming to disregard what Edward had said for now, her hands dug into the man's shoulders now as she sat up slightly in his lap, " Listen to me Oswald. I don't want to be a part of your little underground games, I'm not here for fun, "

Moving to easily stand with her heeled feet on either side of his, the woman turned and slid her feet between his legs, causing his to spread and the man to get a gracious view of her rear. " I'm here for answers Oswald, answers. " Pausing, the woman set her hands on her hips lightly as she stepped back on the table and glanced over her shoulder, " And you, stick around hm? " But now she had a bone to pick with Oswald, or rather his henchmen, who still kept their guns pointed at the woman. Pamela had had enough of their rude attitudes, and Oswald not telling them to put their guns down. Moving down and off the table gracefully, the woman spoke casually, " Oswald, you've got to realize, I've been. . Dead, for quite some time, and frankly, I don't feel like wasting anymore time, " Pausing now, the woman shifted carefully, vines snapping from the ceiling and snatching the guns away from the men, one of her hands having found one of their faces as they held the look of surprise. Her soft hand holding him by his chin, he had a look of fear and shock in his eyes, gripping his face tightly and watching the color leave his face, inhaling softly before carelessly pushing the man toward another one of his henchmen.

" Tell me what you know. Now. "
With one henchman down, the others starts to get frighten. Clearly, the Penguin is too scared to do anything. His group of henchmen was starting to believe that they won’t be seeing any action from their Boss, the Penguin. It’s either they fight for themselves before Poison Ivy finish them off. So, without any resistance from the boss, the people with the guns begin firing their weapons towards Poison Ivy. At that moment, Mr. Cobblepot stood up from his seat and with his right hand crunched up into a fist, he slams it down onto the table, causing the other end of the table to tilt so high up that the table flips over.

Mr. Cobblepot was clearly aroused. To be graced of the view that Pamela Isley just gave him, would give any man a hard on. It wasn’t only him, but Edward as well. The Riddler, had a smile on his face while the men fire their guns at Poison Ivy. Even in the midst of a life and death situation, Poison Ivy dares to flirt with the Riddler. The man with a hat, dressed in green stood his ground gripping the top part of the metal that formed a question mark, which was attached to the cane. He very much was planning on sticking around.

The aftermath of this fiasco, the Riddler would either still be with the Penguin, or he will gain a new ally or friend as well. Clearly in the past, Pamela had given the Riddler some pain. But the Riddler, doesn’t hold any grudges. As long as there’s some use of that person in his grand plan of things. “You should know” the Penguin said, “You can’t make me do anything…at least when you’re no longer on my lap” he added, while his hand grabs the handle of his weapon, the umbrella.

“Especially, when you just killed one of my men” said the Penguin, as he lifted up his umbrella and aims it at Poison Ivy. It seems his henchmen weapons were no more of use. “Didn’t you know? Plants can’t survive in the cold!” He said, firing his weapon at her. “I’m too much man for you anyways! Pamela!” he said.

It was evident; the Penguin had lost his marbles. The Riddler was starting to giggle. “She is a botanist… you now…she could be a man-eater plant…” he smirked and giggled some more. The Penguin growled, “Edward! Are you going to help me or not…”
" Now now boys, that's not very nice of you. " The table having risen thanks to the Penguin getting a bit grumpy, there was some portion of the woman that smiled as the table let to blocking the majority of the bullets that were aimed toward her, the rest missing the woman. Hands on her hips now, Ivy knew she was going to have to play the dominate roll in this situation because frankly Oswald just didn't know how to act. He was intimidated and she'd already killed two of his men just by being a little bit flirty, however he clearly wasn't amused by her flirtatious actions, his lap no longer holding her firm rear like it once was before. [n]" Now Oswald, you know I don't take kindly to you using that damn umbrella. "[/b] Ivy stated with a soft sigh, feeling the 'fabrics' of the suit she was wearing begin to peel away from her skin, the vines immediately snatching a hold of the umbrella shortly after the first shot was fired. With her vines now making the effort to wrap around Mister Cobblepot himself, she knew that his dirty gang of thugs would sit tight when their big papa Penguin was a bit preoccupied.

Standing now in her green one piece, the woman lightly shifted a hand through her curls, moving affectionately to stand behind the round man. Making sure to take a firm grip of the Riddler's tie and pulling him against her, the woman had easily sandwiched herself between the two of them. Smirking softly to herself, the woman's firm rear found itself pressed into Edward's crotch, raising a brow softly at him as she asked, " Happy to see me, aren't we Edward? " Keeping him there anyway, she wasn't one to be pushed away just by some hard on. " Oswald, I tried to play this game with you as fairly as possible, and frankly I don't know if I'm going to leave out of here knowing that you're alive. " Turning her attention to the plump man before her, her free hand had take the time to slide over his chest, her tongue affectionately moving over his cheek, " But you see Ozzie, I've been playing it fair this whole time. And if you don't give me the simple answers that I want, " Pausing again, Ivy let her eyes go upward as she noticed her vines had easily slid into the locked safe up above them, " Then I'm going to have to start doing some real damage. " Making sure the Penguin clearly saw what she was talking about, no matter how hard the plump man tried to squirm, she had him in the perfect position to kill him if she so chose to.

" Now do you want to play nice or do things have to get a little messy in here? "
Caution was blowing in the slight breeze that blew into the room with the open window. The atmosphere surely got heavy after the play that Poison Ivy just made. Mr. Cobblepot heart was beating very quickly. This crazy woman could really kill him for something she believes to be true. “You’re crazy!” he shouted as he was struggling to keep the vines from fully entangling him. The Riddler pondered if he was being underestimated by Poison Ivy. He was free to act as he pleased, he could technically save Oswald Cobblepot, but then would he want to be an enemy of this fine specimen. Especially with that firm ass of hers against his crotch area, which she already knew was hard.

Edward still had his hand on that question mark cane, which after was a weapon in of itself. His left hand dared to touch the body that was in front of her. He pulled himself closer, as his head was now hovering over her right shoulder. He whispered into her ear, “Riddle me this…” he said, “Are your friends hard enough? “ He thought he would flirt back since after all she was giving him clear signals that she was interested.

The Penguin was clearly not going to get some help from his so called friend. “What reason do I have to get you killed… you weren’t overreaching your boundaries with me…” said the Penguin. The situation doesn’t call for action, it calls for a strategic move, and hence why the Riddler isn’t attacking Poison Ivy. "Curse you Edward!" shouted the Penguin. He was feeling a bit weird having Poison Ivy this close to him. "If I live through this I'll find another to do the task instead of you..." said Oswald. The Riddler eyes were on Poison Ivy with a smile, and said "Oswald... don't you know what city we're in... shots were fried... someone will be making his presence known soon..."
If you were any real criminal in Gotham City, you knew better than to stick around for too long after shots were fired and a bit of noise was called. At least when Ivy had reacted, there hadn't been any shots to cause a bit of noise. Oswald's carelessness would result in the Bat running though this place to figure out what had gone on. Of course, that was Oswald's fault, and would be Oswald's problem. The vines were going to keep the Penguin stiff and still, to keep him from making any more havoc and damage to his own establishment, Ivy was enjoying the company of Edward to say the very least. Giggling softly as he used his hand to do a mix of both pulling him closer and pulling her rear closer against him, the woman closed her eyes gently as he whispered into her ear, biting her lip gently as he asked his question. It was such a shame that their time would be cut short, however with Ivy now holding a large portion of the money in Oswald's safe, and his babbling giving her the answer she needs, the woman let her hands again graze over Oswald's chest. " Oh Ozzie, you'd be just like Edward too if you were in his predicament, "

She murmured, looking up now the woman found herself patting the man's chest now as she slid herself out from between the two men. Reluctantly seeing as she was having her fun with Edward, though not before gently moving her rear against his crotch again. " Now boys, we all know it's really no fun when the bat boy comes, so now big boy Oswald, if I find out that you had anything to do with my death, " Her eyes also looming over to Edward as she looked between the two men, " I'll rip you apart. " Blowing a soft kiss, her vines seemed to release as she made her way toward the same set of doors that she had come in in the first place, leaving a bit of a mess as her vines slipped away from the lounge altogether. It looked a mess, but it partially wasn't her fault~
Once the vines were gone the men gather to the wounded and began heading towards the door. The Penguin shouted, “Are you buffoons really that stupid?” They stopped and looked back at their Boss. This was after all his establishment; the Bat would no doubt track the Penguin down. “Hurry up and clean this place up…” he said, turning around to look at the Riddler.

“She’s trouble Edward… You better be happy with your decision.” He said, walking over to his chair and takes a seat. “That heist is mine… you better not double cross me… because I have another partner ready to go if you're going to chicken out because of some woman...” The Riddler raised an eyebrow and pondered who could it be? But now simply wasn’t the time to figure such things out as the Bat was coming.

He quickly walked out of the Penguin Lounge and headed back home, to his layer so he can contemplate on a few ideas he had back when Poison Ivy was still around. He wondered if they would see each other again.

The Penguin looked behind him into a dark corner after Edward had left. “You were right… he couldn’t be trusted after all…” he said. A man in a hat stepped out from the shadows. He responded to the Penguin, “You were right in choosing me… after all…”he said with a smile and heading back into the shadows to disappear.

After everything has settled down; the stomach of the Penguin was growling letting him know that it has been a few hours since he last ate. Just when he stood up, he saw the figure of the cowl. He stumbled a few steps back, as he then spun around to look out at the window to see Batman standing on top of a rooftop.
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